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樓主: smartyou

澳洲留學交流   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-10-6 14:37 |只看該作者
請問在澳洲 ICMS sydeney讀酒店管理好唔好?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-10 12:32 |只看該作者
MimiMum 發表於 16-8-28 13:10
女兒是公民,今年9月升小五,計劃讓她返澳洲讀Grade 10, 因有家人在Sydney (Riverwood),請問Sydney有甚麼中 ...
我住 riverwood 附近, 所以熟識周邊環境.

如果你女兒會住在親戚家 riverwood 區, 這邊就沒有甚麼好的中學了.
要考 Selective school 插班生最好從 year 9 開始讀, 咁你可以有兩年機會考,
year 9 考 year 10, year 10 考 year 11, 每年6月報名8月考, 12班已經唔會再招插班,
而且如果你10年班才讀, 到11班選科時, 有好多科目冇機會揀, 因為英文唔夠 local 好.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-10-11 18:52 |只看該作者
kaatt 發表於 16-10-5 21:36

Rank: 4

發表於 16-10-12 13:04 |只看該作者


原帖由 elizatyy 於 16-10-11 發表
Thank you!你們是否有個group?可否加我?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-10-13 00:08 |只看該作者
回覆 wiiabcd 的帖子


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-31 09:21 |只看該作者


原帖由 efesther 於 16-08-29 發表
我女homestay 家庭有2間房,所以可以接納2個學生。有時會有working holiday 的女仔住。收費AUD260/WEEK 包 ...
我囡囡已入住Homestay 一個星期, 我又好奇叫阿女問吓同住的另一位師姐, 因佢打算十二月回港放長假, 我阿女唔同Course, 所以冇得放, 收回來的消息是佢(師姐)放假期間, 要比Homestay 每天AUD10
立空租, 唔知大家仔女的Homestay 是否都是有這情況收費呢?

Rank: 2

發表於 16-10-31 11:11 |只看該作者
168148 發表於 16-10-31 09:21
我囡囡已入住Homestay 一個星期, 我又好奇叫阿女問吓同住的另一位師姐, 因佢打算十二月回港放長假, 我阿女 ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-31 18:02 |只看該作者

引用:Quote:168148+發表於+16-10-31+09:21+ 我囡

原帖由 efesther 於 16-10-31 發表
我女12月都會返香港,返香港期間是付一半租金,你女入住時會有一份合約,合約上一定會註明如果不住但要保 ...
即係妳女兒要比留位費AUD130 per week, 如果回港個零兩個月, 那筆錢都唔少數目喎!

Rank: 2

發表於 16-10-31 19:16 |只看該作者
168148 發表於 16-10-31 18:02
即係妳女兒要比留位費AUD130 per week, 如果回港個零兩個月, 那筆錢都唔少數目喎!



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-11-3 15:02 |只看該作者
回覆 yanange 的帖子

Happy to see your sharings. Actually I am bring back my 2 children from HK next year Jan for starting P4 and P2 in Gold Coast. And after experiencing the public school for a semester (during HK summer vacation), we decide to study in a christian private school for good.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-11-3 17:38 |只看該作者

回覆:ALAU 的帖子

But can you or your husband find a job in Gold Coast?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-11-11 02:27 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 yanange 於 16-11-20 05:01 編輯

回覆 maylaulau 的帖子

My sister went to this School, it is in conjunction wit Macquarie university's SIBT (Sydney Institute of Business and Technology.) I think my sister graduated back in 2004. She really enjoyed it, She had to board for the first year and she went back to live at home for her remaining years. In between she also interned in Cairns at a resort for 1/2 year. The school is more geared to having international students. My sister was a local student, to be honest this school didn't need to have very high entrance score to get into, but once you enter the school, my sister always had to get better grades as the course is in co-ordination with Macquarie's SIBT so the passing marks were higher than the 50% required at all other Australian universities. Overall, I think my sister really enjoyed her course and she is a very independent girl nowadays. But a bigger concern I have overall is about entering into the hospitality field. My sister is now a manager at a 5 star chain and she doesn't like working in hospitality due to long hours but below average pay compared people from other fields. Also because when you study hospitality, you have to become specialised in it, there's lack of flexibility to switch into other fields, like business/ finance etc. Nevertheless if your child enjoys working with people etc, hospitality is a good choice, just don't have a high expectation on salary.
AU Citizen, lived in Sydney for 18 years. left HK P.4 Term 1, 9 years old, studied in Sydney, attended USYD (Bachelor of Commerce) and UTS (Masters of Marketing). Now working in HK.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-11-11 02:36 |只看該作者
回覆 MimiMum 的帖子

Hello. I am unsure of the Riverwood area (SW part of Sydney), I lived in NW part of Sydney in the hills. I am an AU citizen and studied there since I was 9, I went to a private all girl's school. Selective high schools are full of asians (Chinese, HK, Indians, Koreans) and very academically orientated. As your child will enter Year 10, she only has year 11 as the chance to enter selective high schools, she will have to sit a scholastic test and submit her past results. http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/le ... s/selective8_12.php Go to this website for more info on rankings of schools http://bettereducation.com.au/results/hsc.aspx. I would say the closest selective high school would be Sydney Girls, Fort Street or Hurlstone for you.
When you go to those high schools, most asian parents will send their kids to tutoring college but the pressure isn't as intense in HK as there are enough places to enter into university, but obviously competition is still high for the best courses in the better Group of 8 universities.
AU Citizen, lived in Sydney for 18 years. left HK P.4 Term 1, 9 years old, studied in Sydney, attended USYD (Bachelor of Commerce) and UTS (Masters of Marketing). Now working in HK.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-11-11 03:02 |只看該作者
回覆 ALAU 的帖子

Gold Coast will be very different in experience. Sydney has MANY MANY asians, GC will be less. Overall the learning experience is always fun Australia no matter what, Australians are more laid back plus less pressure to ONLY be academic, there's opportunities to do well, musically, sporting wise and to develop critical thinking. In the end of the day, what's most important is the child learns to have goals, find a passion and be putting in hard work. In Australia, he/she will have a chance to definitely do this more successfully. Plus in GC, I am sure it is more affordable in terms of housing/ schooling and everyday expenses. GC has amazing beaches, I am sure you will love the lifestyle there! All the best!
AU Citizen, lived in Sydney for 18 years. left HK P.4 Term 1, 9 years old, studied in Sydney, attended USYD (Bachelor of Commerce) and UTS (Masters of Marketing). Now working in HK.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-11-11 03:12 |只看該作者
colourpen 發表於 15-6-22 16:54
Hi各位,想問一些關於2016年year 10的資料,請大家比一些意見,thanks :

我囝現hk中三,是公民身份,連佢 ...
Ryde, there is a lot of choices,
Start with this website, it has the schools ranked by the best university entrance scores. http://bettereducation.com.au/results/Hsc.aspx?lang=hk
To search for ALL the schools located near Ryde - start here - https://online.det.nsw.edu.au/sc ... =showRegion&region=531

If public non selective, Epping Boys is quite good. If public selective - Ryde Secondary College does well too. I don't recommend Marsden High, you can avoid it.

For Selective high schools, you will enter in year 10, as the school year starts in March, you need to apply the previous year by June as you need to sit a scholastic test. Each school is different with process and application deadlines etc. Selective high schools isn't easy to enter and a lot of parents send their kids to coaching colleges etc.  Studying in Sydney is more fun than it is in HK! Lots less pressure :) Good Luck

AU Citizen, lived in Sydney for 18 years. left HK P.4 Term 1, 9 years old, studied in Sydney, attended USYD (Bachelor of Commerce) and UTS (Masters of Marketing). Now working in HK.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-11-11 03:18 |只看該作者
elysekwok 發表於 16-1-28 15:03
澳洲墨爾本 MLC 和 Melbourne girl grammar 同時比了offer 女兒插班讀 2016年7月 Y9 。想請問各位sis 兩間 ...
Based on results it shows Melbourne girl grammar outperformed MLC http://bettereducation.com.au/results/vce.aspx
Refer to above link :) All private schools in Australia is pretty snobby, for MLC, it is in KEW, a very prestigious suburb so I expect it to be snobbier!
AU Citizen, lived in Sydney for 18 years. left HK P.4 Term 1, 9 years old, studied in Sydney, attended USYD (Bachelor of Commerce) and UTS (Masters of Marketing). Now working in HK.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-11-11 03:25 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 yanange 於 16-11-20 05:03 編輯

回覆 MC媽 的帖子

I went to high school in Sydney, James Ruse is the TOP school, it is seriously competitive, like DBS/DGS, but not snobby, 99% asian, (like korean, Chinese, HK, Indians etc) If you are white, you are a minority. Extremely competitive to enter but 100% enter university and top courses etc. Everyone will get coached to do well in the selective high school test. Your child WILL NOT become sporty but more musical etc, to be honest, the school is only a grades factory, not a well rounded education, but there are plenty of lawyers, doctors, bankers, engineers, accountants etc who graduate from this school. Almost everyone in that school gets a 90% or above ATAR, when I went to Sydney Uni to do my commerce degree, plenty of students did Comm/Law degrees to say the least. Anyways, don't just apply for James Ruse, also apply for other selective high schools like North Sydney Boy/ Girls, Sydney Boys/ Girls, Baulkham Hills Co Ed, Fort Street Co Ed etc. Good Luck, And yes you need to submit your documents in time to sit for the selective high school tests!
AU Citizen, lived in Sydney for 18 years. left HK P.4 Term 1, 9 years old, studied in Sydney, attended USYD (Bachelor of Commerce) and UTS (Masters of Marketing). Now working in HK.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-11-11 03:28 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 yanange 於 16-11-20 04:51 編輯

回覆 MC媽 的帖子

For James Ruse, I suggest you send your child to the coaching colleges to prepare, North Shore, James An and Matrix are good choices. I don't think I know anyone who DIDN'T go to coaching colleges and went to James Ruse. My tutor studied at James Ruse, he tutored me for 5 years, it's a WHOLE LOT of studying in that school. This school doesn't offer a very Australian schooling, it's just asians, asians, asians and more academics. But of course you get top grades at the end because of competition, abundance resources and the cohort of students who all share similar academic goals.
AU Citizen, lived in Sydney for 18 years. left HK P.4 Term 1, 9 years old, studied in Sydney, attended USYD (Bachelor of Commerce) and UTS (Masters of Marketing). Now working in HK.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-11-11 03:41 |只看該作者

Macquarie and UNSW actuarial studies is well known. I know a few family friend who chose Macquarie over UNSW though.
For Macquarie - you need a ATAR of 97.1 - which means 24 for DSE. but for specific details go here - go here http://courses.mq.edu.au/undergr ... f-actuarial-studies and http://www.mq.edu.au/study/inter ... ademic-requirements

For UNSW - you need a ATAR of 93 go to this page - http://www.international.unsw.ed ... entry_table_4-7.pdf and https://www.business.unsw.edu.au ... #Entry-requirements

Also a local forum that compared Macquarie vs UNSW - http://community.boredofstudies. ... actuarial-poll.html

AU Citizen, lived in Sydney for 18 years. left HK P.4 Term 1, 9 years old, studied in Sydney, attended USYD (Bachelor of Commerce) and UTS (Masters of Marketing). Now working in HK.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-11-11 15:33 |只看該作者
回覆 yanange 的帖子

thx your sharing
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