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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 英華出結果
樓主: BenKeung

英華出結果 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-16 17:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 qooqoofans 於 09-12-16 16:46 發表
hi 可否分享吓收左的小朋友係邊度讀幼稚園?


Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-16 20:46 |只看該作者

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-16 23:02 |只看該作者
St.Johannes College (kowloon tong)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-16 23:27 |只看該作者
I really don't know the definition of "smart" anymore, esp. after this P.1 admission game. He got several offers but no DBS. Some of my friends got nothing but DBS. One could not get YW but get 2nd in of DBS. One cannot get St Stephens but got St Paul Co-ed. Some got no DSS offers but got LS. Some went to LS but could not cope it. Some went to International schools but later found it is too free. See! Different schools take different students, the offer only shows the school preference but not necessary all about the child's real ability.

I must say, we have to believe in our children as if we judge our kids from the no. of offers or which offers they obtained, it's going to be very frustrating. Of course, it's not easy at all!

If the super-schools, e.g. DGS/DBS/SPCC have taken my kid, I would certainly go for it. It's illogical for not taking it but taking the others (except for some special reasons). For the next batch of schools (e.g. YW, SPC, St Stephens, etc.), they are all good schools and the reason of choosing which one is much more about parent's preference than the "absolute" quality of the school.

I have done some research and found that YW will be more suitable to my child.
being parent is so difficult nowadays........

原帖由 mamay 於 09-12-16 13:39 發表

Your son must be really smart.  
We did not have chance for 2nd in for St Paul Boy and St. Stephen is on waiting list.  YW is my 1st offer so far.
My husband and my son like St. Stephen more while I ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-16 23:58 |只看該作者
yes childrenfirst,

i absolutely agree with you...its such a competitive, confusing, energy-consuming process for this  p1 admission game for both parents and children.  

ying wa is always my 1st choice because the principal has shown her dedication to care on the boys and respect them as themselves, good academic results are being after for all good schools, but the inner-well-being, is something even more important to children, i believe ms lam has her mission to bring out the best from the boys...

i do have expectation from the school, but at the end of the day, whether he (we) can cope with it, enjoy it, etc...it is something yet to find out and hope for.

so all the best for everyone, there is no perfect school in this world, do our best, pressing onwards...god bless!!!

原帖由 childrenfirst 於 09-12-16 23:27 發表
I really don't know the definition of "smart" anymore, esp. after this P.1 admission game. He got several offers but no DBS. Some of my friends got nothing but DBS. One could not get YW but get 2nd in ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-17 08:49 |只看該作者
I like YW very much and intend to apply for it when my son was studying NC class.

I like the way they motivate the kids for better result via the creative theme.

The P1 selection game is so exhausted.  I have no offer but YW.  Some of my friends got many offers but can't go into YW 2nd round.

No matter what, I am so proud of my son.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-17 08:51 |只看該作者
原帖由 childrenfirst 於 09-12-16 23:27 發表
I really don't know the definition of "smart" anymore, esp. after this P.1 admission game. He got several offers but no DBS. Some of my friends got nothing but DBS. One could not get YW but get 2nd in ...

Thanks Childrenfirst.
Would you share the reseach you have done to compare between YW and St. Stephen?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-17 10:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 childrenfirst 於 09-12-16 23:27 發表
I really don't know the definition of "smart" anymore, esp. after this P.1 admission game. He got several offers but no DBS. Some of my friends got nothing but DBS. One could not get YW but get 2nd in ...

其實學校多重視考生的性格, DBS 的學生多數是活躍主動獨立但又合群, 要教好這類學生, 要有大量學習資源, 因為他們的胃口是很大的, 悶起上來就會攪事, 所以, 有好多學校都唔敢收太多呢D學生

YW 跟 DBS 口味差唔多, 所以, 你見到有不少考生有兩間學校second in, 但林校長重家教和父母態度, 不論學校名氣, YW interview 應該比 DBS 難應付

YW 和 DBS 都無筆試, 它們不要由操練得來的"smart", 不要串英文宇, 不要講英文普通話, 要的是潛能

YW 林校長在second in 之中問 first in 時的校長室不同之地方, 需要小朋友對三維空間有長期記憶, 比串字要求層次更高; 而 DBS 是由電腦播一段故事, then 問有關故事問題, 要求考生聽一次就入腦,  actually, 老師以後上堂都是只講一次, interview 時如果都catch up 唔到, 入來讀點跟呢?  

St. Paul Co-ed 要的是很乖的小朋友, 100% 跟老師要求, 任何時候絕對聽話不攪另類, 所以, 很難有小朋友又有SPCC又有DBS/YW offer, 我識好多SPCC畢業的朋友, 不論男女多是溫文有禮, It's style!

SSCPS 要兩文三語加主動自信, 如果考生自信地回答問題, 中英普對答流暢, 應該會有offer, 同見 international school 要求差不多.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-17 11:45 |只看該作者
Hong Kong Pre-school
原帖由 qooqoofans 於 09-12-16 16:46 發表
hi 可否分享吓收左的小朋友係邊度讀幼稚園?

Rank: 4


發表於 09-12-17 14:02 |只看該作者
咦, 我諗大家識的朋友唔同, 我都識好一些既有SPCCPS又有DBSPD的offer旳小朋友喎.

原帖由 fsforth 於 09-12-17 10:07 發表
St. Paul Co-ed 要的是很乖的小朋友, 100% 跟老師要求, 任何時候絕對聽話不攪另類, 所以, 很難有小朋友又有SPCC又有DBS/YW offer, 我識好多SPCC畢業的朋友, 不論男女多是溫文有禮, It's style!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-17 14:22 |只看該作者

原帖由 traeh 於 09-12-17 14:02 發表
咦, 我諗大家識的朋友唔同, 我都識好一些既有SPCCPS又有DBSPD的offer旳小朋友喎.

Rank: 4


發表於 09-12-17 14:50 |只看該作者

原帖由 shmom 於 09-12-17 14:22 發表

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-17 15:26 |只看該作者
如果SPCC真係要小朋友“100% 跟老師要求, 任何時候絕對聽話不攪另類”,甘我lum我個仔應該唔係甘岩。而家仲等梗DBS,如果有幸都收,我lum要另開topic問下大家意見,因為我同老公一人鐘意一間。


原帖由 traeh 於 09-12-17 14:50 發表


[ 本帖最後由 shmom 於 09-12-17 15:32 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-17 15:50 |只看該作者
原帖由 childrenfirst 於 09-12-16 23:27 發表
I really don't know the definition of "smart" anymore, esp. after this P.1 admission game. He got several offers but no DBS. Some of my friends got nothing but DBS. One could not get YW but get 2nd in ...

I agree with most of what you say. Its a difficult process but in the end it will be worth it.  We can't rely on the government which has trashed the P school system.

Schools will have their own criteria and miss kids just to the large number of applicants and very little time allotted to each kid /parent.  Smartness is just one of them.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-17 20:51 |只看該作者
First of all, congratulation to those who accepted by YW and finally will really take the seat. For me, I will release SF? once we register YW.
I find that we have many discussion here. But I only want to say more to those really want to enter YW but not accept.
1. please read all the web-site materials about Ms Lam. --- In order to know what character she is.
2. YW change into DSS and employ Ms Lam. What do you think the strategy and mission behind. I .don't know, but I can guess.
3. In one of the message inside the web-site. Ms Lam had joined some kind of  principal 交流團. She discuss with LS, DBS principals. I guess something.....in future. Ms Lam wants something.
4. Ms Lam always having talk in many public media. What do you think she wants.
5. Ms Lam already a principal of one of the famous girl school. Why she leave and then join WY. Because of salary? I guess 100% not. Then what is behind.
6. If I am not wrong, Ms Lam has no children. If true, what will she focus on.
7. Ms Lam already famous in previous girl school. Please think what does she want to get in YW.
8. Be general and most of the opinion. DBS, LS, SPCC really the top tier. So, may I guess Ms Lam wants to achieve ....in near future.
9. finally, parents (not get a seat) : please really know more about Ms Lam, guess her character and guess what she wants in her near future. What kind of family she like. Then you need to do something that Ms Lam think that this family will cope with YW style, her strategy.
All above is only my guess, no actual point. Or may be someone will laugh at me. Or Ms Lam will brame be to guess all the wrong things. However, I get a seat to my son.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-17 22:17 |只看該作者
原帖由 BenKeung 於 09-12-17 20:51 發表
First of all, congratulation to those who accepted by YW and finally will really take the seat. For me, I will release SF? once we register YW.
I find that we have many discussion here. But I only wan ...

Good points!
Probably we are thinking the same thing!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-17 22:24 |只看該作者
Hi fsforth,
I see your message in many other topics. Actually, I will prove what I guess next year in YW.
By the way, if DBS not accept your kid. We can share more next year.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-17 22:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 BenKeung 於 09-12-17 20:51 發表
First of all, congratulation to those who accepted by YW and finally will really take the seat. For me, I will release SF? once we register YW.
I find that we have many discussion here. But I only wan ...
Nice to meet u here!
I am a P2 mami in YW.  Actually, u are talking what i think!

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-17 22:59 |只看該作者
hi gracechung

can you share school life in YW?  how do you like Ms Lam and YW?  many thx!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-17 23:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 BenKeung 於 09-12-17 20:51 發表
First of all, congratulation to those who accepted by YW and finally will really take the seat. For me, I will release SF? once we register YW.
I find that we have many discussion here. But I only wan ...

v. gd analysis. thanks for your sharing :)
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