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學之園(英普pm班) vs HKPS(中英am班)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-26 19:57 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-26 22:14 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 TaTa83 於 09-3-26 19:57 發表

TaTa, 你講漏左應該係

學之園(英普pm班)K1 vs HKPS(中英am班)N1


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-26 22:36 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 elmolly 於 09-3-26 22:14 發表

TaTa, 你講漏左應該係

學之園(英普pm班)K1 vs HKPS(中英am班)N1


係wor, 多謝補充, 請俾d意見我吧~ Many thanks~

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-28 10:01 |顯示全部帖子
HKPS(中英am班)N1 seems more appropriate for small kid.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-31 08:47 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 elizatyy 於 09-3-28 10:01 發表
HKPS(中英am班)N1 seems more appropriate for small kid.

I am not too sure about 學之, but HKPS has quite a good standard. my baby is 2.5 yrs old studying in hkps, every Fri. she need to learn how to read an english book, eg, I am dancing. or I see. The deer is drinking water from the river. My daugther speaks good english, even better than her chinese.

Rank: 6Rank: 6


發表於 09-3-31 09:26 |顯示全部帖子
我會睇.. 小朋友嘅能力先
因為小朋友咁細, 能力上係可以相差好遠
如果你個小朋友唔係特別"叻", 我就唔會放佢喺個個叻過佢嘅環境學習喇!
同朋友講起, 佢話hkps改咗課程, e+唔只兩文3語咁簡單, 仲有好多嘢學... 我聽到都好鍾意..
如果你真係好想讀英普嘅, 可以K1先轉..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-31 09:43 |顯示全部帖子
Just want to know how to hkps改咗課程 since my boy have a offer from hkps and Victoria(HG). I don't know how to choose.  Thanks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-31 10:15 |顯示全部帖子
May I know the application procedure of HKPS?  I note from their website, the application form will be distributed within a time slot 9:00 - 12:00am on Nov.  Does it mean that I can only get it & fill in on that date only?  May I also know the content of the interview?  Is it difficult?  Use English or Cantonese?  Sorry for too many questions......Thanks a lot!

原帖由 bbeasy25 於 09-3-31 09:43 發表
Just want to know how to hkps改咗課程 since my boy have a offer from hkps and Victoria(HG). I don't know how to choose.  Thanks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-31 11:56 |顯示全部帖子
Yes, you need to get application form in designate time slot in this year. If you miss, you have no way to get it.  I saw someone to sell HKPS application form in BK around $30-50 this year.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-31 11:56 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 kerkermui 於 09-3-31 09:26 發表
我會睇.. 小朋友嘅能力先
因為小朋友咁細, 能力上係可以相差好遠
如果你個小朋友唔係特別"叻", 我就唔會放佢喺個個叻過佢嘅環境學習喇!
同朋友講起, 佢話hkps改咗課程, e+唔只兩文3語咁簡單, 仲有好多嘢學... 我聽到 ...

icic, 其實我仔仔依家係學之園插左n1班, 前幾日我同佢班主任傾過電話, 佢話我仔仔跟到, 能力仲係average之上, 佢既advise係可以俾佢上k1, 但之前同c6一早決定左俾佢做大仔, 所以至搞到咁煩lor~ 因為讀左LH呢幾個月, 對老師, 教學 and 仔仔ge轉變, 真係幾滿意......

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-31 11:58 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 bbeasy25 於 09-3-31 09:43 發表
Just want to know how to hkps改咗課程 since my boy have a offer from hkps and Victoria(HG). I don't know how to choose.  Thanks.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-31 12:11 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Ewongmum 於 09-3-31 08:47 發表

I am not too sure about 學之, but HKPS has quite a good standard. my baby is 2.5 yrs old studying in hkps, every Fri. she need to learn how to read an english book, eg, I am dancing. or I see. The d ...

LH都係有推行閱讀計劃,  every fri會派一本中文or英文圖書, 我有問過班主任, 佢話呀仔同外籍老師係溝通到,  我自已係屋企就唔係全英語, only睇英文story book至會用, 你女女好叻呀, 你係咪係屋企用全英語所以女女會講得好過中文呀?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-31 22:17 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 TaTa83 於 09-3-31 11:56 發表

icic, 其實我仔仔依家係學之園插左n1班, 前幾日我同佢班主任傾過電話, 佢話我仔仔跟到, 能力仲係average之上, 佢既advise係可以俾佢上k1, 但之前同c6一早決定左俾佢做大仔, 所以至搞到咁煩lor~ 因為讀左LH呢幾個 ...

I see. 做大仔 might have great advantages in apply primary school in the future.  I am not sure then.  You might check with current LH parents on the Primary school allocation results for younger kids?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-4-1 12:31 |顯示全部帖子
學之園正常唔會收細b, 如果你已經讀緊學之園n1咁我會話讀學之園k1 好d, 起碼阿b唔再需要從新適應環境, 而且讀得學之園都應該住付近, 好過每日搭1hr 車去kln tong, $是小, 安全是大.

我自己覺得學之園同hkps 都係差唔多質數. 如果想做大b, 米出年repeat k1 or 睇下有無再好d 幼稚園先轉,

Rank: 2

發表於 09-4-1 14:18 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 TaTa83 於 09-3-31 11:56 發表

icic, 其實我仔仔依家係學之園插左n1班, 前幾日我同佢班主任傾過電話, 佢話我仔仔跟到, 能力仲係average之上, 佢既advise係可以俾佢上k1, 但之前同c6一早決定左俾佢做大仔, 所以至搞到咁煩lor~ 因為讀左LH呢幾個 ...

hi tata83:

妳好ah!!! 之前新年團拜見過下...... 我的女兒也今年 K1細女讀學XX (中/英班)ka ....... (記得嗎) he he...... 妳就好la...... N1有位..... 我好遲先報無位無得讀..... 依家番 Playgroup 咋!

妳仔仔讀得開心嗎?我也放心啲 lor...... 我聽妳老公講...... 好似想考一條龍學校....... 如果係一定大仔着數woo...... 得閒交流分享下la!

[ 本帖最後由 vane@nana 於 09-4-1 14:24 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-4-1 14:35 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 仔仔錫錫你 於 09-4-1 12:31 發表
學之園正常唔會收細b, 如果你已經讀緊學之園n1咁我會話讀學之園k1 好d, 起碼阿b唔再需要從新適應環境, 而且讀得學之園都應該住付近, 好過每日搭1hr 車去kln tong, $是小, 安全是大.

我自己覺得學之園同hkps 都係差 ...

妳好啊? 原來學之X 不收細b嗎? 那我很感謝...... 因為我女也是細女..... 而且老公超喜歡LH..... 我們曾到 HkpX.... 劍X..... 等面試..... LH 讓我們看到了老師的耐心與誠意......女兒慢熱怕醜.....想問各有子女就讀之家長...... 課程難嗎?是否大多細b會難跟呢......


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-4-1 15:47 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 vane@nana 於 09-4-1 14:35 發表

妳好啊? 原來學之X 不收細b嗎? 那我很感謝...... 因為我女也是細女..... 而且老公超喜歡LH..... 我們曾到 HkpX.... 劍X..... 等面試..... LH 讓我們看到了老師的耐心與誠意......女兒慢熱怕醜.....想問各有子女就讀 ...

睇你諗n1 or k1 喇!
n1 就一定唔收細b 架喇, 學校無可能吉左個位幾個月hold比你, 當然插班生收細b已經係另一回事.

k1 收生標準就同其他kg差唔多, 大細b只係其中一項, 佢地重會睇多樣"父母中小學", 點解?  如果你清楚小學自行派位玩法你就會明白.

Anyway, 葵青區來講學之園應該係top 3 kg, 要入真係要睇自己條件!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-1 15:49 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 vane@nana 於 09-4-1 14:35 發表

妳好啊? 原來學之X 不收細b嗎? 那我很感謝...... 因為我女也是細女..... 而且老公超喜歡LH..... 我們曾到 HkpX.... 劍X..... 等面試..... LH 讓我們看到了老師的耐心與誠意......女兒慢熱怕醜.....想問各有子女就讀 ...

我都去過HKPX/KX/Victorix/X浙/靈X堂到interview, 覺得LH既老師係one of the best, 不過唔知點解佢無其他學校咁出名

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-1 16:06 |顯示全部帖子
But someone say that the primary school allocation for boy in HKPS is very good.  Anyone know??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-1 16:33 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 bbeasy25 於 09-4-1 16:06 發表
But someone say that the primary school allocation for boy in HKPS is very good.  Anyone know??

u may wish to read http://www.edb.gov.hk/FileManager/TC/Content_1511/poa%20lft%202009%20c.pdf

in gist:
1) for 官立/資助小學
a. 1st stage 自行分配學位 depends on the kid's "background" (i.e. religion, parents being graduate of a part. primary school, etc)

b. 2nd stage  統一派位, per residential address (NOT the address of the kindergarten)

c. 3rd stage principal discretion

2) for private/DSS:

thus, the so-called "allocation" result of a particular kindergarten is in fact the "result of interviews" for private/dss and that of the principal discretion for 官立/資助小學. in other words, it totally depends on how competent the kid is.

of course, some kinders also indicated that they ve gd "allocation results" which may imply they accept lots of kids living in a particular region (e.g. school net 41) or many kids' with parents graduated from some famous 官立/資助小學.