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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 One strategic step closer to HKIS, CIS, AISHK, CDNIS ...
樓主: jolalee

One strategic step closer to HKIS, CIS, AISHK, CDNIS & ICS [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-3-7 07:57 |只看該作者


原帖由 jolalee 於 13-03-07 發表
本帖最後由 jolalee 於 13-3-7 01:33 編輯

回復 21Ckid 的帖子
I applied in sept last when my girl was 11 months old.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-3-7 11:03 |只看該作者
I don't even know you can do that, but anyhow, I don't think the date of application matters for CDNIS, as long as it's before the deadline (Oct 31 prior to the year of entry). For some schools such as GSIS, app date matters, but not CDNIS.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-3-7 11:42 |只看該作者
I had contacted CDNIS some time ago, prior to 2012 earlier applications did have some advantage. Not any more, still you can apply any time.

Now, all on priority lists (mainly siblings and passport holder) will be interviewed (300+), all those not in the list will not (200+). 100+ had been assessed as pass and 40 seat offered with rest on waiitng list.

So, non passport holder need not apply and waste $2350, i was advised.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-3-7 13:50 |只看該作者
回復 21Ckid 的帖子

Thank you 21Ckid, your info has always been helpful.
Regarding "100+ had been assessed as pass and 40 seat offered with rest on waitng list", is this information related to this year's application? (for the 2013-14 pre-reception class) I did hear from another parent who looked at the application chart that there are about 340 (or 380, i forgot) children on the interview list this year. They told you that 100+ had been assessed as pass? Will the school inform us if they pass or not when the time comes? (or i guess those who pass will be accepted or be put on the waiting list). What will the school do with the students who passed but does not have a seat this year? Is your child waiting for a pre-reception spot this year?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-3-8 12:03 |只看該作者
回復 jolalee 的帖子

The numbers are for 2012. I was told the waitlist will not be carried forward to the next year, not like ESF. Need to reapply. You better ask yourself in case your are given the offer.

I am not a canadian passport holder. So, I will not apply waste money, unless they change the policy.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-3-8 17:16 |只看該作者
Even for those with priority (sibling etc), I've heard it's better to wait to apply for the reception (K2), when there will be 80 places offered. Most of the 40 places offered for the pre-reception year are apparently taken up by teachers' kids, debenture holders. I know several moms with older kids already in CDNIS who waited to apply for reception (K2) year.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-7-25 18:27 |只看該作者
21Ckid 發表於 13-3-7 11:42
I had contacted CDNIS some time ago, prior to 2012 earlier applications did have some advantage. Not ...

Thanks for your sharing, 21Ckid. I keep calling the school but no one answers the phone, so your info is very useful.

May I clarify one point - do you mean that 'those not in the list' will NOT be assessed at all, or do you mean that they will still pick some kids from that batch for interview? If they won't interview non-passport holders, there's really no need to waste the application fee..... :(:(:( that's sad news indeed, One less option!

From some research I did, I also noticed that many people received interviews and were placed on waiting lists. I really want to know how realistic these waiting lists are...

My hubby and I are from a normal family with good education bakground, without any passports and not rich... not sure how high we should aim for among these top IS! :(

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-7-25 18:32 |只看該作者
21Ckid 發表於 13-3-8 12:03
回復 jolalee 的帖子

The numbers are for 2012. I was told the waitlist will not be carried forward t ...
sorry, many questions along the way. would you happen to know whether the debentures can only be acquired with the school AFTER the kid is accepted? (meaning no debentures in the secondary market available?)

this seems to be what they advocate on their website, but leaves me very perplexed. if one could only obtain debentures after receiving the offer, then who could have obtained it as a priority to gain an assessment chance???

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-7-25 19:23 |只看該作者
回復 pppwong 的帖子

I had called them several times, it was always to voicemail. In the return calls, I recognised 2 different voices, one very unhelpful and a bit rude, the other very helpful (and provided the info above). So depends on your luck. Perhaps you leave messages in english, may help!!!

Regarding debenture, I checked with friends later, there is no longer second hand market for years, so just forget it. I gave up finding out how to "acquire after enrolment". There are now only 3 "tradeable" debentures, the one with CIS can only be acquired by sizeable listed companies and have limited duration, the one by Harrow no one offer for sale yet, the one by ISF now quoting $6.8 million (!!!). So, i suppose none viable for most moms here.

I was told the application date no longer matters. You may ask again. As i am not a canadian passport holder, i may not apply for prereception or reception (only 40 seats, guess barely enough for siblings). Perhpas wait for preparatory (grade 1 in esf), seems there are 5 classes of 20 (or 25?) each, and see if any change in policy, But that is some years down the road.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-7-25 22:49 |只看該作者

引用:回復+pppwong+的帖子 I+had+called+them+s

原帖由 21Ckid 於 13-07-25 發表
回復 pppwong 的帖子

I had called them several times, it was always to voicemail. In the return call ...
Yes I agree, if date of application isn't a concern, it changes how I may like to play the game.

Thanks indeed for your sharing. I hv separately sent you a pm, see if you got it! Pardon my many questions!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-7-26 04:58 |只看該作者
回復 pppwong 的帖子

FYI starting from this year CDNIS will not be interviewing any child without a Canadian passport (they've sent me a letter about it since i applied last year). It's due to the shear amount of applicants. Since Canadian passport holders has priority, and there are too many qualified kids with Cdn passports sufficient to exceed placement availability, i guess they've decided that realistically there's no point interviewing those without it. This is what they wrote on their website regarding admission:

Due to an overwhelming number of applications received, priority for an admissions assessment will be based on academic/school performance* and the following criteria. Those who fulfill one or more of the following will receive an assessment interview as long as all available documentation is submitted on or before the application deadline:

  • Children of staff
  • Siblings of students enrolled at CDNIS
  • Applicants who are nominees under the [size=1.2em]Capital Debenture programme
  • Applicants who passed the admissions assessment and were placed on the waiting list of the preceding school year
  • Applicants who hold Canadian citizenship/Canadian passport (please provide a copy of citizenship certificate or passport with application)
  • Children of alumni
  • Former CDNIS students who left the school and are returning to Hong Kong
  • Applicants whose families are relocating to Hong Kong who have not yet secured a school place

I guess the exception might be if you teach there or have other 'historic' connections...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-7-26 05:12 |只看該作者
For pre-reception there's only 2 classes of 20 = 40 seats available.
Yes it is quite impossible to get one, even if your child interviewed well.

For reception they've increased it to 6 classes of 20 = 120 seats, but
given 40 kids goes from pre-reception to reception, 80 new seats are available. This is the most massive kindie intake.

For the preparatory level there are 5 classes of 25 = 125 seats, so it's only 5 additional places, and i'm guessing it's only there for the expat Cdn who transfers to HK suddenly...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-7-26 09:04 |只看該作者

引用:回復+pppwong+的帖子 FYI+starting+from+t

原帖由 jolalee 於 13-07-26 發表
回復 pppwong 的帖子

FYI starting from this year CDNIS will not be interviewing any child without a  ...
Yes I have read that paragraph on the website but I think it only subtly says that non Canadian passport holders will not be assessed. Is your letter of exactly the same wordings?

I'd like to clarify with the sch but no one answers the phone. Anyway, you are right, even without a 100% no the assessment priorities already speaks a lot

Thanks for sharing!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-8-23 13:13 |只看該作者
回復 pppwong 的帖子

Given that priority for an admissions assessment is given to those listed, and given the number of applicants with a Canadian passport now exceeds the number of space available for assessment, the chance of getting assessed without a Cdn passport is really slim. Never hurt to try, but the application fee is not cheap. Best to call to find out.

Rank: 4

發表於 13-10-16 17:04 |只看該作者
Shrimpiggy 發表於 13-2-23 12:39
CDNIS,  AISHK get higher priority to passport holders. AISHK need to apply immediately after birth.  ...
Hello Shrimpiggy,

May I ask about the application of AISHK? Could you please let me know where you get the info that "AISHK need to apply immediately after birth" ? I read from some sites saying that application only accepts 2 years prior to the age range of 4, which means I can only apply when my kid is 2 years old. Is it a new policy?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-10-23 10:02 |只看該作者

引用:回復+pppwong+的帖子 Given+that+priority

原帖由 jolalee 於 13-08-23 發表
回復 pppwong 的帖子

Given that priority for an admissions assessment is given to those listed, and  ...
Do you know whether I can get the debenture in order to get a chance for interview?  Is it a long Q for getting the debenture?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-11-3 03:03 |只看該作者
The debenture has nothing to do with the interview. One may only obtain one after admission acceptance, i believe... (please correct me if i misunderstood the system)
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