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教育王國 討論區 香港華人基督教聯會真道書院 IB & HKDSE 課程,點行法?
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IB & HKDSE 課程,點行法? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-9 13:55 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 5# littlefaith 的文章



1.阿女入咗真道後都比以前喜歡睇書, 不過如你一樣, 因為阿女講/聽英文機會比較少, 而佢間幼稚園又著重品德培養多過趨谷英文, 所以搞到家陣真係好似要重新出發, 由基礎嚟過; 再加上被同組同學兜口兜面指住佢話佢英文渣害到佢哋組少分之後, 佢完全冇晒信心, 連BB時已識嘅簡單英文字都會話唔識...作為家長, 唯有盡力正面啲去輔助佢啦!
2.但我問呀仔有無分組搶分, 佢又話好少, 多數自己答, 呀仔仲話, 老師派assessment 時會說出來, Peter, 20 marks, David, 18marks, Rose, 8 marks......"我聽到都驚埋一份

3.但班主任一個電話都冇打黎問候一下, 連搭校車識既同學仔媽咪昨晚都打電話問囡囡咩事, 點解病咁多日都未好番有冇事; 如果班主任能夠打電話問候一句, 我會感覺到老師對小朋友既關心.

我只係想將我既感受表達出黎冇其他意思, 因之前校長及高年班家長一直以黎都表示老師有愛心, 但係呢件事上我唔覺得囉.

Pl. refer toFS1-返了一段日子, 最大問題/滿意是什麼? of this forum.

[ 本帖最後由 PoPofamily 於 10-11-9 15:07 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-9 14:35 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 8# littlefaith 的文章

I did not have any unhappy incidents that need to回來申訴, I just cannot stand the lies and excuses made so far.
I changed the school for my kid for better education and most important be A PERSON OF HIS WORDS.
Every school has its good and weak sides, why no one can raise any questions in this school even  if the plain facts are so obvious, there are people just blindly attack those who voiced it out.
Being parents we should work with the schools to build up our kids to their fullest potentials.  When the schools fail to do so, it is our job to point it out.  
I thank what Logos had done to my kid but the faults cannot be ignored. Good luck to you and your kid.

[ 本帖最後由 PoPofamily 於 10-11-9 14:58 編輯 ]
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