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安排子女入讀國際學校的原因 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 05-6-25 14:08 |只看該作者



§ 吾家三寶 §

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-25 15:17 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

1) 主流學校教會中文; 國際學校教會英文.

2) 主流學校教會做題; 國際學校教會讀書.


香港最衰係考試制度, 考試制度逼得家長逼學校, 學校逼老師, 老師逼學生. 等到學生成人後, 無人逼, 就想補返以前冇機會玩D野.

香港教育係"該玩時冇得玩, 該用功時不想用功".

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-6-25 19:05 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

Not enough Chinese is one main reason (apart from $$$$) of not entering IS at early age.  Now there are more new DSS primary, which use Chinese as the teaching media, and use the activity based approach of IS.  Yet they are too new and we don't know whether they are reliable and effective.  So really don't know how to do.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-25 19:19 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

i wonder why are you not confident with local schools? i think most of us graduated from local schools. how bad they are? are u not happy with them? why? I always think that sometimes it is not the problem of education system. parents also have the responsibility to educate the kids.

I do think the present curriculum of local schools gives time to reading and activities. But I know some very traditional school still rely on like memory. That is pretty bad. I think parents have to be careful in choosing schools.

The only reason for me to put my kid in international school is to provide an english speaking environment for her which can actually be achieved at home. so... i dun think i will put her into international school

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-6-25 20:12 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

hollyfong 寫道:
i wonder why are you not confident with local schools? i think most of us graduated from local schools. how bad they are? are u not happy with them? why? I always think that sometimes it is not the problem of education system. parents also have the responsibility to educate the kids.

I do think the present curriculum of local schools gives time to reading and activities. But I know some very traditional school still rely on like memory. That is pretty bad. I think parents have to be careful in choosing schools.

The only reason for me to put my kid in international school is to provide an english speaking environment for her which can actually be achieved at home. so... i dun think i will put her into international school

So which local school you will recommend?  DGS/DBS are good schools which emphasize very much on reading, but as you know it is not easy to get in.  In the average local schools, they still expect students to memorize all model answers.

English standard can be trained at home at early age, but when the kid grows up, it is very difficult (or no longer possible) to continue at home by parents.  If we want the kids to be exposed to English environment and learn by self-motivation continuously, it may be better to send them to IS.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-25 21:22 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

我的原因係: 第一, 我地在家好少講英文,一種語言要流利相信同有冇機會講有好大關係.所以我會選國際學校可以給佢地多d機會去講 第二我本身係教普通話, 所以普通話同廣東話我自己會教.英文只好交給別人去教.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-6-27 16:54 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

中文可以自己教,NO PROBLEM
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-27 20:10 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

我覺得俾小朋友讀國際學校, 學好英文當然係最重要因素之一. 但另一重要因素係學會獨立思考的學習方法.

活動教學比傳統教學進了一大步, 更人性化. 但培養小朋友獨立思考的能力, 活動教學並不足夠.

舉一例, 教小學生大豆發芽. 傳統教學主要係老師在課室講, 最多俾小朋友睇下大豆芽實物. 活動教學會要求小朋友參與一起發大豆芽. 但最好的方法, 是俾小朋友自己揾資料, 自己發現大豆發芽需要什麼環境, 每日會長幾多, 每日影張相, 量下有幾長, 發現初生葉為單葉或是雙葉, 等等. 最後做成一張poster. 同學間比較, 互相學習.

我地香港教育, 好多學校係停在傳統教學方法上. 活動教學的學校, 父母都趨之若鶩. 但香港能教育小朋友獨立思考能力的學校, 係少之又少.

想像下, 如果有兩位小朋友, 一位讀傳統學校, 一位讀的學校處處以培養獨立思考為出發點. 十年後, 兩位小朋友會有幾大差別?

當然有人會講, 不會考試會獨立思考, 考不上大學有乜用? 哈哈, 事實上, 美國最好的大學, 揾的正是有獨立思考能力的學生.

回到原題, 點解安排子女入讀國際學校? 我覺得最主要就係學好英文, 培養獨立思考能力.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-6-27 21:20 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

阿胡 寫道:
我覺得俾小朋友讀國際學校, 學好英文當然係最重要因素之一. 但另一重要因素係學會獨立思考的學習方法.

回到原題, 點解安排子女入讀國際學校? 我覺得最主要就係學好英文, 培養獨立思考能力.

Agree, I have also said the same before.  However, I also heard that students in IS vary a lot, some even take drugs... Did you know or notice such phenomenon in IS secondary, e.g. in ESF?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-27 22:38 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

WYmom 寫道:

Agree, I have also said the same before.  However, I also heard that students in IS vary a lot, some even take drugs... Did you know or notice such phenomenon in IS secondary, e.g. in ESF?

是, 毒品確實是國際學校的問題之一. 一個學生會不會用毒品, 在事情發生前都會有跡可循的. 基本上, 華人學生用毒品少, 成績好的學生用毒品少, 輿父母交流多的學生用毒品少. 最有機會用毒品是白人+成績差差+喜歡搖滾樂的學生. 如果我仔女的朋友是這類人, 我會很擔心.

通常一個好好的學生不會突然出現毒品的問題. 當父母發現孩子吸毒,  該父母早就應知道孩子出現問題了.

發表於 05-6-27 22:57 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-27 23:06 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

Annie123 寫道:
WYmom 寫道:

Agree, I have also said the same before.  However, I also heard that students in IS vary a lot, some even take drugs... Did you know or notice such phenomenon in IS secondary, e.g. in ESF?

你認為只有讀國際學校的學生 take drugs?

我相信壞份子無處不在,大家經常將國際學校學生的 drug problems 掛在咀邊,其實對大部份的國際學校學生真係好唔公平。坦白講,我都有些朋友的子女讀國際學校中學部 ( incl 英基),情形並非如出面 "傳言" 一般。

作為家長,我覺得我其中一個責任就係,要教我的子女,分辨是非,不要因為受到朋輩壓力,就做出不當的行為,要在某些情形下 "say no";無論是讀國際學校,或者時主流學校,都應這樣,同意嗎?

WYmom 並無認為國際學校學生人人都take drugs. 事實上, 國際學校學生用毒品的只是少數.  

發表於 05-6-27 23:24 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-6-28 06:25 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

Annie123 寫道:
你認為只有讀國際學校的學生 take drugs?


I have never 認為只有讀國際學校的學生 take drugs, I heard about some cases, so worry about the actual situation.  This is a very very very wrong comments to me.

I of course understand that parents have the responsibility, yet if you have teens, you will understand that teens are much more independent, they spend a lot of spare time with their classmates, they can go out freely on their own in secondary, so parents have a lot less control on their kids.  Though we will always remind our kids to behave well, to be alert of bad guys, the kids may still be tempted to take drugs.  So I am asking about the phenomenon from an experienced parent.

The chance of having a friend taking drugs in IS may be higher than in band 1 local secondary schools, as in IS, the quality of students vary much more and there are different nationalities and culture.  The students are also coming from wealthier families, so they may have a lot of money to spend and they can go on the wrong track easier if the families are very loose to them.

If you have more experience of handling teens in IS, pls share.  

發表於 05-6-28 10:41 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-6-28 11:00 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因


Agree with you, in fact I am quite confident with my own daughters, but just cannot control the quality of her peers.  You know, there are more worries for girls... In IS, the culture is more liberal, in terms of some values, such as sex, dating etc.  I see some of my daughter's friends (P.5 to 6, some from local, some from IS) already talk about sex, girl and boy friends etc., they are not talking about dirty things, but obviously they are very curious as they are growing into the teen ages.  Our kids mature (physically) earlier now, yet not mentally, so we have to worry even more.  

Anyway, thanks for sharing.

發表於 05-6-28 11:16 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

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發表於 05-6-28 11:36 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-6-28 11:43 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因


I think what I like to say is, joining IS is not just because of its English environment, culture is also an important aspect to consider.  My perception of IS is quite blurred, so need more time to understand better.

Just sharing: I have a nephew who studied all the time in England since birth (his Chinese parents moved there for many years).  Now he has graduated from U but still did not work and live on his parents' wealth.  Yet he has lived apart for many years with his friends, seldom see his old parents.  So I am not quite sure if my kids will become "so" independent at the end which I may not really prefer.

發表於 05-6-28 12:07 |只看該作者

Re: 安排子女入讀國際學校的原因

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