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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 讀兩間幼稚園?
樓主: seeker.email

讀兩間幼稚園?   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-3-25 11:47 |只看該作者


dolphinmama  唔好咁講,真係有呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  發表於 12-3-27 15:06


發表於 12-3-26 10:14 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 12-3-26 11:40 |只看該作者
himuimui 發表於 12-3-26 10:14
For entering local P1, I let him go to normal N1-K3 pm class,

For language, I let him go Monterrison english playgroup 3 days per week and PTH 1 day per week in the morning.
But this means in additional to the normal half day kinder, he still needs to attend outside classes 4 days during weekdays plus 2 more on sat. and sunday ... isn't it equally hectic?  does this make a huge difference when compared to 2 kinders at the same time?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-3-26 11:42 |只看該作者
himuimui 發表於 12-3-26 10:14
For entering local P1, I let him go to normal N1-K3 pm class,

For language, I let him go Monterriso ...



發表於 12-3-26 12:00 |只看該作者
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發表於 12-3-26 12:06 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-26 12:34 |只看該作者


That sounds interesting. My child has never participated in any montessori schools and I am always curious of how they are. By comparing what were described here and my own experience with Victoria PN, I am quite surprised that they are pretty much alike.

At Victoria, my child also gets to choose the toys.  There are a bunch of toys in each classroom for the kids to choose on their own. From time to time, the teachers add new toys/corners that relates to the theme, eg they added a supermarket and a fire station when they talked about community, and then they added a doctor's kit and a post office when they talked about occupation.  Three teachers will be around to assist the kids while playing. In pth/eng class, 2 teachers speak pth and 1 teacher speaks eng. The kids will speak to the teachers with respective languages.

Victoria only offers one snack each day.  If the kids dont like it, no other options but the teachers won't force them to eat or rush them. Kids need to feed themselves. Only normal cups, no straws.

Kids will have circle times for stories and dancing/singing. The teachers also accommodate the kids' needs. My kid did fall asleep in class after long holidays. The teachers would let the kid sleep.

Not sure about K1 though. Not sure if the kids will have as much freedom.


發表於 12-3-26 12:46 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-26 13:19 |只看該作者
I agree to study these 2 kindergartens.  SKH is for normally learning and VIC (PTH/ENG) is for languages.  I think this approach could avoid the kids to study PTH/ENG outside and this approach must be more effective as well!  Then Sat and Sun could only play play play or learning music/dancing lor! heehee!

If your kids no need to sleep in the afternoon, I am fully support you! Heehee!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-26 14:26 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 chansiub 於 12-3-26 14:39 編輯

Montessori concept is more than what are described here.  Indeed, nearly all schools have adopted some concepts of Montessori.  It's really the call of the host whether to put her kid in two schools.  If her kids do not need to take a nap or if she thinks that a nap is not necessary, she can go for it.  I never think that people putting their kids in two schools or in a thousands of playgroups are bad/evil.  It's just my kids couldn't bear it.  In my case, my boy only goes to N class in the morning, a swimming and singing class on Sat and nothing during weekday after school.  But he can speak fluent Mandarin, okay English, loves books, have simple concept on addition (Math) and can recognize more than 300 Chinese words.  I just let my kids take a nap after school and go to the playgroud on podium.  He doesn't have problem sitting properly in the classroom, never has problem with eating (can sit properly and finish his meal), and will greet people with good morning/hi by himself.  That's why I do not think that I have to put him in a very traditional school to learn something call "德育".  Of course, he is quite naughty some of the time.  But he is only 3 and I will continue to teach him myself.

I do not have expensive training material.  I read very simple Chinese and English books to my kids.  The Chinese words that my boy have learnt so far aren't from flash card.  It's from the book I read.  He just looks at it and he got it.  However, he is really not good at spelling (very bad one).  But I do not care as I think he will know it in one day and I'll continue to read to him.  I am not a full time mom.  If you are a full time mom, you can do more than me.  I am very contended when I got a video via whatsapp showing how happily my son is playing slide and riding car on podium.   


janettsui    發表於 12-3-26 14:34

Rank: 4

發表於 12-3-26 15:01 |只看該作者
If I were you, I would consider the following points:

(1) my baby has good quality and sufficient sleep at night?!
(2) One of the kinder shall be close to my home.
(3) Can I bring baby to school (at least one of the kinder)

For me, my baby does not get sufficient sleep at night... wake up easily...
And I think you have to think about the care taker would be too tired as well...

Last but not least... what is the benefit of attending two kinders at a time?!

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 12-3-27 14:48 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 torunpoland 於 12-3-27 14:53 編輯

回復 seeker.email 的帖子

首先, 我份人比較率直, 留言如有得罪, 還請見諒.

本來, 見你想安排孩子讀兩間幼稚園, 我只想說一句"多餘"回敬就算, 但見你另一張貼文, 將自己的思慮, 說得很清楚, 就知道你不是怪獸家長.

或者, 我也將我的看法, 與你分享一下, 好嗎?

雖然我們曾受外國教育,英語可以,普通話會話還好並熟練拼音(我們反而不懂倉頡),但我們始終不是ENG/PTH native speakers,靠自己很難令小孩的發音比自己好。

我敢說, 我的英文也還可以, 不是普通書信商業那種程度, 而是中英翻譯, 所以也斗膽說一句, 我的英文還是見得人. 跟你一樣, 即使英文多好, 我也不是native speaker, 如果小朋友靠我學英文發音, 他肯定不會學到native 的腔. 不過, 問題來了, native腔真的那麼重要嗎? 在我家而言, 我和先生想過, 有就當然好, 冇也不是大問題. 因為, 我們打算送他去國際學校讀書(原因下述), 相信, 只要他自小與以英語為母語的老師一起, 自然一定學到. 可能老師也不是native腔, 但不打緊, 重要是他自幼接觸英文, 有能力自自然然地用英文表達自己.

補充一下, 我們較喜歡國際學校, 全因不喜歡本地課程的死催爛谷.

有人會問, 小朋友上了國際學校, 中文怎學? 這個問題嘛, 也是我家憂慮之一. 但我決定親自教導. 這一點, 我是責無旁貸. 你可以想像, 世界上沒有中英兼擅, 品德上佳, 學費相宜, 活動教學, 但又不致於"冇野學"的學校. 所以, 我得取捨. 由於, 我們衡量過自己無法提供英語環境給孩子, 只好作出上述選擇. 而中文, 就交由我自己去處理.


姑且當解決了中英文學習的問題, 而德育更是值得注意的範疇. 我覺得這一點, 對幼兒或幼童而言, 很簡單(可能我還未遇上很難教的情況), 就是父母以身作則, 小朋友自幼耳濡目染, 一定抄足父母, 當然, 其他提倡德育的故事書, 亦是很有用的幫手工具.


小朋友有甚麼可能性, 只有上帝才知. 不論你做皮紋測試, 或找相士問個清楚, 心底總之有個數, 但說到底, 還是順著小朋友的個性去發展, 這個"順著", 要靠父母細心觀察, 所以, 要孩子發揮潛能, 儘速坊間有許多數之不盡的才藝班幫你一把, 但還是父母悉心留意小朋友的生活, 甚至陪他們去探索, 所以, 我認為, 現階段, 即幼稚園階段, 不用太過著急去所謂發掘他的才能興趣. 從幼兒發展過程角度出發, 頭三幾年, 他們要學做人(as a human being), 即是體內那些感觀系統(sensory system), 語言有正常發展就可以. 平常帶他去公園, 接觸大自然; 去圖書館, 建立閱讀習慣, 也就對他們是最大的幫忙.


我也一樣, 成龍需要天資, 勉強不來, 亦無謂勉強. 所謂足夠裝備, 於我家而言, 就是上述的德育, 中英文, 閱讀的培養. 我時常想, 我父母讀書不多, 我到底也大學畢業, 也許當中有少少天份, 但我回首, 我總覺得, 讓我在學習路上比較順利的因素, 離不開閱讀給我的影響. 時代變了, 不著重文字的表達, 更多是圖像表達, 也許是的, 但閱讀的功效(恕我用語較功利主義), 卻是終生, 我可以看左傳, 看詩經, 也可以選擇讀村上春樹, 或者Jack Welch的 Straight from the gut, 我意思是說, 不論你大學是否straight A, 出來社會謀生, 要職的東西多的是, 一個學位不夠嘛, 讀多兩三個也可以, 但只有閱讀才可以令人不斷進步. 有了閱讀興趣及能力, 就有選擇的能力, 但此乃後話, 父母也管不了他18歲後怎麼攪.


同意, 但記著, They have their lives about which we could hardly have a say!

最後, 有一篇文章想跟你分享: http://www.greenfieldhk.com/filedata/tbl_newsletter/doc/29_1.pdf, 即該檔的第一篇文章.

(1) 足夠睡眠
(2) 運動
詳情請細閱文章, 不長, 數分鐘即可完成.

我就以這篇文章, 取代開首"多餘"作為對你提問的回答吧!

發表於 12-3-27 16:31 |只看該作者


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發表於 12-3-27 23:59 |只看該作者
布希亞 發表於 12-3-27 16:31


他日神功大成,嘩 ->

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