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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 德望
樓主: linglingng

德望 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-8 02:17 |只看該作者
Hi all mama

May I know what kind of questions did your daughter been asked?  I am planning to submit my application for my daughter next year.  

Thank you for your kind help in advance.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-8 08:59 |只看該作者
Hello Chiulee,

My daughter is 0107 Big bb, she was quite confident and answered all questions but not sure her answers are correct or not.  I can feel the mode of interview is a bit difficult for the BB not very independent especially for small BB.  Good luck to all of you.

原帖由 chiulee 於 09-11-7 22:27 發表

My daughter also attended the interview this morning.  Can your daughter answer all the questions asked by the interviewer?  Is she shy?  My bb is a little bit shy and has low voice.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-8 10:38 |只看該作者
Hi yiuyiumom,

My bb is also 0107 Big bb.  She can answer all the questions but with very low voice.  Good luck to all of us.

I noted that there are two application numbers written on the interview letter.  Do you have the same case?  Do you know which one (the upper one or the lower one) should be the right one, as we need to write it on the self-addressed envelop.

原帖由 yiuyiumom 於 09-11-8 08:59 發表
Hello Chiulee,

My daughter is 0107 Big bb, she was quite confident and answered all questions but not sure her answers are correct or not.  I can feel the mode of interview is a bit difficult for the ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-8 10:48 |只看該作者
Hi Chiulee,
Not sure because the copy of the application form is keeping in my office and need to be checked.
To my memory, it got one application number on the top of right hand corner. Which is your most favourite school?

原帖由 chiulee 於 09-11-8 10:38 發表
Hi yiuyiumom,

My bb is also 0107 Big bb.  She can answer all the questions but with very low voice.  Good luck to all of us.

I noted that there are two application numbers written on the interview l ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-8 11:51 |只看該作者
Hi yiuyiumom,

Are you talking about the 接見証?  Co'z the application form was filled up in GH and we can't make a photocopy of it.

原帖由 yiuyiumom 於 09-11-8 10:48 發表
Hi Chiulee,
Not sure because the copy of the application form is keeping in my office and need to be checked.
To my memory, it got one application number on the top of right hand corner. Which is your ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-8 12:01 |只看該作者

回覆 1# chiulee 的文章

Yes, it is the admission slip and not the application form

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-9 11:44 |只看該作者
見學校今次 interview 好似好亂都冇麥信心比呀囡讀. 頭一年好似比佢地做實驗品. 唉..

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-9 11:56 |只看該作者
It depends on do you keen to let your girl go to her primary school.  

原帖由 linglingng 於 09-11-9 11:44 發表
見學校今次 interview 好似好亂都冇麥信心比呀囡讀. 頭一年好似比佢地做實驗品. 唉..

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-11-10 10:50 |只看該作者
Hi yiuyiumom,

我發覺我哋報嘅學校好似, 睇法亦好相同 (我都係prefer一條龍school), 所以想同你打聲招呼!
我囡囡係0703大b, 暫時in左TT, St. Cat & 德望, 又係TT主流上午班收左. 我都係好鍾意TT多課外活動, 又多外籍教師&普通話教師. 但另一方面, 我都好鍾意德望中小學, 我同事個囡囡讀緊德望小學, 好乖英文又好, 但德望幼稚園課程師資各樣都唔知, TT vs 德望 - 你點揀呀? (雖然唔知德望收唔收阿囡?!)


Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-10 12:16 |只看該作者
Hi PSKwan,

我同你真係同道中人, ...hahaha, 假設咁幸運連德望都收, 真係頭痛啦, 當然先比留位費, 徵詢其他意見再決定, 在我本人來講, 可能參加過TT open day,  TT的印象令我深刻是老師好友善, 外籍老師及活動多, 相對德望吸引是一所名氣較大, 校舍新及環境優美的傳統學校, 我諗如果是小朋友會喜歡TT, 但家長就選德望, 有想過咁多家長都心怡想入St Cat KV, 目的是希望考到Band 1小學如女拔, 英華,聖保羅男女, Maryknoll......或德望......咁如果德望收, 豈不是我們不用想, 不要讓P1的路行遠更多?

原帖由 PSKwan 於 09-11-10 10:50 發表
Hi yiuyiumom,

我發覺我哋報嘅學校好似, 睇法亦好相同 (我都係prefer一條龍school), 所以想同你打聲招呼!
我囡囡係0703大b, 暫時in左TT, St. Cat & 德望, 又係TT主流上午班收左. 我都係好鍾意TT多課外活動, 又多外 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-10 12:53 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-10 18:08 |只看該作者
Hi yiuyiumom

I am also live at Tsz Wan Shan, my daughter also apply K2.  Nice to meet you here

原帖由 yiuyiumom 於 09-11-7 21:08 發表
Hello goofy_bb

I am living at Tsz Wan Shan and won't apply KG at HK Side.   My daughter  attended interview at Good Hope today and everything seems going fine.  Did you go interview at Good Hope?


Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-10 20:01 |只看該作者
Hello gloriahung,

Nice to meet you too.  I am living at Tsz Oi Court Stage 3 and you?  How is your daughter's interview ?  Where are your daughter studying now? Good luck to all of us.

原帖由 gloriahung 於 09-11-10 18:08 發表
Hi yiuyiumom

I am also live at Tsz Wan Shan, my daughter also apply K2.  Nice to meet you here

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-12 13:55 |只看該作者
Of course GH!

原帖由 PSKwan 於 09-11-10 10:50 發表
Hi yiuyiumom,

我發覺我哋報嘅學校好似, 睇法亦好相同 (我都係prefer一條龍school), 所以想同你打聲招呼!
我囡囡係0703大b, 暫時in左TT, St. Cat & 德望, 又係TT主流上午班收左. 我都係好鍾意TT多課外活動, 又多外 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-12 13:55 |只看該作者
This is also our main concern.......

原帖由 linglingng 於 09-11-9 11:44 發表
見學校今次 interview 好似好亂都冇麥信心比呀囡讀. 頭一年好似比佢地做實驗品. 唉..

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-12 16:14 |只看該作者
I am also at Tsz Oi Court Stage 3, Oi Wah.  My daughter is studying at Cannan (Kowloon Tong).  She told me that she answered all questions.  But I don't know her performance as she went to the interview room alone.  Hope our daughter can get a seat la.  

原帖由 yiuyiumom 於 09-11-10 20:01 發表
Hello gloriahung,

Nice to meet you too.  I am living at Tsz Oi Court Stage 3 and you?  How is your daughter's interview ?  Where are your daughter studying now? Good luck to all of us.
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