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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 語障寶寶應該選擇什麼幼稚園?? (好唔開心呢!!) ...
樓主: Carsten

[聽/語障] 語障寶寶應該選擇什麼幼稚園?? (好唔開心呢!!) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-24 15:27 |只看該作者
我個囡今年K1, 係佢2歲時做評估語言能力遲了9個月。最近班主任打來話佢經常唔應老師, 一來我知囡囡唔多應陌生人唔同陌生人講嘢, 二來佢始終speech delay, 但我感覺到班主任係善意嘅, 所以我安排了下星期再做一次評估。我都好擔心有日學校打來勸我幫囡囡退學。但囡囡都順利渡過PN(不是同校), 感謝以前班主任嘅合作同體諒。我都唔想佢去讀特殊幼園或兼收幼園。  希望你都加油!

發表於 09-10-25 00:21 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-25 13:19 |只看該作者
[quote]原帖由 pipi331 於 09-10-25 00:21 發表


暑假在協康上了五堂治療, 可能治療師太年輕經驗不足, 感覺作用不大, 他教我引導囡囡說話的方法我早己採用。 反而讓囡囡看用廣東話的卡通片後(加從旁解話), 她懂得運用的句子多咗。反而擔心下星期做評估時會因shy又一粒聲都唔出, 但始終都想佢做多次專業評估。希望佢達標啦!

發表於 09-10-26 23:56 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-4 21:59 |只看該作者
my son also have the speech delay problem, 6 mths, confirmed by goverment 兒科醫生. we will go to have another assessment this week coz i want to have the 2nd opinion.  My son just started the school for a few days coz he is a small boy (25 mths). His teacher asked me "could he talk" in the first day, i replied that not yet, a bit delay! then she said, not to worry, boy is like that, a bit late than girl... it's alright, give him sometime.  I don't know whether she aware what i mean or she just so so with me.
I am thinking ... should i tell his teacher that he is speech dealy so that she can train him more as i am afriad she will lable my son.  In fact, he will change another school for K1, so i am not worry about she asked me to leave finally!  What will you do? tell her or not? pls comment, thanks!

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-7 19:37 |只看該作者
If I were you, I will not tell as the teacher would not be able to help anyway.

Suggest to monitor your child's speech development for a month. If there is no noticeable improvement (e.g., speaks no more new words), you better consider speech theraply. During the ST, you will be asked to sit with the child. If you think your child becomes ready, you can stop ST.

原帖由 LITTLESPICY 於 10-2-4 21:59 發表
my son also have the speech delay problem, 6 mths, confirmed by goverment 兒科醫生. we will go to have another assessment this week coz i want to have the 2nd opinion.  My son just started the school  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-8 00:24 |只看該作者
thanks for your sharing!
what is ST?

we are trying to force him to speak in these few days and such as say "訓教" then he will say to me "教教"..."係唔係" 講"係" , he will say "係"....
what do you think his improvement? good or not?

we went to 心橋 to do the assessment during weekend. 姑娘話叫佢講詞語會有困難...不過佢學野都有心機...講野明顯係遲....社交都要improve.... 聽完後好心痛, 兩晚都訓唔到....唔知可以點幫佢????

原帖由 harry_mama 於 10-2-7 19:37 發表
If I were you, I will not tell as the teacher would not be able to help anyway.

Suggest to monitor your child's speech development for a month. If there is no noticeable improvement (e.g., speaks no  ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-2-8 23:31 |只看該作者
原帖由 pccmama 於 09-9-27 22:10 發表
過來人經驗, 建議你轉校, 因一個有語障的小朋友更加需要老師的接納及鼓勵, 個老師三日唔埋兩日就打黎, 又咁又咁, 你諗下, 對住你家長都咁樣, 對住小朋友會點呢?!
我個仔兩歲幾讀樓下一間好普通的幼兒園,  ...

可唔可話我知係邊間有幼稚園那麼好, 我都成日俾學校投訴
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