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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 名校教了我什麼 — 女校生的反思
樓主: swmami

名校教了我什麼 — 女校生的反思 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-12-6 18:24 |只看該作者
希望沒有入錯座. 我也是中文小學派位入spcs,但當年好像沒分精英班,A班的確是會有一些外籍同學的,可能我沒她感受那麼深是因為我不是A? 交朋友對外來生是會有點困難,畢竟大部分同學也由直屬小學直升,她們分分鐘認識了6-10! 但同學都很友善,我是要申請書簿津貼的,而有同學的家的確有3,000呎,但學校從來不提,同學也沒有比較,只要努力讀書,沒有什麼好比較。至於人家有錢補習、學琴、買名牌,這些是現實,畢業後出來社會也會有人背境際遇比你好。至於價值觀,當年學校都讓學生做社會服務,這些活動根本不會如現時般計分,也不見得所有人都活在象牙塔,感恩和有使命感都不一定要做記者才懂。中學生崇尚物質每間學校也有,她的同學家境負擔到,她也不用酸溜溜。更重要是作者可能要反省一下為何她這一類的學生學校都包容到,學校是否真的如此功利。我覺得她舒發個人感受和分享個人際遇沒有問題,她的心路歷程無疑可令父母為子女選校多作一些準備,但如此呼之欲出的批評學校則有點不大公平。對直資教育的批評也表達得不大清楚,好像只是順應潮流多踩一腳。

Rank: 4

發表於 10-12-6 18:46 |只看該作者
很中肯的意見,其實心結在自己處,若作者不是入了名校而是一些band 3( 以前band 5)的學校,她一樣會發現另外一些更嚴重的問題!
我也是在一間女校畢業, 很多同學很叻, 為學校爭取很多獎項, 自己讀了多年, 什麼獎也沒取過, 但自己讀得很開心, 因知道自己長處, 不必與人比較!

原帖由 ahmi 於 10-12-6 18:24 發表
希望沒有入錯座. 我也是中文小學派位入spcs,但當年好像沒分精英班,A班的確是會有一些外籍同學的,可能我沒她感受那麼深是因為我不是A班? 交朋友對外來生是會有點困難,畢竟大部分同學也由直屬小學直升,她們分分鐘認識了6-10 ...

發表於 10-12-6 18:51 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-12-6 18:52 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-6 19:06 |只看該作者

原帖由 kenfu 於 10-12-6 18:52 發表
我相信很多家長看完這篇文章後更加想自己的子女入名校, 你完全講出他們想要d乜.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-6 19:41 |只看該作者
Agree with ahmi comment. Nowadays, I do not see any Roll Royce in front of school at the fetch time. At least my daughter goes to school by bus or MTR. Most of Paulinians as mine are from "ordinary" families. I was frightened when I read the passage. But when I thought deeply, seem some cases from the writer are incorrect. Class A is not top class at school. As other BK moms said, SPCS has 6 classes, the letters of class: S, T, P, A, U, L. The top class always changes the letter every year. No Chinese uniform girls school close to SPCS campus. If the writer mentioned is True Light, the distance is around 10 minutes' walk. Why did the writer say "neighbour school"?
This is the 1st time I heard the negative comment from the Paulinian. Anyway, thanks for the writer's own thinking. Share we parents to care potential issue of the kids' secondary life.  
Best regards,
原帖由 ahmi 於 10-12-6 18:24 發表
希望沒有入錯座. 我也是中文小學派位入spcs,但當年好像沒分精英班,A班的確是會有一些外籍同學的,可能我沒她感受那麼深是因為我不是A班? 交朋友對外來生是會有點困難,畢竟大部分同學也由直屬小學直升,她們分分鐘認識了6-10 ...

[ 本帖最後由 chingchingfa 於 10-12-6 19:48 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-6 20:58 |只看該作者
See this news:



Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-12-6 22:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 lauerica 於 10-12-6 13:55 發表
入到DGJS分分鐘被列入草根家庭, 無論大人同小朋友喺心理及經濟上都有一定壓力, 大人都話可以自我調節, 但個小朋友日日對住啲富貴同學, 心理上不多不少承受唔少壓力, 我地好怕佢會因自卑整到最後好負面, 仲影響埋讀書 ...

If you are being admitted, then I would suggest you let your child go ahead, at least this is something that she strive for.  If she feels unhappy one day, maybe then it is time you could think if you should change the school environment for her.
But do not underestimated the pressure from DGS.  I have friends who are admitted from 草根階層 and need to put a lot of effort to balance the phychological feeling of her child but some also from草根階層 have no problem.  This all depend on if your child could adopt within her own peer group.  
But do not take away the chance from your kid at this stage.  If she could not adpat to the environment then maybe it is time the parent think of something to help, including change the school

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-12-6 23:04 |只看該作者
我都係中文小學升上SPCS,我都係UFO讀A班,我都係Prefects' Board,我都係上到HKU。
可能老總叫佢寫篇 “仇富論少年版---仇名校論” 等大家談論吓,潮流興仇富仇直資。

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 10-12-6 23:10 |只看該作者
I have a lot of feelings while reading on this article, because this is consistent with my observation which drove me NOT to let my daughter walked this path.  As parent, it is a difficult road to choose, but I would take the full responsibility of it (if my daughter ever blame me for it)

The key point in this article is in this paragraph:


One thing need to clarify, she is referring to a very small number of so-called elite schools (not famous or popular schools).  I believe there are less than 10 schools in HK which actually fall into this particular category.  So, don't try to generalize her comments to other famous schools since each school have their own special characteristics, and they are NOT THE SAME!

Notice there are some people who wonder why she would write her Chinese this way as a reporter.  But isn't it exactly what the general public DEMAND the media to write like this.  If she actually wrote proper Chinese, can all readers actually still be so interested to read it through?  This is what need to be 反思.

We are now living in a world which we value materialistic advantage over anything else.  So, these elite schools provide the best training for SOME of their students to achieve that.  The value system behind such consideration is what worth 反思.

What she wants to say is we are now putting moral and ethic education to much lower priority (in a way, materialism have quite a bit of conflicts with morality, don't they?)  This is what need to be 反思......

Why can't we just try to look at the article from a positive angle?  It is an awakening for a social problem, no need to try to pick a bone from an egg everytime.  It may not be written well, but that was written by someone who are living in the dark shadow of her past.  Can we learn to appreciate that?  Should that be something we teach our next generation?

Thanks for the sharing!

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 10-12-6 23:15 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-6 23:20 |只看該作者


發表於 10-12-6 23:33 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4


發表於 10-12-6 23:58 |只看該作者

我唔覺得作者想寫 "a very small number of so-called elite schools",我覺得佢只係想發洩佢個人情緒,講佢係母校自卑又自大嘅心理,到今時今日,明明當年成績好過人,但成就不如人嘅心結。不過佢當然要借題發揮,借講名校,臨尾仲揩埋直資油水,先至可以係報紙出到咁大篇稿。

如果講名校無教小朋友更深層價值,唔重視moral and ethic education,咁係非名校就做得好好?事實上,我知道有名校係呢方面做得好好。而如果佢重點真係呢方面,咁佢完全寫唔到出來。

原帖由 iantsang 於 10-12-6 23:10 發表
The key point in this article is in this paragraph:


One thing need to clarify, she is referring to a very small number of so-called elite schools (not famous or popular schools).  I believe there are less than 10 schools in HK which actually fall into this particular category.  So, don't try to generalize her comments to other famous schools since each school have their own special characteristics, and they are NOT THE SAME!

Notice there are some people who wonder why she would write her Chinese this way as a reporter.  But isn't it exactly what the general public DEMAND the media to write like this.  If she actually wrote proper Chinese, can all readers actually still be so interested to read it through?  This is what need to be 反思.

We are now living in a world which we value materialistic advantage over anything else.  So, these elite schools provide the best training for SOME of their students to achieve that.  The value system behind such consideration is what worth 反思.

What she wants to say is we are now putting moral and ethic education to much lower priority (in a way, materialism have quite a bit of conflicts with morality, don't they?)  This is what need to be 反思......

Why can't we just try to look at the article from a positive angle?  It is an awakening for a social problem, no need to try to pick a bone from an egg everytime.  It may not be written well, but that was written by someone who are living in the dark shadow of her past.  Can we learn to appreciate that?  Should that be something we teach our next generation?

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 10-12-7 00:21 |只看該作者
I think it is my fault of not stating my comments clearly, so please accept my apology.

Agree she is not writing for a very small number of schools, she is actually writing about just one school with her subjective personal experience, but she (or the editors) wants to generalize it to get an angle (particularly an instruction from the boss).

I don' think she feels herself taking an inferior job now.  May be it is just me but I see a very big person from her article.  She takes up a reporter job not because she has no "better" options.  She "chose" to do so  and be able to see a whole new world beyond the boundaries as set by the education.

At the end, please try to think how an article can be published, the reporter writes it, then the editor edited it before it comes out.  This is why there are contradictions, because the editors who not being the person who been through the process, wants to create an angle which they believe will capture more public interests.  So, there are two layers of this article and so it needs to be read carefully.

原帖由 traeh 於 10-12-6 23:58 發表

我唔覺得作者想寫 "a very small number of so-called elite schools",我覺得佢只係想發洩佢個人情緒,講佢係母校自卑又自大嘅心理,到今時今日,明明當年成績好過人,但成就不如人嘅 ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 10-12-7 00:22 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-12-7 00:25 |只看該作者
點解有咁多人對名校有偏見嘅? 其實名校有咩唔好呀? 家長希望子女入名校又有咩唔妥呢? 點解有D人踩到名校一文不值, 講到名校好似仲差過Band 3學校咁!

Rank: 4

發表於 10-12-7 00:31 |只看該作者
I agree that materialism of the society is the root of the problem and the situation has got worse in recent years.
While I cannot agree more that education in an elite school can help one to advance the social ladder, I do not think that this is in conflict with moral education.
If the writer really had such an unhappy experience in the past, she has to pull herself out from the dark.
I must say I sometimes I did have similar inferior feeling at school, but should we just blame the school, our parents or the society?
The sad thing is this kind of thinking is common now that we also need to be cautious against, especially if she works for the media.

原帖由 iantsang 於 10-12-6 23:10 發表
I have a lot of feelings while reading on this article, because this is consistent with my observation which drove me NOT to let my daughter walked this path.  As parent, it is a difficult road to cho ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-7 00:34 |只看該作者
看了這文章令人最不滿的地方不是作者的個人感受, 作者的個人感受我好尊重, 香港有自由表達言論的機會

我個人最不滿的是明明是作者母校培育了她, 佢自己都咁講, 但文中不停咁暗示母校看風頭97後重普通話, 佢話 : 識時務者為俊傑。不單校長,老師、同學,都很懂得做人——做一個成功的主流香港人,當然離不開一個錢字。各位家長, 回歸後學中文普通話有何問題? 佢就話人貪錢,  佢用字咁毒值唔值得鼓掌?

最慘是當她是好同學又住大屋叫佢返屋企玩的同學, 估唔到原來好心叫佢玩, 十幾年後會俾佢唱心靈空洞...  自己入了精英班, 佢自己都寫得好威, 好投入學校生活, 不過轉頭因在街上見到同學衣服不整齊向修女告發反而給罵了一餐 (好想知佢同修女講什甚, 修女又講什甚), 便又否定精英班... 喂, 你咁都好兒戲, 自己威了咁多年, 給人罵了便反轉豬肚...英班用 什麼 '勝王敗寇' 等的字眼. 喂, 你唔HAPPY 可以會考完轉去其他學校, 冇人逼你讀呢間咁勢利的原校直升?

OK, 到出來做事, 人家結婚請飲, 咁唔講近況便是講以前讀書啲事 (都唔知係唔係住干德道司徒拔道,定大潭複式洋房嗰幾個), 人家嫁得好高職就話人膚淺不及我做記者眼界濶, 各位家長, 你能信服嗎?

個人十分十分十分讚成學校培育公民德育為先, 有正確的人生觀及金錢價傎觀, 但作者到最後只拋下幾句門面話, 求其講幾句漂亮話為求取得掌聲, 咁佢對唔對得住培育佢的母校? 那幾個當佢係朋友(佢都話人地當佢朋友)的有錢女, 難道有錢的同學可以 出賣?

[ 本帖最後由 panbaby 於 10-12-7 01:46 編輯 ]

Rank: 4


發表於 10-12-7 01:50 |只看該作者








原帖由 iantsang 於 10-12-7 00:21 發表
I think it is my fault of not stating my comments clearly, so please accept my apology.

Agree she is not writing for a very small number of schools, she is actually writing about just one school with her subjective personal experience, but she (or the editors) wants to generalize it to get an angle (particularly an instruction from the boss).

I don' think she feels herself taking an inferior job now.  May be it is just me but I see a very big person from her article.  She takes up a reporter job not because she has no "better" options.  She "chose" to do so  and be able to see a whole new world beyond the boundaries as set by the education.

[ 本帖最後由 traeh 於 10-12-7 01:53 編輯 ]

Rank: 4


發表於 10-12-7 01:59 |只看該作者
多謝你點出最大問題,我睇呢篇文章的確好唔滿意,但一時間,又講唔出最大問題,原來就係呢樣!同意 !
原帖由 panbaby 於 10-12-7 00:34 發表
看了這文章令人最不滿的地方不是作者的個人感受, 作者的個人感受我好尊重, 香港有自由表達言論的機會

我個人最不滿的是明明是作者母校培育了她, 佢自己都咁講, 但文中不停咁暗示母校看風頭97後重普通話, 佢話 : 識 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-7 02:52 |只看該作者
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