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Piano Learning Problem [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-10-12 16:02 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear Teachers and Parents,

I’m struggling if I should find another 1:1 piano teacher (1st one) for my child who is 6.
He is attending the TL-JMC Book 3.
May I seek your advice about the followings:

Which one is preferred, join the
琴行1:1 or personal tutor?
What is the market rate? My existing one is $640/4 lessons = $160/lesson, half hr. An association near my home,
中華基督教YMCA, they cost $340 per lesson, half hr for G1. Why there is such a big difference? The level of the teacher is different?
My existing teacher use the book ‘Step by Step Piano Course’ The Fun Way-Rhythm Publisher. My friend says ‘John Thomson’ is much better. Is it true?

Since the existing teacher is my child the 1st one, I have no comparison and idea whether she is good enough or not, or in fact is my problem.
As my child didn’t play well during the lesson (he have practiced at home beforehand but not so familiar,
識但唔熟), sometimes answer wrongly for the question to be asked. Then she will bad temper him that 你一個星期後的今天交lateD功課比我?有時又話佢扮醒目? I try to stand in the point of view of her, may be I will bad temper as well , but may not be that strong. And she seems teach a bit rush, her character is always very fast and rush. I ask if my child can catch up what she taught, she says don’t worry, he is clever and capable enough, otherwise I will not teach that fast.
However, I worry how if I change another one who intends to be slow?

Sorry for too many questions. Any experienced teachers and parents can share?
Many Thanks.
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 10-10-12 19:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 dadbu 於 10-10-12 16:02 發表
Dear Teachers and Parents,

I’m struggling if I should find another 1:1 piano teacher (1st one) for my child who is 6.
He is attending the TL-JMC Book 3.
May I seek your advice about the followings: ...

我不是老師, 只是一位家長. 我兩個囝囝都學樂器. 他們的老師都不會鬧他們, 對他們是諄諄善誘. 大囝有時上課會失準, 老師最多只是問: 你過去一星期有沒有練琴呢? 語氣只是詢問而不是質問.

不過細囝現在的老師就真的比較情緒大些少, "藝術家脾氣", 他的孩子病了, 我們遲到等等, 總之心情不佳時, 就會對細囝有很多不滿的地方. 心情好的時間, 滿有耐性和包容. 不過, 明白他的脾性後, 我也不太介懷. 因為他會很仔細處理我細仔的問題, 亦未曾過份地指責他. 有時他亦會故意兇我細仔: 下次拉俾我聽, 唔準錯架! 我知他是兇我細囝, 因為他心情好的時候, 就算拉錯了少少, 亦會收貨. 唉! 針無兩頭利, 人亦不是完美. 老師教得好, 其它事不太過份的話就算了.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-10-13 11:07 |只看該作者

回覆 2# lillymarie 的文章

Thanks for your sharing, lillymarie

Rank: 2

發表於 10-10-13 11:10 |只看該作者

發表於 10-10-13 18:23 |只看該作者

回覆 4# dadbu 的文章

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-19 22:49 |只看該作者
1. Private tutors are usually more experienced teachers. That's why they don't want to share the tuition with the piano company.

2. The market rates vary a lot among private teachers. You may still find a cheaper one from the private ones. For piano company, since they charge according to student's grade, they will keep on forcing the child to sit for exams, even for every grade, so that they can raise the tuition.

3. Both "Step by Step" and "John Thompson's" are common. But I think John Thompson's pieces accommodate more different styles and are more interesting.

4. My question is: does your child understand what the teacher says and what she expects? If not (but the teacher insists she's appropriate), you should change to another one. You may even change to 45-mins lesson so that your child can learn more.

原帖由 dadbu 於 12-10-2010 04:02 PM 發表
Dear Teachers and Parents,

I’m struggling if I should find another 1:1 piano teacher (1st one) for my child who is 6.
He is attending the TL-JMC Book 3.
May I seek your advice about the followings: ...

發表於 10-11-22 08:47 |只看該作者
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