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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 Edinburgh Merchiston Castle School 好唔好?
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Edinburgh Merchiston Castle School 好唔好? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 19-12-18 01:02 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
蘇格蘭學校 唔知好唔好呢?
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發表於 19-12-18 06:56 |只看該作者
creamnfeye 發表於 19-12-18 01:02
蘇格蘭學校 唔知好唔好呢?

呢間之前agent有介紹過俾我哋,佢話呢間有A level,校風唔錯,喺Scotland 算Top school

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-12-18 08:22 |只看該作者
creamnfeye 發表於 19-12-18 01:02
蘇格蘭學校 唔知好唔好呢?

本帖最後由 TTEE1819 於 19-12-18 08:25 編輯

我覺得咩區讀書都唔係大問題,但要比較手上學校的強弱。愛丁堡,我早兩年湊仔拜訪親友時去過,city好靚,旅遊熱點。但我唔會首選蘇格蘭的學校,天氣好冷,離英國中部好遠,口音方面要適應,又要轉機。加上我看你所講的一間學校學費£117xxper term, 以這學費來講,England 都有學校平過佢,地點又方便過佢。全校4xx人,屬於細校。至於成績,你真係要研究下,如果成績屬Top, 你覺得值得讀,其他items就唔重要。


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 19-12-18 09:10 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 19-12-21 20:45 編輯
creamnfeye 發表於 19-12-18 01:02
蘇格蘭學校 唔知好唔好呢?

自己有好朋友係愛丁堡住及做野, 自己 Plan X 打算阿女中學最後兩年去愛丁堡讀蘇格蘭 S5 & S6 = GCEAL Sixth form. Scottish  Advanced Highers courses 我自己理解類似GCE AS 及 AL. 朋友講 Scottish Advanced Highers courses 考英國大學定係蘇格蘭大學入學分數會比 GCEAL 分數多分啲, 佢話 Scottish 嗰公開試學術水平較 GCEAS/AL 高啲, 所以以 Scottish Advanced Highers 考英國/蘇格蘭大學入學分數會多啲分.

之前, 我曾資料搜集蘇格蘭學校, 我比較心儀 Boarding School 有 The Mary Erskine School (Girl)(Boarding) / Stewart's Melville College (Boy) (Boarding), 呢間姊妹學校同一辦學團體, 費用比較實惠及Scottish Advanced Highers 成績唔錯.呢兩間係香港唔多 agent 代理, 但我之前亦搵好 agent http://linkedu.hk/about/ Maisie Ng 幫手申請, 佢話可以幫手攪入學申請. 呢間蘇格蘭學校,相信好少香港人學生(可能無). 去年 2018年 我 email 問過學校, 學校收國際學生, 我亦問女生宿位會唔會唔夠位俾我女(因為宿位得廿X個位), 學校話唔洗擔心, 有宿位, 未 full

2019 Exam Results https://www.esms.org.uk/schools/mary-erskine-school/subjects-and-exam-results
We are very proud of our exam results at The Mary Erskine School and indeed across the ESMS family of schools and believe they demonstrate the commitment and hard work of both our teachers and our students.
QualificationPass Rate'A' Rate
S4 National 5 類似 GCSE97.3%72.7%
S5 Higher 類似 GCE AS level96.2%67.1%
S6 Advanced Higher  類似 GCE AL level95.8%56%
To place these results in context, the national pass rate at National 5 was 79.5%, at Higher 77% and at Advanced Higher 80%.  At ESMS, our success at Advanced Higher has broadened the range of courses and of top-performing Higher Education institutions in the UK available to our students.   

The performance of the girls is testament to the fact that they are excited and intellectually stimulated by what they learn at school and they can use these results as a passport to the next stage of their lives.

Fettes College (Boarding) 呢間香港有唔少 agent 代理亦有香港學生入讀, 呢間 GCEAL & IB 成績又係唔錯

如果唔怕 homestay, 以下呢兩間我心水介紹
i) The Edinburgh Academy (Day) Scottish Advanced Highers 成績非常好但學費貴少少.
The Edinburgh Academy Academic Results https://www.edinburghacademy.org.uk/584/academic-results
We repeated the record Higher results of 2017–18 this year, with 66% of our entries in 6ths (S5) being awarded A grades, and 94% at grades A–C.

In a year group of 94, 30 pupils achieved 5A grades or better, and a further 17 pupils gained 4As from their 5 Highers.

We achieved record Advanced Higher results this year, with 66% of our entries being awarded A grades, and 96% of awards at grades A–C.

28 pupils sat 3 Advanced Highers, with 16 of them achieving 3A grades. 31 pupils sat either 1 or 2 Advanced Highers in combination with A-level Art and/ or additional Highers.

ii) George Watson's College (Day)  Scottish Advanced Highers 成績唔錯而學費好實惠, 呢間被評為 Ten of the best value private schools in the UK (2018) https://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/0/ten-best-value-private-schools-uk/
George Watson's College Summary of SQA Results 2019 https://www.gwc.org.uk/news/sqa-results-2019/
Summary of SQA Examination Results 2019*
S4 National 5Presentations: 1853
Grade A: 72.9
Grade B: 15.3
Grade C: 6.8
Grades A & B: 88.1
Grades A – C: 94.9
S5 HighersPresentations: 1072
Grade A: 66.9
Grade B: 17.9
Grade C: 10.3
Grades A & B: 84.8
Grades A – C: 95.1
S6 HighersPresentations: 305
Grade A: 37.4
Grade B: 28.5
Grade C: 19.3
Grades A & B: 65.9
Grades A – C: 85.2
S6 Advanced HigherPresentations: 300
Grade A: 56.0
Grade B: 23.7
Grade C: 14.3
Grades A & B: 79.7
Grades A – C: 94
International Baccalaureate DiplomaPass rate = 100%
Average score: 38.8 out of 45***
***With one pupil achieving the maximum score of 45 points

蘇格蘭學校 (Scotland) >> 可以搵 agent  http://www.studyoverseas.com.hk/page.php?code=uk0302 & http://linkedu.hk/about/ Maisie Ng 幫手申請

1) The Mary Erskine School (Girl) (Boarding) https://www.esms.org.uk/the-schools/mary-erskine-school & https://www.esms.org.uk/fees  & https://www.esms.org.uk/fees/extras
S5 & S6 Courses https://www.esms.org.uk/schools/mary-erskine-school/subjects-and-exam-results

School video: https://vimeo.com/305053999?from=outro-embed & https://vimeo.com/278509155

2) Stewart's Melville College (Boy) (Boarding) http://www.boarding.org.uk/schools/details/57/Stewart-s-Melville-College & https://www.esms.org.uk/fees & https://www.esms.org.uk/fees/extras
School video: https://vimeo.com/278508769 & https://vimeo.com/278509155

3) George Watson's College (Day) https://www.gwc.org.uk/join-us/open-morning/ & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-212p5DkHaw & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJkyaRt9KjE & https://twitter.com/GWC_News &
School's email replied on 17 Dec 2018: The Homestay scheme is only for pupils entering S5 and S6.  We do however sponsor overseas students for Tier 4 Visas in S2-S4.
School video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSscKGjAPxE

4) Clifton Hall School (Day) https://www.cliftonhall.com/contact/ & https://www.cliftonhall.com/admissions/fees/

5) The Edinburgh Academy (Day) https://www.edinburghacademy.org.uk/fees & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu53GtUWZxM&feature=youtu.be & https://youtu.be/I1RMxaHKp9A
Sixths & Sevenths Curriculum https://www.edinburghacademy.org.uk/Curriculum


6) St George’s School for Girls (Boarding) http://www.boarding.org.uk/schools/details/3702/St-George-s-School-for-Girls-Edinburgh & https://www.stge.org.uk/admissions/school-fees/
List of Sixth Form Courses: https://www.stge.org.uk/upper/academic-curriculum/sixth-form-courses/ : Psychology、Modern StudiesBusiness ManagementChinese、Computing Science、Economics、Mathematics

7) Lathallan School (Boarding) http://lathallan.org.uk/admissions/admissions-overseas-2/ & http://lathallan.org.uk/admissions/ & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n47Ck0pd8Jw & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkJELmfRIFY
Senior Courses: http://lathallan.org.uk/senior-school/senior-computing-science-ict/ : Biology、Business Management、Environmental Science、Maths

8) Fettes College (Boarding) (IB & GCEAL)  http://www.boarding.org.uk/schools/details/94/Fettes-College & http://fettes.com/admissions/fees/

9) Strathallan School (Boarding) (GCE AL)  http://www.hkosc.com.hk/home/school/detail/id/905/title/Strathallan+School.html  & https://www.strathallan.co.uk/admissions/fees-bursaries/ & https://www.strathallan.co.uk/learning/international-study-programme/

10) Albyn School (Boarding) https://www.albynschool.co.uk/admissions/boarding-house-admissions-and-fees/ & https://www.albynschool.co.uk/admissions/upper-school-admissions-and-fees/

Kilgraston School (Boarding) https://www.kilgraston.com/school-fees/ & https://www.kilgraston.com/academic/international/

12) Glenalmond College (Boarding) https://www.glenalmondcollege.co.uk/admissions/fees/ & https://www.britannia-study.com/schoolDetail/Gordonstoun

13) Lomond School (Boarding) http://www.lomondschool.com/prospective-parents/fees-and-assistance/termly-fees-and-charges

14) Dollar Academy (Boarding) http://www.dollaracademy.org.uk/admissions/fees-and-funding

15) St Leonards School (Boarding) https://www.stleonards-fife.org/admissions/fees

19) Loretto School (Boarding) https://www.loretto.com/school-fees/55904.html

Edinburgh / Scotland Guardian Companies:
1) Quest Guardians Ltd https://www.questguardians.co.uk/en/services/other-services/  & https://www.questguardians.co.uk/uk-guardianship-pricing-fees/

2) Quality Guardianship http://www.qualityguardians.com/index.php/cn/area-of-services-cn

3) Academic Families https://academicfamilies.com/index.php/en/

AEGIS - List of UK Guardian Companies http://www.aegisuk.net/downloadable-documents

4) Study Links https://studylinks.com/guardianship/about-study-links-guardianship/homestay/

4) Guardian Compaies in Scotland http://www.dollaracademy.org.uk/boarding/faqs
1) Bright World Guardianships Ltd   https://www.brightworld.co.uk/guardianship/details.asp?page=guardianship_costs_42
2) Gabbitas Educational Consultants
3) Quest Guardians Ltd
4) S-KD Educational Consultants
5) Study Links InternationalWhite
6) House Guardianships

Source: 廿萬英國公立政府預科學校&新西蘭/紐西蘭GCEAL課程留學 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3699273&fromuid=1539350

Rank: 1

發表於 19-12-18 10:35 |只看該作者
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