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5 new international school [複製鏈接]

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發表於 15-6-2 08:57 |只看該作者

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Malvern College Hong Kong


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-6-2 23:09 |只看該作者

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-6-3 09:14 |只看該作者
Hong Kong accused of 'ignoring affordability' after granting land to elite British, Dubai schools
Government ignoring affordability by awarding sites to famous institutions, claims lawmaker
[email protected]
PUBLISHED : Saturday, 30 May, 2015, 6:58am
UPDATED : Saturday, 30 May, 2015, 11:00am
The upmarket Harrow school in Tuen Mun. Photo: Nora Tam
The upmarket Harrow school in Tuen Mun. Photo: Nora Tam
Three elite international schools have been granted sites to open shop in Hong Kong.

Two of them are famous British boarding schools Shrewsbury School and Malvern College. The third operator, Dubai-based ESOL Education, runs nine international schools around the Middle East and Mediterranean.

Civic Party lawmaker Dr Kenneth Chan Ka-lok accused the government of "ignoring affordability completely" by granting sites to these expensive schools.

Meanwhile, International Montessori School in Tin Hau, whose contract with its landlord is due to end next year, failed to secure a site in the land grant exercise.

"These elite schools charge very high prices," said Chan. "Middle classes, even professionals, will not be able to afford it. The Education Bureau ignored affordability completely."

The government's decision to grant a site in Tuen Mun to Harrow International School in 2009 drew much criticism and debate on whether land should be granted to expensive elite schools.

The bureau announced yesterday the allocation of five sites for international school development, including two vacant school premises in Aberdeen and Tai Po, and three green-field sites in Tseung Kwan O and Tai Po.

Shrewsbury got a green-field site in Siu Chik Sha, Tseung Kwan O; Malvern obtained a site near the Science Park in Tai Po; while ESOL received a vacant campus in Ma Chung Road, Tai Po.

The other two sites were granted to the Harbour School - a small international school based in Kennedy Town, which also caters to children with special education needs - and French International School.

David Roberts, governor of Shrewsbury's Bangkok branch, said the Hong Kong school would open in August 2018 and the application process would begin in late 2017. He said the tuition fees would be around HK$170,000 a year.

The school will provide over 850 places for international children aged five to 11 years old. About 20 per cent of places will be reserved for local children.

"Having more school places for their employees encourages overseas companies to either come to Hong Kong or to increase their presence in Hong Kong," said Roberts.

The founder of Shrewsbury Bangkok, Chatri Sophonpanich, is Executive Councillor Bernard Chan's uncle.

A bureau spokesman said the Executive Council was not involved in the allocation exercise. He said Chan would also be a member of Shrewsbury's school management committee.

"The prime consideration is quality of education," he said. "No applicant would enjoy any privilege because of the participation of any public figure."

In a previous interview with the Post, Malvern's headmaster Antony Clark said the school planned to offer 300 places and charge up to HK$160,000 a year.

The five schools are expected to provide about 4,270 places - 3,490 primary and 780 secondary - by school year 2018-19.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-6-3 10:20 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 amd2 於 15-6-4 12:17 編輯



【本報訊】政府昨日宣佈三幅豪宅用地及兩所空置校舍的國際學校名單,預計最快2016/17學年投入服務。獲批者包括提出《進化論》的英國生物學家達爾文的母校Shrewsbury School,以及曾經出產兩名諾貝爾經濟學獎得主的英國Malvern College也中標。教協支持政府今次的撥地安排,但是憂慮學費貴,僅富裕家庭才能負擔。

將軍澳有兩幅豪宅用地建校,法國國際學校Victor Segalen Association Limited獲分配將軍澳市中心天晉附近的用地;而英國Shrewsbury International School Hong Kong Limited獲分配日出康城對面豪宅峻瀅側,該校1552年創校,辦學463年。
在大埔科進路豪宅天賦海灣對出空地,將由創校踏入150周年的英國Malvern College Hong Kong Limited進駐;而大埔馬聰路6號前佛教慧遠中學校舍,由ESOL Education HK Limited獲得,公司註冊顯示,該校創辦人及董事分別來自埃及和德國。現時位於西環商廈的港灣學校,將遷往香港仔鴨脷洲邨前鴨脷洲聖伯多祿天主教小學。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-6-3 10:27 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 amd2 於 15-6-4 12:16 編輯

香港文匯報訊(記者 鄭伊莎)繼英國老牌名校哈羅學校(Harrow School),再有兩所歷史悠久的英國名校獲批地來港辦小學,於國際學校市場分一杯羹!教育局昨公布選出五個國際辦學團體,撥出土地或空置校舍讓其在港開設國際校,共可提供 3,490個小學學額和 780個中學學額,五校均有逾八成學額分配予非本地生。其中,分別建校 463 年及 150
年的英國貴族校 Shrewsbury 學校及墨爾文學校(Malvern College)都是首次駕臨香港,兩校人才輩出,前者有知名生物學家達爾文曾經就讀,後者則曾出產兩名諾貝爾獎得主及奇幻文學巨著《納尼亞傳奇》作者 CS Lewis,名氣絕對「一等一」。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-6-3 10:28 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 amd2 於 15-6-4 12:18 編輯

教育局局長吳克儉昨公布,自去年 3月開展最新一輪國際學校校舍分配工作,已從近40個申請團體中成功選出五個辦學團體,在兩所空置校舍及三幅全新土地發展國際學校,並將分別在 2016/17 學年、2018/19 學年開始辦學,合共提供約4,270個學額,當中3,490個為小學學額、780個為中學學額。而是次五個團體均承諾將八成或以上的學額分配予非本地生,配合來港工作或投資的家庭的需求。

Shrewsbury曼谷辦小學每年學費約 14萬五個辦學團體中,Shrewsbury香港國際學校、英國墨爾文學校(Malvern College)及 ESOL Education 均為是首次進駐香港,獲批土地建設新的國際學校。當中,Shrewsbury香港源自英國名牌的Shrewsbury學校,該校建於 1552年,數百年來人才輩出,包括生物學家達爾文、天文學家里斯都是校友。
Shrewsbury香港獲批將軍澳小赤沙土地建校,可提供 864個小學 學 額 , 該 校 採 用 英 國 課 程 , 預 計 2018 年 8 月 開 課 。Shrewsbury香港學校管理委員會主席 David Lees,香港國際校特別是小學學額不足,相信 Shrewsbury可協助解決問題。該校昨未有交代學費水平,但以 Shrewsbury現於泰國曼谷辦的國際學校計,其小學學費約為每年13.3萬港元至14.7萬港元。

墨爾文學校誕生兩位諾獎得主至於墨爾文學校同樣是英國傳統貴族學校,創校 150年誕生了至少兩位諾貝爾獎得主,包招化學獎得主 Francis William Aston及經濟學獎得主 James Meade,另《納尼亞傳奇》作者CS Lewis、馬來西亞總理納吉布也是該校校友。墨爾文在大埔獲批一幅新地,成立香港墨爾文國際學校,料 2018年 9月開學,初期將提供 380小學學位,並採用國際文憑課程及創新科學教育法;當校舍全面落成後,學位將增至 960個。 據去年該校準備提交申請時預計,學費將為每年12萬元至16萬元。餘下兩個辦學團體則獲批空置校舍可再擴展規模,例如將在香港仔設新校的港灣學校基金會,在港島西環的學校創校 8年,設幼稚園至中一級,課程根據美國課程設計;新校料2016/17年開學,提供 580個小學學額。而將在將軍澳設新校的法國國際學校,在渣甸山、跑馬地、柴灣等地已設有 4間中小幼學校;新校將於 2018/19年啟校,分別提供 750個小學學額、200個中學學額。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-6-11 09:52 |只看該作者
http://www.shrewsbury.ac.th/site ... press_release_1.pdf

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-6-11 09:58 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 amd2 於 15-6-11 10:02 編輯

Shrewsbury Bangkok Press Release
29th May, 2015
Shrewsbury to Open International Primary School in Hong Kong

Shrewsbury announced today that it has been selected by the Education Bureau in Hong Kong to open a new international school in Tseung Kwan O (Siu Chik Sha) district.
The new school will be a co-educational Primary School capable of accommodating more than 850 international students aged 5 to 11 years. The school will offer the National Curriculum for England and will open in
August 2018. “We think that Shrewsbury can really help Hong Kong fill its shortage of 4,200 international school places”. said Sir David Lees, who will be Chairman of Shrewsbury Hong Kong’s School’s Management Committee. He added “We will bring our many years of experience in the UK and Bangkok to creating an outstanding international school in Hong Kong. Just as we have done in England and Thailand, we look
forward to working with the local community to make sure Shrewsbury Hong Kong plays a big part in the life of Tseung Kwan O”. The superbly-located site will enable the Shrewsbury design team to create a very special campus that will excite its children and fully contribute to the local community. Stephen Holroyd, (Principal, Shrewsbury School Bangkok) added, “I am delighted at this news from Hong Kong. We have built a highly successful school here in Bangkok – and now look forward to working with the Hong Kong team to build another Shrewsbury school that will benefit all students and teachers in the Shrewsbury group.”
Mr. Matthew Collins, Chairman of the Governing Body of Shrewsbury School in England said “The partnership between our great school in the UK, founded almost 500 years ago and South East Asia is uniquely strong. The Governors, Headmaster and teachers here in England share the excitement of the Hong Kong team at the opening of the new school - and look forward now to more students benefiting from the world class Shrewsbury
education already provided in the UK and Thaland.” Notes for Editors Sir David Lees Sir David is currently Deputy Chairman of Shrewsbury International School Bangkok and was previously Chairman of Shrewsbury School UK.

Up and till June 30, 2014 Sir David was Chairman of the Court of the Bank of England and previously Chairman of Tate & Lyle, Courtaulds and GKN.
Mr. Matthew Collins Matthew Collins is Managing Partner of Hutton Collins Partners LLP a Private Equity firm based in the UK, a governor of Shrewsbury International School in Bangkok and the father of four children who have all been educated at Shrewsbury. Stephen Holroyd Stephen Holroyd has been the Principal at Shrewsbury International School in Bangkok since 2005 having previously served as a teacher, Housemaster and Deputy Headteacher at Shrewsbury School UK between 1988 and 2005.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-6-17 10:54 |只看該作者
$170,000 a year is quite expensive (especially for a new school).
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