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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 2008 Babies - Prepare for N1 2010-2011 (Chatroom)
樓主: ML_Ngan

2008 Babies - Prepare for N1 2010-2011 (Chatroom) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-8-12 16:23 |只看該作者
迦南 will start the application on Sept 7, 2009

Nice to join this chat room and hello to all of U :)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-12 16:55 |只看該作者
問過九龍靈糧堂, 佢係2010年8月1日開N1班, 所以小朋友要在2010年7月31日滿兩歲先會收, 2008年8月至12月出世的小朋友係後備.

我個女係08年9月出世, 所以唔使諗.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-8-12 23:57 |只看該作者
原帖由 Agenda 於 09-8-4 12:27 發表

我囡囡都係0807bb, 我依家都有呢個煩惱呀!!!!!!

想揾黃埔, 九龍塘d nursey.

大家有冇d 意見呀?

Hihi my son is 0806 bb, I'm planning these schools in whompoa, how about u,any idea?
1) William (smart) kindergarten
2) Cannan
3) Pok Oi Hospital Mrs Yam Wing Yin kg

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-13 14:11 |只看該作者
nggarbo, my boys were born on Feb 13. Am still on wait list for Victoria playgroup...even I enrolled them since they were 2 months old....sigh....

Good luck to you ah ~

原帖由 nggarbo 於 09-8-7 17:19 發表
twinboys 08 - my son is also a 0802 baby.  he was born on feb 6.

my son is going to victoria playgroup since this june 09, and will continue in sept 09.  i think i will enroll him with victoria 'cos  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-13 14:14 |只看該作者
我都有諗迦南, 但唔知好唔好呢? 我發覺响香港島啱男仔嘅幼兒園好少種類....

原帖由 YanYanCup 於 09-8-12 16:23 發表
迦南 will start the application on Sept 7, 2009

Nice to join this chat room and hello to all of U :)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-13 14:21 |只看該作者
My girl was born in 0810.  I have called the Breamer Hill campus and they said I need to be put on waiting list.  Therefore I join the Red Hill campus already and will start in Sept.  Actually it takes the same time for me to drive from my home to both Breamer Hill and Red Hill campus.  My girl will be 11 months old when she starts, hope she enjoys la!!!!

原帖由 yhmommy 於 09-8-11 07:44 發表
Hello Jupiter,
You're very welcome!
It does not matter that we can't be classmates la...we can play together on weekends ma...or may be we will be classmates in nursery la!!
How old is ur bb now?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-13 14:30 |只看該作者
最近BK好慢, 少咗上黎UPDATE...

My twin boys are now 18 months old, I let them join JW tumbles baby gym when they were 8 months old, then tried baby buddies and my music box. Then tried sun kids in Happy Valley which I found the content and teacher is quite good although the place is a newly opened one, not a famous one at all.

During that time my boys wait list for Tutor Time Bramer Hill were cleared so now they're attending TT Tag class on each Sat. My personal opinion is, TT is not bad but consider the fee they're charging, don't think it's worth at all. They have two sessions, 45 minutes in English and 45 minutes in PTW. Well, English class is OK but still too much free time for own activity; while PTW session is really a waste, as we spent nearly 30 minutes playing outdoor toys, meaning free time again !! Both my husband and I have the same feeling that paying nearly 1k a month (for 4 classes only) for two boys, we expect more than that instead of like we're paying the rental fee for their facilities. Therefore, have quit TT, will try the other one called Bambini in Tin Hau end Aug.

I've enrolled my boys to a PTW PG during weekday also..... BTW, nice to meet you all here !

[ 本帖最後由 Twinboys08 於 09-8-13 14:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-13 16:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 Twinboys08 於 09-8-13 14:30 發表
最近BK好慢, 少咗上黎UPDATE...

My twin boys are now 18 months old, I let them join JW tumbles baby gym when they were 8 months old, then tried baby buddies and my music box. Then tried sun kids in Hap ...

Hi Twinboys08, can you pls tell me where you take your boys to PTW playgroup?  They are about the same age as my twins.  Are they going to other playgroups now?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-13 16:22 |只看該作者
twinsmummy, I believe you and I are friends already....added through facebook...your twins are one girl and one boy, right ?

The PTW playgroup my boys are going now is in Happy Valley, called Sunkids, which they attended their English playgroup before. Not bad at all as I'm thinking to let them expose to this language now, and I found them quite like it wor...especially PTW songs !

原帖由 twinsmummy 於 09-8-13 16:02 發表

Hi Twinboys08, can you pls tell me where you take your boys to PTW playgroup?  They are about the same age as my twins.  Are they going to other playgroups now?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-13 16:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 Twinboys08 於 09-8-13 16:22 發表
twinsmummy, I believe you and I are friends already....added through facebook...your twins are one girl and one boy, right ?

The PTW playgroup my boys are going now is in Happy Valley, called Sunkids ...

Hi Twinboys08, actually, my twins are 2 girls.  So I don't believe we know each other yet.  Nice to meet you!!!!  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-13 17:08 |只看該作者
各位,我都揾緊playgroup 比囡囡,佢係0810bb.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-13 17:12 |只看該作者
Any parents who have elder son or elder daughter studied in nursury class, I mean for 2 years old kids?  
Please share your previous experiences as well as comments about nursury schools and interview, so that we can prepare for our kids before interview.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-14 01:34 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-14 10:00 |只看該作者
Twinsmummy, I'm so sorry to mix up the names....but very nice to meet you here also ~

原帖由 twinsmummy 於 09-8-13 16:48 發表

Hi Twinboys08, actually, my twins are 2 girls.  So I don't believe we know each other yet.  Nice to meet you!!!!  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-14 10:05 |只看該作者

原帖由 cherrybiz 於 09-8-14 01:34 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-14 10:42 |只看該作者
我個囡係0810, 而家諗緊比佢讀啟思or迦南,因為近屋企, 其實我鐘意迦南多d, 但佢冇全日而啟思有, 唉!都唔知點揀好, 大家有冇心得share下:)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-14 12:06 |只看該作者
HKPS is Hong Kong Pre School, one is located at Kowloon Tong and the other one is located at Shatin.  I intend to apply HKPS at Kowloon Tong.

原帖由 Twinboys08 於 09-8-14 10:05 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-14 15:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 Snoopywy 於 09-8-10 13:52 發表

我都係住香港島(小西灣),你想報邊幾間呀? 請分享以作參考.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-8-14 15:49 |只看該作者

呢度咁多twins媽咪,不如喺facebook add埋我啦!!
email: [email protected]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-14 15:50 |只看該作者
My baby is 0805, now enrolled to Woodland and Good Health lu.
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