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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 幼稚園爆退學潮
樓主: BabyAlexander

幼稚園爆退學潮 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-6-20 23:10 |只看該作者

回覆 39# j63 的文章


Rank: 2

發表於 09-6-20 23:22 |只看該作者
天使: 要比既, 話晒人地先生睇住女女3年, 都係半個父母呀.
魔鬼: 使乜呢, 又無上學, 無粒粒比錢人地, 自己好多錢呀.

正確係應該要比既. 人地老師都要出糧架麻. 又唔係佢地想~

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-21 01:36 |只看該作者
咁你間幼兒園就真係算係咁喇! 我嗰間上年停課就返到去都趕我走唔比返學. 今年打左電話通知佢先, 點知D老師第一句係"你冇返工o家wor~" 冇工返就唔駛做? 冇工返就唔駛買餸做家務? 冇返工就係喺屋企隱閉? 我邊有咁多錢請工人. 間學校d老師懶得過就懶, 佢根本就唔想有人返學, 結果嗰日午餐只有菜+蛋飯, 生果都冇, 膳食其差. 後來, 因為新聞報導映晒其他學校又做呢樣又做嗰樣, 佢先做返好少少!

不過戒片好似係一返n班就一定要戒, 係絕對唔比著尿片的. 佢一定要幫你做o家wor~

原帖由 柔柔mami 於 09-6-20 18:19 發表
我個囡依家讀緊n班, k1都會轉校, 不過我都係選擇會交7月學費, 因為佢間學校好周到, 停課期間老師都有打電話黎話如果有咩問題可以打俾佢, 仲安排校車送工作紙到屋企樓下, 而且老師平時都好照顧我個囡, 茶點時間仲會替 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-21 01:53 |只看該作者
其實我都好唔明, 小學老師/校長嘅人工就話係政府比, 所以佢話停課大家都冇異議. 但係幼稚園教育我地政府只係津貼左嗰少少嘅學卷, 大大份9成都係我地D家長比, 點解佢一聲令下停課, 我地D家長/學校嘅經濟/營運問題就閣下自理? 政府對這方面是否權力過大?

發表於 09-6-21 22:34 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 09-6-21 23:59 |只看該作者

We won't pay for July school fee if classes continue to be suspended

To those parents who support their KGs and will keep paying school fees, we understand why you would do that and guess perhaps you have more financial freedom than others.....

But for most of the working parents like us, it's ridiculous to keep paying. Here are the reasons.

1. We are a typical middle class working family. We want our kids to have the best education we can afford, and we pay > $8,000/month for our 2 kids to go to private KG. That's almost 1/4 of our family income, excluding other extra curriculum fees, school bus...etc. If we don't get anything in return (e.g. education for our kids), why should we sacrifice so much money? It's not that we don't need those money in other parts of our lives.

2. Why should we worry about the schools don't have money to run and teachers don't get their salaries? In the first place we are not the ones who order to close schools. So the government should compensate them, not us parents. And if we don't pay for a month or two, I don't see why the schools will run into financial trouble immediately. If so, the principals must have problem controlling his/her finances.

3. Since school closed on June 12 we have already spent extra money to keep our kids busy (e.g. join outside learning classes, buy them story books..etc.) so they don't waste their time sitting at home and doing nothing. That's extra burden to our already tight budget. If schools keep close why do we have to keep double spending, and until when can this stop? How many parents can afford this? Who will worry about our financial situation for us? The teachers? The schools? Or the government?

4. In other countries not ALL KGs and PS are closed. Only those with outbreaks. And closure is for 7 days, not 14. Why the government made such a reckless decision for us, and not asking what we want? Yes, the disease may be dangerous but it also has a low mortality rate. Not higher than the seasonal flu. School close may be a way to prevent large outbreaks, but did the government think of other consequences, like how to help the working parents and the stay home kids (already one killed by car accident during school closure)??

5. Do you see the public libraries and shopping malls are packed with school kids? Will they be better off not going to schools, but go to those places? The gov. always advice us to go outdoor. But how long can the little kids stay outdoor under 32 degrees sunshine, or thunderstorms? Do you think the gov. just want to avoid making mistakes by ordering school closure, but not to take responsibilities in dealing with the consequences?

6. Has anyone heard any gov. officials say they will mitigate the potential conflicts between the KGs and parents, or give financial incentives to KGs or the parents (e.g. tax breaks, subsidies) so we parents don't have to pay full school fees during closure, and KGs won't run into budget deficits? Nothing. again they try to avoid responsibilities.....

If you read till here thanks for your patience. I can go on and on but will stop here. Just want to remind those parents who will keep paying for nothing. Not everyone is lucky enough to have so much extra money to spare. We have to look at the facts of this disease and school closure to give it a fair judgment. Money can sometimes buy us out of trouble, but justice is what we want for our kids.

Thank you.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-22 00:35 |只看該作者
原帖由 wingjoey 於 09-6-20 09:55 發表

我都係一個k.2的家長,亦都雙職父母,在停課期間都要用錢找人照顧小朋友,但我都會照交學費,因為我知道老師在停課期間仍然為小朋友工作或服務,如幼兒的學習歷程檔案,提供每日功課,我間的幼稚園還會提供網上教功課等等 ...

我本來都係咁諗,不過幼稚園就沒有提供網上教功課.......但 到了取評估報告那天就真的好失望, 取不到評估報告(話有些字print不出來,且又沒特造的紙了),別人班的家長手持一本類似學校生活profile的物體.....而班主任只話由於太趕了,來不及把小朋友在校生活的照片整理好,........
其實, 啲老師有時都要易地而處諗下, 在停課期間已沒有跟進什麼, 只是將所有要交回小朋友手的東西辦妥(即剩餘的家課,結業禮物etc)但是,要向家長交代的卻...........幸好,我只需交到6月學費

Rank: 1

發表於 09-6-22 00:35 |只看該作者
我覺得自從有咗學券,最大嘅得益者唔係我哋班家長,而係幼稚園 !!!簡直同每月收兩份錢無份別(政府1份+家長1份)!今次停課,如果我哋唔交學費,對幼稚園嚟講都只不過係俾返少少回饋我哋啫!我絕對唔覺得佢哋平時賺埋賺埋,會唔夠出1個月糧俾D職工囉!:-x

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-22 00:53 |只看該作者

回覆 1# cheng713 的文章


我BB 6月才入學n1, 交了$2600 只返了兩個星期就停學, 只有我老公一個人工作養家, 唸住BB返學後我就可以搵工做分擔下, 現在工又返唔到, 學費又要比足, 真係好無奈,所以讚成交學費的家長, 唔好再話唔想交學費的家長, 你比得起錢唔等於你全對.你唸住D老師無糧出, 學校都有營利,唔應該係這個時候強制交學費.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-6-22 10:36 |只看該作者
I totallly agree with you. The KG have the responsbility to take their risk just a commercial firm to take their business risk, such as the bad debts. So, I am not willing to pay the July school fee because the school not provide the service in return.

原帖由 cheng713 於 09-6-21 23:59 發表
To those parents who support their KGs and will keep paying school fees, we understand why you would do that and guess perhaps you have more financial freedom than others.....

But for most of the wo ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-22 10:38 |只看該作者
原帖由 denise_jolly 於 09-6-22 00:53 發表

我BB 6月才入學n1, 交了$2600 只返了兩個星期就停學, 只有我老公一個人工作養家, 唸住BB返學後我就可以搵工做分擔下, 現在工又返唔到, 學費又要比足, 真係好無奈,所以讚成交學費的家長, 唔好再話唔 ...

我老公都叫我唔好交七月學費. 扣了學券仍要交三仟多元, 我老公因為失業, 家中財政變得緊張. 如可以慳返三千多元, 的確對我家很重要, 但我也覺得不交學費, 似乎又有點卑鄙. 這就在我裏面有兩個我在斗爭. 所以我希望復課

發表於 09-6-22 10:40 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-22 11:48 |只看該作者

回覆 2# Venuscheng 的文章

如果7月份係唔洗返學的話, 我係支持唔洗交學費架......

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-22 20:24 |只看該作者
原帖由 winsonma 於 09-6-19 00:29 發表
針對一啲牟利嘅幼稚園, 簡單啲講佢係 run 緊一個 business, 只不過佢嘅business係提供教學嘅服務, 凡係business都會有risk, 作為一個消費者,無理由得唔到應有嘅服務都要俾錢掛?老師當然要出糧, 但係一間幼稚園無理由 ...

   同意.  生意自然有风險.  掉轉個小朋友家庭有困難.  幼稚園會否有情講?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-23 00:37 |只看該作者
good points!

我都覺得如果一間幼稚園(牟利嗰種)會因為一兩個月收唔足學費而導致出唔到糧俾員工, 甚至經營困難, 實在好難令人信服!

原帖由 cheng713 於 09-6-21 23:59 發表
To those parents who support their KGs and will keep paying school fees, we understand why you would do that and guess perhaps you have more financial freedom than others.....

But for most of the wo ...

發表於 09-6-23 01:04 |只看該作者
if this is a core value deep in your heart .. I would doubt if your kids know what "repect" is ..

Wonder if they know how to repect their teachers ...

I don't mean to be mean .. but I'm really sad to read that

原帖由 jm1874 於 09-6-19 23:03 發表

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 09-6-23 01:08 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-23 01:21 |只看該作者
其實你無需要為人地嘅觀點而feel sad 喎, 每個人都會有唔同嘅意見, 大家討論吓啫~

原帖由 twinsstar 於 09-6-23 01:04 發表
if this is a core value deep in your heart .. I would doubt if your kids know what "repect" is ..

Wonder if they know how to repect their teachers ...

I don't mean to be  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-23 13:24 |只看該作者
原帖由 winsonma 於 09-6-23 01:21 發表
其實你無需要為人地嘅觀點而feel sad 喎, 每個人都會有唔同嘅意見, 大家討論吓啫~

To twinsstar

More fair, for the one who want to pay, feel free.

  But for me, who have limited money, prefer spend money on kid, rather than something with NO service.

掉轉個小朋友家庭有困難.  幼稚園會否有情講?
No money, no service.
No service, no money.

[ 本帖最後由 airforce1 於 09-6-23 17:55 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-23 14:54 |只看該作者

原帖由 cheng713 於 09-6-21 23:59 發表
To those parents who support their KGs and will keep paying school fees, we understand why you would do that and guess perhaps you have more financial freedom than others.....

But for most of the wo ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-6-23 15:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 Kendis1 於 09-6-22 11:48 發表
如果7月份係唔洗返學的話, 我係支持唔洗交學費架......

我今日剛剛停了幼稚園的自動轉帳了. 我其實仍未決定是否七月無學返就唔交學費. 我囝囝喜歡學校, 都想和學校保持良好關係, 但如果唔交學費, 會否令家校關係變得惡劣呢? 雖然囝囝將畢業, 但畢業後, 我仍打算會帶囝囝回校探望老師嘛!
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