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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 入拔萃之路
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入拔萃之路 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-29 12:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 share123 於 10-12-29 12:27 發表

我真係好想知呀! 除左我提過嘅家庭背景和就讀的幼稚園之外

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-29 12:33 |只看該作者
I am so lucky that my daughter got a rejection letter from this "NOBLE" school, DGJS.  My girl has lot of speech and music awards, certs, plays several sports, very outspoken, studying at a famous kinder.  I think the key for rejection attributes to our family background (we are not wealthy enough).  We are coming from middle income group, both my husband and myself are professionals (not doctors or lawyers).  

After hearing more and more gossips about the school. I defintiely won't let my young girl go for interview in the coming year.    Afterall, it's all depending what's your expectation on your child.  

Rank: 4


發表於 10-12-29 12:38 |只看該作者

原帖由 afhjl 於 10-12-29 12:03 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-12-29 12:55 |只看該作者
原帖由 afhjl 於 10-12-29 12:33 發表

我真係好想知呀! 除左我提過嘅家庭背景和就讀的幼稚園之外

我冇家庭背景又唔係名牌幼稚園, 仔仔係幼稚園既成績都ok, 校外都有幾張奬狀頂住, 但都唔係間間收(我指唔係一線既直資or 私校), 有d學校考d學術性既野, 有d學校考表達同組織能力......... 收我仔o個2間, 我仔in 完出黎係笑哂口話玩得好開心;唔收我仔o個4間, 我仔in 完出黎係黑哂口話唔鐘意........

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-12-29 14:12 |只看該作者
可能輸在其他考生更top.  其實, dgs畢業生當了人中之鳳又如何? 亞q精神, 面對現實吧! 只好順勢而行啦!

知足者,貧亦樂 不知足者,富亦憂

原帖由 afhjl 於 10-12-29 12:33 發表

我真係好想知呀! 除左我提過嘅家庭背景和就讀的幼稚園之外

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-12-29 14:18 |只看該作者
It's a never ending argument every year. Those kids being rejected, must blamed old boys or girls and family background...... It doesn't help the kid and the family........ Let's look at the issue from other angle......

I am not old boys, my wife and I are middle class with professional qualifications, we live in quarter. Sorry, no guarantee a seat .......

My son also rejected in P4 admission as his ECA was not good enough. After that he was trained by "國手" and in GuangZhou in table tennis for 3 years, as the school team captain, a relative low ranking in HK in P6, many certificates in Maths (local and overseas), Speech Festive etc.

He was rejected again in first round of G7 admission of DBS (on waiting list), my son followed up the 2nd round written examination (Chinese, English & Maths, 9 out of 90 participants) in July and got into DBS through academic stream. This round, DBS doesn't consider interview and ECA results, just purely academic. Patiently learnt from a friend's useful advice, understand the rule of game and play the right card at right time (In the rejection letter, DBS stated that you can apply round 2 in June, but most parents are so upset and overlook the last paragraph and miss the chance). The most important part is never give up.......

A comment from my son 4 years ago, after secondary admission exercise - "一山還有一山高". Academic, arts, music, sports, leadership, family background, social services, just like the real world. You can get into or rejected by DBS from various means.......

[ 本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 10-12-29 16:32 編輯 ]

發表於 10-12-29 14:59 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-29 15:18 |只看該作者


原帖由 ANChan59 於 10-12-29 14:18 發表
It's a never ending argument every year. Those kids being rejected, must blamed old boys or girls and family background...... It doesn't help the kid and the family........ Let's look at the issue fro ...

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-12-29 15:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 twokidsmum 於 10-12-29 15:18 發表


Too much negative energy on this type of topic in BK :tongue: . Can we turn it positive....? Learn from positive experience, learn from mistakes ....

He loves the school and doing well in G10, his Maths and Chemistry are top 10 in form, still not in elite class from G7-G9, "一山還有一山高" again (not all-rounded enough), no need HK$7k-8k tuition fee (he takes some enrichment programs in English & Maths), in-house ECA - FOC ....... lots of exposure that I never had......

[ 本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 10-12-29 15:46 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-29 16:03 |只看該作者

原帖由 ANChan59 於 10-12-29 15:43 發表

Too much negative energy on this type of topic in BK :tongue: . Can we turn it positive....? Learn from positive experience, learn from mistakes ....

He loves the school and doing well i ...

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-12-29 16:25 |只看該作者
Read through some previous post, some kids attended some classes and competition and had some certificates in sports, art, music and or speech etc. Unfortunately, also rejected by elite schools.

Be honest, those certificate may not count in DBS/DGS, you need to be very very outstanding.........

Take a look at the DBS admission form in ECA, when talks about athletics or swimming, they ask your HK ranking, your best record, you represent HK before or not.... Not just attend a 3 days training camp in swimming last year with a certificate..... Just not good enough ....... must be best of the best "出乎其類、拔乎其萃"

Another interesting example, so many kids learn piano and not many parents including me know elite schools may not count piano as musical instrument, unless you are very good. A friend of mine has two boys in DBS, she told me that they plays violin with awards have a better chance get into DBS. I asked why? Her perfect answer was "How many pianists in an orchestra? One or two. The world champion is in DBSPD now, so......"; "How many violinists in an orchestra? How many orchestras in DBS......so....."

Read the student achievement of DBS, you know what they are good at and proud of, athletics, swimming ... What's their weakest link? Fencing (LSC), orienteering (QC), basketball (YW), football (TCY) ... Pick the right ECA, excel in HK.......... then...... DBS will approach you with scholarship and you are no need to apply........ No need to buy an apartment at Kowloon City......

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 10-12-29 17:09 |只看該作者
看過男拔出的歷史書"to serve and to lead",拔翠前身只是一孤兒院,初初辦得不好,差啲關門。拔翠的名字,也不是甚麽"出乎其類、拔乎其萃"。只是初初在中央書院請來一叫Persy嘅西人教師做校長,這人又矮又微跛,性又暴躁,5尺多高的身材,常被發現鞭打近6尺的男生,十足十性格小生咁。有幾份中文報紙,將孤兒院稱為"跛士書院"。當時此孤兒院未有中文名,校方從"跛士書院"得其近音,改中文名為拔翠書院。學院後分男女拔,經歷多位校長,才有此規模和地位。




Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 10-12-29 17:40 |只看該作者
Read the student achievement of DBS, you know what they are good at and proud of, athletics, swimming ... What's their weakest link? Fencing (LSC), orienteering (QC), basketball (YW), football (TCY) ... Pick the right ECA, excel in HK.......... then...... DBS will approach you with scholarship and you are no need to apply........ No need to buy an apartment at Kowloon City......





Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-29 17:48 |只看該作者
I don't know if this is applied to DBS but an APARTMENT in Kowloon City is definitely not enough for admission to DGJS, a house in Kowloon Tong would be much appropriated.  Afterall, I think there will be around 30% of the seats are taken by really smart students without any connections or relationships while the remaining are mostly connected parties or wealthy students.

[ 本帖最後由 Rinana 於 10-12-29 17:53 編輯 ]

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-12-29 17:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 judy 於 10-12-29 17:40 發表



男拔歷史中,出現過一位校長,他認為體育為健體,不是為比賽。佢在任期間,禁止 ...


I took your point.

I try to channel negative energy to positive energy, but the example may be side-tracked. I will consider to delete the said post if more parents share the your view.

Thanks again.


發表於 10-12-29 17:59 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 10-12-29 18:13 |只看該作者

回覆 51# ANChan59 的文章

This is the best answer overall and I couldn't agree more.  

However ask yourself is it what you want to do or to train your kids?  Remember this is a whole lot of commitments and you may end up regretting.......

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-12-29 18:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 judy 於 10-12-29 17:09 發表
看過男拔出的歷史書"to serve and to lead",拔翠前身只是一孤兒院,初初辦得不好,差啲關門。拔翠的名字,也不是甚麽"出乎其類、拔乎其萃"。只是初初在中央書院請來一叫Persy嘅西人教師做校長,這人又矮又微跛,性又暴躁,5尺多高 ...

Our views no conflict, "出乎其類、拔乎其萃" is the theme align with Chinese name and close to "Percy". Also my context is related to "best of the best" and not directly related to the name.

I nearly misled by your post again.

[ 本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 10-12-29 18:36 編輯 ]

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-12-29 18:45 |只看該作者
I quoted some extreme examples in previous posts just as illustration. Don't just take it literally and undermine my point.

Back to the basic, any better suggestions? Be positive.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-29 18:58 |只看該作者
Yes, it's a good strategy for the parents to pick a sport that DBS is not good at (or not best at), like handball or basketball, but such sport needs to be counted towards the BOC Bauhinia Bowl, and you need to be outstanding in that sport (like HK youth team rep) and you will have a very good chance to get accepted by DBS. (Actually if you are that good, the school will approach you no matter which grade/form you are in.)

原帖由 ANChan59 於 10-12-29 16:25 發表
Read through some previous post, some kids attended some classes and competition and had some certificates in sports, art, music and or speech etc. Unfortunately, also rejected by elite schools.

Be h ...
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