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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 救恩小學
樓主: tungmom

救恩小學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-2 00:57 |顯示全部帖子
My son is studying in P.2 and he has a very happy school life.
The homework from Monday to Thursday is not much. Friday is a bit heavy since more reading works are required.
Everyday, there is homework session and if your kid can concentrate in doing homework, he / she may almost finish all the works at school.

Regarding the curriculum, for those kids whose standard is higher than the peers, the teacher will design separate worksheets for them so that they will not feel boring and can learn more.
This approach can help some high flyers or gifted children to learn on their own pace.
However, the assessment / exam questions will be the same for all students.
There is no exam for P.1 and P.2 students but will have assessments all year round.
Students are required to read recommended books or pieces of article every week (some books are selected by the teacher to match with the reading ability of each kid) and students are required to do some works about the book, like brief summary, simple description of the main characters etc.
In gist, reading is important during P.1 & P.2 school life.

For the academic standard, I got a chance to look at P.2 Chinese exam paper of Wah Yan and found that the paper was more complicated than those taught by kau Yan.
However, I think it has to wait until we have exam next year in order to have a fair comparison.

Teachers in Kau Yan are the most valuable assets that the school must treasure of.
Those teachers I know are very caring.
They admit the difference of each individual child and are willing to spend extra efforts in helping the child for all-rounded growth. Last year when my son was in P.1, I heard that a class teacher was willing to stay after school for tutoring a student who had learning difficulty in some subjects.
I was deeply moved by this incident.
For my son, the school makes a lot of efforts on moral training and my son is quite a caring and loving child that, to me, is more important than academic results.
I fully share with the vision of the new headmistress.
However, KYS does not have one dragon secondary school.
Hope that the headmistress can solve it and continue her vision to the secondary education of our children.
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