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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 聖心明天 Interview la
樓主: Yipapa

聖心明天 Interview la   [複製鏈接]

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發表於 12-1-10 08:28 |只看該作者
lovelinda 發表於 12-1-10 00:49
而且, 我都明白好多家長都好質疑學校的收生條件, 因為interview 的時間實在很短, 但我可以講, 有經驗的老師真是一睇(從你行入來開始), 就已經可以知道好多野架啦!
Hi lovelinda,

Yes, it's been a long time!  I also have not been able to participate in the discussions as often as I would like in the past few months.  

I just wrote an article concerning this and will be published in the magazine probably on Chinese New Year's day.  Hope to get the parents more educated over such matter and they can move on to be concerned with more important things.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 12-1-10 08:37 |只看該作者
joyjoy815 發表於 12-1-10 00:05
回復 iantsang 的帖子

我呢D連續2年 in 既....就好明顯睇到今年既改變...今年真係好好多.....見到咁多義工家長..就一定知大家都對學校好有歸屬感....如果唔係...邊樹搵到咁多人俾咁多心機去安排, ...今年我地係 sister in, 我見到隔離間房都有 sister, 我第一個反應係 ..哇連 sister 都出動埋, 呢番心意, 我一廂情願諗係想多D人 in, 等大家早D in 完,

Hi joyjoy815,

Not only there are numbers of parents who have the sense of belongings and volunteered to help.  Even more important is the level of trust between parents and kindergarten, that it will let parents to co-ordinate such an event.  It really has taken the parent-school co-operation to another level.

Of course asking the few sisters to help is certainly align with your assumption.  But as mentioned before, the unfortunate fact is some people can never learn to appreciate, and they would only feel it is not enough.  But I guess that's faith, isn't it?  The right person will see the right thing.  We just can't make everyone happy, and there is always reason behind.

Very good positive thinking!  Good luck to your son!


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 12-1-10 08:38 |只看該作者
lovelinda 發表於 12-1-10 01:08
回復 布希亞 的帖子

唔好意思, 我認同sh是一間不同其他幼稚園咁市繪商業的傳統幼稚園, 但我唔認同是"唯一" ...
I think that's NOT really what that member meant......

發表於 12-1-10 10:11 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-1-10 10:12 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-10 10:16 |只看該作者
iantsang 發表於 12-1-9 18:42
Concerning the interview arrangement, just in case the parents are not aware, it is the collective  ...
I definitely appreciate the help from the parents; they really helped a lot to keep the children happy, at least that's what I have experienced, way to go!

It is a fact that the interview arrangement is not the best among other kindergartens we have visited so far; so I cannot really said the arrangement is "good". e.g. some kindergartens offer playground for kids to play instead of just queuing up for 30+ mins.

Anyway, I do understand we gotta be really careful to comment anything on any school in baby/edu kingdom.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 12-1-10 10:30 |只看該作者
hangyodon 發表於 12-1-10 10:16
I definitely appreciate the help from the parents; they really helped a lot to keep the children hap ...
Don't get me wrong.  I am not trying to push you to say it is a good arrangement and everyone know there are room for improvement.  But some day, you will be on the receiving end of these comments so why not be more considerate to each others?

This is for parents of ANY KINDERGARTENS// SCHOOLS.

p.s. whether playing for 30 mins is necessary better than queuing for 30mins, I think this is very subjective.

Anyway, good luck to you for finding the right kindergarten!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-10 10:51 |只看該作者
iantsang 發表於 12-1-10 10:30
Don't get me wrong.  I am not trying to push you to say it is a good arrangement and everyone know t ...
I agree that playing 30mins and then goto interview within a few mins won't be better than queuing up for 30 mins

But a few schools let the children playing in the playground until probably 15mins before the interview time,
just to let them cool down; some school offers teacher's show / story time to catch the attention of the children before the interview. I would consider these are good arrangement.
But as I said, I do understand not every school can provide such arrangement due to resourcing issue

I just want to be considerate to the parents who need bring their 2-3 years kid alone to the interview, and try their best to keep their child happy in the queue, without the help from their partner, who is waiting at the car park

Anyway, thanks for your blessing.
We need more people like you to keep EK/BK running smoothly and happily :)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-10 11:48 |只看該作者
回復 iantsang 的帖子




iantsang  hehe, I just assume there was a hidden meaning.  You could be right!  發表於 12-1-10 13:32

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-10 11:51 |只看該作者
回復 膽小媽媽 的帖子

我都係"百無", 但都收咗阿女.......

記得面試當日, 見到sister真是好nice!!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-1-10 11:52 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-10 12:53 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小K 於 12-1-10 13:02 編輯


回想起我們去見工時,我們自己又係坐係個reception到唱王菲隻飲歌"又繼續等"我地事後都唔會向佢地HR投訴你間公司點解要我坐係reception等禁耐!點解你唔比個電視機我睇下一路等!!(事先講聲sorry ,唔係想串邊一個,我只係想make joke緩和一下個topic裏面d氣氛)


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 12-1-10 13:26 |只看該作者
hangyodon 發表於 12-1-10 10:51
I agree that playing 30mins and then goto interview within a few mins won't be better than queuing u ...

I understand some parents like yourself would feel this is a considerate arrangement.  But I feel very sad after reading it because I would feel my children will be happy to stay with me for as long as it would take, I don't need to let them play or read them books to please them or keep them happy.

As a father, both my daughters have been taken to interview by me and I never have trouble with them.  Quite honestly, I would rather hope the kindergartens don't offer such playing time because I personally would feel it is even tougher to drag them out.  Of course, I respect there are individual differences and so different kindergartens would have different arrangement, for them to select the different candidates.  They are never perfect, so there are no such things as good or bad.

The interview begins when they were born, not just the moment they enter the interview room.  How the children are brought up and how they face everyday, can be easily displayed in the process.

Just like to share some more thoughts, hope you don't mind.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-1-10 13:39 |只看該作者
回復 hangyodon 的帖子

同意你的睇法! 許多學校面試都係要等,有D連借廁所都唔得要出去外面解決。在小朋友的角度看,有得玩住等總好過排排企,看到多個玩具閣都只能有得睇無得玩。幸好本人都有帶備一些等待途中讓小朋友解悶的法寶,才逃過未in就bye的結局。大家都是緊張自己的小朋友啫,放鬆D啦! 本人可還是白果黨員呢....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-10 14:08 |只看該作者
iantsang 發表於 12-1-10 13:26
I understand some parents like yourself would feel this is a considerate arrangement.  But I feel v ...
Of course I don't mind; this is a discussion forum.
I really love the way you express your thoughts as you are really considerate; I've had a bad experience in EK with another parent; I hope it won't happen again.

It is really difficult to secure a place in a good kindergarten.
Competition is really fierce - thousands of applicants fighting for 100-200 seats ~~~~ luck plays an important part for sure.

So good luck everyone


iantsang  Good luck to you!    發表於 12-1-10 14:25

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-10 14:26 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 viana 於 12-1-10 14:34 編輯

雖然當天是需要等候,但我認為這也是對小朋友和家長的第一個小考驗,無錯如當時讓一個小孩玩playground,這樣會讓他們能愉快中等候,但我相信她們沒開放出來一定是有原因,還記得我的大女兒當年面試時(好可惜我大女沒被取錄) 是開放的,我相信現在因為一天內要面對如此多小孩面試,實在未能滕出太多的空間了,因小朋友玩樂的話好難介定誰是準備in誰是已面試完畢^,而且實在太多人來了,又好難在遊樂場處請人離開,到時又衍生另一些問題。加上每間學校面試生人數多寡又不同,都難作比較。


Danny08  Argee! 調節自己去適應社會, KG是一個小社會。  發表於 12-1-10 16:54
hangyodon  認同!!  發表於 12-1-10 16:01

Rank: 4

發表於 12-1-10 14:57 |只看該作者
Hahahaha... Don't mind... don't expect too much...

Let it be... we (baby and parents) already did our best !!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-10 15:32 |只看該作者
I found sometimes it is difficult to manage the kids if the KG provides too "attractive" facilities for the kid during the waiting time

Last year, one of the KG provided "Barney video" in the waiting room before interview.  While the interview was group interview with kids playing puzzles, my girl reluctant to stay and asking me to bring her back to the room as she wanted to watch Barney.  She failed that interview.

This year, I had an interview with a KG with a very good campus and outdoor facilities during the waiting time.  She enjoyed very much the playground and played for more than 30 minutes.  While the interview was held rather late in the afternoon, she almost felt asleep after I calmed her down for the interview.

Lot of unexpected things can happen during interview.  Parents and kids have to deal with different contingencies   I would say SH interview is not a stereotype, neither the arrangement nor the questions.   To be honest, last year arrangement was more messy where lot of kids and their parents (both, vs. only 1 this year) are packed in front of the interview room and some kids are crying.  The waiting time was more or less the same this year, but better organised, peaceful and in proper order.   

SC is a unique kindergarten to me.  I can see good sense of belongings of the volunteer parents and more importantly, their graduates are proud of themselves of being studied there.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-1-10 17:02 |只看該作者
我衷心希望上面與學校理念不一樣既家長,唔好比你既小朋友讀聖心啦, 勉強無幸福既,
我大女讀緊k3,當日都有帶細女去interview. 完全唔覺得要等45分鐘係一個問題, 係個45分鐘入面,我地會經過停車場既畫廊、停車場、露天操場、遊樂場、樓梯、課室門口等待區、課室......我相信每一個地方對小朋友黎講都係新奇既,我都只係一路等一路同小朋友欣賞下d畫、講下遊樂場有咩玩呀,同佢唱下歌仔咁,就已經入到課室啦,一d都唔覺得難捱!
作為家長,我地係最好既身教,只要你地「懂得感恩,唔好埋怨,所以既事都會變得好美好.」以上呢句就係我大女係學校宗教活動後返黎教我既, 從一個小朋友口中可以講出呢d說話, 大家就知間學校係幾用心、用愛、用正面既態度去栽培我地既小朋友!


Ackl1002  Agree!   發表於 12-1-11 13:15
fefemom  UK  姐姐說出這樣的句話,很感動呢!  發表於 12-1-10 22:44

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-1-10 17:30 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 hangyodon 於 12-1-10 18:19 編輯

Thanks for the reminder

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