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教育王國 討論區 根德園幼稚園 How to write the word of "拍"?
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How to write the word of "拍"?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-19 13:27 |顯示全部帖子
Hi all,

How to write the word of "拍"?  My son insisted that his class teacher taught them to write straight down and tick first, instead of the short line across, for the left hand side part.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-19 14:00 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-19 15:57 |顯示全部帖子
Thank you very much.

Yes, I should spend some more time to correct him...

原帖由 TszWun 於 09-11-19 14:00 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-23 18:32 |顯示全部帖子
http://www.cchar.com/education/h ... ng-kong-student.php

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-23 20:45 |顯示全部帖子
其實根德園教寫中文字未必和外面的一樣, 有時甚至和寫字簿教的不一樣, 但你可以試吓引導你的小朋友諗筆順, 老師都是這樣教他們記生字寫法的.  例如:
(1) '拍', 諗作: 橫直勾剔捌直橫直橫橫.
(2) '打', 諗作: 橫直勾剔橫直剔.
(3) '男', 諗作: 直橫直橫直橫橫直勾捌.  
如此類推, 這樣便可以recall他的memory, 咁佢就會記起老師教佢點寫了.

原帖由 dandau 於 09-11-19 13:27 發表
Hi all,

How to write the word of "拍"?  My son insisted that his class teacher taught them to write straight down and tick first, instead of the short line across, for the left hand side part.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-23 20:54 |顯示全部帖子
其實根德園教寫中文字的方法未必同外面的一樣, 有時甚至同寫字簿教的不同, 你可以試下引導你的小朋友諗筆順, 老師都是這樣教他們記住點寫生字的.  例如:
(1) '拍'字, 諗作: 橫直勾剔捌直橫直橫橫.
(2) '打'字, 諗作: 橫直勾剔橫直勾.
(3) '男'字, 諗作: 直橫直橫直橫橫直勾捌.
如此類推, 這樣便可以recall 他的memory, 咁佢就會記得老師這樣教過他的.

原帖由 dandau 於 09-11-19 13:27 發表
Hi all,

How to write the word of "拍"?  My son insisted that his class teacher taught them to write straight down and tick first, instead of the short line across, for the left hand side part.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-24 13:48 |顯示全部帖子
"其實根德園教寫中文字的方法未必同外面的一樣, 有時甚至同寫字簿教的不同", that is what I'm worried about.  When I found KV teacher teaching different ways which I believe that should be wrong.  Should I correct my son or just let go...  So that's why I would check with the other classes.

Actually, my son told me many many times that his class teacher taught to write 直勾 first not 橫 first for '拍'字 and '打'字.

If I would believe my son did tell me the truth and he wasn't dreaming in class, and found that the other classes are learning the correct and normal way.  Then I would choose to correct my son instead of let go the wrong ways.

原帖由 janettang 於 09-11-23 20:54 發表
其實根德園教寫中文字的方法未必同外面的一樣, 有時甚至同寫字簿教的不同, 你可以試下引導你的小朋友諗筆順, 老師都是這樣教他們記住點寫生字的.  例如:
(1) '拍'字, 諗作: 橫直勾剔捌直橫直橫橫.
(2) '打'字, 諗作: ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-24 14:05 |顯示全部帖子
我個囝第一次寫"拍"字, 見佢寫直勾先到打橫. 但昨日寫"打"字又寫打橫先到直勾. 今日叫佢寫"拍"同"打". 全部寫打橫先. 好混亂

原帖由 dandau 於 09-11-24 13:48 發表
"其實根德園教寫中文字的方法未必同外面的一樣, 有時甚至同寫字簿教的不同", that is what I'm worried about.  When I found KV teacher teaching different ways which I believe that should be wrong.  Should I ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-24 17:44 |顯示全部帖子
以上寫法全是我仔教我寫的, 他現讀k3, 昨天我再問佢點寫, 佢都是和以前一樣, 每天他寫中文, 我都會叫他教我點寫, 然後佢就諗筆順給我聽, 有時我們出街等位食飯時又或坐車時, 冇帶玩具, 我們就會玩諗筆順遊戲, 他很喜歡的, 又可以順便溫默書.

原帖由 dandau 於 09-11-24 13:48 發表
"其實根德園教寫中文字的方法未必同外面的一樣, 有時甚至同寫字簿教的不同", that is what I'm worried about.  When I found KV teacher teaching different ways which I believe that should be wrong.  Should I ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-27 15:07 |顯示全部帖子
如果真係疑惑, 可以直接問老師or寫紙仔, 好多時小朋友都係講到似層層, 仲會搬D"老師係咁講架"來Support自已, 係要去到問老師, 佢地先認自已衰左

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-29 14:58 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks for all your precious advices.

原帖由 siufo 於 09-11-27 15:07 發表
如果真係疑惑, 可以直接問老師or寫紙仔, 好多時小朋友都係講到似層層, 仲會搬D"老師係咁講架"來Support自已, 係要去到問老師, 佢地先認自已衰左