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教育王國 討論區 朗思國際幼稚園(九龍塘) 朗思家長們, 可否分享一下?
樓主: ikyau

朗思家長們, 可否分享一下? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-16 10:09 |只看該作者
Hi 各位朗思媽媽,

好似曾經見過有媽媽話幼稚主要都係廣東話教學, 但係網頁又話有3班, 分別係 (1) 英粵, (2) 英普, (3)國際班. 以你哋既觀察同經驗, 究竟係點既呢 ?   

因為佢 N1 係廣東話, 會唔會有人 K1 先發現入唔到心儀既班別 ? 到時先揾學校就真係好頻撲.....

發表於 10-3-16 11:35 |只看該作者
N1 only has ENG-CAN class or you can choose international section for N1. Different branches will have different time allocated for ENG n CAN. However, there must be ENG, CAN n PTH everyday. International stream really follows international sch curriculm w/ some PTH.

Yes.... K1 has 3 streams. ... you can choose which you like. Basically, if you;re opting ENG n PTH / ENG n CAN, there will be equal proportion of lesson time between ENG n PTH / CAN .

I remember at the end of the term, we are given a list of classes and combination to choose. Since my son didn't change the language composition in K1, I didn't encounter the problem you mentioned.
However, from my observation, it won't be too difficult to switch as there will be students going to other KGs after N1, the competition will be less keen. I guess unless your child is really not suitable to learn in his 2nd language, it won';t be too difficult. But you better check w/ the school about this.

原帖由 ellen_l 於 10-3-16 10:09 發表
Hi 各位朗思媽媽,

好似曾經見過有媽媽話幼稚主要都係廣東話教學, 但係網頁又話有3班, 分別係 (1) 英粵, (2) 英普, (3)國際班. 以你哋既觀察同經驗, 究竟係點既呢 ?   

因為佢 N1 係廣東話, 會唔會有人 K1 先發現 ...

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-3-16 11:36 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-3-16 12:41 |只看該作者
原帖由 ellen_l 於 10-3-16 10:09 發表
Hi 各位朗思媽媽,

好似曾經見過有媽媽話幼稚主要都係廣東話教學, 但係網頁又話有3班, 分別係 (1) 英粵, (2) 英普, (3)國際班. 以你哋既觀察同經驗, 究竟係點既呢 ?   

因為佢 N1 係廣東話, 會唔會有人 K1 先發現 ...

其實選普英/粵英/國際班時, 老師會和家長有商有量 (我的經歷), 家長亦有選擇權, 所以你唔駛咁擔心.  

至於我自己, 就揀左粵英班, 因為我希望仔仔學好母語先, 而且我讀的美孚分校, k3全級都一定要轉普英 (國際班除外), 所以有一年時間俾佢準備小學時以普通話教中文, 我估都夠時間的.

發表於 10-3-16 13:06 |只看該作者
k3全級都一定要轉普英 (國際班除外)

same as other branches :)

原帖由 jaycee_mami 於 10-3-16 12:41 發表

其實選普英/粵英/國際班時, 老師會和家長有商有量 (我的經歷), 家長亦有選擇權, 所以你唔駛咁擔心.  

至於我自己, 就揀左粵英班, 因為我希望仔仔學好母語先, 而且我讀的美孚分校, k3全級都一定要轉普英 (國際班除 ...

發表於 10-3-16 17:43 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-3-16 18:09 |只看該作者
Not sure abt Kln Tong ...For LC, when i watched the video from the sch website, I notice that there's ENG n CAN class in K2 also but the class size is vvvvv small. May be no many choose that stream? I don't know.

As for international stream, from the video categories that I found in the sch intranet, I found out that they do have international stream for N1 (they call it DUCKS class), UN / K1 (THey call it BUNNIES) and LK / K2 (They call it Zebra and Deer). There is no internation stream in K3 which is identical to other international schools as kids will enter the Preparatory class (= International Primary school P.1) after K2.

honestly, for those who goes to international school, the ENglish level must be good enough. So apart from sending the kids to international section, parents also need to ensure that they have enough ENg exposure at home. You know, it is more competitive even for entering international schs now. Even students from EFS KG are not guaranteed a place in EFS pri. They really assess the kid's Eng level.

原帖由 Pertra 於 10-3-16 17:43 發表
九龍塘個主任說 K2 一定全是英普,不是嗎?

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-3-16 18:19 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-16 18:49 |只看該作者
You can also choose half day International and half day Eng/Can or Eng/PTH, up to the K2 level, because that's as far as the International stream goes. This would be ideal for people targeting international schools, yet wanting to let their children learn a bit of Chinese.

發表於 10-3-16 19:07 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-16 19:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 highfive 於 10-3-16 18:49 發表
You can also choose half day International and half day Eng/Can or Eng/PTH, up to the K2 level, because that's as far as the International stream goes. This would be ideal for people targeting interna ...

其實我亦多次聽過有家長讚咁樣的安排是最好, 即係半日讀國際班, 半日讀粵英/普英, 三語均兼顧得到, 小朋友的語文能力明顯較強.  但係, 全日班學費的付擔比較大, 而且無得訓晏覺, 我小朋友一定頂唔順, 所以揀左半日班就算.

發表於 10-3-19 21:40 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-20 00:47 |只看該作者
The staff of LC branch told me they do have int'l class (all Eng) for N1 but ONLY for the students whose first language is Eng.  If you insist (e.g. you'll let your kid study int'l school), you can discuss with the teacher/principal.
For LC branch, N1 (except int'l class) - Can+Eng (~20-30mins)+PTH (~15mins)
K1 and K2 (except int'l class) - Eng+Can (half-half)+PTH for AM session, Eng+PTH for PM session
K3 (except int'l class) - only Eng+PTH
I got this information from the staff and the briefing by the principal on interview day.  Pls correct me if anything's different.

[ 本帖最後由 ILBC 於 10-3-20 00:55 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-20 01:10 |只看該作者
Hi all,
My daughter (born in Dec) started her N1 last Dec as small girl in Kln Tong THINK.  She has 20-30 min PTH class & 1 hr ENG class every day.  In maths & chinese, it's a bit simple, 'coz maths juz teach 1-3, and chinese is some single word, like 冬.
Starting from 2nd semester, they are some homework like coloring, counting, etc.
Though it's not strong in academic, I believe my daughter do have fun in school, as she likes to mention teachers' name, school bus ee, sing a lot of school song, etc.
However, I have to switch to SC K1 for her this Sep as she got am class offer.  I also worried my sweetheart will still remember how happy the days she has been in THINK in the past year.

發表於 10-3-20 13:31 |只看該作者
Your girl is a small girl but can still get into SC K1... really bright!!!

btw have u told your daughter that she's going to change school in the coming Sept? My son has a similar situation as yours but he is a big boy. He gets a place in SC K1 in the coming Sept too but he has to repeat K1 there. I'm still thinking if I should let him change to SC as whenever I told him that he is going to change school next year, he cries and says he wants to stay in THINK .... Don't know if I should consider this while making the final decision

原帖由 red888 於 10-3-20 01:10 發表
Hi all,
My daughter (born in Dec) started her N1 last Dec as small girl in Kln Tong THINK.  She has 20-30 min PTH class & 1 hr ENG class every day.  In maths & chinese, it's a bit simple, 'coz maths j ...

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-3-20 13:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-23 12:42 |只看該作者
可以轉去st. catherine, 真係5個叻呀 !   

SC interview 用英文定係普通話 ? 其實朗思N1 廣東話為主, 語言上差咗啲, 請問係咪好多小朋友係 K1 都轉走咗?

發表於 10-3-23 13:21 |只看該作者
Parents can choose Can / Eng for SC interview.I chose Cantonese for my kid ja ... Since I couldn't speak PTH, I didn't apply the PTH/ ENG section in SC, thus no need to have PTH interview too.

THough THINK N1 is mainly cantonese, but my kid's Eng did improved a lot last year, so I think it is ok ga.... It uses half of the class time to teach Eng from K1 onwards actually.  

I'm still struggling between SC and THINK.

原帖由 ellen_l 於 10-3-23 12:42 發表
可以轉去st. catherine, 真係5個叻呀 !   

SC interview 用英文定係普通話 ? 其實朗思N1 廣東話為主, 語言上差咗啲, 請問係咪好多小朋友係 K1 都轉走咗?

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-3-23 13:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-24 11:20 |只看該作者
高手都要struggle ......選學校真係重要 !
其實除咗你個b喊晒話要係Think, 仲有冇其他原因呢 ?  因為我相信你一定有比較過名氣, 語言, 大班定細班啱你, 老師有冇愛心, 升小等等一連串的問題.....

睇返原來九龍塘 Think 英文同普通話時間都長啲......
馬鞍山既官方答案係 N1 英文同普通話分別佔拾幾分鐘, 其實唱吓歌都已經完咗 lu    如果廣東話流利, K1可以入英普班學第三種語言, 否則要讀英粵學好母語.  

我個仔以前由菲菲照顧, 姐姐淨係識英文, 所以我就一致啲都係講英文.... 睇嚟入英普真係唔樂觀......

發表於 10-3-24 16:02 |只看該作者

don't say that la .... You're right, I'm still struggling the factors that you have mentioned, trying to  figure out which factors are more important to us / better to my son.

If I really choose SC, the think that I would miss most in THINK would be the language environment. My son's ENG has improved a lot this year in K1 (may be cos he is doing whole day) THis is amazing to me as we seldom speak Eng at home. I just sometimes use ENg to talk to him so as to "test" his level only. Another reasons that I like is THINK's small class size and the caring teachers. Even teachers who do not teach my son / the receptionist will know my son's name. (well...my son is not the "popular" type of kid, just an average one) May be that's why my son feels like being taken care of all the time. Last year, he even told me that he liked Miss xxx very much, who is the class teacher of another class.

For SC, I don;t have to explain la .. as everyone knows her good points. Her reputation does attract me most, hoping that this will help my son getting into a good Pri sch. However, the disadvantage is he will be in ENG / CAN stream in SC whereas I;ll shift my son to ENG / PTH later in THINK. Also SC only have 2 locals class teacher in K2 onwards....

Choosing a school is really "troublesome" Always afriad not choosing the "BEST" for my son ... And .. changing school means taking risks too ... never know if the new school fits my son. Esp when he;s doing very well in the old school.

原帖由 ellen_l 於 10-3-24 11:20 發表
高手都要struggle ......選學校真係重要 !
其實除咗你個b喊晒話要係Think, 仲有冇其他原因呢 ?  因為我相信你一定有比較過名氣, 語言, 大班定細班啱你, 老師有冇愛心, 升小等等一連串的問題.....

睇返原來九龍塘 Th ...

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-3-24 16:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-24 17:58 |只看該作者
I believe keeping the child happy and interested in learning is the most important thing at this early childhood stage. It's not worth taking the risk to upset him/her just to get into a "famous" school. There's no guarantee the child will enter a good primary school just because he/she studies at a certain kindergarten anyway.

FYI, my child used to study at Think (LC) too (international stream). He had a great time there. In fact, we still bring him back there every week now for the extra curricular activities just because he loves the school and teachers there so much!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-24 20:06 |只看該作者
原帖由 highfive 於 10-3-24 17:58 發表
I believe keeping the child happy and interested in learning is the most important thing at this early childhood stage. It's not worth taking the risk to upset him/her just to get into a "famous" scho ...

老師真的很好嗎??因為我都好擔心為仔仔選擇錯!!!仔仔考入9龍塘THINK AM班!語言我信此校一定好好,只擔心老師方面...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-25 01:15 |只看該作者
LC = Laguna City 藍田麗港城

原帖由 luiflora 於 10-3-24 20:06 發表

老師真的很好嗎??因為我都好擔心為仔仔選擇錯!!!仔仔考入9龍塘THINK AM班!語言我信此校一定好好,只擔心老師方面... ...
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