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教育王國 討論區 自閉寶寶 仔仔成日鍾意同人斗快行?
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-3 14:11 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-10-5 01:50 |顯示全部帖子
My son had the same problem

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-10-5 02:48 |顯示全部帖子

回復 2# 天之涯 的帖子

Pls divide the situation first
Running in playground w/ others is gd sign and encouragable, it is the beginning of social interaction, I found there are a lot of kids running around and around, you should encourage yr kid to have more interaction w/ other kid after running or during running. Say like making it as a competition at a certain pt with other kid, or adding playing instrument after running etc. It also use up its energy. Pls do not discourage yr kid to run w/ others. It's should be a very encouragable thing. Do u  prefer yr kid playing alone or concentrating on a specific instrument rather than running w/ others. Of course, the latter is better la. Social interaction is the ultimate goal rather than playing instrument in playground , right?
About running or chasing other people in public area, of course need remedy since it affects others, one possible solution is to normalize his behaviour and limit his action. If he has a particular people or area he run or chase, limit his running to a certain person (Of couse, most likely is dad or mom) or a particular area (say like a zebra crossing before the kindergarden). Everytime, if you pass this zebra crossing w/ him, saying that only u will run w/ him together. No other area, no other people. It is very important that it should be fun. Next time, if he runs w/ other or chase w/ others in other area, warn him that he will lose his chance to run w/ him in the crossing one time. Do carry the "punishment - not running" if necessary. After successful, cut such running behaviour by some other thing he likes (candy, play in playground, etc)
Hope it helps.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-10-9 10:43 |顯示全部帖子

回復 3# 天之涯 的帖子

其實都係用ABC method, 可以先分析此行為背后的動機...如: 想win, 勝人一籌的滿足感...

嘗試告訴仔仔, 同人鬥快, 即是要比賽啦, 但他需[邀請]別人參與這場比賽及得到對方[同意]才可鬥快, 不可一廂情願...

另外, 如果小朋友有一定的認知能力,可告訴他, 你自己猛跟住人, 人0地會"討厭"你, 講出別人的感受(如果有陌生人猛跟住你, 你都唔鍾意啦)

其次, 壞行為需要好行為去取替...喜歡鬥快, 就同佢玩鬥快的遊戲啦, 如: 串字, 計數, 執玩具, spy game, 估物件...

最後, 還要灌輸"輸"的概念...因好勝的人, 輸不起...輸0左下次再來, 大家都有機會輸, 輸了亦冇大不了...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-10-9 17:58 |顯示全部帖子
我仔都勁LIKE跑,平時出街唔肯行(超級懶),但一講話RUN比賽,佢就突然好有力咁同你RUN....勁LIKE RUN,又快.我覺得唔影響人都OK,又搵呢D機會教佢同人講/傾計,互動...等等....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-10-9 18:05 |顯示全部帖子

回復 1# BeBe媽媽 的帖子

Totally agree