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樓主: bblittle

Ming Wai VS Think   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 12-6-18 00:06 |只看該作者

回覆:Ming Wai VS Think

My son is shy and very weak in social. His class teacher is very kind and patient. She knows that I am busy with my work sometimes she calls me in 8pm or 9pm when she is at home, to discuss my son's situation with me. In this case, do you think the teachers are all no heart and not professional? Maybe I am lucky my son's class teacher is really very good!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-18 00:10 |只看該作者
回復 jelly-pudding 的帖子

This is same as what Princpal Chan said!
But do you think it is the real reason behind? To be honest, I dun think so.
I think it is related to resources allocation, especially for the NET teachers time limitation.

Eg. for another school TT, the main stream only have 15mins NET per day (Or even per week, sorry I dun 100% remember)
In contract, the international stream have 1 hrs per day (100% sure).
But the international  stream IKG only have classes on afternoon only.
If you consider in the school resources standpoint, then you can find more fact.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-18 01:43 |只看該作者
回復 natalie-mama 的帖子

其實大家討論到咁激烈都無用哦,我們巳是選擇錯誤了,現在告知給妳們意見啫!唔信(明x)係一間超級現實 的學校,咁味去比妳們的心肝寶貝去讀囉,希望唔好後悔莫及.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-18 11:43 |只看該作者
mickichan 發表於 12-6-18 01:43
回復 natalie-mama 的帖子

其實大家討論到咁激烈都無用哦,我們巳是選擇錯誤了,現在告知給妳們意見啫!唔信( ...

咁你退學未? 千祈唔好哂錢!  


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-18 11:44 |只看該作者
回復 Marco2010 的帖子

My kid is studying in NP Int'l stream N1. Here are some my points of view:
Good point:
>academic level is very high: Oral, phonics, PTH, (The principal didn't say N1 offer Japanese, but so suprise that my kid can speak Japanese at home.....)
>therefore, $3280 school fee is fair

Bad point:
>Poor environment, classroom is small, the playground is only天台
>In summer, the class room temperature is very very low, all the student come out their hands are very Cold & Cool.......
>The NET teachers are Cool, not so warm: They all stand at the entrance every day, but not so nice facial expression. This is the selling point of MW, they use NET teacher standing at the entrance instead of the Chinese teachers......
>If you forget to tell the teacher your kid need to have sick leave for serveral days, they even not give you a call...........(only my experience)

Although many bad points here, my kid also likes to go to school every day.  She also like to pretend/(role play) the teachers at home.

Last month, when I said," You will change the kindergarten in K1 in coming Sept, no more MW....." my kid immediately cried and said," I want to study in Ming Wai, woo woooo woo......." (She really cried.)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-18 12:28 |只看該作者
回復 caca316 的帖子

Tks for yr quite objective sharing!

Yep, I think so!
MW students presentation skill is quite impressed us.
This is one of the main reason why i choose this school.

WOW.........not fare.....why PE fare is much higher than NP?
But i do agree that they had shifted more resource from NP to PE in order to make a good reputation like most of the Kowloon Tong school.

PE even do not have outdoor playground......but this is the fact when you choosing this school.......I must accept.

A warm call to every absent students would be perfect!
But from my personal view, if really have to choose, I prefer them to keep more effort on teaching materials and methodlogy rather than just a call to our baby. Jsut for fun, I want a doctor call instead.

The world is Fair!
Every schools must have their pros and cons.
How to choose a the best school for every son would be a "Work of Art".

Last but not least, I really hate K3 to be schooling at afternoon.
This drive me to consider other "same level" school if they can have morning class through out PN-K3
even MW teaching very well.

PS. Apprecaite you could share more about their teaching course contents / Online Cambridge English training etc.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-6-18 15:17 |只看該作者
回復 mickichan 的帖子

同意您的說法, 可能不是個個都唔好彩啦! 再激烈反駁都沒用, 希望各家長都得到應有的回報吧!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-18 23:10 |只看該作者
同意marco說法!MW language不錯但教具硬件有待改善。工作紙簡陋,只求其印a4色紙。父親節母親節咭求其,校內沒有特別活動。我朋友的兒子在其他幼稚園常有動物派對、睡衣派對。小朋友手工也精美,反映學校有心思於小朋友學習上。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-19 00:57 |只看該作者
回復 melonfans 的帖子


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-19 01:07 |只看該作者
mickichan 發表於 12-6-19 00:57
回復 melonfans 的帖子



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-19 11:24 |只看該作者
回復 cherryko 的帖子

HAHA, 妳相信我我說法是十分危險, 因我是憑INTERVIEW / Video / 觀察MW小朋友去估計, 並沒有實戰經驗, 要等仔仔九月試過先知, 以上只是個人感覺, 我都唔想害人.
宜家D學校又唔攪OPEN DAY, 在BK上可參巧的資料好參差, 要問多D觀察多D先掂.
其實政府要規管所有幼稚園,包括沒有學卷的.都要統一發放學校基本資料, 如果連有多小老師, 多少NET, 她們學歷資格等.
起碼家長知道硬件去比較, 軟件如教法, 愛心等就真係要靠口碑啦, 起碼大家估小一半先啦.

Rank: 4

發表於 12-6-19 12:46 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-19 12:49 |只看該作者
回復 melonfans 的帖子

一般村幼稚園比她好得多,但我睇返妳之前的討論妳都幾鍾意(明x) wor,唔通妳係(明x)自己友.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-19 14:06 |只看該作者
我唔識melonfans,但睇過佢d post,絕對唔似自己友,
呢度應該可以容納唔同意見, 唔係你唔鍾意,人地鍾意就係打手呀?


23102009  我都肯定佢係用家唔係打手  發表於 12-6-19 14:36

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-19 14:43 |只看該作者
回復 coffei1 的帖子

哈哈, 其實我有諗過!
但姑勿論是否打手都好, 講野要有理據及SUPPORTING! 如果你唔分析是個人問題.
但看其POST, 起碼多D內容可以給大家分析, 總比起一D沒內容的好.
最怕就係講野只是講果結論, 如MW是好商業化, 唔好.......點唔掂先得架, 唔講清楚人地鬼知MEI.
起碼我就唔會信以下D POST先LAW.

例如, 有人話請假沒有打電話問候, 這個可能是事實, 有人會好介意, 但自己覺得可以接受.
因為我覺返學是學生(或家長)責任, 返唔到都係要主動通知學校, 並不是給了學費就責任全是學校.
教好一個小朋友, 要家校合作, 如果唔被小朋友知道返學是自己的責任............未來返工都唔見得會有責任.

有家長在MW有不愉快的經驗, 大家都好喜歡八下, 其實多謝妳地分享
間學校又不是我們的, 事情只有越辯越明, 但務必前文後理交代好.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-19 14:46 |只看該作者
回復 萬獸之王 的帖子

Critical Thinking!!

Rank: 4

發表於 12-6-19 14:55 |只看該作者
我都係太子明慧用家, 小朋友讀緊pn班

其實明慧學費唔算太貴, 私校國際班真係差唔多 (多多仲貴啦)
而且佢真係有好多net (禮賢$2080 無net, 民生$2800 4個net - 重要分分鐘同小學share)

真係好睇發生過咩事, so far我小朋友跌跌撞撞就實有,
老師都會打黎同我講返, 有邊個小朋友無整親過?? 由得佢跌咗起返身

正如melonfans之前所講, 除咗車程時間長(因得一架校車), 但校車ee真係好有愛心

私校就梗係講錢, 但其實有數得計, 你扣吓佢租金(仲要預計埋會唔會狂加租), 教師薪金(net要包好多allowance), 活動(很多學校活動要另收費), 買吓教具器材(佢啲教具係靚野, 唔係甩皮甩骨嫁)等等....
差唔多啦, 又無政府補貼...真係有數得計嫁

樓上有人講有老師迫小朋友食野, 其實呢啲情況一啲都唔出奇,
(小朋友最唔like食青豆, 你有無見過食完茶點後會成地都係青豆的奇境?)
我朋友在大機構教, 啲老師都係咁, 佢地唔會覺得殘忍同無愛心,
佢會覺得佢幫你教囝唔好揀飲擇食, 學習服從...
我最初聽到都覺得不可思議, 但想深一層:
現在實在有太多被溺愛的孩子, 愛唱反調,
唔由細教佢, 點得黎大??

mw 同think都收我小朋友讀k1, 不過我最終兩間都放棄,

如果你問我mw 同think, 其實兩間差唔多, 太子mw欠outdoor area


melonfans  thks for yr support!  發表於 12-6-19 17:48

Rank: 4

發表於 12-6-19 14:58 |只看該作者
另外marco2010, 就你話k3要返下午班的問題,
之前校長有講過點解, 因為小學係返全日,
要早一年預備佢地作息時間, 所以一律返下午.
而且我小朋友一直返下午, 我覺無特別問題,
最初佢9-11點會瞓一瞓, 呢兩個月開始無再瞓

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-6-19 15:59 |只看該作者
同意23102009和Marco.我都係用家. 本人也是採用marco 的approach. 要有客觀的批判.如老師是X牌? 我都好想睇下是真唔係.即是你有... 我有指觸過D老師.Native English, 可接受的國語發音. 至於貴, 商業化,(這個可說是最可客觀的考量-- 數字)..... 不足HKD3800X12(把書費計進去)國際班的價來講可說是value for money.若有更平的.... 是怎樣的呢.... HKD2000 per month? 不如講番問題本身本人親身經歷,同意23102009的分析..國語是他們的highlight.我有接觸過老師Native 老師和國語老師都不錯。至於學術。MW tends to give difficult syllabus. PN用的english reading, 是international brand.... My friend told me about the siutation in primary school... the syllabus is much difficult than our old days.... it is not a bad idea to give some challenge to the kids as long as they are happy and found satisfaction. Regarding Think, they are in the similar price range. And also comparatively (st.catherine or victoria)  easy to get into international class. I believe, between the two there are no huge difference. MW has longer history.. I would prefer this point. In addition, you know which one you prefer during the interview session already. so hope it helps.... (yes... nowaday parents needed to think critcally. Weak support, not factual..intention is so obvious)   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-19 16:22 |只看該作者
My daughter is also doing to NP MW PN this coming Aug. My reason of choosing this school for her because the language of the students is good ane the school has long history. What make the school survive for 40 years? And why are their so many people line up for interview each year? If the school is as bad as some of the people say, the two things mentioned above won't even exist. I am going to let my girl to try one year in MW. If she doesn't get a better offer for K1,I will let her continue studying in MW.
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