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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 名校的迷思
樓主: 619619

名校的迷思 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-12-24 09:59 |顯示全部帖子


The earlier article (名校的迷思 ) takes me back to my old memory of how I worked hard to achieve my ambitions after I came to Hong Kong at the age of 10+ from China in the late Seventies. In the old time, new immigrants were often treated poorly compared with the current social services designed for them nowadays. New immigrants were often looked down upon by the locals, especially if you spoke only PTH and no Cantonese or English. After taking a pause of 6 months at home, I was lucky enough to be admitted to a left-wing private Chinese primary school to study P.3 that formally began my education in HK. I still remember now that it took me less than a year to adjust to the new education system and very soon, I could speak fluent Cantonese and overcame a lot of learning difficulties in English. Our family was not rich enough to hire a private tutor for me. All relied on my own efforts. I graduated from the primary school at the age of 14.  Looking back, those few years were the most unforgetable and valuable moment that I think is the best 'education' I had ever received. At least something that I had still found missing in my later part of my education.
I scored a very good result in HKCEE and then proceeded to one of the top secondary schools to do my HKAL. I was admited to Cambridge University on a Scholarship.
When you come to study in an elite school, only top 5-10% of the students receives the real 'elitic' status and most of them have already known A-level stuff while the others are doing F.4-5 level, still dependent upon private tutors. I am lucky to belong to the former, simply because I had worked very hard and firmly believed in what a good education is really about! Only stock market will help you build your wealth overnight. Education is just not the right tool for it.
Back to work now!
Merry X'mas and Happy New Year!

Rank: 1

發表於 11-1-5 21:34 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks for the interests and I will take it as a compliment.

Rank: 1

發表於 11-1-8 00:21 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 619619 於 11-1-7 09:42 發表
Well, it's a matter of what we expect from our kids' education and the schools.  Schools with long history and reputation carry an unique culture and traditional.  Do we want our kids to be part of th ...

No matter where our kids go to. The only thing we really care about is that they will end up to have their own independent thinkings and lead a good and meaningful life. Both family and school are just places to let them have a good start.

I came across a saying and hope that you find it interesting as well:

没教养的教育, 就如建筑在沙漠崧土上的美丽大厦, 等着有天塔下来....
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