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教育王國 討論區 聖保羅男女中學附屬小學 已決定放棄St. Pauls' Co-ed的正取生資格
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已決定放棄St. Pauls' Co-ed的正取生資格 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 12-11-27 15:18 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
痛苦的決定,容易的選擇....有嘢想分享,希望大家明白。小女為N無人仕,但仍能打入決賽,仲成功獲得取錄。但其實收到信前,已同家人商量,無論怎樣,都唔會讀Co-ed,因為覺得整個過程都感覺不爽,十分之不公平。First interview,有關係人仕有權見校長,機會大約五揀一;街外人就唔係Blue-blood,唔該見老師,自己打生打死後,五十揀一,當然係精英。當時,同D家長傾開,已覺成個遊戲係玩緊我哋,大家好似做場show咁。又奇怪,竟然call我哋2nd interview,去到等,感覺奇怪,大部份嘅小朋友都坐唔定,究竟點揀人,再望望家長們,咦,個個滿頭白髮,平均年齡四十以上,行頭十足,校長見完佢哋都90度敬禮,唔知係唔係自己友。到我哋,唔知點解校長態度180度改變,咁又冇呼喝我哋,不過明顯唔同囉,話哂我哋唔係藍血人。
喺某一高級會所,撞到個朋友,傾起偈嚟,佢話自己個女First interview見校長,原因係佢叫咗自己law firm嘅阿頭寫信,哇!!!第二日,同班舊同學食飯,傾開考學校,有個好Friend嘅同學話,佢個女都係N無人仕,不過都有得見校長,原因係有終審法院李國X封信,仲入埋2nd interview添,哇哇!!!一個星期前,同D讀緊Co-ed嘅家長傾,佢哋話,校長講就話任何學生都唔會感到經濟壓力,但實情係試過有兩次,班主任上課時玩數人情,讀出每位學生所捐出嘅銀碼,最少的有$500,最多有$25,000,個仔返到屋企咪問爸爸點解你捐得$1,000呀,哇哇哇!!!
寫到這裡,其實仲有嘢想講,不過怕大家悶。Let me type Eng. now as I am really slow with Chinese, the whole passage is about how unfair it is of this prestigious school.  No doubt, it is still a good school, not the top school of course, no way it can reach the top with this kind of admissions process, you can see their academics and sports results comparing with other real top schools.  No. 2, I have to stress that I am not a poor parent either, financially well-off, but I can't stand the attitudes of the parents in this school, I can foresee if my daughter gets in, there will not have any kinds of real close-friendship gatherings at all.  Don't want to live in a cool world.  No. 3, the headmistress said in the interview, her students don't need to study very hard as long as they have a basic foundation, wow, it's good, but only after I found out with the parents.  They said what the teachers taught in the class are really basic stuff, no one can survive in this school without going out to learn from private tutors at least 3 times a week.  Exam. questions are not based on the stuff they learned in the class, more so, if you can't get good grades, oops, it's your faults.  Enough said, I want to stress again though, it is a above average school, but not suitable for our family, that's all....for those who want to keep the acceptance offers, good luck to you, but think whether it is good for your kids or it just makes you feel good to have kids studying in that school.......my advice is "DO NOT BE SELFISH, ESPECIALLY TO YOUR KIDS, OTHERWISE, YOU'LL REGRET 20 YEARS LATER".

   21    1    2    0

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-27 17:13 |只看該作者
cpbank, your comment is very detail, your daughter should be very very smart who can bit the other 3000 candidates. I believe she has already got one or more other offers. I really want to say thank you to you on behalf of the people in the waiting list. My son did not have a chance to have the 2nd round interview. However, this school is our dream school! Thanks for your sharing.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-11-27 18:10 |只看該作者
pls share more!! pls pls pls its interesting!!

Rank: 1

發表於 12-11-27 21:10 |只看該作者
I have two children studying at St. Paul Co-ed and want to share my view on your words.  I am teaching at one of the universities in Hong Kong and will use a very objective view to give my comments.  

1.        About the interview process, the first interview lasts for more than one hour on average for each student.  The purpose is to give sufficient time to let the interviewers look at each interviewee carefully via different activities.  There is no difference for headmistress or other teachers to attend the interview because they are using score cards to obtain objective assessment.  In my experience, the first interview is more than important than the second one as many “blue blood” I know personally failed the first one.
2.        As far as I know, the majority of so-called “blue blood” is the ones with sisters or brothers studying in the school, I see it’s natural to give preference to those “blue blood”; many schools are doing the same from long time ago.
3.        We did not experience any pressure to our children for donation; neither did we hear others’.
4.        I admit that some parents are very rich and what attitudes they adopt are totally the reflection of their personalities, the same happens in other school, the same happens in our society!  Our children and we have no problem to find good friends without building on any financial interests.
5.        The things Co-ed teaches and examines are not easy, as far as I know, the teachers really teach the difficult parts at school as I tried to test my children’s understanding of the math, and they did understand the details!  I don’t let my children have any private tuition because the workload is already heavy in terms of difficulty, not the quantity.
6.        The headmistress is a devoted and fair person, we like her very much.  I sent my first child to study there and then my second child.  They enjoy school life though the homework is demanding.  This is my first hand feeling, we are not rich either and we are not “blue blood” anyway.
7.        I agree that St. Paul Co-ed is not suitable for every child, of course not for every parent.


steven819  What you said is the truth!  發表於 12-11-30 22:31

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-11-27 22:04 |只看該作者
希望你不要放棄這個機會,不要因為打聽得來的消息而作出決定。俾個機會你女兒同co-ed,你覺得唔好唔代表不適合你女兒。你女兒so smart,五十選一都能取錄,你應該相信校長及她的團隊。
我好相信interview係好公平,有reference letter入second inv都未必有得讀!

Rank: 1

發表於 12-11-27 22:07 |只看該作者
One more thing I want to add:
The quality of teaching in terms of teachers' love to the students and teaching methodology is most appreciated by us.  We are lucky to have our children in this Christian school, thanks God!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-11-27 22:43 |只看該作者
Total agree with YRK. We have a child in P.4 and we're not 'blue blood' either. We are just regular family with both working parents. We make a lot of good parents and become good friends and no one care about their family background. Most parents seems very nice. About the cirriculum, it's not easy to be honest but the teachers teaches very well and the kids can understand all the stuff and the exams are exactly what they taught in class not something more difficult (except comprehension). Also, I never heard any students have private tuition coz it's good enough to study what they taught in class for the exams. So I don't understand why there are some many rumors out there and all the above are personal experience.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-28 10:28 |只看該作者


我在這裡再舉手,多加一個non blue blood 家長。完全贊同以上其他真正用家comment



beaclem  我個仔以前都係讀co-ed, 係就係深D, 但係就一定考教過既野, 反而我囡間津貼就成日考無教過既野!!!!  發表於 13-1-31 09:20
gwengwen  我都覺得如果有人專登開個account, 辛苦考完又踩間學校, 好明顯係另有所圖...  發表於 12-11-29 05:25

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-11-28 11:26 |只看該作者
Before I voice out my opinions, I must declare that I have a kid now studying in coed and another one just be admitted.  

Though always being regarded as group 1 persons, I personally feel and experience that the school is, amongst all others, fair in the selection process.   At least, I have not heard about any comments or feedbacks that the 1st interview, which focused mostly at students' ability, was a kind of show only.  Every kid has a chance.

It is right that there are many rich and famous students (or parents) in coed, from XX 集團, XX 高官, living in the Peak, etc,  But surely this happens in many, not all, DSS or private schools.  That said, most coed parents are working ones from the middle class who are educated and most importantly, care much about the education and whole person growth of their kids.   Why accuse them/us so hardly?

After all, I personally love the school much because I can feel that the school, from down to caretakers to top to headmistress, possess a sense of care to students and a Christian mindset.   And as parents, I think we have to pass judgements only after having concrete evidence and not only hear-say or posts.   

Rank: 2

發表於 12-11-28 12:12 |只看該作者
回復 cpbank 的帖子

這個決定有點片面,爽的是家長,除非有其他好學校等緊你女,否則點會這麽輕易就放棄呢?你不怕你女兒將來問你爲什麽不給她試一試!這個正取生機會是她打拼來的,即表示她一定有些特質是適合這間學校的,你都話小女為N無人仕,但仍能打入決賽,仲成功獲得取錄,這就說明了這間學校有一定的公平性。遊戲是有多種玩法的,間間學校都有關系人士啦!有地寫到明噶,舊生或校董推薦有加分,何況這些神級學校學位有限,也不是個個關系人士子女都錄取!我仔2nd interview時其他家長包括我沒白頭哦,等候時也見不到校長對某人士90度敬禮,交談時也親切有禮。我侄仔在這間學校剛讀完6年已升中,雖然家長說起也覺有壓力,功課要跟的好緊,但現在中一想跟也無法跟了,學校已訓練學生靠自己了,侄子很喜歡Co-ed這間學校,所以鼓勵我仔努力,這個星期四我們會爲個仔注冊這個學校!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-28 12:21 |只看該作者
carmanken 發表於 12-11-28 12:12
回復 cpbank 的帖子

這個星期四我們會爲個仔注冊這個學校! ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-11-28 12:31 |只看該作者

回覆:已決定放棄St. Pauls' Co-ed的正取生資格

作為Coed非有錢非blue blood家長,我可以肯定話你聽,你收來的資料完全不正確!

Rank: 2

發表於 12-11-28 15:51 |只看該作者
Are you suggesting other parents to give up the offer?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-11-28 16:13 |只看該作者


原帖由 bblovebb2 於 12-11-28 發表
作為Coed非有錢非blue blood家長,我可以肯定話你聽,你收來的資料完全不正確!

Agreed with bblovebb2. I'm the same, not rich and not blue blood.

Rank: 4

發表於 12-11-28 19:31 |只看該作者
叧外,我同老公都只30 幾歲wor...
但唔代表全140 學生都係。


steven819  非常中肯  發表於 12-12-1 15:43

Rank: 2

發表於 12-11-28 22:51 |只看該作者
小女都是無關係,無信仰,唔係Blue Blood,最後一批去interview, 第一Round無見校長。我和太太Under 40歲。小康之家。
我Second interview的時候,校長非常有禮貌,一直跟我們講解上一次面試情況,和小女的表現。面試完畢的時候還撫著小女的頭送我們出門。



P.S.我想好多waiting list嘅家長會好開心你嘅决定。


茵彤媽  so do i ! see you next month.  發表於 12-11-30 00:09
gwengwen   Me too! See you tomorrow~  發表於 12-11-29 05:38

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-11-28 23:23 |只看該作者
What is blue blood?紅十字會有冇得捐?come on, 21 世紀仲有冇呀?如果係叻。家族由自己這一代開始!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-11-29 01:53 |只看該作者
CKBCHU 發表於 12-11-28 23:23
What is blue blood?紅十字會有冇得捐?come on, 21 世紀仲有冇呀?如果係叻。家族由自己這一代開始! ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-29 05:37 |只看該作者
首先, 1st interview唔係有關係人士先可以見校長, N無人士都好多由校長接見。我哋也是N無, 但之前也分享過, 校長好有心咁睇每一個小朋友1st interview的comment, 也有睇我在portfolio寫既嘢對答如流。

而且, 我們當日2nd interview在場一齊等候的10數個家長都係約3X的中年家長, 外表都是有教養的人士(我意思係, 絕對無啲大大聲既師奶或者港男/女), 亦見唔到90度躹躬的場面。中途校長行咗出房, 也用友善的笑容向在等候的家長們一一點頭示好。

陰謀論一點, 如果cpbank咁唔喜歡第一二輪面試, 點解今日先嚟話自己give up offer, 叫人都考慮放棄? 既然2nd interview一入門口咁難受, 直接同校長講你唔讀, 或者一早上嚟分享咗...
大家做人父母, 希望喺度分享都以心對人, 唔好開新account搞事好嗎?

Rank: 1

發表於 12-11-29 11:01 |只看該作者
After reading 2 days comments, I am really happy to see that it helps to promote healthy arguments here in BK.  With the helps of the other parents here in BK, I know what to do now.  BTW, the things that I said before are my true personal experience and those I heard from my close friends, no other motives behind.  Anyway, we will go for the English assessment next month but we have to give up the 自行收生所分派的學位 though.  We are catholics and we love Marymount and HKUGA.  Hope that DGJS will give us a good reply and that will help to solve all the anxieties.....


interview  SPCC and DGJS same, Anglican church  發表於 12-12-4 11:59
picture  Protestant Christian the proper term??  發表於 12-11-30 17:10
picture  Why pick DGJS and SPCC in the first place given you are Catholic?  Both are Christian schools affliated with Sheng Kung Hui.  Go for Marymount... you'd be happier.  發表於 12-11-30 17:09
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