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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 有無朋友知道太子明慧 有甚麼不好呢?
樓主: charmykittyy

有無朋友知道太子明慧 有甚麼不好呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-11-27 12:22 |只看該作者
Marco2010 發表於 12-11-27 12:07
HAHA, we are live in different planets.
SIS / IB is yr candy!
If i were you, I will not enrolled in ...
Are there any good English Native Speaking Workshop around?

I see!  It's not my cup of tea indeed, in terms of language environment.  The teacher student ratio is but this is after the language consideration.  I want to clarify that I am resistant to Cantonese but I think my boy has sufficient exposure to Cantonese at home, and needs more English environment instead, so school is the key source.

Yes, I concur with your logic actually.  In fact, I don't really mind if the teachers are not blonde or without blue eyes.  ABC or Chinese are fine, as long as they are native speakers.  For Zenith, I thought we are paying extra for the school rental (Kowloon Tong) and facilities maintenance, not entirely the teachers.

Rank: 4

發表於 12-11-27 12:29 |只看該作者

引用:回復+charmykittyy+的帖子 Yes,+the+notic

原帖由 minirat 於 12-11-27 發表
actually i was quite happy to have an offer as am class, but once i read the notice of payment within two days , it made me hesitate ..... and gave me a bad impression immediately , i felt they want $ or push us payment so quickily ( just personal feeling, hope wont make any of you disappointed). as i remember the sch principal said we need to think clearly if this sch suit my kids or not in the briefing session, but she just gave us so little time.

    just called them they need to pay 雜費 of $2xxx twice a year ....  
maybe i will pay first as a backup....  as there are still some coming interviews.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-27 12:32 |只看該作者
minirat 發表於 12-11-27 12:22
Are there any good English Native Speaking Workshop around?

I see!  It's not my cup of tea indeed,  ...

To be honest, so far the English Environment in MW is acceptable, but not that good as per my expected!
Zenith will be better when compare!
Because my son's class NET is very green!
I think ESF will be yr final choice!!

Pls refer to the 2012-2013 MW parents post, I had written some drawback on the above.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-11-27 12:59 |只看該作者

回覆:Marco2010 的帖子

I am not sure about ESF coz my husband is local.  Do they look at parents citizenships or merely the child?


Marco2010  Citizenships is not a matter! But parents is / are english native speaker, there will be a bonus for ESF.  發表於 12-11-27 13:45

Rank: 4

發表於 12-11-27 13:52 |只看該作者
回復 charmykittyy 的帖子

好同唔好係要自己去用心去睇同感受, 因每個人既要求都唔同. 做家長最重要係要睇下學校既教學理念同方法適唔適合小朋友. 千萬唔好人云亦云呀....
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