密      碼:
教育王國 討論區 備戰大學 中國/日本/德國/新加坡/奧地利/愛爾蘭/台灣/法國/加拿大 ...
樓主: 小時了了

中國/日本/德國/新加坡/奧地利/愛爾蘭/台灣/法國/加拿大U   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 18-3-22 15:54 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 elbar 於 18-3-22 15:57 編輯
小時了了 發表於 18-3-22 15:20
今日我又研究日本大學俾海外留生生嘅英文授課課程, University Degree Courses Offered in English List:  ...


註 冊 資 格

根 據 《 輔 助 醫 療 業 條 例 》 第 1 2 ( 1 ) ( a ) 條 註 冊

持 有 《 職 業 治 療 師 ( 註 冊 及 紀 律 處 分 程 序 ) 規 例 》 第 4 條 所 列 明 註 冊 資 格 的 人 士 , 即 具 備 註 冊 成 為 職 業 治 療 師 的 資 格 :
  • 香 港 理 工 學 院 或 香 港 理 工 大 學 頒 授 的 職 業 治 療 學 學 士 學 位 ;
  • 香 港 理 工 學 院 於 1 9 9 4 年 1 月 1 日 或 之 前 頒 授 的 職 業 治 療 學 專 業 文 憑 ; 或
  • 委 員 會 頒 發 的 證 明 書 , 述 明 其 通 過 委 員 會 為 施 行 本 條 例 第 1 2 ( 1 ) ( a ) 條 而 根 據 《 輔 助 醫 療 業 條 例 》 第 1 5 A 條 舉 辦 的 有 關 職 業 治 療 的 考 試 。

根 據 《 輔 助 醫 療 業 條 例 》 第 1 2 ( 1 ) ( b ) 條 註 冊

( 下  列  評  審  準  則  於 2015 年 5 月 1 日 生  效 , 及  於 2017 年 6 月 26 日  起  加  入  註  2  及  註 4 。)


下  列  人  士  有  資  格  根  據 《 輔  助  醫  療  業  條  例 》 第 12(1)(b) 條  註  冊  為  職  業  治  療  師 -
(a)  修  畢 世  界  職  業  治  療  師  聯  合  會 (World Federation of Occupational Therapists) 認  可  的  課  程 ;
(b)  在  合  資  格  職  業  治  療  師  的  督  導  下 , 完  成  至  少 1 000 小  時  臨  牀  培  訓 , 作  為  課  程  的  一  部  分 , 或  有  需  要  提  供  有  關  合  資  格  職  業  治  療  師  的  資  歷  及  註  冊  身  分 , 作  為  證  據 [ 註 1]
(c)  國  際  英  語  水  平  測  試 (IELTS) 成  績  達  第 6.5 級 , 其  中  閱  讀 、 聆  聽 、 寫  作  及  會  話 4 項  測  試  的  分  數  每  一  項  不  低  於 6 分  [ 註 2]
(d)  已  提  交  證  明  文  件 , 證  明  有  能  力  以  英  語 / 粵  語  與  病  人  溝  通 。 該  等  證  據  可  包  括 -            
  • 培  訓  課  程  本  身  設  有  溝  通  能  力  評  核  的  證  明  文  件 ; 或
  • 2 個  職  業  治  療  專  科  的  臨  牀  實  習  記  錄 、 臨  牀  個  案  研  究 、 工  作  記  錄  冊  等 ; 或
  • 臨  牀  導  師  作  出  的  聲  明 , 述  明  他 / 她  在  臨  牀  實  習  期  間  與  病  人  有  效  地  溝  通 。

(e)  目  前  具  備  某  職  業  治  療  師  監  管  機  構  的  註  冊  身  分 , 並  於  有  關  司  法  管  轄  區  持  有  執  業  權 [ 註 3]
(f)  已  提  交  證  明  文  件 , 證  明  在  取  得  可  獲  接  受  註  冊  的  資  格  後 , 已  取  得  與  職  業  治  療  直  接  相  關  的  適  當  經  驗  [ 註 4]; 以  及  
(g)  已  聲  明  在  香  港  或  其  他  地  方  曾  否  有  任  何  針  對  他 / 她  的  紀  律  處  分  程  序 。
[ 註 1]
在  督  導  下  進  行  臨  牀  培  訓  的  定  義  
督  導  指  監  督  學  生  施  行  職  業  治  療  程  序  的  過  程 , 期  間  導  師  負  責  確  保  學  生  的  實  務  質  素 , 以  及  接  受  職  業  治  療  人  士  的  安  全 。 督  導  最  初  可  能  包  括 (a) 與  學  生  進  行  討  論 ;(b) 檢  視  學  生  的  介  入  計  劃  及  記  錄 ; 以  及 (c) 觀  察  學  生  實  踐  工  作 。
督  導  多  寡  與  頻  密  程  度 , 會  隨  學  生  在  課  程  中  不  斷  進  步 , 由  實  地  密  切  督  導  逐  步  發  展  至  獨  立  進  行  治  療 。 督  導  的  程  度  亦  會  視  乎  下  列  因  素  而  有  所  不  同 : 學  生  的  知  識  基  礎 、 對  治  療  環  境  的  熟  悉  程  度 , 以  及  學  習  需  要 ; 治  療  相  關  情  況 - 包  括  有  否  其  他  醫  護  專  業  人  員  在  場 ; 所  提  供  的  職  業  治  療  介  入  的  複  雜  程  度 , 以  及  有  效  施  行  該  等  治  療  所  需  的  能  力  水  平 ; 以  及  學  生  和  接  受  職  業  治  療  人  士  的  安  全  風  險 。
[ 註 2]
請  參  閱  英  文  版  本
[ 註 3]
2016 年 4 月 1 日 前  已  報  讀 、 正  修  讀  或  已  修  畢  職  業  治  療  課  程  的  申  請  人 , 獲  豁  免  遵  從  該  項  有  關  註  冊  身  分  及  執  業  權  的  規  定 。 在 2016 年 4 月 1 日 或  之  後  報  讀  職  業  治  療  課  程  的  申  請  人 , 則  必  須  遵  從  該  項  規  定 。
[ 註 4]
請  參  閱  英  文  版  本

根 據 《 輔 助 醫 療 業 條 例 》 第 1 2 ( 1 ) ( c ) 條 註 冊

於 《 輔 助 醫 療 業 條 例 》 第 1 2 條 對 職 業 治 療 專 業 適 用 的 生 效 日 期 ( 即 1 9 9 0 年 1 0 月 1 日 ) 正 從 事 該 專 業 的 人 士 , 如 不 具  備 任 何 正 式 資 格 ,  可 根 據 條 例 第 1 2 ( 1 ) ( c ) 條 申 請 註 冊 。 輔 助 醫 療 業 管 理 局 及 職 業 治 療 師 管 理 委 會 員 會 按 每 宗 申 請 的 情 況 作 個 別 考 慮 , 根 據 申 請 人 的 教 育 、 訓 練 及 專 業 經 驗 和 技 能 , 決 定 把 符 合資 格 的 申 請 人 的 名 字 列 入 註 冊 名 冊 哪 個 部 分 。


小時了了    發表於 18-3-22 15:55

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 18-3-22 16:25 |只看該作者
小時了了 發表於 18-3-22 15:20
今日我又研究日本大學俾海外留生生嘅英文授課課程, University Degree Courses Offered in English List:  ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 18-3-22 16:33 |只看該作者
王家爸爸 發表於 17-12-5 11:02
簡單講句,你唔可以喺售票機買高鐵飛。你唔可以做國家公務員,甚至國企。 ...

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 18-3-22 16:45 |只看該作者
brother4 發表於 18-3-22 16:25
for example


U of Toronto

U of Auckland

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 18-3-22 17:03 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 18-5-14 09:55 編輯
brother4 發表於 18-3-22 16:25

紐西蘭聽我家姐講過話平, 佢話平過澳洲及英國喎, 我未去了解, 研究完日本之後慢慢去研究紐西蘭

但, 我心底裏對外國洋鬼子國家嘅"種族歧視"真心有啲擔心及驚, 因為我家姐嘅女前年去英國讀 master 1年, 舊年畢業, 依家仍然留係英國打工, 我家姐有同我講佢女係英國遭到英國人對佢女嘅"種族歧視"行為, 我聽到有啲心痛及驚.

所以, 德國留學讀大學係平, 但依家好多難民. 法國又驚恐襲, 香港又亂又開始無民主自由..... 世界無安全地方喇

請教: 大學畢業有 Hons vs 無 Hons 對日後有咩影響: https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3634077&fromuid=1539350

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 18-3-22 17:11 |只看該作者
小時了了 發表於 18-3-22 17:03
紐西蘭聽我家姐講過話平, 佢話平過澳洲及英國喎, 我未去了解, 研究完日本之後慢慢去研究紐西蘭

但, 我心 ...


U of Auckland

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 18-3-22 17:17 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 18-5-17 22:58 編輯
elbar 發表於 18-3-22 17:11
NZ 讀書交流下: https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3597774&pid=46469983&page=3&extra=page%3D1#pid46469983

紐西蘭介紹: http://www.studyoverseas.com.hk/page.php?code=newzealand01

1) University of Auckland (好多華人) https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/arts.html
Undergraduate study in Psychology: http://www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/en/about/subjects-and-courses/psychology/undergraduate-study.html (Find out about your options for the Bachelor of Arts)

i) 學費 tuition : https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/study/fees-and-money-matters/tuition-fees/undergraduate-international-fees.html Bachelor of Arts (except performance and science-based courses) NZ$28,696 (2018年 fee), 即係港幣幾錢? 貴唔貴1年呢?  ( NZ1: HKD5.6 ~ HKD163,165.4560)
ii) Accommodation fees:   (NZ$11,455.71 ~HKD 64,151.976)
iii) General Fees: https://www.calendar.auckland.ac.nz/en/genregs/fees.html
> Fees Schedule A - All Students https://www.calendar.auckland.ac.nz/en/genregs/fees/fees-all-students.html
> Fees Schedule C - International Students  https://www.calendar.auckland.ac.nz/en/genregs/fees/fees-international.html
iv) Admission Fees: https://www.calendar.auckland.ac.nz/en/genregs/fees/fees-all-students.html (NZ$100 ~ HKD560)
v) Student Services fees:
https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/study/study-options/find-a-study-option/bachelor-of-arts-ba.html estimated at $813.60 for full-time study (120 points) (NZ$813.60  ~ HKD4,557)
https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/study/fees-and-money-matters/tuition-fees/paying-your-fees/fee-types-and-calculation.html (NZ$6.78 per point)
vi) Administration fees: (~ HKD5,540)  
vii) Examinations fees:
viii) Term fees:
ix) Cost of living: https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/on-campus/life-on-campus/living-in-auckland/cost-of-living-auckland.html (~HKD 70,000)
xi) Overseas secondary school applicants: 2019 guaranteed programme-specific entry requirements  
Each applicant must present at least 3 subjects achieved at Level 4 or better, including English Language

2) University of Otago (呢間醫學院聞名) www.otago.ac.nz  
(https://www.newzealand.com/cn/central-otago/ South Island Central Otago) (http://www.centralotagonz.com/)
介紹: https://www.risesmart.com.hk/college/new-zealand-1/dunedin/public-college/university-of-otago/
International Student Cost: https://www.otago.ac.nz/future-students/cost/tuition/index.html#international
i) 2018 年 tuition fee: https://www.otago.ac.nz/financialservices/otago667759 (Psychology NZ$29,952  ~ HKD167,731.2)
> Psychology subjects: https://www.otago.ac.nz/courses/papers/index.html?subjcode=PSYC
> Bachelor of Science (BSc) is a three-year undergraduate degree https://www.otago.ac.nz/courses/qualifications/bsc.html
> Psychology Programme Requirements: Bachelor of Arts (BA) majoring in Psychology (3年) or Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA(Hons)) in Psychology (4 年) https://www.otago.ac.nz/courses/subjects/psyc.html
Department of Psychology: https://www.otago.ac.nz/psychology/index.html

ii) Student Services Fee for Summer School (NZ$133 ~ HKD745)
iii) Student Services fees: https://www.otago.ac.nz/study/fees/  (NZ$798 ~ HKD4,469)
iv) Administration fees: https://www.otago.ac.nz/study/fees/ (NZ$989 ~ HKD5,540)
v) Accommodation fees: https://www.otago.ac.nz/accommodation/residential-colleges/index.html (NZ$15,218 ~ HKD85,220.8)
vi) Cost of living: https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/on-campus/life-on-campus/living-in-auckland/cost-of-living-auckland.html (~ HKD80,000)
vii) Undergraduate English language requirements: https://www.otago.ac.nz/future-students/otago661288.html
Level 4 or better in English language in the HKDSE

Air New Zealand: https://www.airnewzealand.co.nz/ (Book a flight From: Hong Kong To: Dunedin)

由基督城(Christchurch)去但/坦尼丁 (Dunedin) http://guide.itrip.com/nz/21800.html ; https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=63076
The bus ride from Christchurch to Dunedin is approximately 5 hours.  There are at least two companies that have regular bus services: Intercity http://www.intercity.co.nz/ and Atomic Shuttle http://www.atomictravel.co.nz/

內陸機基督城(Christchurch)去但/坦尼丁 (Dunedin): https://www.newzealand.com/cn/feature/christchurch-airport/
Air New Zealand: https://www.airnewzealand.co.nz/
Jetstar 捷星香港: https://www.jetstar.com/hk/zh/home

內陸機奧克蘭(Auckland )去但/坦尼丁 (Dunedin): https://www.aucklandairport.co.nz/information/arriving-from-overseas
Air New Zealand: https://www.airnewzealand.co.nz/
Jetstar 捷星香港: https://www.jetstar.com/hk/zh/home

/坦尼丁 (Dunedin) 机场官方网站: https://www.dunedinairport.co.nz/

Ouhksa - Otago University Hong Kong Student Association: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ouhksa/posts/?ref=notif

1) 廸昇海外升學中心: https://www.risesmart.com.hk/college/new-zealand-1/dunedin/public-college/university-of-otago/

2) IDP: https://www.idp.com/hongkong/studyabroad/destinations/newzealand/new-zealand-institution-list/university-of-otago

紐西蘭留學總費用每年大約HKD$340,000 (3年 無 Hons Degree)(4年 Hons Degree)

3) University of Canterbury (地震區) http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/
介紹: https://www.risesmart.com.hk/college/new-zealand-1/christchurch/private-college/university-of-canterbury/ (位置係南島, 係 Christchurch 基督城, 新西蘭航空有香港直航去基督城)
Application: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/enrol/
List of BA (有 Major Psychology): http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/regulations/academic-regulations/ba-200/ba-201/
2018 International Undergraduate Fee http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/get-started/fees/tuition-fee-structure/

BandSubject AreasUndergraduate Fee Based on 120 pointsUndergraduate Fee based on 15 points
1Arts and Social SciencesNZ     $  24,300
2Business and Accountancy$26,800$3,350
3Fine Arts and Law$28,800$3,600
4Science (including non-bench and Health Sciences)$30,300$3,788
7Communication Disorders and Forestry$34,900$4,363
Accommodation: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/life/accommodation/
> Halls of residence and villages: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/life/accommodation/halls/
2019 Accommodation Guide: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/media/documents/brochure/accommodation-guide.pdf
Bishop Julius Hall: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/life/accommodation/halls/bishop-julius/
2018 Fees: NZ$16,830 (38 weeks)
Payment 1: NZ   850 HKD~  4,760
Payment 2: NZ6,732 HKD~37,700
Payment 3: NZ6,732 HKD~37,700
Payment 4: NZ3,366 HKD~18,850
Total Halls Accommodation HKD~99,010

College House: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/life/accommodation/halls/college-house/ Fees: NZ $19,400
Rochester and Rutherford Hall: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/life/accommodation/halls/rochester-and-rutherford/   Fees: NZ $16,375
Sonoda Christchurch Campus: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/life/accommodation/halls/sonoda/ Fees: NZ$15,047 (41 weeks)
University Hall: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/life/accommodation/halls/university-hall/ Fees: NZ $13,366

Apply for a hall or village: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/life/accommodation/halls/apply/

> Homestay: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/life/accommodation/homestay-and-private-board/
Admission and University Entrance: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/enrol/eligibility/#d.en.108098
> Admission with international qualifications -- Hong Kong
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education at least 3 subjects achieved at Level 4
Bachelor's degrees: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/study/qualifications-and-courses/bachelors-degrees/

4) Victoria University of Wellington www.victoria.ac.nz
介紹: https://www.idp.com/hongkong/studyabroad/destinations/newzealand/new-zealand-university-list (位置係南島, 新西蘭航空有香港直航去惠靈頓)
1) Accommodation fees: https://www.victoria.ac.nz/accommodation/downloads/2019-chart-catered.pdf
2) Admission and University Entrance:https://www.victoria.ac.nz/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/283407/degree-application.pdf
HKDSE with at least 3 subjects achieved at Level 4 or higher

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 18-3-22 17:24 |只看該作者
小時了了 發表於 18-3-22 17:17
紐西蘭係 3 年大學啊!

Undergraduate study in Psychology: http://www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/en/about/sub ...

本帖最後由 elbar 於 18-3-22 17:25 編輯

本帖最後由 elbar 於 18-3-22 17:25 編輯



小時了了    發表於 18-3-23 03:12

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 18-3-22 18:28 |只看該作者


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小時了了    發表於 18-3-23 03:12

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 18-3-23 12:02 |只看該作者
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無辨法, 以 大學學費 及 阿女興趣為首要考慮, 此刻可以有少少總結有4個地區阿女有可能性讀大學嘅國家及科目:

1) 中國
http://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment ... heme_2017/ebook.pdf
學費: 一年人民幣 5,000 (CNY 1 : HKD 1.2424 ~HK$6,198)

如果需要返內地讀, 暫時阿女有興趣科目: 中文, 中史, 考古
心儀大學次序: 北京大學 > 中國人民大學 > 東北大學 > 廈門大學 (呢間要讀商科, 商科係全英文教授)

2) 日本 - e.g.  Osaka University (大阪大學)
Tuition per year: 535,800 yen (JPY1 : HKD 0.0748 ~HK$40,108.627) (for the 2017 school year)

如果需要去日本讀, 暫時阿女有興趣科目: 心理學

3) 新加坡: - e.g. National University of Singapore (NUS) (新加坡國立大學)
2017-2018 International Students Tuition Fees (Inclusive of GST)(必須要留新加坡3年工作才是以下學費)http://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/info/ug/UGTuitionCurrent.pdf (SGD 1: HKD 5.9698)
i) Arts and Social Sciences per year: SGD 17,450  (~HK$104,703.540)
ii) Business per year: SGD 20,450 (~HK$122,074.538)

如果需要去新加坡讀, 可以讀心理學

4) 留香港 - e.g. 浸會大學
http://admission.hkbu.edu.hk/en/fees.html 2018-19 local students (HK$42,100)
如果留香港讀, 暫時阿女有興趣科目職業治療, 中文, 中史, 心理學.....

下一步, 就係開始帶阿女去香港各大學 Info Day, 等佢了解各學科, 從而中三選科時有所啟發

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 18-3-23 15:19 |只看該作者
回覆 小時了了 的帖子

你家姐的囡囡如何受到種族歧視? 聽完真是好不開心.

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 18-3-23 15:57 |只看該作者
aa06 發表於 18-3-23 15:19
回覆 小時了了 的帖子

你家姐的囡囡如何受到種族歧視? 聽完真是好不開心.
嗯! 其中一次經歷係家姐的囡囡係街, 有一架洋鬼子私家車駛過時特登較低窗向佢吐口水, 好準, 吐中佢.

我諗 4 哥細女仲多辛酸種族歧視經歷. 4 哥, 再講多啲

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 18-3-23 16:28 |只看該作者
小時了了 發表於 18-3-23 12:02
無辨法, 以 大學學費 及 阿女興趣為首要考慮, 此刻可以有少少總結有4個地區阿女有可能性讀大學嘅國家及科目 ...

本帖最後由 elbar 於 18-3-24 06:38 編輯

本帖最後由 elbar 於 18-3-24 06:38 編輯

本帖最後由 elbar 於 18-3-23 16:38 編輯


National University of Singapore
Nanyang Technological University
University of Hong Kong
Chinese University of Hong Kong

Peking University
Tsinghua University
Fudan University
University of Hong Kong
Chinese University of Hong Kong

National Taiwan University
文科 - CUHK, HKU
物治,職治 - HKPolyU


小時了了    發表於 18-3-23 16:37

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 18-3-25 17:14 |只看該作者
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2018年3月24日 星期六 : 北大元培學院副院長李沉簡 《挺直脊樑 拒做犬儒》全文
https://news.mingpao.com/ins/ins ... thash.q9T4tHaB.gbpl

有傳為示抗議中共中央提出刪除國家主席任期限制的修憲內容,北京大學元培學院常務副院長李沉簡,上月28日發表題為《挺直脊樑 拒做犬儒》的文章,當中提及1919年五四運動前後的北大校長蔡元培,當初第一次請辭,就是抗議1917年張勳復辟清朝。這篇文章經早前廣泛流傳後,近日幾已被全部刪除。惟據傳,李沉簡和元培學院院長鄂維南,及另一副院長張旭東,已經集體辭職。

《挺直脊樑 拒做犬儒》原文如下



Freedom is never free. 自由從來不是天上掉下來的,而是有骨氣的人們付出沉重的代價換來的,其中北大的先人多有這樣的典範:胡適一輩子敢於批評蔣介石和國民黨專制;馬寅初堅持自己的學術觀點,在批判之下拒不認錯;林昭在瘋狂的文革年代毫不退縮,隻身和反人類的罪惡鬥爭到底,直至被槍殺。北大之所以成為中國神聖的殿堂,不僅因為她有思想,更因為她有為了理念不惜付出一切的師生。





Where there is darkness,may we bring light

Where there is despair, may we bring hope

Where there is doubt, may we bring faith

Where there is hatred, may we bring love


北大一二〇 ,師生挺直脊樑。



2018年3月24日 星期六 : https://news.mingpao.com/ins/instantnews/web_tc/article/20180324/s00004/1521905456732


這篇文章(挺直脊梁 拒做犬儒——戊戌雙甲子,北大一二○紀念〉,最早於本月22日(周四),由微信公號「大帥直通」發出,隨後廣泛流傳,北大討論區「未名BBS」亦有轉載,但目前幾乎全遭刪除,網傳的消息還稱,有元培學院教師致電學生,要求刪除轉發的文章。




Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 18-3-25 17:25 |只看該作者
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小時了了 發表於 18-3-25 17:14

1) 都柏林聖三一學院 Trinity College Dublin ( TCD ) ,成立於1592年,是愛爾蘭最古老的大學 https://www.tcd.ie/

1) Undergraduate Programmes: http://www.tcd.ie/courses/undergraduate/faculty/ ; https://www.tcd.ie/structure/ ; https://www.tcd.ie/study/assets/PDF/Trinity_Undergrad_Prospectus_2018_Web.pdf

2) Academic Entry Requirements: http://www.tcd.ie/study/country/hong-kong/
Minimum Entry Requirements:
Six subjects to include English, mathematics and a language *other than English. A minimum of three core subjects at level 4 or above and two elective subjects at level 4.
(*Level 4 in another language can be accepted in lieu of Core Chinese to satisfy minimum entry requirements)

Specific Course Requirements:
Where specific course requirements state a Grade C at A Level/H4 at Higher Level, HKDSE Level 4 will be required. (except for mathematics where Level 5 will be required for courses such as Engineering).

Conditional Offers:
Will be based on core and elective subjects (excluding Liberal Studies and Chinese). The levels required will depend on the competitiveness of the course being applied for.

考評局 內Trinity College Dublin(TCD)DSE 要求: http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/DocLibrary/IR/ireland/HKDSE/P-IRE-010_Trinity_College_Dublin_2015.pdf or http://www.hkosc.com.hk/home/school/detail/id/1321/title/Trinity+College+Dublin%2C+the+University+of+Dublin.html

2018年7月 Kim Boyle (Trinity College Dublin Regional Officer) e-mail reply in HKDSE Undergraduate entry requirements:
- 4 minimum for the core subjects: Chinese, English and Math

- 4 minimum on the electives, one or two 5 (probably 2 for psychology which is very competitive) in the one or two of following: English, Math, electives 1 and electives 2

3) Application fee:  
4) Tuition fees: https://www.tcd.ie/study/undergraduate/fee-finances/ ;
http://www.tcd.ie/academicregistry/fees-payments/course-fees/ ;
https://www.tcd.ie/academicregistry/fees-payments/assets/world/UG%20Fees%20NEU%201819_v3.pdf €19,123(~HKD191,230)
5) Sports Centre fees: €120(~HKD1,200)
6) USI Levy fees: €8(~HKD80)
7) Commencement fee (only for Y3):135(~HKD1,350)
8) Accommodation: https://www.tcd.ie/study/international/before-arrival/accommodation/index.php ; https://www.tcd.ie/accommodation/getting-rooms/
> Trinity Hall : https://www.tcd.ie/accommodation/getting-rooms/rates/student-rates.php
B.A. Psychology: http://psychology.tcd.ie/ ;
https://www.tcd.ie/courses/undergraduate/az/course.php?id=DUBPS-PSYC-1F09 (4年) (畢業能即刻註冊成為愛爾蘭心理學學會 graduate membership of the Psychological Society of Ireland)
Agents: https://www.tcd.ie/study/country/hong-kong/

2) National University of Ireland, Galway: http://www.nuigalway.ie/international-students/yourcountry/hongkong/
2) Academic Entry Requirements: Programmes in Humanities, Business and Law
HKDSE should include at least 5 subjects.  Students must obtain Levels 5,4,3,3 in English  Language, Liberal Studie,  Chinese and Mathematics, respectively.  Any electives should be passed with at least Level 3.
3) Tuition fees: http://www.nuigalway.ie/international-students/feesfinance/non-euundergraduate/
Business, Law and Arts Programme > €12,750 (~HKD127,500)
4) Courses: http://www.nuigalway.ie/courses/undergraduate-courses/
5) Accommodation:
6) Agents: http://www.nuigalway.ie/international-students/yourcountry/hongkong/#tab3
7) 都柏林Dublin怎么到高威Galway http://ask.qyer.com/question/3525593.html
> 巴士 3 個鐘頭
https://www.citylink.ie/timetables or http://www.buseireann.ie/; 票價在這裡:https://www.citylink.ie/fares
> [ 愛爾蘭旅行 ] 都柏林到高威(Galway)+高威 https://www.ashleybu.com/archives/331
> 愛爾蘭旅遊.高威來回都柏林市區交通總整理:火車Irish Rail http://ct2city.com/to-galway/
> 愛爾蘭旅遊.高威來回都柏林機場及市區交通,實際搭乘cityLink客運票價、接駁位置、班次時刻表 http://ct2city.com/galway-citylink/
> 從都柏林到高威 https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/archive/index.php/t-347352.html
> 【爱尔兰】高威(Galway) http://www.mafengwo.cn/i/2916069.html
> 在都柏林下飞机去高威。怎么样寻找一个靠谱的接机车 http://www.mafengwo.cn/wenda/detail-6889661.html
> 翠綠愛爾蘭#1:都柏林、莫赫懸崖&高威 https://zooeyscott.weebly.com/travel/12

3) 都柏林大學 University College Dublin( UCD)創立於1854年,是愛爾蘭最大的大學 http://www.ucd.ie/ ; http://www.ucd.ie/international/study-at-ucd-global/
1) Undergraduate Programmes for HK students: http://www.ucd.ie/international/study-at-ucd-hk/what-can-i-study/undergraduate-programmes/
2) Academic Entry Requirements:

3) Tuition fees: http://www.ucd.ie/students/fees/noneucourse_fees.html
http://www.ucd.ie/students/fees/noneu_undergrad2018.html BSc Psychology €18,700 (~HKD175,471.45)
BSc (Hons) Psychology (Length of Course: 3 Years)(畢業未能即刻註冊成為愛爾蘭心理學學會會員): https://www.myucd.ie/courses/social-sciences/psychology/
BSc (Hons) Psychology pathway (2年 Master):

4) Occasional & Study Abroad fees: http://www.ucd.ie/students/fees/noneucourse_fees.html
5) Undergraduate Certificate and Diploma Fees: http://www.ucd.ie/students/fees/noneucourse_fees.html
6) Healthcare Screening cost : €225 (~HKD2,111).
7) General Fees :
8) Student Contribution and Student Centre Levy charges: http://www.ucd.ie/students/fees/studentcontribution.html
9) Application Fee:  €50 (~HKD500) http://www.ucd.ie/international/study-at-ucd-global/how-to-apply/
10) Residences:  http://www.ucd.ie/residences/  ; https://sisweb.ucd.ie/usis/W_HU_REPORTING.P_LAUNCH_REPORT?p_report=AC710&p_parameters=52BECC7BC859F0153977DD7F3330138C0BBAA29454A03DDABB6FBEEBC36282344E136D28BC3AF36721AFE3FCAE78E7F5B5976B4662837C5747147373AB066B06
31st August 2017 to 21st May 2018: €6,757 (~HKD63,404.3095)
11) 生活費如車費、食飯費:(~HKD80,000)

12) Agents: http://www.ucd.ie/international/study-at-ucd-hk/what-can-i-study/undergraduate-programmes/
Total 愛爾蘭留學費用大約:HKD350,000 / 年

4) 科克大學( UCC )成立於1845年 https://www.ucc.ie/en/

5) 愛爾蘭國立高威大學( NUIG )成立於1845年 http://www.nuigalway.ie/

6) 都柏林城市大學( DCU)成立於1980年 http://www.dcu.ie/

7) 利默里克大學( UL)成立於1972年 https://www.ul.ie/

8) 愛爾蘭國立梅努斯大學( NUIM )創立於1795年https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/

工作假期造就異地情 港女愛爾蘭落地生根: https://paper.hket.com/article/2115046/?r=mcsdfb2

愛爾蘭治安- 在都柏林千萬別當低頭族!http://littlefatlegs.pixnet.net/blog/post/185356933-%5B%E6%84%9B%E7%88%BE%E8%98%AD%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB%5D-%E6%84%9B%E7%88%BE%E8%98%AD%E6%B2%BB%E5%AE%89---%E5%9C%A8%E9%83%BD%E6%9F%8F%E6%9E%97%E5%8D%83%E8%90%AC%E5%88%A5%E7%95%B6

愛爾蘭租屋: http://littlefatlegs.pixnet.net/blog/post/175795936-%5b%E7%A7%9F%E5%B1%8B%E9%9C%80%E7%9F%A5%5d-%E6%84%9B%E7%88%BE%E8%98%AD%E7%A7%9F%E6%88%BF%E5%88%86%E4%BA%AB

愛爾蘭難搵工: http://littlefatlegs.pixnet.net/blog/post/177431104-%5b%e6%84%9b%e7%88%be%e8%98%ad%e6%89%93%e5%b7%a5%e5%ba%a6%e5%81%87%5d--%e9%97%9c%e6%96%bc%e5%9c%a8%e6%84%9b%e7%88%be%e8%98%ad%e6%89%be%e5%b7%a5%e4%bd%9c%e5%bf%83%e5%be%97

愛爾蘭 Blog: https://tags.pixnet.net/blog/user/littlefatlegs/%E6%84%9B%E7%88%BE%E8%98%AD

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 18-3-25 17:47 |只看該作者
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2018年4月13日北京大学香港招生宣讲会通知: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/U0z5vqPQ0pekT3-DP2NiVg








阅读原文 https://www.wjx.top/m/21716299.aspx < ---- 如大家有興趣,按這條 "link" 報名出席。   

心地好嘅 EK 網友知我一直留意北大香港招生事宜,PM 我下個月4月北大係女拔舉行嘅香港學生招生會。



musnis    發表於 18-4-11 12:52

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 18-3-26 17:21 |只看該作者



Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 18-3-27 10:02 |只看該作者
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munce 發表於 18-3-26 17:21


University of Cambridge
University College London
London School of Economics and Political Science

The Australian National University
University of Sydney
University of New South Wales

University of Auckland




Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 18-4-12 10:25 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 18-7-7 11:53 編輯

2018-04-12: http://std.stheadline.com/daily/news-content.php?id=1782134&target=2







英國退歐,愛爾蘭就業機會大增 https://seda.college/英國退歐%EF%BC%8C愛爾蘭就業機會大增/






拿著這樣一份含金量極高的Reference Letter,今後對我們在愛爾蘭的求職,助益良多。不僅如此,實習期間,公司老員工對你的傳幫帶,教授給你的工作技巧更是無形的財富。俗話說,生活是最好的課堂,直接投身于英語工作環境,你的英文水平也必然突飛猛進。相比于兼職著眼當下,實習更多是放眼未來。



就業前景悲觀 近1/3愛爾蘭畢業生出國 http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/12/8/8/n3654376.htm


而學聯主席約翰•羅格(John Logue)說很多畢業生看到自己的簡歷被放到200份申請的最下面時非常沮喪,甚至感到絕望。這些出國求職的人擁有學位和金融背景,沒有理由期待他們會回來。


7 Sectors Growing in Ireland: https://www.cpl.ie/Blog/finding- ... -booming-in-Ireland

Ireland’s Future Skills Needs to 2020: https://www.dit.ie/media/careers ... %20Needs%202010.pdf

The top nine jobs of the future – will you be employed?https://www.independent.ie/business/technology/news/the-top-nine-jobs-of-the-future-will-you-be-employed-35751859.html

As industries change and evolve, there is a risk of many roles becoming redundant, with this in mind, the world's largest job site Indeed, has compiled a snapshot of future-proofed roles for Ireland.

1. Cyber security expert
Not only is Dublin a booming tech hub that more than 1,200 multinationals call home, but it also currently has the second highest share of cyber security roles advertised in the world, a recent Indeed study has found.
Speaking exclusively to Independent.ie, Indeed EMEA economist Mariano Mamertino said that “Ireland in a good place for cyber roles, and Ireland is becoming more attractive for skilled workers, in particular cross EU borders it is an attractive destination, and becoming even more attractive as a consequence of Brexit.”

2. Data scientist
Employees who combine technical and scientific expertise, with the ability to find important stories in mass information will be in high demand.
“The STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) roles are producing skills which are in the highest demand in the labour market at the moment, studying these subjects is good insurance on your future career and labour market outcomes” Mamertino says.

3. Healthcare professionals
With medical advances and improving diets, people are living longer. The healthcare sector will continue to grow in Ireland, with the number of people aged 85 years or older in Ireland to rise almost fivefold, according to the centre for ageing research and development in Ireland.
Last month Indeed confirmed that there were four nursing jobs available for each jobseeker in the sector, with A&E nursing jobs the hardest to fill.

4. Marketing, communications, and design
Creative professionals are likely to survive any threat from robots and “social intelligence and new media literacy are key skills to be cultivated” according to Indeed.
Digital marketing in particular has experienced recent growth, and this sector is expected to continue developing.

5. Delivery/Logistics management

While there has been a number of technological developments in this area, including drone delivery and driver-less vehicles, humans will always need to be involved in this sector to oversee the process and to ensure comprehensive management of the sector.
According to data from Indeed, “consumer demand has driven an 83pc increase in delivery driver roles over the last 12 months.”

6. Human resources
Companies are facing an increased struggle to attract and retain top talent. Human resource professionals, in particular those who have a data driven human resource strategy combined with emotional intelligence will become key.

7. Gig worker
The gig workers are those who can work independently and with a high degree of autonomy. The relationship between the worker and the company is purely short-term.
Speaking at the Small Firms Association annual conference, to Fiona Kenefick of Deloitte, said that businesses must embrace new ways if thinking about their companies, and, instead of the traditional hierarchical structure they should instil a more agile structure.

8. Education and training
There continues to be a strong demand in education and training roles. In particular, online learning is providing educators with opportunities to teach students based all over the world.
Added to this, there will be a growing importance of non-traditional learning like for example bootcamps, “bootcamps are a growing trend in the US, where companies send employees on intensive short training camps where they learn certain skills, for example coding,” Mamertino says.
For as long as the tech talent shortage persists, employers who tackle the problem with a range of solutions — whether through bootcamps or new hiring and recruiting models — will likely have the best chance of getting the talent they need, according to Indeed.

9. Chef
People will always need to eat, and let’s face it most people enjoy going out for a meal. Chefs have both creative intelligence and complex skills which will be very difficult to replace with robots in the future.
In Ireland, demand is higher than supply for skilled chefs, with 16pc of head chef and 10pc of sous chef positions still advertised on the Indeed website after 60 days.
Mariano Mamertino is EMEA Economist at the Indeed Hiring Lab. The research was carried out using real-time data on job seekers and employers behaviour.

Online Editors

Rank: 6Rank: 6

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