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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 (新手請教) 一條龍 v 半龍
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(新手請教) 一條龍 v 半龍

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-11 10:19 |顯示全部帖子
Hello, 我家住九龍, 小女Rainie將於12年入讀K1. 新手請教 "一條龍 v 半龍" --

1. 一條龍 v 半龍 點分別?
2. 一條龍 & 半龍, 升上小學中學後學費貴嗎? (據了解, 小中私校才能行一條龍/半龍升學制度, 學費必貴. 對否?)
3. To clarify, 九龍區,
一條龍 = 培正?
半龍 = 崇真,德望,民生?
Any more?


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 11-8-11 14:40 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Littlejon 於 11-8-11 10:19 發表
Hello, 我家住九龍, 小女Rainie將於12年入讀K1. 新手請教 "一條龍 v 半龍" --

1. 一條龍 v 半龍 點分別?
2. 一條龍 & 半龍, 升上小學中學後學費貴嗎? (據了解, 小中私校才能行一條龍/半龍升學制度, 學費必貴. 對否? ...

我對一條同半條嘅理解唔深, 不過:
1) 培正升培小100%, 因培小係私小
但升培中不會是100%, 因佢係津校, 雖是培正小學直屬中學, 但只可85%收直屬小學學生.
2) 民生中學也是津校.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-8-13 10:02 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Littlejon 於 11-8-11 10:19 發表
Hello, 我家住九龍, 小女Rainie將於12年入讀K1. 新手請教 "一條龍 v 半龍" --

1. 一條龍 v 半龍 點分別?
2. 一條龍 & 半龍, 升上小學中學後學費貴嗎? (據了解, 小中私校才能行一條龍/半龍升學制度, 學費必貴. 對否?)
3. To clarify, 九龍區,
一條龍 = 培正?
半龍 = 崇真,德望,民生?
Any more?

1. 一條龍 is referring to 100% admission, 半條龍 are for those who give preference but not 100%;
2. In order to achieve this, primary section must be private schools, so the tuition fees vary from below 20K a year to around 30-40K a year.  Most of the secondary section of these schools are gov't aided, except a few which are DSS so will need to prepare for the fees required for 12 years;
3. You may refer to my thread prepared on top section for list of one-dragon schools.
Here's the link:


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-13 15:12 |顯示全部帖子
Thx IAn tsang! U r so nice!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-17 17:37 |顯示全部帖子
1. Thanks Ian, yr 一條龍 list is v useful. Mind to tell me the KG of yr child? How do u feel (satisfy)?

2. I will apply 民生書院 & 聖母 & 培道 for my daughter. Generally, on the view of (i) 師資 (ii) 校舍 really relatviely much better than "normal" school? (iii) Is the non-announced 雜費 high? (想大約有個概念)

3. 再請教, how about secondary level? My question is, in 一條龍 system, when child would completed 小六, really can enter 民生書院 / 聖母 / 培道 diretly? (Or lucky draw again?)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-17 18:35 |顯示全部帖子

聖母一條龍 . 新手家長請教

(請教聖母一條龍, 各位家長有否已收集直屬小學中學資料?)
Hello, 本身為新手家長. 家住黃大仙區. 現準備為小女Rainie報讀 聖母 & 民生 & 培道 KG --

1. 一條龍? 如是半龍, 收幾多KG的小朋友(%)?
2. 我已知公報的小學學費. 想有個預算, (i) 雜費高昂嗎? (ii) 其他特別費用?
3. (民生 / 培道) Rainie不是41區學童, 萬一不合標準直升, 如又未有地址, 即回黃大仙校網報讀聖母private primary school... 入學機會又大嗎?

1. 中學已不是私校了, 也能直升嗎? 中學津校不需大抽獎? (不明白)
2. 好學校比率, 當然是九龍城/九龍塘好. 但擔心小女未能上理想的學校... 好學校比率, 九龍城/九龍塘收校網又比黃大仙校網高? (= High Risk?)


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-17 18:40 |顯示全部帖子
- Sorry, I wrongly posted 聖母一條龍. Pls ignore. - Looking for yr nice reply concerning 一條龍 general info again. Thanks.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-8-18 13:06 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Littlejon 於 11-8-17 17:37 發表
1. Thanks Ian, yr 一條龍 list is v useful. Mind to tell me the KG of yr child? How do u feel (satisfy)?

2. I will apply 民生書院 & 聖母 & 培道 for my daughter. Generally, on the view of (i) 師資 (ii) ...

I guess it is no secrets where my daughter is studying.  She is in Sacred Heart.  And sure I am more than satisfy with this kindergarten.  Besides my daughter can learn a lot in the past two years, same applies to myself.

Honestly, those miscellaneous fees vary from school to school (and year by year).  So, if you have decided to choose private schools, then need to be prepared for some buffer.  At the end, all these are either Catholic or Christian schools, so I wouldn't expect they will be asking too high on that perspective.

I believe you will need to spend some time to understand the primary and secondary allocation methods first.  Suggest you to visit EDB to read the first two topics http://www.edb.gov.hk/index.aspx?nodeID=1496&;langno=2.  In simple term, promotion to these related secondary schools are based on academic results.

Basically, for applications of these kindergartens and private primary schools, home address is not relevant at all.


[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 11-8-18 13:07 編輯 ]