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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 請大家幫忙分析一下比d意見我.
樓主: klm402

請大家幫忙分析一下比d意見我. [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-2 16:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 brrbaby2007 於 11-8-2 16:04 發表

但呢點好重要,鬧交結怨由此起,真係有共識好d,父母生活唔開心小朋友入到elite schools又有乜意義?

係...你講得好0岩, 小朋友成日見到父母兩個面阻阻, 佢都唔會開心, 個個都想小朋友可以生活係個開心既家庭入面, 但係做唔做到.....好多時又唔到自己話事...要配合, 但係配合同就範只差一線, 今天得到他的配合, 他日嘈交又拎出黎講話係就範, 沒完沒了的糾結.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-2 16:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 hwm399 於 11-8-2 16:17 發表
考都唔比考? 都未考点知個期會太近呀? 話唔定有一兩間interview做熱身, 考龍校會fit d 呢?

佢係怕考得太多....囡囡會表現唔好, 影響龍校面試表現.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-2 16:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 brrbaby2007 於 11-8-2 16:26 發表


依家好多龍校都唔係100%上龍, 但到底機會率比街外人大麻, 你問我今年要報邊D.....講真....真係坐定笠六一定得既話. 我都唔想同小朋友報咁多, 但唔報多幾間, 到時真係四大皆空就大件事了.
今年我個人想報既有PC, TT, MS, KY, GH, KV, SC, 宣幼, 8間, 當然...係我一廂情願既想法, 問C6, 佢一定唔AGREE囉.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-2 16:42 |只看該作者
原帖由 klm402 於 11-8-2 16:33 發表

係...你講得好0岩, 小朋友成日見到父母兩個面阻阻, 佢都唔會開心, 個個都想小朋友可以生活係個開心既家庭入面, 但係做唔做到.....好多時又唔到自己話事...要配合, 但係配合同就範只差一線, 今天得到他的配合, 他日 ...


Btw, 你先同佢講宣美冇得直升呢個事實先,睇佢有乜反應。當佢接受呢個事實后才慢慢推你果套呢
"即使你是友善的,人們可能還會說你自私和動機不良,不管怎樣,你還是要友善。即使你是誠實的,人們可能還會欺負你,不管怎樣,你還是要誠實。你今天做的善事,人們明天可能就忘記,不管怎樣,你還是要做善事。” 杜麗莎修女。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-2 16:44 |只看該作者
原帖由 klm402 於 11-8-2 16:37 發表

依家好多龍校都唔係100%上龍, 但到底機會率比街外人大麻, 你問我今年要報邊D.....講真....真係坐定笠六一定得既話. 我都唔想同小朋友報咁多, 但唔報多幾間, 到時真係四大皆空就大件事了.
今年我個人想報既有PC, TT ...

8間ok bor, btw PC同MS唔係for男仔?
"即使你是友善的,人們可能還會說你自私和動機不良,不管怎樣,你還是要友善。即使你是誠實的,人們可能還會欺負你,不管怎樣,你還是要誠實。你今天做的善事,人們明天可能就忘記,不管怎樣,你還是要做善事。” 杜麗莎修女。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-2 16:58 |只看該作者
原帖由 brrbaby2007 於 11-8-2 16:42 發表


Btw, 你先同佢講宣美冇得直升呢個事實先,睇佢有乜反應。當佢接受呢個事實后才慢慢推你果套呢

佢知道宣美唔係龍校, 佢意思就係今年升唔係原校升K1全日班而轉去宣美, 囡囡係08細B關係, 今年可再報2012/13 K1做大B, 咁今年比囡囡考龍校, 萬一龍校唔成功就留係宣美等派位OR扣門返荔天.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-2 16:58 |只看該作者
原帖由 brrbaby2007 於 11-8-2 16:44 發表

8間ok bor, btw PC同MS唔係for男仔?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-2 17:35 |只看該作者
咁荔天之後呢..中學網你又ok 吾ok..?? 呢點都重要.  其實沙田吾係多d好築校咩..??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-2 17:58 |只看該作者
原帖由 pipip929 於 11-8-2 17:35 發表
咁荔天之後呢..中學網你又ok 吾ok..?? 呢點都重要.  其實沙田吾係多d好築校咩..??

沙田好學校係多, 不過我地打算會換返細D同埋搬返九龍, 但係呢D野係未知呢, 打算係咁打算, 但係幾時做到就未知囉.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-8-2 22:31 |只看該作者
It's really a long post!

First of all, I believe this must be made very clear with your husband that the statistics are mis-interpreted.

When you see so many students from a particular allocated to a gov't aided schools, it doesn't mean attending this kindergarten would have higher chances to be allocated to this primary school.  This is a very common mistake among parents, which applies to your husband's friend and himself.

The way that you can correctly interpreted such data is, such situation arises since (1) both the kindergarten and the primary school are in the same net, and students from this kindergarten LIKE to apply to this primary school and so a higher number of students will go to this primary school; (2) there are quite a few choices in the net so often time if you choose this particular school as first choice in the central allocation or even during discretionary places with just 15 points, the chances of being admitted is actually high.

So, as parents need to be very careful to read these numbers.  As human we tend to be subjective and only thinks in a direction which we desire.  But we must stay objective to really understand how certain scenarios happen.

The myth of attending which kindergartens would got advantage to be placed in certain primary schools don't exist.  That situation is long gone as the principal points system have been eliminated for about 10 years already.  But yet, people don't really understand and keep passing around such outdated information.

Back to the second part of your question, certainly I wouldn't object your idea of trying the one-dragon kindergartens.  Whether you need to apply KV and SC, I would say no based on what you have mentioned between you and your husband.  Even if your daughter study in either KV or SC, there will be inconsistency between you and him so it won't be good for the family.

Concerning the number of schools to apply, as I always say here you can always apply and don't interview.  But if you don't apply, then you can't have the chance to interview when you need to.  So, do apply more and then you can decide which to interview when they have the schedule fixed.  There will be time crash so the world is not perfect and you will have to choose even earlier.

At the end, good luck!


[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 11-8-2 23:25 編輯 ]

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 11-8-2 22:58 |只看該作者
I can only say your husband is grossly ignorant on how this P1 allocation game is played.

There is no need to "suspect" there is poor connection between the KG and Primary you mentioned in Lai Chi Kwok. There is definitely no connection.

Don't believe in your husband. Otherwise you certainly will regret.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-3 09:32 |只看該作者
好多謝大家既意見, 其實我好明白個game點run, 只係要令c6同意我既想法唔係一件容易既事, 我一直強調, 我兩唯一有相同既想法係希望囡囡今年考龍校成功, 成功的話再回看今日既爭咬係多餘的. 何是那有人知道呢. 基於呢點, 我先會考慮比囡囡考九龍塘出名既kindi, 強化佢呢幾年既foundation, 為作好日後小學扣門做好準備, 何是, 令我頭痛既係, 佢只相信佢朋友既說話, 朋友表示仔女都係呢間宣美到讀, 呢間kindi同小學某程度上有link up, 所以如派唔到既話, 只要kindi寫信, 呢個小學好大機會都會收.
係升幼稚園, 升小, 升中入面存在著太多令我則疑既既傳言, 我立場方面當然唔能盡信, 事實真的出了岔子人家沒必要附上任何責任. 因此我只希望盡自己既努力幫囡囡build up佢既能力, 呢樣我覺得看似實際得多.  可是, c6有d朋友既仔女又係讀呢d九龍塘名名校kindi, 佢話讀到大人細路兩個都顛, 但係唔係真係呢, 我參考過網上面bk mama既分享卻又並不如此, 相反kv sc教到學生自律同自動自覺溫書做功課呢點我好欣賞. 假設我係小學校長, 同時有兩個學生黎面試, 一個出於有名既kindi, 一個出於普通kindi, 兩個小朋友面試同等合符理想, 那final我都會考慮其kindi出身, 呢個唔係歧視, 只係大部份人既思考路徑吧.
我唔係要為反對而反對c6既做法, 如真係覺得今年先轉去宣美讀會安心既吧, 那只好轉, 囡囡今年考龍校成功那2012年再轉, 如唔成功而考到sc kv既話, 那2012年就轉返出去, 反正呢類型有名既kindi不只於名氣, 事實真係有好既教學方法可train up小朋友. 我想法係基於呢點, 所以先同c6講, 反正都會再戰龍校同九龍塘非龍校既kindi, 那係唔係冇必要要囡囡今年先轉去宣美呢.
但係要令佢明白我既想法, 甚至認同, 係一件好難既事.
同樣地, 要我完全無疑地去接受他那套我亦做不了.
我兩意見各走一方, 今日打後出現既爭拗只會愈黎愈多, 但係為左小朋友既將來, 大家都各有堅持, 一日得唔到c6既認同, 就算佢今日悔氣接受我呢套, 他日嘈交時只會成為引發更大爭咬既導火線.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-8-3 09:53 |只看該作者
原帖由 klm402 於 11-8-3 09:32 發表
好多謝大家既意見, 其實我好明白個game點run, 只係要令c6同意我既想法唔係一件容易既事, 我一直強調, 我兩唯一有相同既想法係希望囡囡今年考龍校成功, 成功的話再回看今日既爭咬係多餘的. 何是那有人知道呢. 基於呢 ...

Ok, it's good at least there are one thing you both agree, to apply for one-dragon schools.  Have you seen my list posted two years ago?  It's located on the top section of the forum so you can choose from there.

Secondly, let's be open and accept your husband's belief.  This is one step to move forward to reach consensus.  However, then he needs an assumption, the principal of this kindergarten will remain there 3 years later!  It is because IF the kindergarten does have the relationship with this primary school, it is always the principal who have such relationship.  I have seen cases when there are personal changes, then you have nothing then.  Can he take the risk?  Honestly, this kind of relationship is always risky if it is rely on a particular person, since they carry this relationship with them, not leaving them with the kindergarten.

At the end, try take it easy.  Ask you husband if it is okay to treat KV and SC's interview as rehearsal.  It's because many one-dragon's kindergartens' interview are scheduled later, so it may not be a bad idea to warm the kids up.

Finally, consider Pooi To as one of the schools.  I personally would recommend they are a pretty good school and less competitive.  Another option is Our Lady which has a relatively easier interview format (not sure they have changed).  These two both interviews in November and announce result sooner.  So, at least hopefully you will have something on hand to try the more popular ones.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-3 11:33 |只看該作者
ian....真好多謝你既INFO....0岩0岩睇左你以前既POST, 真係大開眼界, 人家稱你SUPERMAN真係最正確不過.
如果我C6都能明白同OPENMIND聽我既睇法, 甚至認同, 那係多好既事.......不過睇情況路途艱辛而且遙遠, 有時甚至認為, 拍拖時點解樣樣都能夠遷就女方, 結婚後就完全REVERSE, 難道大部份男人都認為女人既意見都係愚見嗎.
生左小朋友之後, 由湊到教, 由教到選校, 所有關於小朋友既事已成為兩個人唯一既焦點, 對方既感受可以完全變得唔重要, 有幾多人COUPLE真係可以係結婚生左小朋友之後關係可以變得更好.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-8-3 12:25 |只看該作者
I'm glad to know the information are still useful.  I will have to find time to keep them updated during this summer holiday.

As a man, I would say most of us are quite stubborn...... haha!  And guys tend to think the women are too sensitive and are thinking too much.  However, as the world has changed, things become very dynamic so the ladies' thinking style is actually more compatible to the current situation.  But still, they don't change

Not trying to be a marriage consultant here but having been married for over 10 years, what I can say is the two person grew up from different family background and experience.  So, they ought to have different views on things.  Like I said, I don't expect there will be agreement totally, but just consensus only.  Meaning you should only expect to align the thinking and minimize disagreement.  So, the family can move forward.

Finally, hope you will be able to convince him to start thinking for the "downside" of his plan.  Since in my eyes there is a "hole" to fill.

Add oil!


原帖由 klm402 於 11-8-3 11:33 發表
ian....真好多謝你既INFO....0岩0岩睇左你以前既POST, 真係大開眼界, 人家稱你SUPERMAN真係最正確不過.
如果我C6都能明白同OPENMIND聽我既睇法, 甚至認同, 那係多好既事.......不過睇情況路途艱辛而且遙遠, 有時甚至 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-3 13:34 |只看該作者
haha.....真係多謝你, 婚後兩個人要相處融洽開心確唔係一件容易既事, 大人協調唔到, 小朋友就變左wor心....對小朋友絕對唔係一件好事, 要取平衡講既容易做既難. 除左add oil之外, 冇其他可以做到了.
你講既無錯, c6真係話我太敏感同想得太多, 但係我地女性既角度出發, 我地大多認為今日睇多d聽多d想多d敏感d只會係為件事安全d吧. 何壞.
不過男人跟女人思想不一已係既定既事實, 或者我地唔係例外既一對吧.
相信係婚後特別係生左小朋友之後既女性, 大多都會有跟我一樣既煩惱, 只係我c6係個更有自己意思主見既人, 唔容易因為我去接受另一套想法. 或者出於佢朋友把口情況會有唔一樣都唔定吧.
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