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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 L6就要為入大學而準備嗎?
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[英國] L6就要為入大學而準備嗎?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-12-6 16:10 |顯示全部帖子
真慚愧, 咩都唔識!  請教各位是否在第一年sixth form 學期尾就開始要報想入讀的大學呀? 另外 想知如果想修讀心理學, 中四時的選修科要揀邊D科目呀? 感謝!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-12-6 16:59 |顯示全部帖子
kittttty 發表於 20-12-6 16:10
真慚愧, 咩都唔識!  請教各位是否在第一年sixth form 學期尾就開始要報想入讀的大學呀? 另外 想知如果想修 ...
Hi 你好 !對的,close to the end of the Sixth Form Summer term, form teacher & UCAS tutor will work with student on the UCAS application preparation, writing personal statement etc.
我女兒是在Sixth Form修讀Psycho, 所有學生GCSE exam 都没有這科,所以大家都是從零開始,學校最重要是看學生英文程度,因Psycho要讀好多theories 及 essay writing...My daughter's school will observe her pick up in the first two weeks if have the potential to continue, if not will ask her to change to another subject. The Psycho Professor is very strict on that...   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-12-6 17:05 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 CYJ123 的帖子

謝謝, 咁即係中四時修讀econ.又好 , 中史又好, 只要英文夠好就可以揀呢科去讀嗎?

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-6 18:58 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 kittttty 的帖子

1. 你小朋友而家喺香港讀緊定係英國讀緊?讀緊邊年?是否諗planning去英國讀Y12?
2. 你小朋友想修心理學係A level定係大學?


例如想A level修Psycho(都算偏門科),第一樣嘢就係問清楚而家讀緊或者將會報讀嘅學校有冇開,繼而問下有咩要求。又例如想大學入Psycho系,咁要了解想讀邊間大學,而嗰間大學嗰科有咩要求。大學想讀Pscyho,A level唔需要讀喎。

最後,一般英國學校去到sixth form都會好似幫學生準備報大學嘅嘢,有啲L6頭都已經開始。時間表間間都有啲唔同,不過應該都唔會等都L6尾先開始。

Rank: 4

發表於 20-12-6 19:18 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 beastiebistro 的帖子

不好意思,我有similar question, 香港學生要收 sixth form economics, business studies 英語一般會很難嗎?理科可能寫的東西較小一點會相對拿高分一點?有甚麽應該劉意和做? sorry may be a silly question but trying to see if anything my nephew should consider or do in choosing the subjects or now (he has dropped all science subjects this year -Form 5)  before heading to the UK for Year 12 coming Sept apart from keep brushing up his English

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-12-6 19:27 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 kittttty 於 20-12-6 19:27 編輯
beastiebistro 發表於 20-12-6 18:58
回覆 kittttty 的帖子


beastiebistro 謝謝你

1. 小朋友而家喺香港讀緊S2 打算完成S5後就會去英國讀Y12

2. 小朋友想喺大學修心理學, 但如果sixth form有這科揀的話, 那當然會揀, 咁會唔會上大學修這科容易D呢?


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-6 20:10 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 beastiebistro 於 20-12-6 20:12 編輯

回覆 kaetsu 的帖子

我個人覺得重點係理科答案係black and white嘅,計啱做晒steps就有分,語言唔會係障礙。Economics,Business Studies呢類文科,答乜同點答法都有影響成績。唔係話背晒啲資料抌晒落去就會滿分。寫得清唔清晰,critical analysis有無point都影響分數。

要注意係,Economics A level算Hard subject但係Business Studies就係Soft subject。即係將來報大學,Econ係有用,Business studies無乜。

另外就係大學諗住讀咩科喇。Econ A level以我所知quantitative唔多,即係唔算多數要計但係大學Econ反而數好緊要。如果佢去讀sixth form唔揀maths又無GCSE maths,我諗有好多科大學報唔到。


P.S. 佢應該仲要考埋IELTs先報到大學(因為無考GCSE英文)。

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-6 20:23 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 kittttty 的帖子

1. 先諗諗你想佢去英國Y12有咩得著。要唔要享受寄宿生活?定齋為準備入大學準備?(有幫助narrow down學校)
2. 齋校?男女校?
3. A level? IB?
4. 跟住shortlist一啲學校,研究下有無Psycho A level(或者IB Psycho)
5. 睇定大學(準備永遠唔會太早)

我唔覺得A level讀Psycho有幫助入大學,反而可能limit咗改變選擇嘅機會。不過如果而家已經立定主意大學要讀都無問題嘅。



Rank: 4

發表於 20-12-6 20:38 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 beastiebistro 的帖子

Thanks a lot thats really helpful and clear.... and sorry everyone for barging in with all the questions

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-12-6 20:38 |顯示全部帖子
香港中一讀過一年Econ, 因转校就冇再讀,想完成香港中四後過英國讀Y12,  如果Y12揀Econ, 是否很難很難?

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-6 21:44 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 24-Seven 的帖子


Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 20-12-6 22:12 |顯示全部帖子
kittttty 發表於 20-12-6 19:27
beastiebistro 謝謝你
You can find some basic information in UCAS:

Psychology Subject Guide | Why Study Psychology At Uni? | UCAS

"A levels – While you don’t need to have all three sciences at A level for a psychology degree, most universities prefer at least one out of chemistry, physics, biology, or maths. "

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-12-7 11:21 |顯示全部帖子
謝謝兩位的指導 poonseelai beastiebistro

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-12-7 12:55 |顯示全部帖子
beastiebistro 發表於 20-12-6 18:58
回覆 kittttty 的帖子

A level psychology is not 偏門, it has been the most popular subject taken by girls, and the second most popular subject taken by boys+girls.

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-7 13:36 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 kaplanmeier 的帖子

With all due respect, 好多學校根本A level唔開Psychology呢一科,所以對我嚟講唔係main stream subject,係「偏門」科(或者我改叫非主流科啦)。我只係advise樓主要問清楚佢想報嘅學校有無呢科讀。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-12-7 16:17 |顯示全部帖子
謝謝兩位, 對的, 我在找學校時都見不是所以學校有提供這門學科, 心想, 既然打算大學時會選修這科, 咁喺sixth form 時修讀堆, 也許會更好. 其實我這想法也不知對否? 如有家長子女在sixth form已修此科, 可否分享一下在大學時會否事半功倍. 謝謝

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-12-7 16:28 |顯示全部帖子
beastiebistro 發表於 20-12-7 13:36
回覆 kaplanmeier 的帖子

With all due respect, 好多學校根本A level唔開Psychology呢一科,所以對我嚟講 ...

Right, A-level psychology is not a facilitating subject and is not required by most, if not all, psychology courses.  

I am not sure if it is too early for an S2 student to talk about choosing A-level subjects for uni courses.

Psychology courses at different uni have different emphases (unless otherwise specified, typical offer A*AA): Oxford's Experimental Psychology is very (neuro)science based, while Cambridge offers Psychological and Behaviour Sciences.  LSE's is also Psychological and Behaviour Science.  UCL's Division of Psychology and Language Sciences offers a course in Psychology and a course in Psychology and Language Sciences (typical offer of the latter AAA).  

If targeting at G5, one should take at least one from Biol, Chem, Math, Phys, or Psychology.  As a matter of fact, statistics is very important to psychology and so taking Math (the most popular A-level taken by boys+girls) is a wise choice.  Biol probably is also a good preparation for the science component of psychology.  (KCL, which is also quite neuroscience based, explicitly says that Biol and Math are the preferred subjects.) The third A-level may be another science subject or an essay-based subject (including Psychology).  Bath does not require any science subject in A level.

Going to Scotland (4-year curriculum, no matter BSc or MA), at St Andrews (typical offer AAB), one can read psychology alongside science subjects in BSc Psychology or alongside arts subjects in MA Psychology.  (Note that it is well-known that an MA from Scotland is NOT a masters degree.)   At Edinburgh (typical offer AAA--ABB, one from Biol/Chem/CompSci/Geog/Geol/Math/Phys/Psy), one can read BSc Psychology or MA Psychology and Business, MA Psy and Economics (A-level Math is required), MA Psy and Linguistics, MA Philosophy and Psy, or MA Sociology and Psy.  

To conclude, I would suggest that Math and Biol plus a subject that one is good at (targeting at A*) and interested in will form a good preparation for reading Psychology at any prestigious university.