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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 DGJS 2nd interview result
樓主: Rick18li

DGJS 2nd interview result [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-24 10:05 |只看該作者

回覆 1# rosalini 的文章

Yes, my daughter got the offer from SPC. I would like to let my girl to stay in SPC as I love this school.  DGJS & SPC is the same type of traditional school, that why my husband would like to switch her to another environment.  We will send her oversea for her future study becasue we are holding another country citizen.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-24 10:46 |只看該作者
Many thanks for your oasimcmug and it's very useful. By the way, only if you have time, please dont bother too much on that.
Thanks again
原帖由 oasismcmug 於 09-12-23 17:15 發表
Dear Rick18li,
I don't mind sharing it with you but it might take me sometime to type it all and send it to you. Plus I really do not know where I have put my book list as I bought all the books at on ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-24 10:56 |只看該作者

原帖由 tvnotallow 於 09-12-23 17:21 發表
I got the offer from DGJS, and I did not apply for SPCC.  as I know, many parent will give up DGJS if they got the offer from SPCC.  co-edu / girl school??

which one will you pick?

I just received t ...

[ 本帖最後由 Rick18li 於 09-12-24 12:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-24 11:14 |只看該作者
I think if I were you, I may consider CKY instead of DGJS.
Especially if you plan to send her to oversea for future studying and so CKY will offer her the closest environment.
Of course, DGJS is one of the best school in HK but also this means DGJS is using some teaching technique fit for HK system very well. But, as you may know, HK system is not suitable for oversea students. They offer different mode of teaching and focus on creative thinking. Besides, CKY is preparing their student for the IB system. This will definitely benefit for kids who will go to oversea for studying.
So, personally, I think as parents, we should try to find out the school which suit for your kid the most, it may not be the best school.
Also, if we try to think of your kids, the important thing is to keep her interested in learning and if we have to push her hard, this may make her scare. Try to think that if one day you have to tell her that her result is not good and will change the school to CKY or if she cannot catch up and have to give up at the end of the day, this may make her loss her confidence. This impact may be too much for a kid.
Anyhow, the above is just my thinking and hope can add some more information for your consideration.
Just in my case, I personally prefer DGJS but after some serious discussions, I'll put her to SPCC for a more balancing environment. As someone said, to have a good foundation in Chinese is very important and learning good Chinese seems more difficult than English.
Hope you finally will choose the best school for your girl (have you try to discuss with your girl on this becoz I did and finally she also vote for SPCC).

原帖由 tvnotallow 於 09-12-23 17:21 發表
I got the offer from DGJS, and I did not apply for SPCC.  as I know, many parent will give up DGJS if they got the offer from SPCC.  co-edu / girl school??

which one will you pick?

I just received t ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-24 11:36 |只看該作者
i think many mummy will be happy because got few seat out for their waiting list daughter

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-24 13:41 |只看該作者
My daughter is also a citizen of another country and her first language is English. She will also definitely leave HK when she is in high school (may be F2 or F3). I myself also studied local school when I was little and left HK when I was in high school. I understand why your husband thought it would be better off to study in CKY, but in real life it does not really work that way. Of course, this is very subjective feeling and experience and I do not want to say any more here. Please pm me if you are interested in discussing the matter in a bit more details.

原帖由 tvnotallow 於 09-12-24 10:05 發表
Yes, my daughter got the offer from SPC. I would like to let my girl to stay in SPC as I love this school.  DGJS & SPC is the same type of traditional school, that why my husband would like to switch  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-25 00:52 |只看該作者

回覆 1# oasismcmug 的文章

Honestly CKY and DGJS are both schools that on top of my list. Though I am sad that my daughter was not able to get the offer from these two schools yet, I have studied hard to try understand which school would be more suitable for my daughter.

For DGJS, agreed with Ricky that it is a very traditional school with traditional teaching method. I can share u some stories I learnt from the existing students. The teachers from DGJS are very strict. Some girls who are graduated from CCKG, may be too busy in playing and forget to go to toilet. When they hand up asking for going to the toilet at the lesson, the teacher did not allow them to go. Finally with the pressure from the teachers and of course the need of physical needs, they cannot stop but pee and get wet for all clothings. It is quite diff from the learning of the international school for proactively making request or change.

Again, both schools are good school. The schools are suitable for diff kids and also this depends on your family as well. Is the school's aim in line with the family? These are the key factors to consider. Again here are the topic with DGJS  and of course all ppls are DGJS fans including me. No one would understand your kid more than you. Thus study more and decide.

I also sincerely would like those parents to be considerate to those who are desperately seeking a seat to their daughter. Honestly whenever my daughter comes out and said she did the best. I have nothing to compliant about. Interview process is subjective and the top tier will always show their talent to all the schools. Those who come the next will keep wait till the seats are released. In this Christmas, hope all of you have a peaceful mind. It is really a blessings to have such offers on hand.

Merry Christmas!
Work hard moms!

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-27 23:57 |只看該作者

Trust your judgement

Dear parents,
I read with interest the comments.  If I may share:
- All schools are tough (DGJS/St Paul/Maryknoll/Good Hope/St Francis).  Why are we so scared for our kids to 'have to study hard when they are young?' Working life WILL be even tougher.  If we, as parents, know how to balance their 'work' and play, they will be fine.  Studying can be a good 'stress management' foundation for them.
- International schools / CKY are fine if you intend to send the kids overseas and want more time for their ECA.
- My daughter is in DGJS and what I experienced so far has only been positive.  Don't be influenced by the postings.  Have you played the game 'Whisper'? The final sentence is always distorted.
- DGJS is no less pushy than any local schools I hear.  In fact, some local schools are tougher.  DGJS has a wonderful environment for our girls.  Once you are IN, you will know what I mean.  The girls are simply smart or come from good family background (not RICH although there are many in there!).  But they have to work hard because the standard is very high.
- Teachers are not terrors.  In fact, they are ok.  Do not expect 'cuddling' teachers like in kindergarten though, this is Primary school environment.  Time for the girls to behave like a P1 student.
- Teachers will return your call on the same day and answer your query.  But you will not know how your child is faring until the Parent's day.
-Chinese is ok, not so minimal as some has mentioned.  They get a good balance of language training.  Have no fear if you are also able to provide that support at home.
- Address/ background/....etc are all coincidences.  If they base acceptance on that, the school is a Farce.  BUT to accept a certain percentage based on connections, not surprising.  Afterall, even at the workplace, a lot is based on Guan Xi.
Just choose the school based on your own observations to date from your visits/ contact with the school.  Do not believe the postings.  If your child has been accepted, she will be ok, with your time and support, of course.
Don't hold the place for too long. We all know it's no fun waiting.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-12-28 00:35 |只看該作者
原帖由 hkspiderman 於 09-12-19 01:31 發表
得左喇!!  小女成日話自己in 得唔好, 不過又ok 左   唔知多唔多St Cath  同學仔呢

Congratulation!  31/12 去你定阿心屋企開party呀?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-28 10:34 |只看該作者
有無家長可以分享一下 1st and 2nd interview 的過程和問題? Thank you!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-28 14:55 |只看該作者
may I ask the format of Round 1 and Round 2 interviews? will greatly appreciate if the successful parents can share their experience here, thank you

發表於 09-12-29 13:12 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-29 14:14 |只看該作者
原帖由 yorkiemama 於 09-12-29 13:12 發表
My friend (a staff in dgjs) said that Mrs Dai will change the format of interview next year very probably. She said the girls selected by teachers in the first round were mostly NOT the type she wante ...

We may ignore the old format of 1st interview, if it will not use the same format again next year, probably we can use the 1st interview from DBS as reference.

What are Mrs Dai's questions in 2nd interview? It can tell her expectation.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-29 14:40 |只看該作者
If this is true , will be good new for next year's parents... no need to scare two times  
原帖由 yorkiemama 於 09-12-29 13:12 發表
My friend (a staff in dgjs) said that Mrs Dai will change the format of interview next year very probably. She said the girls selected by teachers in the first round were mostly NOT the type she wante ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-29 14:45 |只看該作者

How did you equip your angel?

Dear all sucessful parents,

I am very happy to see your great acheivement!  My girl is just in kinder & we would be very glad if you can share with us the way you equipped your angel.

For example,
1. what sort of acedemic related exams attempted?
Chinese? English? Math? etc.

2. what sort of extra-curricular activities?

3. what sort of contests participated?
speech? arts? sports?

Millions thanks in advance!
Wish you & your family a prosperous & healthy new year!

Rank: 1

發表於 09-12-29 23:49 |只看該作者
I am privileged to have seen both P1 material for Co Ed and DGJS;

1] Chinese and maths are slightly more difficult at DGJS
2] English is also better at DGJS

I agree that Co Ed admits their Chinese is behind, but i do not agree with your comment about the presumed "superior" use of NETs.

DGS has been pushing out A grades since ages,
and my experience with NET is that they know how to polish an oral accent but are poor with written grammar, that's the truth.

Furthemore I would prefer teachers to be more strict rather than very scared of the pupils/their parents, again DGJS wins there.

Both school's standard of English is already very high, probably due to extra C learning or p tuition/family background.

原帖由 papa_pop 於 09-12-24 09:52 發表
I would add to hui916's comments.  SPCCPS is quite special in that despite being a so-called Chinese primary school, its students are very good in English - in speaking and writing.  Their reading mat ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-12-30 00:18 |只看該作者
I chose DGJS over SPCC, plainly because i preferred a girl's school,their overall academic results are similar, but DGS has had a higher rate of 10x As for ages and as to Sport, we know that DGS has reigned supreme in Kowloon for 22 years,and as to swimming DGS and DBS has contributed greatly to the sporting development in HK a LOT, no contest there.

DGJS has a better atmosphere and the retainment of older, experienced teachers v new teachers at SPCC, that's a focus point.
SPCC has the better building and facilities for now.

Family backgrounds are similar, normal, rich and super rich are all in there, a good mix, however there might be more super rich at Co-Ed, but who is counting that?
For those anxious dad's with cars to compare!
Cars in the car park - the same mix, 7 seaters, BMW,M Benz old and new, Porsche etc,. and also some Audi Ford,Lexus,Toyota and Honda.

But then again I've seen a Maybach at S Heart.....

It's the kids who are at school, not us.

As for the time to get to the school by school bus HKI v Kwln, let me dispel that myth:
Poon's is the carrier
Kowloon station 55mins to TKO
HK Island Belchers stop 55mins via E tunnel am and W tunnel -back pm
sounds like nearly the same??

I sincerely hope the above is of reference to the budding DGJS mums and dads out there.

CKY which school is that??

原帖由 traeh 於 09-12-23 00:07 發表
I don't think this is true.  There might be other considerations for admission besides interview performance, but proximity is not one of them.  Otherwise how do you explain the fact that there are gi ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-30 09:46 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-8 12:17 |只看該作者
Does anyone know whether there is waiting list or not. Some parents ask me whether I know it or but I really have no idea..

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-8 12:27 |只看該作者

回覆 1# Rick18li 的文章

As i know should have some place release, as parent will choose SPCC rather than DGs.
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