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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 讀醫:香港vs美國vs英國
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讀醫:香港vs美國vs英國 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 14-2-4 00:19 |顯示全部帖子
Hi there I am a doctor working in UK so i know abit about this topic and would like to share my 2 cents.
I think to pick where to study your choice should really be dependent on where you want to work. Entrance exam for HK is notoriously difficult, this is mainly due to the fact that you really dont know what they are going to ask you i.e. you need the current hku or chinese u note to take that exam.
I think shotastar had covered many valid points especially regarding the standard of medical schools. I dont think you should worry too much about medical researches as they are not really for doctors and only become relevant when you are applying for your consultant posts.
Regarding entrance tests for medical school in the UK again shotastar had covered many important points including passion for medicine. However, medical tutors look for something extra in an applicant such as work experience and extra curriculum activates ( you need to be good at something basically as everybody will have the same grades.)
Training after medical school is not a problem as everyone will have foundation years guaranteed.
I hope this help. any question please PM me.


FreemanM  Thanks  發表於 14-2-12 17:39
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