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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 FIS Debenture 一問
樓主: sabsab122

[其他] FIS Debenture 一問 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-10-28 20:31 |只看該作者
回覆 rcja888 的帖子

My child holds a HK passport only, can he/she access all campuses?

FIS welcomes HK passport holders but alike all other international schools, we must comply with the quota imposed by the Education Bureau and Immigration Department regulations.
However please note that our quota is stricter on our TKO campus, we may not be able to offer a place for this campus despite having passed the entrance assessment. At this stage, you may be offered to join our JL campus instead.
Should your child hold any other passport, please make sure you submit it at the time of the application or contact our Admissions office directly.

What are my child's chances of being enrolled at FIS?

Joining FIS varies across our streams and year groups as well as from one academic year to the next.
We accept applications all year-round and should a place become available, we contact the applicant first on the waiting list for the respective year group.
As availability depends on our departing students, we cannot guarantee a fixed number of available places each year but we observe higher chances to join us at Reception Year and then Secondary cycle in International Stream and Moyenne Section for French Stream.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-3 17:27 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 gavroche915 於 20-11-3 17:28 編輯
Osiana 發表於 20-10-24 15:19
我都想知點解係2%。  我記得去過程次FIS school tours 都唔係咁講。

因為呢個係幅地既批地條件...學校係無辦法改變的...即使 TKO 地點方便 d ...hk passport 都只適宜報 JL campus 然後搏有位時 internal transfer campus...
香港以前開國際學校原意係方便 expat 子女解決讀書煩惱...近年多左本地家長選擇國際學校...令留比 expat 子女既學位大大減少...政府刻意將新開既校舍設 passport restriction ... 就係要確保 expat 子女能順利入讀...舊底批落既校舍...其實都有 restriction...不過係 30% hk passport...變相比起 2% 大機會好多咁解。

你可能會諗...揸外國 passport 到頭來都有唔少係香港土生土長既學生...但無奈地護照係唯一客觀簡單適別海外人士既途徑...所以慢慢就演變到今時今日咁扭曲既局面。近年陸續興起 private independent school ...限制 70% hk passport...30% foreign passport...就係咁衍生出黎。但唔少家長又會傾向想個 student mix 再多元化 d ... 所以 IS 學位依然供不應求...即使不斷開新 IS ... 都走唔甩 2% hk passport restriction。  唔少新開 IS ... 就一見到 hk passport applicant...即刻 sell debenture ... 然後話有位就通知家長...其實背後佢 2% restriction 爆左...就點都比唔到位...無奈地家長買幾多 debenture ...都係幫唔到件事。

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