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去年 St.Cat K1 面試詳細記錄 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 13-10-3 22:46 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
很抱歉, 因不太會打中文, 以下只有文英文。

Interview at St. Catherine’s International Kindergarten  國際英文幼稚園面試

1 Nov 2012

Heard a lot about the traditional well-known schools in KLT, now is our real experience in it.

So my daughter went for St. Cat’s K1 interview,w ould like to share our most updated experience as we are benefited from other mom’s blogs too.

Interview appt time was at 4:15pm, and we arrived at 4pm,saw lots of dad/mom/maid outside, as only 1 parent is allowed to go into the school. So daddy stayed outside and we were brought into the school and led to the end of the queue in the first area. My daughter became nervious as its her first interview, she made me carry her and was grabbing me tight.

The queue moved and we turned right into the next area where there is a much longer queue.
The queue went on and on and we were waiting in one room, then a dif. room to gether number (it is #1850!
Can you imagine nearly 2000 kids interviewed today?), then another room and finally to the first “graded” area. Each waiting time was around 3-5min. The English line was much longer than the Chinese line.
It could be annoying to some parents, but for us was quite useful as my daughter went from grabbing me tight to walking herself to appreciating the environment and asking me to go play with her.

In this room there were 4 tables with 4 kids each. Their task is to play Lego and parents sit on the side, teacher will ask them questions as they play. Just so happened that all 4 kids in our table were crying and not letting their mom go. She played well at first but as I stood up and took the first step away she cried.
I told her there was no chair and I would sit overthere, then she asked me to sit on the chair next to her, which belongs to the other kid who was crying and holding his mom. I explained to her that this chair belongs to the boy, then my daughter stood up and asked me to take her chair! I think this is a smart move, but teacher won’t appreciate it I guess.

So finally the teacher began to ask questions (at this time, 1 kid was playing on his own, 2 kids, including my girl, played with mommy next to them, 1 kid still crying), and no kid answered.
Yes, none of the 4 kids responded to the teacher, even when their names were called.

So Part I failed I guess.   When we left the Lego room, she became normal again, talked and smiled as usual. Then we were brought to another waiting queue, then entered the second “graded” area: 1 to 1 interview. There were 4 teachers behind 4 tables interviewing at the same time.  2 teachers were foreigners and 2 were Chinese as we picked English interview. My girl acted normal until her name was called and we walked to the front of the table. Our interviewer was a Chinese lady with relatively serious look.  She was holding my leg and didn’t want to sit down in front of this teacher. We struggled for about half minute to finally sat down. So here is the conversation:

Teacher: hi good afternoon, what is your name?

C (my daughter): no answer

T: repeat the question and still no answer, then she raised up 1 hand and said give me a hi-five

C: hi-five the teacher

T: (raised up both hands) how about 2 hi-fives

C: hit both hands with the teacher

T: good

T: mommy, here is a questionnaire you can answer in Chi/Eng while I talk to your daughter, no need to be detailed. (questions were like what is your expectation from us, what would you do if your kid did not behave in public, how would you spend your free time…etc)

T: (took out a card with a Sheep on it) What is this?

C: no answer

T: repeated first question, still no answer. (took out a snack package and said) you can have this after you answer my questions.

C: no reaction

T: mommy, do you have anything that can attract yourdaughter?

(I took out a cheese sandwich cracker)

C: biscuits (with smile)!

T: (took my cracker package) you can have both of these after you answer my questions

What is it? How does it sound?

C: no answer. (I whisper the answers in her ear and she still didn’t say anything)

T: repeated the 2 questions and still no response then took out a 4-pc puzzle of the sheep, shuffled them and asked to place them in order

C: no action (I think this part she really doesn’t know how as I never play puzzle with her)

T: took out some blocks and asked to pick out 3 blue blocks

C: picked out a blue one after I repeated the instruction (here the teacher stopped me from giving hits).
However, even after teachers repeated hints and instructions, she didn’t pick out anymore

T: picked out 2 more blue blocks and asked to stack them together

C: no action(again, this type of block she ever saw before and may not know that they can be stacked)

T: (took out a plate and a snack box with toy sausage, egg, ham in it) Can you open the box, take out a sausage, put it in a plate, and give to mommy with the sausage on the plate?

C: followed exactly (I think she did pretty well with such long instructions!)

T: can you close the box?

C: tried but the lid was flipped over that’s why she could not close it

T: can you go to the cart behind you and take out a book and bring it back?

C: followed exactly

T: can you open the book?

C: opened the first page

T: (pointing to a swallow on the first page) What is this?

C: no answer

T: point to another bird on the book and asked what that is.
Repeated the Q on a few pages

C: no answer to all

T: can you sing a song?
What is your favorite song?

C: no reaction (I whispered a couple of her favorites and still no answer)

T: (point at me) who is this? Is this your daddy? Baba? Father?

C: no answer even the teacher is calling her mommy a daddy!

T: okay, thankyou!

C: bye-bye

Haha, my girl spoke 2 words only: biscuit and bye-bye.

I guess she failed this part too.

As we walked away and she pointed at different things and talked about them.  So I turned around and said to the teacher: ‘now she is talking.’
The teacher responded me that this is quite common.

As a conclusion, I think she needs to practice on acting under pressure.

Well, and learn to do puzzles too.

Thanks for reading thru, hope its helpful.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-10-3 23:37 |只看該作者

回覆:去年 St.Cat K1 面試詳細記錄

Thanks for sharing...
what kind of puzzle is it? Thx!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-3 23:45 |只看該作者
its a square foam cut into 4 pieces, like the word 田.
picture is the same sheep that the teacher asked her earlier.  
personally i think its harder than the jig-saw type of puzzle cuz its 4 squares putting together, no indentations.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-10-4 00:10 |只看該作者

回覆:去年 St.Cat K1 面試詳細記錄

Thank you very much for your sharing! It's useful!
By the way, was your daughter admitted by St Cat?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 00:13 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 jason1978 於 13-10-4 00:17 編輯

當我地話遟到,就唔使排長龍直接入學校。同樓主一樣,先要交FORM, 再分流排中文定英文IN。好彩揀中文,條龍短唔使睇咁耐電視,浪費小朋友的精神。
第一部份係GROUP INTERVIEW。枱上放幾BOXES 積木,讓小朋友們自已玩,家長坐周邊觀察同埋等。
同組小朋友很專心玩積木,無同獅子握手,包括我個仔在內。但有同獅子SAY HI。(我心諗,無乜禮貌,死得)
GROUP IN完後,再引領家長同另一地方排隊等 1﹣1。
然後收理,再拿已亂了的PUZZLE出來。其實個PUZZLE係田字型的,好簡單,同PCCW eye 多X體的遊戲差唔多
時間短到如果有心機填份問卷係會答唔晒。 咁我因為老師與仔仔的對答令我果一刻唔太LIKE間學校,所以HEA填就算。(唔使問我為乜果刻唔LIKE,現在LIKE返最重要)


jsmanhim  請問咬人個到你點答? THX  發表於 13-10-5 12:06
sysy474  你小朋友係大B? Thanks !  發表於 13-10-4 00:46

Rank: 4

發表於 13-10-4 12:33 |只看該作者

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 13-10-4 12:43 |只看該作者
very useful, thanks for your sharing!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 12:55 |只看該作者

回覆:去年 St.Cat K1 面試詳細記錄

我又分享下!小朋友係8月尾細仔 其實都算好細 又咁岩interview時n班開學左個幾月!亞仔仲係一步都離唔開我!所以part1 要玩Lego,媽咪要行開 亞仔當然喊啦,好彩老師又比我名佢!lego part我仔係好文靜咁無離開座位又無好投入但老師行過黎唱歌佢又望!到part2 時,亞仔又想喊 哈哈,老師話no worries , mommy is here with u!咁亞仔又撻著左一路好開心咁同老師玩!老師問完見我仲未填完問卷 仲叫我繼續填!佢可以繼續同亞仔睇埋本書!亞仔就好開心咁,其實亞仔果陣只識講單字 句子係完全唔識!但老師問問題佢會答到個puzzle係sheep! 會答到自己個名,老師係本書問佢what is it?佢會答到係咩動物咩物件!所以細d既小朋友唔洗無信心!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 14:12 |只看該作者
完左英文interview, 我去左另一間房interview,  國內老師
1> 叫小朋友名睇反應
2> 問數字
3> 問動物名
戲肉係 老師同我傾計, 平時邊個湊小朋友, 點解想入英普班等等.

Rank: 4

發表於 13-10-4 14:59 |只看該作者
請問以上分享經驗的家長們,有無st cat offer?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 15:12 |只看該作者

回覆:eliselin 的帖子

第一round收左 下午班!俾我想像中更加好 小朋友超鍾意番學!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 15:23 |只看該作者
jason1978 發表於 13-10-4 00:13
當日面試撞正KV同時間面試,因本身較心儀KV,於是先到KV,完後遟了半個鐘才 ...

2月大b. 現在同班的佢算細. 同學有唔少11月或12月超大b

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 16:03 |只看該作者
回復 jason1978 的帖子

我仲細, 9月尾

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 16:57 |只看該作者


原帖由 jason1978 於 13-10-04 發表
2月大b. 現在同班的佢算細. 同學有唔少11月或12月超大b

Rank: 4

發表於 13-10-4 17:27 |只看該作者
summato 發表於 13-10-4 14:12
完左英文interview, 我去左另一間房interview,  國內老師
1> 叫小朋友名睇反應

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 17:34 |只看該作者


原帖由 jason1978 於 13-10-04 發表
本帖最後由 jason1978 於 13-10-4 00:17 編輯




Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 17:49 |只看該作者

回覆:alovea 的帖子

可能個人際遇,kv 明hea 我,我感覺十分之差。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 18:11 |只看該作者

回覆:去年 St.Cat K1 面試詳細記錄

Sc interview時老師比我的印象麻麻,但返學後勁好

Rank: 4

發表於 13-10-4 19:20 |只看該作者
請問St cat面試時,家長見小朋友無答老師問題,家長重覆老師既問題比小朋友聽,可吾可以?算吾算犯規?定係老師想家長全程不插口(如小朋友無反應)?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-4 20:46 |只看該作者
my daughter is a July baby...but it was her first interview and she did not talk at all.  she did very well on the 3rd & 4th interview tho, so getting 2 interviews to practice and get familiar with the process is helpful.  we got pm waiting.  so as many other bk moms via other posts last year.  i think they don't decline interviewees... please correct me if i am wrong.
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