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大學捷徑   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-12-4 11:37 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Artie 於 16-3-4 12:20 編輯
annie40 發表於 15-12-4 11:09
Dear Artie,

Thank you for your lovely support.  


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 15-12-4 12:06 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 judy 於 15-12-4 12:30 編輯

回覆 nintendo 的帖子

講清楚的好。最怕有 D 人真係以為咁著數, 29 分入到大學。

大學學位依家多到周街係。D人以為著數嘅唔係託話入大學,而係話入所謂嘅"神科"。現在係有啲人入咗"神科"後,有意無意間偷换概念: 我IB40分先入到(其實係"神科"),我都唔明點解人地話易入大學云云。

IBDP 35 HKDSE 21 (best 5) 5**,5*=6, 5=5, maths 5**,5*=3, 5=2.5
IBDP 38 HKDSE 24 (best 5)


DSE: 5**=145; 5*=130; 5=120; 4=80; 4=40
IB       7=130; 6=110; 5=80; 4=50; 3=20.


2.  AL大學讀3年,DSE讀4年。
3.  DSE和AL 都係香港學生,考取5** (好成績)同樣困難,差不多相同%。
4.  大學收生,是收最top某%的學生,AL也好,DSE也好,都是最top某%的學生才能入學。

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 15-12-4 12:12 |只看該作者
朋友間沒有這些經驗,唯有查清楚,總體有點心理準。最後成績如何,還要等明年考完試才確定。也許考試失手,又決定唔take gap year,高高興興上學去,就一天光洒。



daisychan  Totally agree. That's what I did before.  發表於 15-12-6 13:58
annie40  agreed. Thank you.  發表於 15-12-4 13:48

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-12-4 12:13 |只看該作者
回覆 annie40 的帖子

For Oxbridge application, definitely too late for this year. If still target at Oxbridge next year (2017), taking a gap year with interesting experience is far better choice than taking a year 1 UG somewhere such as HKU, because both Oxbridge are reluctantly to accept candidate from other University transfer (and you can't hide this information in your application).  If she finally get the grade (44) and  a decent personal statement with interesting gap year experience, she can get in Oxbridge.

For back-up option (in case she want to start uni this year 2016), still not too late to apply HK uni and UK uni. And high change to get accepted too.

For enrollment fee, most of UK and US Uni do not take 番位費 as such for defer entry, if they allow you for 2017 entry. But the  thing is when you hold a place for deferred entry at that school, you may not be able to apply other university through UCAS again in 2017.

For my opinion, I would let the child to decide for their future pathway at this stage. Smart students  sometime don't follow our (parents) thought that  Oxbridge in UK or Ivies in US are dream schools;  because they clearly know what they are looking for in schools, and those schools just don't provide. If you don't give them space, they can''t fly.  勉強冇幸福 !

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 15-12-4 12:42 |只看該作者
DSE: 5**=145; 5*=130; 5=120; 4=80; 4=40
IB       7=130; 6=110; 5=80; 4=50; 3=20.



Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 15-12-4 13:51 |只看該作者


原帖由 judy 於 15-12-04 發表
這個分數不是說考獲IB7差過DSE5**,而是話IB不細分更高的分數。有留意香港各項公開試成績的人或者有印象 ...
你引述的應是UCAS tariff table, 今年五月 UCAS 公佈2017年入學 tariff point 有更改, IB HL 7 会提升為等同 AL A* (之前是 between A and A*). UCAS 仍審核 DSE tariff point 会否有变动。 其次再講一次這個分數是给 IB certificate 用, 考 IB diplima 学生 tariff point 会用 IB 總分計, 不是每一科獨立計。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-12-4 14:06 |只看該作者
以至出現ib成績好,dse 成績差的情況出現

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-12-4 15:13 |只看該作者
annie40 發表於 15-12-3 22:05
回覆 slamai 的帖子

Thank you for all suggestions and information.  Would it be awkward that you app ...

U admission officers in HK may dislike transfer applicants from another U in HK.  However, I'm not aware that Oxbridge has similar practice.  Of course, they'd like to know why the candidate failed to apply the year before.  They'd also like to know the candidate's exam results and what s/he is doing during the year, concentrating on whether these activities will be beneficial to the candidate with reference to the course applied for.  Taking a gap year can be tricky if the planned activities are not regarded as worthwhile according to the admission officer.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-12-4 15:30 |只看該作者
samsam123321 發表於 15-12-4 14:06
以至出現ib成績好,dse 成績差的情況出現 ...
One point can be sure, i.e. those who take DSE are stronger in Chinese while those who take IB are stronger in English.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 15-12-4 15:31 |只看該作者
poonseelai 發表於 15-12-4 13:51
你引述的應是UCAS tariff table, 今年五月 UCAS 公佈2017年入學 tariff point 有更改, IB HL 7 会提升為等 ...

A few parents are determined that DSE is harder than IB. In fact, one parent even said DSE is the hardest high school program IN THE WORLD. Oh wow.
Just let them believe what they want to believe.  What they THINK would not affect the competitiveness of IB students. We still see IB students going to top universities in Hong Kong and other countries.


daisychan    發表於 15-12-6 14:07

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 15-12-4 15:50 |只看該作者


原帖由 nintendo 於 15-12-04 發表
A few parents are determined that DSE is harder than IB. In fact, one parent even said DSE is the  ...
I am very tired of such kind of comparison. So I will simply provide information. If parents believe DSE is the most difficult  exam in the world, feel free to do so.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-12-4 15:54 |只看該作者
friendlyguy 發表於 15-12-3 18:46
Then please just apply to those degrees have such schemes.

But still, there is one less chance for ...

I must emphasize that I am referring to a very special case and not giving a general recommendation. In fact, I don't recommend forfeiting a place in Big 3 U's of HK unless the new target is Oxbridge or one of the top 10 U's in the world if the kid plans to return to HK.  I only advise from the view of a parent who is looking for the best opportunities for his/her kid and not from a socialist view.  If we talk about the overall benefits to the society in a broad sense, I'm of the opinion that my recommendation still holds.  Let a top student study one year in HK (for preparation of his/her return to HK after graduation) and a diligent associate degree holder complete his/her full degree has more benefits than admitting a mediocre student to read a degree and graduate with 3rd class or a pass.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-12-4 16:11 |只看該作者
manning2014 發表於 15-12-4 12:13
回覆 annie40 的帖子

For Oxbridge application, definitely too late for this year. If still target at ...

"both Oxbridge are reluctantly to accept candidate from other University transfer" is not relevant to our case here as the girl's PG is 44, which is well above the min. requirements and can more than compensate for any negative impact, if exists, due to the transfer.  Of course, other factors like written test, interview, personal statement, etc. are all very important.  For other cases, i.e. PG <44, I'd recommend the student to apply for other top U's of his/her preference immediately rather than planning something complicated.  Lastly, taking a gap year with neither a good reason nor time well spent will definitely not increase the chance of admission to Oxbridge, or rather the contrary.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-4 17:25 |只看該作者
回覆 manning2014 的帖子

Thank you so much for all helpful  information . It states facts and choices clearly that have relieved my stress.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-4 17:37 |只看該作者
For my opinion, I would let the child to decide for their future pathway at this stage. Smart students  sometime don't follow our (parents) thought that  Oxbridge in UK or Ivies in US are dream schools;  because they clearly know what they are looking for in schools, and those schools just don't provide. If you don't give them space, they can''t fly.  勉強冇幸福 !
xxxxxxxx.     xxxxxxxxx

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-4 17:52 |只看該作者
回覆 Artie 的帖子

Artie, 很多理性和感性的分享,只有䐉袋頻道十分接近的家長才會明白,否則總是誤會頻生,好事看成壞事,把壞事看成無事,日子久了,大家便活在十分驚恐的狀況下,因此有相近訊號來接收和輸出的朋友真好,生活總是充滿正能量。


ABC-DAD  海內存知己,天涯若彼隣  發表於 15-12-5 22:11
Artie  加油  發表於 15-12-5 12:10

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-4 17:59 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 annie40 於 15-12-4 18:14 編輯

回覆 slamai 的帖子


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-12-4 18:33 |只看該作者
回覆 slamai 的帖子

I quote here King's College, Cambridge as an example, please read for yourself.


Q) Can I apply if I am already a student at another University, or have completed a first degree?A) We usually do not accept applicants who are currently studying for an undergraduate degree at another UK university.

Simple English. Don't try to argue by saying that (1) only King's does, but not others, or (2) it does not say from another University somewhere else.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-12-4 23:38 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 friendlyguy 於 15-12-4 23:45 編輯

///The first one is to keep a healthy balance between work/study and rest after the DP exam as the first year of U life in HK is rather 'hea'. ///

As a graduate form one of the Us in Hong Kong, I don’t like your comment of first year of U life is rather `hea’. Yes, some students will be light hearted about the academic work after the intense competition of public exam and take the first year as honey moon year. But should we, as adult and their guidance, encourage them such an attitude? As I know, many students (including me) take the academic work very seriously from day one of school life.

///if the actual IB score is 44 or above, there should be scholarship offered to cover at least a full year's tuition fee///

As a tax payer, I would be very disappointed if one of top secondary student enjoys the subsidy of local U education and gets the scholarship just for one year’s `hea’ and goes abroad afterwards.

///IB students who study in IS/UK have very limited network locally.  Studying in a local U of HK for one year can broaden the girl's network here if she does not preclude coming back to HK. ///

I would be doubtful for an IB students who study in IS/UK can build up network in one year `hea’ local U life. May be someone is very sociable to do so. But a sociable person should be able to build up network easily without a year’s `hea’.

/// taking a U course keeps her in a 'study' mode which can prepare her for the Oxbridge interview in early Dec by enhancing her knowledge of the subject and help her become more mature///

If a student need a few months of U education in one of the Top 100 U in the world just for prepare for the Oxbridge interview, I think he/she may not have the potential.

///I must emphasize that I am referring to a very special case and not giving a general recommendation. In fact, I don't recommend forfeiting a place in Big 3 U's of HK unless the new target is Oxbridge or one of the top 10 U's in the world if the kid plans to return to HK. ///

Yes, I know. But what if this special situation becomes generalized? There are many first years’ students with high flying public exam. result. Have you think of the consequent if they all follow your pathway?

///I only advise from the view of a parent who is looking for the best opportunities for his/her kid///

Every parents look for the best opportunities for their kids. Do you feel the pain of a less privileged student and his/her parent precluded from University just because a well off student wants to have one year’s `hea’ before going abroad. This may be his/her only chance to enter university.

/// a top student study one year in HK (for preparation of his/her return to HK after graduation)///

Who guarantee he/she will go back to HK.

/// a diligent associate degree holder complete his/her full degree has more benefits than admitting a mediocre student to read a degree and graduate with 3rd class or a pass.///

Who can predict a mediocre student can only graduate with 3rd class or a pass? Besides, a mediocre student referringto in theory has a better public exam result and potential than the diligent associate degree holder.

No one can predict who will be more beneficial to the society. But the immediate effect of your recommendation is that a less privileged student may be precluded from the U just because a well off student wants to have one year’s `hea’.

A top IB student can have many other things to improve his/herself. Why doing something which has a possibility of being harmful to others?

Yes, I am a socialist (definitely not communist). One word immediately comes to my mine after reading the recommendation---selfish.


卓遙  Well said esp. the last sentence.  發表於 15-12-5 01:25

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-12-5 10:25 |只看該作者
我對IB 課程理解有限,我相信它一定有可取之處,才成為眾大學喜愛取錄的原因.
朋友女兒在2014年考DSE, 她除了中文科攞5*外,其他科全部攞5**,差一些就做女狀元,朋友認為只要孩子叻,無論讀什麼課程都有出色的表現.
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