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教育王國 討論區 備戰大學 DSE (JUPAS) vs 自修或兼讀 IAL/GCEAL/OSSD (Non JUPAS) ...
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DSE (JUPAS) vs 自修或兼讀 IAL/GCEAL/OSSD (Non JUPAS)   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-11-18 13:58 |顯示全部帖子
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英局部取消明年公開試 料影響逾千留英港生 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3847933&extra=page%3D1







Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-11-18 14:01 |顯示全部帖子
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如大家今年10月無報考 IAL 的話, 明年1月嗰期 IAL 考期認真考慮儘快報了, 因為明年 5 IAL 考期唔知會唔會又再cancel.


giver    發表於 20-11-19 12:44

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-11-19 16:12 |顯示全部帖子
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hkpapa852 發表於 20-11-19 14:07

11月11日裸考中文(繁體字廣東話版), 小女話 IGCSE 中文真係好淺好淺, 佢話好似小六程度. 唯一難少少係英文翻譯中文嗰部份,無範文考

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-4 10:33 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-12-10 12:08 編輯

提一提, 好心地網友經驗分享資料, 加拿大大學如要用IAL Predicted Grade 成績申請, 有啲大學 (自己記性唔好,好似係 University of Toronto) 必需要有 IGCSE First Language 呢一科成績才可以用 IAL 嘅途徑申請, 否則大學分類香港學生係要交 DSE Predicated Grade 成績的, 大家要留意

有關DSE 及 IAL 考加拿大大學, 係以下呢個 post, 前輩孩子去年 2020 年兩個試都有考, 她孩子用  IAL 成績報加拿大大學的. https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3817578&extra=page%3D1&page=9

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-10 11:03 |顯示全部帖子
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Pearson IGCSE & IAL May/June 2021 Exam Timetable 已出, 大家可以向 ITS 或 考評局報名考試


IGCSE May/June 2021 Exam Timetable https://qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/pdf/Support/Examination-timetables-for-Edexcel-International-GCSE/June-2021-Final-Int-GCSE.pdf

IAL June Exam Time Table https://qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/pdf/Support/Examination-timetables-for-International-Advanced-Levels/June-2021-Final-IAL.pdf

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-10 16:30 |顯示全部帖子
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akys 發表於 20-12-10 16:11
想了解下是否可用8月IAL成績直接報 9月至12月嘅UCAS,呢個情況要唔要predict grade 呢?

因為紐西蘭係12月考 CIE GCEAL 的, 而香港普遍直資中學係考 5/6月的 IAL. 之前, 我亦曾有你嘅疑惑, 以下討論帖有網友解解 Firm Offer 及 Conditional Offer, 解釋到你嘅疑惑 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3786617
# 3
總之,靠用中學出的 predicted score 去申請,就只有 conditional offer ,之後就要睇放榜的 final score。

如果放榜夠早,你可以用 final score 去申請,咁就直接比 firm offer。..


akys    發表於 20-12-10 17:06

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-10 10:10 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-5-10 16:11 編輯

係香港, 除咗可以自修考英國高中課程嘅 IAL, 因我及孩子已決定會去加拿大讀大學, 故最近我詳細研究係香港讀加拿大高中課程資料, 而係香港, 可以讀加拿大安大略省高中學分和攞佢張畢業文憑(Ontario Secondary School Diploma, OSSD),亦可以安省高中畢業生的身份( (Ontario Program) #OUAC101 申請Ontario 大學渠道 (非OSSD 係以#OUAC105 申請Ontario 大學渠道)

以下香港 online 加拿大課程 eschool,Ontario eSchool 加拿大課程香港 online 上堂   https://www.oesasia.org/  & https://www.facebook.com/oesasia/

香港學生兼讀 DSE 及 OSSD 2個課程而成功考入加拿大 top 嘅大學例子:
Case 1: Cherrie https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=241484660815857

Case 2: Ryan https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=258470625671865&id=1619694191622008

例如要讀 8個 credits,由今年S4復活節3月尾4月頭才開始讀的話,每期每次只讀1科,慢慢攤長來讀,讀~2年,會係後年2023年2月讀完了。如果趕啲,某一期讀2科的話,可以提早明年2022年12月前已完成整個課程,~2月已可以有加拿大嘅大學Firm Offer。

1) Grade 10 = S4 (HK): ENG2D English Academic (Eng)(必修科

(28 Mar - 28 May 2021)(復活節)(3月初學校UT)(6月學校考試) (S4 下學期)

2) Grade 12 = S6 (HK): MHF4U Advanced Functions (Maths) (必修科

(July - September 2021) (暑假)(S5 上學期)

3) Grade 11 = S5 (HK): ENG3U University of English  (Eng)(必修科

(September - November 2021) (11月學校UT)(S5 上學期)

4) Grade 12 = S6 (HK): ENG4U University of English (Eng)(必修科
(December 2021 - February 2022) (聖誕+農曆新年)(S5 上學期)
5) Grade 12 = S6 (HK): MCV4U Calculus and Vectors (Maths) (選修科

(April - June 2022) (復活節)(3月初學校UT)(6月學校考試) (S5 下學期)

6) Grade 12 = S6 (HK): MDM4U Maths for Data Management (Maths)(選修科

(July - September 2022) (暑假)(S6 上學期)

7) Grade 12 = S6 (HK): CIA4U Economic Issues (Econ)(選修科

(September - November 2022)(11月學校UT)(S6 上學期)

8) Grade 12 = S6 (HK): CGW4U World Issue: A Geographical Analysis (Geog)(選修科)

(December 2022 - February 2023) (聖誕+農曆新年)(2月Mock Exam)(S6 上學期)

**如果想快啲完成課程而又承受及處理到OSSD大量功課的話 (e.g ENG2D ~33 份功課,分數比重:功課佔70%;考試佔30%),不妨考慮吓升S5 /S6兩個暑同時讀2科,咁可以提早3個月至6個月完成課程即是2022年9月或11月已完成課程**

** 風險申報一下先, online school 只係一間網校,有倒閉(執笠) 風險,如果大吉利事真係執笠,所交嘅學費及所讀嘅科目或者可能有機會一無所有:無學歷證明、無畢業證書 etc**

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-10 10:30 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-3-24 13:57 編輯

Hong Kong (Non-JUPAS)
1) CU: http://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/non-jupas-yr-1/requirements.html
A recognised non-local qualification which qualifies them for admission to a university in the country/region where such qualification is originated (e.g. high school diploma plus SAT/ ACT/ AP in USA, OSSD/ BC diploma in Canada, ATAR in Australia, UEC/ STPM in Malaysia, AISSCE (CBSE)/ ISC in India, SMA in Indonesia, etc.)
Ontario Secondary School Diploma with an average of 80% in six Grade 12 U or M courses

2) HKU: https://aal.hku.hk/admissions/international/admissions-information?page=admissions-standards
Completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with a minimum of six Grade 12 U or M courses, with an overall average of 90% or better

3) HKUST: https://join.ust.hk/admissions/international-qualifications#canadian-patterned
Ontario: Secondary School Diploma with passes in six Grade 12 (U/M) academic courses; Overall average of 85% or above

4) PolyU: http://www51.polyu.edu.hk/eprospectus/ug/international/guidelines-on-non-local-qualifications

5) CityU: https://www.admo.cityu.edu.hk/intl/international/entreq/
Ontario Secondary School Diploma with a minimum average of 70% in six Grade 12 U or M courses

6) BU: https://admissions.hkbu.edu.hk/en/international.html
Ontario: Ontario Secondary School Diploma with six Grade 12 U or M course with a minimum average of 70%

7) Lingnan https://www.ln.edu.hk/admissions/ug/non-jupas/how-to-apply/apply
Ontario Secondary School Diploma with an average of 70% in six Grade 12 University Preparation Course (U) or University/College Preparation Course (M) courses

1) University of Bath: https://www.bath.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate-2021/business-and-management/bsc-management-with-marketing-including-placement-year/
Secondary School Diploma: An average of 88% in the Diploma with 88%, 88%, 88% in three Year 12 subjects including a mathematics or science subject.

2) University of Warwick: https://warwick.ac.uk/study/international/countryinformation/northamerica/canada/ & https://warwick.ac.uk/study/international/admissions/entry-requirements/canada
Ontario Secondary School Diploma

Overall A Level Requirements                           

Canadian Provincial Percentage Requirements                           


91% average across a combination of 6 Grade 12 4U, 4M or AP courses (to include no subject overlap and no more than 1 course at 4M), including any subject requirements and with no subject overlap.


89% average across a combination of 6 Grade 12 4U, 4M or AP courses (to include no subject overlap and no more than 1 course at 4M), including any subject requirements and with no subject overlap.


87% average across a combination of 6 Grade 12 4U, 4M or AP courses (to include no subject overlap and no more than 1 course at 4M), including any subject requirements and with no subject overlap.


85% average across a combination of 6 Grade 12 4U, 4M or AP courses (to include no subject overlap and no more than 1 course at 4M), including any subject requirements and with no subject overlap.


83% average across a combination of 6 Grade 12 4U, 4M or AP courses (to include no subject overlap and no more than 1 course at 4M), including any subject requirements and with no subject overlap.


81% average across a combination of 6 Grade 12 4U, 4M or AP courses (to include no subject overlap and no more than 1 course at 4M), including any subject requirements and with no subject overlap.

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-10 12:27 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-3-20 16:33 編輯
chickchick 發表於 21-3-10 12:08
就OSSD, 因為加籍亦有家人今年在UT入讀,也有些分享.
首先, 101和105的分別. 你是非公民, 就105。 如果完成網上OSSD(你講我才知竟然有網校), 非公民係沒有任何着數, 甚至乎在競爭非常熱烈的學系(我指學系program,不是指大學的品牌問題)是會失利的. 因為用OSSD入熱門program當地人也要超高分才入到, 國際生又用OSSD即係要更高分了! 但若然國際生用DSE/AL/IB申請, 就沒有了直接比較,變得CASE BY CASE consideration, 唔太高分也未必輸的.
所以, 非公民用OSSD非明智之舉 (用LOCAL curriculum 排嚴謹的國際隊105). 但海外公民用OSSD就另一個世界(用LOCAL curriculum排收生要求和101一樣的本地隊105), 好好多!
又如果海外公民用非OSSD排105本地隊好些, 還是online OSSD排105本地隊有著數? 我就沒有想過了, 因為本地隊已可好寬鬆, 拎住DSE/IB 中中成績已入到好好的program, 因為重點係只要某一兩學科要達標就有OFFER.
最後, 加國大學易入難出(難出是相對學生嘅底子來說, 要落力讀才有不錯的GPA考入專業少少的graduate program). OSSD易考?...... 那麼入到去就"雙倍奉還".
要入出名加國大學, 真的不難, 好多學系可以說易. 但貼市又貼地的program, 例如waterloo computer science之類, UT的 engineering, 競爭之大, 與香港各GBUS/MEDICINE/三寶不遑多讓.
雖然我的大孩子不以加國大學為目標, 但家中還有細細,佢遲下就有意回加升讀大學. 所以還是一直有留意當地趨勢. 大家交流下!

香港嗰間 e-school 職員同我講, 係佢間學校讀 OSSD 係用 OUAC 101 途徑申請 安省內嘅大學. 我又係唔信e-school 職員講, 我去 ouac 官方網站睇, 又真無寫要加拿大公民才可以用 OUAC 101, 其中係要求要係OSSD 課程就可以用呢個途徑

Is this the right application for me?
Answer a few short questions to make sure you’re applying with the right undergraduate application.
Do you meet all of the following requirements?

•You are taking courses during the day at an Ontario high school (this includes students returning for second semester and graduated students returning to upgrade 1 or more courses).

•You have not, at any point, been out of high school for more than 7 consecutive months.

You will have received or expect to receive your Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with six 4U/M courses at the end of the current year.

•You have not attended a postsecondary institution (college/university/career college).

•You are applying to the first year of an undergraduate degree program or diploma program at an Ontario university.

•You are under 21 years of age.
If yes, complete the 101 application.

Do you meet any of the following requirements?
•You currently reside in Canada (Canadian citizens, permanent residents [landed immigrants] or those currently studying in Canada on a study permit or other visa), or are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident (landed immigrant) living elsewhere (not in Canada), and you are not currently attending an Ontario high school day program.

•You currently reside outside of Canada, are not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant) and are not currently attending an Ontario high school day program (in Ontario or abroad).
If yes, complete the 105 application.
105 Application for Admission to Undergraduate Programs at Ontario Universities 2016 / Trousse d’admission aux programmes de premier cycle aux universités de l’Ontario 2016 (sd43.bc.ca)
https://internationalprograms.utoronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019-OUAC-105-Manual.pdf 2019-OUAC-105-Manual.pdf (utoronto.ca)

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-10 12:49 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 22-1-1 21:02 編輯
chickchick 發表於 21-3-10 12:41
你不如直接send email去 UT 的ADMISSION REGISTRY, 問你是國際生考OSSD, 入學是否不計算在國際生額內。
你的說法也有道理, 正如去加國讀boarding讀埋高中考OSSD, 呢批國際生係行101唔奇, 但收生時係咪要求高過本地人,還是當你本地人身份去考量,你也可找找答案. 相信, 呢個才是你最想知的答案.

間 e school 職員講過了, 而嗰間 e school 幫佢學生係用 101 申請的, 而孩子認識師姐今年經 eschool 申請加拿大大學, 其中一個師姐上個月2月尾已收到 University of Toronto offer

OUAC 101 and 105 Admission ratio (只適用於 Ontario 省內大學)
The huge differences between OUAC 101 and 105 that must be known in Ontario university applications - Cestar High School https://cestarhighschool.com/blog/college-admissions/huge-differences-ouac-101-105-must-known-ontario-university-applications/
Canadian education is managed by provinces and has not been industrialized. The universities are financially supported by the provincial government, and the provincial fiscal revenue is naturally provided by the taxpayers in the province. Naturally, every level of education, including universities, must first be responsible to the taxpayers of the province, and will also focus on the residents of the province.

This emphasis is most directly reflected in the actual admission ratio:
70~80% of students are recruited by OUAC 101, while OUAC 105 only recruit 20%~30% students.

International students attending high schools in Ontario, like local students, belong to Ontario high school students in the OUAC system and belong to the OUAC 101 category in Ontario university applications. These students share most of the admissions plans of Ontario universities.

Whereas, international students from other provinces of Canada have to join in the OUAC 105 category as overseas students when applying for universities in Ontario. They share the least part in the Ontario university admissions plan.


以下係香港嗰間 Online eschool 係香港讀 OSSD 嘅學生例子,3個例子今年2021年學生收到安省大學 Conditional Offer 要求 OSSD 分數,與該2間大學網上顯示 OSSD 收生分數互相吻合,從而推斷用OUAC 101 OSSD 途徑申請 Ontario 省內大學,無論係加拿大本土人/本地人(Domestic),抑或是海外國際學生(International),要求嘅 OSSD 分數係一樣

加拿大安省網上中學 - Ontario e School - Home | Facebook https://ontarioeschool.com/about/about-ontario-eschool.php
1) https://www.facebook.com/oesasia/photos/a.2850055835252498/2848832832041465/?type=3&theater
McMaster University 的 Offer,Program : Social Sciences 1: min 75% (2021年1 March)

2) https://www.facebook.com/oesasia/photos/a.1619699321621495/2851362445121837/?type=3&theater
University of Waterloo offer :[ Honours Life Sciences, Co-op ]: Overall 80% (2021年 4 March)

3) https://www.facebook.com/oesasia/photos/a.2850055835252498/2834258190165596/?type=3&theater
University of Waterloo: Faculty of Arts: 80% (2021年7 February)

McMaster University  Programs https://future.mcmaster.ca/programs/
Program :Social Sciences I ; OUAC Code: ML; Degrees B.A., B.A.(Honours)
Anticipated Admission Range: 78-82%

University of Waterloo Undergraduate Programshttps://uwaterloo.ca/future-students/programs
https://uwaterloo.ca/future-students/programs/life-sciences Life Sciences Admission averages: Low 80s

https://uwaterloo.ca/future-students/programs/honours-arts Honours Arts Admission average: Low 80s

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-10 13:15 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-4-13 14:21 編輯

University of British Columbia https://you.ubc.ca/applying-ubc/
Tuition Fees https://students.ubc.ca/enrolment/finances/tuition-fees/undergraduate-tuition-fees

Canadian high school students https://you.ubc.ca/applying-ubc/requirements/canadian-high-schools#basic
General admission requirements
◾Graduation from high school

Minimum of 70% in Grade 11 or Grade 12 English (or their equivalents)
◾At least six academic/non-academic Grade 12 courses (recommended, but not required)
Undergraduate Programs and Admissions

Queen's University http://queensu.ca/registrar/future-students/undergrad-admissions
Tuition Fee http://queensu.ca/registrar/financials/tuition-fees
Commerce: $1553.77 x 33 units per year = $51,275

Requirements https://www.queensu.ca/admission/about-applying/requirements

Commerce (QC), Smith School of Business
English 4U, Calculus and Vectors 4U, and one additional 4U Mathematics course, with minimum grades of 80% in these three prerequisite courses. Additional three required courses may be either 4U or 4M. No more than two 4M courses from any discipline.

Number of first-year spaces: 500

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-10 21:37 |顯示全部帖子
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hkpapa852 發表於 20-11-19 14:07


如考加拿大嘅大學, 不妨睇埋以下呢個討論帖 : 中三不妨考慮中四考 IGCSE/申請加拿大大學有用資訊 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3817578&extra=page%3D1&page=7

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-11 22:59 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-3-12 00:50 編輯
nicolemummy 發表於 21-3-11 10:20



所以e school既學生係用101去報。本地人同國際生分別只係學費。




以我理解, 根據 University of Toronto 大學網站資料,加拿大有13個省13個高中 Diploma

1) Ontario: Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)

2) Alberta:  Alberta High School Diploma
3) British Columbia:  - Dogwood Diploma
4) Quebec: CEGEP /  Grade 12: High School Diploma
5) Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan High School Diploma
6) Manitoba: Manitoba High School Diploma
7) New Brunswick: New Brunswick High School Diploma
8) Newfoundland and Labrador: Newfoundland and Labrador High School Diploma
9) Northwest Territories: Northwest Territories High School Diploma
10) Nova Scotia: Nova Scotia High School Diploma
11) Nunavut: Alberta or Nunavut Secondary School Diploma
12) Prince Edward Island: Prince Edward Island High School Diploma
13) Yukon: Yukon High School Diploma

而前面所講的 OUAC101 及 OUAC105  申請大學 2條 途徑, 係指單單申請 Ontario 省內大學(安大略省 -- 即係多倫多嗰個省), 而呢個省內嘅大學比較其他省多加拿大以及世界排名比較高大學 e.g. 1)University of Toronto (多倫多大學)、2)McMaster University (麥克馬斯特大學)、3)University of Waterloo (滑鐵盧大學)、4)Western University (西安大略大學)、5)Queen’s University (皇后大學)、6)York University (約克大學)

而申請 Ontario 省內嘅大學一定要經 Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) 申請.
i) Current Ontario High School Students (101) - OUAC 101
ii)  International or Canadian applicants not currently attending an Ontario high school - OUAC 105  https://www.ouac.on.ca/ouac-105/

根據 OUAC 101網站資料所講,報 Ontario 省內的大學如經OUAC  101 途徑必須符合以下所有要求:

Do you meet all of the following requirements?
i) You are taking courses during the day at an Ontario high school (this includes students returning for second semester and graduated students returning to upgrade 1 or more courses).
ii) You have not, at any point, been out of high school for more than 7 consecutive months.
iii) You will have received or expect to receive your Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with six 4U/M courses at the end of the current year.
iv) You have not attended a postsecondary institution (college/university/career college).
v) You are applying to the first year of an undergraduate degree program or diploma program at an Ontario university.
vi) You are under 21 years of age.

如我閱讀理解無錯的話,係加拿大境內或境外以Alberta、British Columbia、Quebec … High School Diploma 申請Ontario 省內的大學都係經OUAC 105

所以,升加國大學,如目標好明確及好清晰係Ontario 內嘅大學,最理想係讀OSSD 利用 OUAC101途徑申請。

又例如, 香港以下2間加拿大課程國際學校,一間係 Ontario 課程,一間係 Alberta 課程,如果我上面理解無錯的話,Alberta課程嗰間國際學校申請 Ontario 內大學係以 OUAC 105途徑了。
1) Delia School of Canada (Taikoo Shing Campus) (Ontario Program) https://www.delia.edu.hk/
2) Delia School of Canada (Kowloon East Campus) (Alberta Program) https://www.dscke.edu.hk/


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-14 21:40 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-3-22 10:27 編輯
chickchick 發表於 21-3-10 12:41
你不如直接send email去 UT 的ADMISSION REGISTRY, 問你是國際生考OSSD, 入學是否不計算在國際生額內。
你的說法也有道理, 正如去加國讀boarding讀埋高中考OSSD, 呢批國際生係行101唔奇, 但收生時係咪要求高過本地人,還是當你本地人身份去考量,你也可找找答案. 相信, 呢個才是你最想知的答案.
了了, 記得搵到資料在告訴我們!

nicolemummy 發表於 21-3-12 00:16
妳應該岩。因為我地行105 domestic, 其實唔知101既規則。謝謝妳clarify.

chickchick & nicolemummy, 之前見你哋不斷講本地(domestic) quota 之類,我唔係好明你地講緊咩野,如果我唔明又攪唔通, 點用英文寫 email 問加拿大大學呢?於是呢排 google search 吓呢方面資料,我依家應該明你哋講緊咩野了。

#5 有Canadian passport 就係 citizen,入大學交 domestic student 學費,選科不受限制。
#11 .... 但加籍有加籍條隊,非加籍有非加籍條隊,但照計加籍條隊冇quota, 應該易d掛……...

Domestic Applicants https://applymd.utoronto.ca/domestic-applicants
The University of Toronto welcomes 259 domestic Canadian students into first year of the MD Program. As one of the largest undergraduate medical programs in Canada with unparalleled opportunities for research and clinical experience, our community is made up of students from across the country. We have no provincial quotas for admission and our requirements do not change based on home province or province of study.

International students https://applymd.utoronto.ca/international-medical-graduates & https://applymd.utoronto.ca/us-international-applicants

Tuition Fees https://applymd.utoronto.ca/tuition-fees
St. George Campus
TUITION FEE (YEAR ONE) $23,090$91,760
INCIDENTAL FEE*$1,744.42$1,744.42
TOTAL FEE PAYABLE (YEAR ONE)$24,834.42$94,224.42
Mississauga Campus
TUITION FEE (YEAR ONE) $23,090$91,760
INCIDENTAL FEE*$2,129.35$2,129.35
TOTAL FEE PAYABLE (YEAR ONE)$25,219.35$94,609.35
* Incidental fees are approximate and will be updated in July 2020. They include: Hart House, Athletics, Health Services, U of T Students’ Union, Medical Society and Student Services Fee.

Additional First Year Student Budget Items

International Fee Exemption https://studentaccount.utoronto.ca/tuition-fees/international-fee-exemption/
Who is exempt from international fees?
In accordance with the 2009-2010 Ontario Operating Funds Distribution Manual, international students who fall within one of the following categories may be eligible to pay domestic fees:
- Dependents of Canadian Citizens/native Canadians
- Dependents of Permanent Residents
- A person who has been approved “in-principle” for permanent resident status in Canada and dependents
- A visitor with a work permit and dependents (there are some exclusions)
- A visitor with diplomatic status and dependents
- Protected Persons and Dependents

- Please review the Definitions section below for more details regarding these categories.

How do you apply for an international fee exemption status?
- Apply for an international fee exemption by reporting your status and providing supporting documentation to your faculty, college, or campus registrar office.
- Supporting documentation provided must be received before the deadlines listed below.
Exceptions to deadlines will not be permitted.
COVID-19 Update
- International fee exemption requests that cannot be completed in person at your registrar office due to COVID-19 related closures can be done remotely. To complete an international fee exemption request remotely you will be asked to:

1.  Securely share high fidelity and legible scans of all supporting  documentation and valid photo identification;
2.  Appear on webcam for a brief advising session where your identity and supporting documentation will be validated. You will be required to present on camera all documentation and identification that was previously sent to your registrar office;
3.  Agree that you will follow up with your registrar office in person with all physical supporting documentation when the office re-opens at a later date. If you cannot present documentation in person, or if the documentation is inconsistent with what was previously shared, any approved international fee exemption will be withdrawn by your registrar office.
Please contact your registrar office to apply for an international fee exemption.

MScOT Application Information MScOT Full-Time 24 Month Program | Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy (utoronto.ca) http://ot.utoronto.ca/prospective/mscot_24month/
We seek to admit approximately 90 students to the St. George campus, and 40 students to our Mississauga campus. In 2020, there were 843 applicants. You can apply for this program if you are in the final year of a bachelor’s degree program or if you have already completed a bachelor’s degree. Students must be Canadian citizens or hold permanent residency (i.e. official Permanent Resident of Canada, authenticated by the Government of Canada).

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-14 22:06 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-3-22 10:27 編輯

爬文所見,加拿大大學某啲專業專科真係有 Domestic 與 International 兩條隊收生及有 quota 限制。例如上面 post 嘅 Faculty of Medicine MD Program。

而我係 University of Toronto 呢個網頁https://future.utoronto.ca/apply/requirements/ 所見,只係分 Canadian High School, University and College 與 International High School.

Canadian Students:
i) Ontario High School (OUAC 101)
ii) Canadian High School (OUAC 105)
iii) International High School (OUAC 105) https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/future-students/admissions/international-high-school

而係呢個網頁嘗試搵 domestic 與 international 收生資料逐個學科咁睇 https://future.utoronto.ca/academics/undergraduate-programs/ ,但資料無顯示無講會分 domestic 與 international 收生及特定 quota 限制。

A resource for guidance counsellors and staff from Ontario's secondary schools and boards of education
Welcome to the OUAC's Guidance Website https://dguidance.ouac.on.ca/
反而,eschool  職員曾強調講過,因 OSSD 會早過DSE出成績,OSSD 最早11月已可以完成課程,最早收到 firm offer 可以係12月,職員講加拿大Ontario 省大學會出 offer 俾 OUAC101 先(因為早有成績及Ontario 省自己省嘅高中課程),有剩學位才俾 OUAC105。

究竟用 OUAC101 抑或 OUAC 105 途徑申請 Ontario 省內嘅大學,呢個網站有好清楚資料寫明 https://www.ouac.on.ca/101-vs-105/

又或者,可以係呢度自己試吓答,網站會講到俾你知用邊個途徑申請的https://www.ouac.on.ca/application-selection-tool/ Answer the following statements to guide you to the proper undergraduate application

1) eschool 職員所講嘅資料我未fact check,sales 講野,大家自行判斷。

2) 加拿大Ontario 省大學會唔會內部有潛規則普通 undergraduate 課程 OUAC101 再分 domestic 與 international;  又OUAC105 再分 domestic 與 international 收生不同分數 (其實共 4 條收生隊? 抑或由始至終只係 2 條 OUAC101 及  OUAC105 隊?)。因為孩子本身唔係加拿大 Citizen 及佢無本事申請神科醫學院之類專科, 佢能力有限只係打算考文學院或商學院, 故我又唔太care 收生可能會再分 domestic 與 international, 因為我控制唔到。

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-21 13:41 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-3-21 22:20 編輯

OUAC Statistics https://www.ouac.on.ca/statistics/Undergraduate and Teacher Education Statistics - Archive | Ontario Universities'

Undergraduate and Teacher Education Statistics - Archive | Ontario Universities' https://www.ouac.on.ca/statistics/archive/archived-ugrad-2020/

Undergraduate Application Statistics
Undergraduate Application Statistics
Undergraduate Confirmation Statistics
Undergraduate Confirmation Statistics
Undergraduate Application Statistics
The statistics are cumulative.

Annual fluctuations in application volumes are a product of a number of factors and should be interpreted with caution.

These applications are for full-time, year-one, fall-entry, undergraduate university study.

The “Secondary School” application category refers to applications received from Ontario secondary school students who were registered in secondary school during the 2020-2021 academic year.
These figures represent the number of applications, (i.e., selections of university programs). These figures do not reflect the number of “individuals” applying to each university.

The “Non-Secondary” application category refers to all domestic and foreign applications for first-year university entry other than those applications received from Ontario secondary school applicants. Application patterns for this group are different and therefore the first reporting date is in April.

“Secondary School” application figures are relatively firm and complete in February. As application deadlines for the “Non-Secondary” application category vary from institution to institution, these statistics are not firm until mid-July and continue to change until the mid-September report.

There are many reasons for fluctuations in application volumes. Please refer to individual university websites or contact their admissions or public relations offices for further information. Please do not refer to individual institutional figures without including the institutional commentary as applicable.

Undergraduate Confirmation Statistics
The statistics are cumulative

These confirmations are applicant acceptances for full-time, year-one, fall-entry, undergraduate university study.

These figures represent the number of confirmed acceptances for undergraduate study at an Ontario university. Applicants can only accept one offer of admission at a time.

The “Secondary School” category refers to the confirmations received from Ontario secondary school students who were registered in secondary school during the 2020-2021 academic year.

The “Non-Secondary” category refers to all domestic and foreign confirmations for first-year university entry other than those applications received from Ontario secondary school applicants.

There are many reasons for fluctuations in application volumes. Please refer to individual university websites or contact their admissions or public relations offices for any further information. Please do not refer to individual institutional figures without including the institutional commentary as applicable.

Sept 2020
1) McMaster University
Undergraduate Application Statistics PROGRAM CHOICES
OUAC 101: 1st: 8129   2nd: 7731   3rd: 7783   3> 20932  Total: 44,575
OUAC 105: 1st: 3818   2nd: 3838   3rd: 3258   3>   6642  Total:  17,556

Undergraduate Confirmation Statistics PROGRAM CHOICES
OUAC 101: 1st: 2682   2nd: 1392   3rd: 877     3> 1482    Total: 6,433
OUAC 105: 1st:   623   2nd:   305   3rd: 223     3>   290     Total: 1,441

2) Queen's University
Undergraduate Application Statistics PROGRAM CHOICES
OUAC 101: 1st: 6377   2nd: 5197   3rd: 4737   3> 12834   Total: 29,145
OUAC 105: 1st: 3593   2nd: 3348   3rd: 2853   3>   5726    Total: 15,520

Undergraduate Confirmation Statistics PROGRAM CHOICES
OUAC 101: 1st: 2385   2nd:   856    3rd:  432    3>   678     Total: 4,351
OUAC 105: 1st:   788   2nd:   321   3rd:   195   3>    253    Total:   1,557

3) University of Toronto
Undergraduate Application Statistics PROGRAM CHOICES
OUAC 101: 1st: 14802   2nd: 11616   3rd: 9564   3> 17998   Total:53,980
OUAC 105: 1st: 18853   2nd: 10159   3rd: 5920   3>   4975   Total: 39,907

Undergraduate Confirmation Statistics PROGRAM CHOICES
OUAC 101: 1st: 5429     2nd: 1818     3rd:   988   3>  1090     Total: 9,325
OUAC 105: 1st:   4690   2nd: 1153     3rd:   492   3>     342    Total: 6,677

4) University of Waterloo
Undergraduate Application Statistics PROGRAM CHOICES
OUAC 101: 1st: 7363   2nd: 6497   3rd: 5605   3> 13432   Total:32,897
OUAC 105: 1st: 5932   2nd: 5573   3rd: 3528    3>  4913    Total:19,946

Undergraduate Confirmation Statistics PROGRAM CHOICES
OUAC 101: 1st:  3103   2nd: 1341   3rd:  740   3>   1059    Total: 6,243
OUAC 105: 1st: 1474   2nd:  670    3rd:   321   3>    360    Total:  2,825

5) Western University
Undergraduate Application Statistics PROGRAM CHOICES
OUAC 101: 1st: 5455   2nd: 6904   3rd: 6806   3 > 17223   Total:36,388
OUAC 105: 1st: 3035   2nd: 3424   3rd: 2888   3>    6273   Total: 15,620

Undergraduate Confirmation Statistics PROGRAM CHOICES
OUAC 101: 1st: 2191   2nd: 1291   3rd:   755   3 > 931        Total: 5,168
OUAC 105: 1st:   721   2nd:   281   3rd:   165   3 > 225        Total:  1,392

6) York UniversityUndergraduate Application Statistics PROGRAM CHOICES
OUAC 101: 1st: 5807   2nd: 7505   3rd: 8257   3 > 22102   Total:43,671
OUAC 105: 1st: 3651   2nd: 4207   3rd: 3571   3 >   5606    Total:17,035

Undergraduate Confirmation Statistics PROGRAM CHOICES
OUAC 101: 1st: 2580   2nd: 1424   3rd: 1024   3 > 1315      Total: 6,343
OUAC 105: 1st: 1008   2nd:   642   3rd:   373   3 >     330    Total:  2,353

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-21 22:29 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-6-13 18:46 編輯
nicolemummy 發表於 21-3-21 19:58

妳好勁啊,我都無見過呢D statistics.

原本係 Google 嘗試搜尋 OUAC101:OUAC105 係咪正如上面 post 資料咁講 ~70% : 30% 比例收生,但OUAC statistics 資料我計唔到呢两途徑收生比例,印證唔到上面 post 所講嘅admission ratio (取錄成功比例) 是否正確。

我數學唔好,OUAC Statistics 我唔識計及唔識分析係咪用OUAC 101途徑申請 Ontario 省內大學比較有優勢

Canada Ontario (安大略省) (OUAC)
Ontario Universities’ Application Centre - Current Ontario High School Students (101) - OUAC 101 https://www.ouac.on.ca/ouac-101/

1) University of Toronto:  
https://future.utoronto.ca/apply/requirements/  & https://future.utoronto.ca/undergraduate-programs/management/

The Rotman Commerce BCom - Future Students (utoronto.ca)
Completion of an Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent, with six Grade 12 U/M subjects including English 4U (ENG4U) and Calculus & Vectors 4U (MCV4U). Special attention will be given to MCV4U, as it is a prerequisite for admission. Please note that we reserve the right to give preference to students whose marks are the result of a single attempt at each course.

As a minimum, an average in the mid-high 80s in your top six Grade 12 U/M courses (including ENG4U in the low-mid 80s and MCV4U in the mid-high 80’s) is recommended to be competitive.
Conditional offers of admission will be made throughout the year on the basis of your Grade 11 finals and 12 finals/midterms (in progress). This assessment is possible provided your record shows that you are enrolled in all required Grade 12 (or equivalent) courses.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Management (Co-op, Specialist)
Admissions | Department of Management (utoronto.ca)

2) McMaster University: https://future.mcmaster.ca/
BUSINESS I Academic Programs | Undergraduate Commerce | DeGroote School of Business (mcmaster.ca)https://academiccalendars.romcmaster.ca/preview_program.php?catoid=38&poid=20878&returnto=8071 & Ontario Secondary School Admission Overview - Future Students | McMaster University

Admission Requirements https://academiccalendars.romcmaster.ca/content.php?catoid=41&navoid=8643
The following are the minimum Grade 12 U and M requirements:
1.English U
2.Two of Advanced Functions U, Calculus and Vectors U, and Mathematics of Data Management U
3.Completion of three additional U or M courses to total six course
Anticipated Admission Range:86-90%
Target Enrolment: 800

Admission to Integrated Business and Humanities 1 is by selection. A minimum overall average of 88% or higher is required for application consideration. Applicants must complete a mandatory on-line assessment (2016 © Kira Talent) by February 1 each year. The following are the Minimum Grade 12 U and M requirements:
Integrated Business and Humanities (IBH) https://ug.degroote.mcmaster.ca/academic-programs/integrated-business-humanities/
Admission Requirements


  • English
  • Calculus and Vectors
  • Data Management
  • Three other grade 12 4U or M courses

IBH Is a Direct Entry Program: Students Enter Directly in Their First Year

Anticipated Admission Average: 88-92%

Number of Students Accepted: 60

Early Conditional Admission https://academiccalendars.romcmaster.ca/content.php?catoid=41&navoid=8643
Tuition: https://registrar.mcmaster.ca/tuition-fees/

3) Western University: https://welcome.uwo.ca/international/
i) International Secondary School
ii) International Secondary School – Canadian Curricula >>https://welcome.uwo.ca/admissions/requirements/canadian_secondary_school/on.html >
https://welcome.uwo.ca/pdfs/ontario_admission_requirements.pdf MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATIONAL STUDIES Registrants = 785
OSSD Mid to high 80s
• English, ENG4U
And two of:
• Advanced Functions, MHF4U
• Calculus and Vectors, MCV4U
• Math of Data Management, MDM4U

Calculus and Vectors MCV4U and/or a university Calculus course is required prior to taking mandatory upper-year Economics courses in Finance and pursuing a Major or Honours Specialization in Economics.

4) University of Waterloo: https://uwaterloo.ca/future-students/admissions/admission-requirements
Honours Arts and Business admission requirements for Ontario high school students
Admission average: Low 80s (co-op and regular)
Required courses: Any Grade12 English 4U -- A minimum grade of 70 is required

Recommended courses
For social science programs such as Anthropology; Economics; Political Science; Psychology; Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies; Social Development Studies; or Sociology: •Mathematics of Data Management

For Economics: Calculus and Vectors is also recommended; however, students may decide to take an introductory calculus course in first year to acquire additional background.

General requirements
•High school diploma or equivalent with a minimum of six Grade 12 U or M courses, including all required courses
•Grade 12 U or M courses must be completed through a school that is inspected and approved by the Ontario Ministry of Education.
•Admission averages depend on the number of applications received and the number of spaces available. The range listed above is based on previous years.
•Repeated courses may be taken into consideration depending on the program.

5) Queen’s University:https://www.queensu.ca/admission/ & https://www.queensu.ca/admission/about-applying/requirements & Conditional Offers of Admission | Undergraduate Admission, Queen's University, Canada
Commerce (QC), Smith School of Business
OSSD minimum grades of 80%
English 4U, Calculus and Vectors 4U, and one additional 4U Mathematics course
Number of first-year spaces: 500

Canada Alberta (阿伯達省)
University of Alberta https://www.ualberta.ca/admissions/undergraduate/admission/admission-requirements/index.html & https://www.ualberta.ca/admissions/undergraduate/resources/out-of-province-students.html & https://www.ualberta.ca/admissions/undergraduate/admission/admission-requirements/provincial-equivalents/ontario.html & https://apps.admissions.ualberta.ca/programs/ar/ar510/undeclared

Undeclared Bachelor of Arts Faculty of Arts
Admission Average
Admission is competitive and subject to availability of space. Canadian students, see Competitive Averages by faculty. International students, see Competitive Averages and Conversions.

* Only one of :
Adv Function & Intro Cal MCB4U,
Advanced Functions MHF4U or
Math of Data Mgmt MDM4U can be used for admission.

Minimum requirements
Grade 11 final marks Grade 12 first semester / interim marks Grade 12 final marks
Minimum grade for each of the five required courses
60%+ 50%+
Minimum overall average across all five required courses
70%+ 70%+ 70%+

Links to Ontario Universities https://www.ouac.on.ca/university-links/

Universities Canada https://www.univcan.ca/universities/member-universities/

Tuition fees by university https://www.univcan.ca/universities/facts-and-stats/tuition-fees-by-university/


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-27 10:58 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-4-13 14:25 編輯

McMaster University  https://future.mcmaster.ca/admission/
Tuition Fees https://future.mcmaster.ca/cost-estimator/ & https://registrar.mcmaster.ca/tuition-fees/
Programs https://future.mcmaster.ca/programs/
Business/Commerce Level 1 : $1,272.26 per unit x 33 units/year ~ $41,984.58 / year
Admission Decision Timing
(Everyone other than OUAC 101)
Decisions to non-supplementary application programs are normally processed and released 4 to 5 weeks after all supporting/required documentation noted on McMaster’s Applicant Portal are marked as “Completed.”
(Ontario Full Time Grade 12 students)
February to March
OUAC 101 Applicants to non-supplementary application programs presenting a minimum of 3 final or 6 midterm Grade 12 U/M courses will be considered for admission on a rolling basis. Applicants must either be enrolled in or have completed at least 6 Grade 12 U/M courses including program-specific requirements.
OUAC 101 Applicants will be reviewed again upon receipt of second-semester midterm grades. Offers of admission will be released on a rolling basis as grade data is received, until May 15. Final decisions will be communicated by the May 30 deadline.
Program: Business; OUAC Code: MB ; Degrees: B.Com., (Honours) B.Com.
Anticipated Admission Range: 87-90%
Target Enrolment: 800

Program Integrated Business & Humanities ; OUAC Code: MBH ; Degrees (Honours) B.Com.
Anticipated Admission Range: 88-92%
Target Enrolment: 60

Program :Social Sciences I ; OUAC Code: ML; Degrees B.A., B.A.(Honours)
Anticipated Admission Range: 78-82%
Target Enrolment: 855

Program : Humanities ;  OUAC Code: MH  ;  Degrees: B.A., B.A.(Honours)
Anticipated Admission Range: 78%
Target Enrolment: 480

Program : Arts & Science ; OUAC Code: MX  ; Degrees B.Arts Sc., B.Arts Sc.(Honours)
Anticipated Admission Range: A minimum of 88%
Target Enrolment: 70

Program : Bachelor of Technology ; OUAC Code: MPT (Automation Engineering Technology) / MAT (Automotive and Vehicle Engineering Technology) / MTT (Biotechnology)  
Degrees : B.Tech. Degree from McMaster University + Advanced Diploma & Business Management Certificate from Mohawk College
Anticipated Admission Range: 80-82%
Target Enrolment: 240 students (includes all B.Tech I streams)

Program:Chemical and Physical Sciences Gateway ; OUAC Code: MPS ; Degrees: Sc.,B.Sc.(Honours)
Anticipated Admission Range: 82-85%
Target Enrolment: 125

Program : Computer Science ; OUAC Code: MC / MCC ; Degrees B.A.Sc. (Bachelor of Applied Science)
Anticipated Admission Range: 92-95% is required for consideration based on a conversion if necessary to be equivalent to the Ontario High School 50% pass rate.
Target Enrolment: 130

Program : Economics I  ; OUAC Code: MLE  ;  Degrees B.A., B.A.(Hons.)
Anticipated Admission Range:
Target Enrolment: 125

Program: Engineering ;OUAC Code: ME / MEC ;Degrees : B.Eng., B. Eng.Mgt., B.Eng.Society, B.Eng.Biosci
Anticipated Admission Range : A minimum of 87%. Applicants with a strong admission average may qualify for Free Choice of discipline in Level II. Program is by selection.
Target Enrolment: 900

Program: Environmental & Earth Sciences Gateway; OUAC Code: MEE; Degrees : B.Sc., B.Sc.(Honours)
Anticipated Admission Range : 82-85%
Target Enrolment: 100

Program : Health and Society I ; OUAC Code: MLH  ; Degrees : B.A., B.A.(Hons.)
Anticipated Admission Range : 80-83%
Target Enrolment:

Program : Health Sciences (BHSc)  ; OUAC Code : MNS  ; Degrees : B.H.Sc. (Honours)
Anticipated Admission Range : A minimum of 90%. Admission is by selection.
Target Enrolment:

Program : Honours Integrated Science ; OUAC Code: MIS  ; Degrees : B.Sc.(Honours)
Anticipated Admission Range : A minimum of high 80s. Admission is by selection.
Target Enrolment:

Program : Integrated Biomedical Engineering & Health Sciences ; OUAC Code: MEH / MEI
Degrees : B.Eng.BME, B.H.Sc. (Hons)
Anticipated Admission Range : A minimum of 90%. Admission is by selection
Target Enrolment: 140

Program : Kinesiology ; OUAC Code: MV  ;  Degrees: B.Sc.Kin., B.Sc.Kin.(Honours)
Anticipated Admission Range : 87-90%
Target Enrolment: 200

Program : Life Sciences Gateway ; OUAC Code: MLS  ; Degrees : B.Sc., B.Sc.(Honours)
Anticipated Admission Range : 87-90%
Target Enrolment: 1000

Program : Mathematics & Statistics Gateway ; OUAC Code: MZ ; Degrees : B.Sc., B.Sc.(Honours)
Anticipated Admission Range : 85-88%
Target Enrolment: 300

Program : Medical Radiation Sciences ; OUAC Code: MRS  ; Degrees : B.M.R.Sc.
Anticipated Admission Range : 85-88%
Target Enrolment:

Program : Midwifery ; OUAC Code: MY ; Degrees : B.H.Sc. (Midwifery)
Anticipated Admission Range :  Admission is by selection (Interview, by invitation). Typically a minimum of 75% is required.
Target Enrolment: 30

Program : Music ; OUAC Code: MM  ;  Degrees B.Mus. (Honours)
Anticipated Admission Range : 78% plus a successful audition
Target Enrolment: 20

Program : Nursing ; OUAC Code: MN  ; Degrees : B.Sc.N.
Anticipated Admission Range : Admission is by selection. Typically, a minimum average of 85% is required.
Target Enrolment: 120

Program : Studio Art (Bachelor Fine Arts) ; OUAC Code: MHS ; Degrees : B.F.A. (Honours)
Anticipated Admission Range : 78% and a successful portfolio interview
Target Enrolment: 25

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-27 10:58 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-4-8 14:39 編輯

Western University: https://welcome.uwo.ca/international/
i) International Secondary School
ii) International Secondary School – Canadian Curricula >>https://welcome.uwo.ca/admissions/requirements/canadian_secondary_school/on.html

ARTS & HUMANITIES Registrants = 220 (including Fine Arts Studio)
Low to
mid 80s

Low 80s

ENGINEERING Registrants = 680
Mid to high 80s

HEALTH SCIENCES Registrants = 350

High 80s to low 90s

KINESIOLOGY Registrants = 330
Mid to high 80s

NURSING – WESTERN SITE (Western-Fanshawe, Collaborative BScN Program) Registrants = 140
High 80s to low 90s

NURSING – FANSHAWE SITE (Western-Fanshawe, Collaborative BScN Program) Registrants = 125
High 80s to low 90s

Low to mid 80s

MUSIC – (BMUS) Registrants for all Music programs = 125
Low 80s

Low 80s

Mid 80s

MEDICAL SCIENCES Registrants = 750
Low to mid 90s

SCIENCE Registrants = 890
Mid 80s

Mid 80s

SOCIAL SCIENCE Registrants = 835
Mid 80s

Mid to high 80s

Low to mid 80s

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-27 14:04 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-3-30 09:46 編輯

University of Waterloo
Undergraduate Programs https://uwaterloo.ca/future-students/programs
Business Program https://uwaterloo.ca/future-students/programs/business
- Honours Arts and Business    https://uwaterloo.ca/future-students/programs/arts-and-business Low 80s (co-op and regular)
- Environment and Business https://uwaterloo.ca/future-students/programs/environment-and-business Low 80s

Accounting and Financial Management mid-80s
Actuarial Science
Applied Mathematics
Architectural Engineering high 80s
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Biochemistry Low 80s
Biology Low 80s
Biomedical Engineering mid-90s
Biomedical Sciences Low 80s
Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy Low 90s
Business Administration (Laurier) and Computer Science (Waterloo) Double Degree
Business Administration (Laurier) and Mathematics (Waterloo) Double Degree
Business programs
Chemical Engineering low 90s
Chemistry Low 80s
Civil Engineering high 80s
Classical Studies
Co-op programs
Combinatorics and Optimization
Communication Studies
Computational Mathematics
Computer Engineering low to mid-90s
Computer Science low 90s
Computing and Financial Management low 90s
Data Science  
Earth Sciences Low 80s
Economics Low 80s
Education (teaching)
Electrical Engineering mid-90s
English Low 80s
Environment and Business Low 80s
Environment, Resources and Sustainability Low 80s
Environmental Engineering high 80s
Environmental programs at a glance
Environmental Science Low 80s
Fine Arts
Gender and Social Justice
Geography and Aviation Low 80s
Geography and Environmental Management Low 80s
Geological Engineering high 80s
Geomatics Low 80s
Global Business and Digital Arts Low 80s
Health Studies Regular: Low 80s | Co-op: Mid-80s
Honours Arts
Honours Arts and Business
Honours Science
Information Technology Management
International Development Low 80s
Kinesiology low 80s, Co-op: mid-80s
Knowledge Integration Low 80s
Legal Studies Low 80s
Liberal Studies
Life Physics Low 80s
Life Sciences Low 80s
Management Engineering mid- to high 80s
Materials and Nanosciences Low 80s
Mathematical Economics
Mathematical Finance
Mathematical Optimization
Mathematical Physics
Mathematics high 80s
Mathematics/Business Administration high 80s
Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy high 80s
Mathematics/Financial Analysis and Risk Management (also available online) high 80s
Mechanical Engineering low to mid-90s
Mechatronics Engineering from the high 80s to low 90s
Medicinal Chemistry Low 80s
Medieval Studies
Minors and specializations
Nanotechnology Engineering mid- to high 80s
Pathways to medical school and other health professions
Peace and Conflict Studies
Physical Sciences Low 80s
Physics Low 80s
Physics and Astronomy Low 80s
Planning Low 80s
Political Science
Psychology - Arts Low 80s
Psychology - Science Low 80s
Public Health Regular: Low 80s | Co-op: Mid-80s
Pure Mathematics
Recreation and Leisure Studies Low 80s
Recreation and Sport Business Low 80s
Religious Studies
Science and Aviation Low 80s
Science and Business
Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies
Social Development Studies Low 80s
Social Work
Software Engineering mid-90s
Systems Design Engineering low to mid-90s
Theatre and Performance
Therapeutic Recreation Low 80s
Tourism Development Low 80s

When will you know if you've been admitted?
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