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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ESF foundation schools
樓主: Moonlight819

ESF foundation schools   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-2-17 10:25 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 何B仔Adrian 於 17-2-17 10:33 編輯

見有人講開ESF TC, 其實ESF TC也不是對個個學生都WARM, 其實間間學校都有開心和不開心的學生和家長, 我的是不幸的其中一份子. 不敢在此多說什麼, 不敢說學校不好, 只想說人夾人緣, 我的孩子跟班主任擦不出愛火花, 然後好像被遺棄, 好在EAs仍對他很熱情. 班主任更在11月初召家長到學校面談, 她著我們多找好幾個back up plans, 因為以我孩子的表現, 任何一間ESF & PIS不會有機會. 此打擊很大, 我失去緊餘的丁點信心, 我還懇求班主任多多幫我孩子, 但我沒有放棄, 每天上班無論如何忙, 都不忘跟孩子閱讀, 劃圖畫, 寫字, 傾心事... 好在孩子掙氣, back up plans用不上.  ESF TC現在可能一地眼鏡!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 17-2-17 10:34 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-2-17 10:38 |只看該作者
回覆 何B仔Adrian 的帖子


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-2-17 10:40 |只看該作者
何B仔Adrian 發表於 17-2-17 10:25
見有人講開ESF TC, 其實ESF TC也不是對個個學生都WARM, 其實間間學校都有開心和不開心的學生和家長, 我的是 ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 17-2-17 10:55 |只看該作者
Ok, my kid got ESF Year 1 offer, here's what I see and know:
1. ESF primary provides very clear advantage to the ESF kindy (other JMs said already, not repeating here), if you are still blaming the kindy, well, please don't go coz you're looking for 100% sure of primary offer that ESF clearly said kindy was not part of the ESF through train. Probably you should go to ICS, YCIS (I'm not user so not sure) that kind of school.

2.  Failing ESF interviews might indicate you child's sub-standard language proficiency, was in bad shape during interview, had immature (at their age) behaviour such as fighting, snatching others' toys, very rude, cried..., parents failed their interview with the P or VP (which I wonder, why no one tried to find reasons from his/her own-self?)

3. I haven't heard any ESF kindy kids "failed" the interview (from whom I know). If they are on waiting list, then they well-knew before the interview, and the result in reserved list is very much expectable, why so angry? Even in reserved list, you still have very high chance of getting an offer in the end, just at a later stage.

4. ESF Kindy principal told us if you don't have other higher priority, having just the kindy priority, you should apply a couple other IS as back-ups. Why many parents didn't follow and now panic?

5. Language proficiency is from family more than from school (please compare the time!). I do hear a handful RC rejected cases that the kids are quiet, the parents' English is not very good (clear clear mistakes in some very common speaking, not to mention the accent). If you think the ESF kindy teachers are superwomen, probably you should wake up now and try to look for a school taught by supermen/superwomen.

6. Potential ESF kindy parents, please think clearly what you really want, before accepting ESF's kindy offer. It's a happy school, kids won't be writing in K1-K2 (if they are not ready), they can't recognize the words, their Chinese level is just for fun, they can't be compatible with the local kindy kids at same level in terms of literacy and probably other academic aspects.

7. I am happy with ESF and appreciate the cooperation between the primary schools and kindies! Honestly, there is not much to be blamed and if you get rejected after all these they've done for you, (I know it's hard for you, sorry it's true!) then you should look into your kid and yourself which probably you can find the answer.

8. There's no perfect school, no perfect student, only a suitable school for a suitable kid.

GOOD LUCK for those on reserved list, I hope you'll get the offer soon!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-2-17 11:06 |只看該作者
breezy2012 發表於 17-2-17 10:55
Ok, my kid got ESF Year 1 offer, here's what I see and know:
1. ESF primary provides very clear adva ...

Well said! 入得ESF kindy就唔好輸打贏要

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 17-2-17 11:08 |只看該作者
何B仔Adrian 發表於 17-2-17 10:25
見有人講開ESF TC, 其實ESF TC也不是對個個學生都WARM, 其實間間學校都有開心和不開心的學生和家長, 我的是 ...

我小朋友班主任都有叫我地一定要有back up plan,相信佢對個個家長都係咁講,


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-2-17 11:14 |只看該作者
貝珠 發表於 17-2-17 10:40
RC, 雖然成功有Offer, 但仍不敢鬆懈, 仍繼續多閱讀同寫寫劃劃, 為Y1作準備.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-2-17 11:39 |只看該作者
不要誤會, 就算沒offer, 我不敢埋怨ESF TC, 亦不會埋怨小朋友做得不好, 由於自己孩子是12月中細B, 有幸得ESF TC收留, 我亦感恩, 但開壞個頭 (開學時試過校長打電話來著他不要上學數天, 其實他只是未適應) 人緣夾不上我有什麼可說? 此不限於ESF TC, 其他學校也時有聽聞.  但很多時參加學校event, 眼見班主任如此冷漠對他, 好像透明般, 加上聽到校車姨姨所見, 有點心痛, 好在ESF TC 的EAs 很有愛心, 他仍喜歡ESF TC, 不境孩子有得玩便開心, 他不懂人情細顧, 老師的冷漠他亦不知.  我只好多給孩子關心同時間, 這是我可做的, 其他管不了.  盡量做好自己啦, 心知不能依賴學校.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-2-17 11:57 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 何B仔Adrian 於 17-2-17 11:59 編輯

說回讀IS既中文水平, 因我家的大兒子也是讀IS, 中文水平的真的一般, 無論怎努力惡補也幫不上他, 他已經被編入較高級的中文班(非CSL, 而是中文是母語的班別), 他往往只應付了默書便算, 默書過後就忘記得一乾二淨. 我不停的跟他閱讀中文故事書, 讀報紙, 補習, 他仍是這樣, Y4了, 但不如K3水平, 心力交碎, 不知如何是好.

Rank: 4

發表於 17-2-17 12:36 |只看該作者


原帖由 何B仔Adrian 於 17-02-17 發表
RC, 雖然成功有Offer, 但仍不敢鬆懈, 仍繼續多閱讀同寫寫劃劃, 為Y1作準備.
Congrats👍 我很喜歡RC, 小女有幸能夠和你小孩做同學. 如果之後有ESF school offer, 你會轉讀嗎?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-2-17 14:13 |只看該作者
panda_k 發表於 17-2-17 12:36
Congrats👍 我很喜歡RC, 小女有幸能夠和你小孩做同學. 如果之後有ESF school offer, 你會轉讀嗎?

我們都鐘情RC, 希望將來大家多多交流.

Rank: 4

發表於 17-2-17 14:33 |只看該作者


原帖由 何B仔Adrian 於 17-02-17 發表
我們都鐘情RC, 希望將來大家多多交流.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 17-2-17 14:46 |只看該作者
koala_xin 發表於 17-2-17 10:08
回覆 AIW 的帖子

學術水平差異的具體原因,我也唔知。只講我認識的少少孩子中,香港大陸還有印度家庭,似 ...

本帖最後由 AIW 於 18-5-24 07:30 編輯

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-2-17 15:05 |只看該作者
breezy2012 發表於 17-2-17 10:34
Well well well, the ESF "Spokesperson" is now regretting and blaming ESF  honestly, I really  ...

I found it quite embarrassing (emoji)(emoji)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-2-17 16:10 |只看該作者
我無心說學校壞話或代言什麼, 是我對號入座好, 是我誤會好, 我只想講我既經歷和遭遇, 鼓勵家長努力準備, 不要放棄而已, 沒居心批評什麼.  其實我明白我孩子可能到其他kinder也會是這樣.  一班小朋友之中, 一定有乖巧的, 醒目的, 有些較遲緩的, 愛搗蛋的... 老師愛前者的, 或沒多餘空閒照顧每個學生都很理解, 問題是, 作為早期幼兒教育的老師, 是否可以對後者多丁點包容呢? 當然, 教育界仍然有很多有愛心的老師.  我清楚知道ESF遊戲規則, 明白 catachment/PIS offer 不是guarantee, 心恐沒offer也有找定後著.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-2-17 18:06 |只看該作者
For the child who has the offer, congratulations to his/her parents but there's no need to look down on those who have waiting and rejected children. There's no need to teach others how to teach their children as we're already doing the appropriate and similar things! We all know that some child has dropped into reserved lists because of the unlucky random number. As some mums said before her child may be bright and smart, but can't perform very well because of the characters. Of course we don't expect our teachers are superwoman or superman, but at least tell us the problem if our children have the weakness in meeting the requirements of primary. It seems that someone is really become the 'spokesperson' as she said. Please have the empathy of all the waiting or rejected parents!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-2-17 18:12 |只看該作者
Ok, I have really no such meaning, I have no right to look down or look up others, I better shut up! Thanks for your advice.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-2-17 18:15 |只看該作者
何B仔Adrian 發表於 17-2-17 18:12
Ok, I have really no such meaning, I have no right to look down or look up others, I better shut up! ...

No, I don't mean you. It's the other who has become the 'ESF spokesperson'!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-2-17 18:17 |只看該作者
何B仔Adrian 發表於 17-2-17 18:12
Ok, I have really no such meaning, I have no right to look down or look up others, I better shut up! ...

I appreciate your sharing of the real situation of the school and your experience!
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