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教育王國 討論區 聖若瑟小學 Prepare for transition to primary school...
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Prepare for transition to primary school... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-2-11 03:57 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Happy New Year, everyone!

My son will start studying in P.1 in St. Joseph's in September 2016.  Currently, he is in a kindergarten that emphasizes on exploring, learning to ask questions,and learning by doing. In other words, kids there don't write a lot of words, and have minimal academic training. The standard of academic English and Chinese, (especially English), is extremely low. i wonder how i could prepare my son for St Jo? I hope he will not be overwhelmed!
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-2-14 22:47 |只看該作者
回覆 mommiesaresuper 的帖子

Hi mommiesaresuper, don't worry! There is enough time! You can train your son in academic aspects before Sep. As you know, this school is not an easy one. You'd better to help him build up the academic foundation as soon as possible before too late. I think you can train your son by teaching him more Chinese and Eng words, spelling, writing and dictating more Chinese words. Reading is also good and important to him. From my experience, if you are a working mother, I am afraid you will not have enough time to help him. I need to work. Last year, I found it difficult for me to spare time to help my son because I am so busy and he is also busy in homework, dictation, reports, test, exam.........So I finally found a suitable tutorial centre for him. This centre experts in tutoring Saint Joseph's primary students and there is small tutorial group. The tutors are responsible and there is really great improvement in my son's result. Are you a working mother? If you really need the information of this tutorial centre, you can PM me. But it is always full, you can try if you can enroll in the P1 preparation summer course. I hope I can help you.
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