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Is St Johannes a good school? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-15 10:10 |只看該作者

Is St Johannes a good school?

I was browsing its website and found that the English standard of its students is quite high. A lot of its students get into good secondary schools like Heep Yunn and Wah Yan College.

Can any parents who know more about the school shed some light here?


Rank: 1

發表於 04-9-17 18:07 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?


我囝囝今年9月讀聖若望小學, 申請時已知道聖若望的英文情度高, 學生品行要求高, 囝囝讀了近一個月, 他很喜歡返學, 老師也很細心, 開學到現在已經接到老師數次來電講有關囝囝在學校的情況, 老師很好, 而且很貼身關懷小朋友。聖若望是一所私立學校, 要交學費, 起初這也是我思慮的問題, 但我先生說經濟許可下, 他一定要選一所小班制, 很照顧小朋友的學校, 他才放心。說得也是, 兒子考了幾所小學, 我最後都覺得聖若望比較親切, 不像有些大學校, 冷冰冰的, 而且校舍雖然不很大, 但小班教, 我參觀過課室及設施, 都很整齊標準, 不錯啦! 我很滿意, 你可考慮.


Rank: 4

發表於 04-9-17 18:50 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Could you please inform me the location of this school? How much si the school fees? I am looking for some private schools for my girl. Thanks!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-17 22:17 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Hi! JacksonMami,

How much is the school fee?
Is it difficult to enter 聖若望?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-17 23:48 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-9-18 00:19 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Jackson Mama,

with the Primary school with many homeworks ? project approach or traditional approach ? I heard they will have 4 tests and 2 exam per year, is that true ?

How many teachers per one class, 1 or 2, local or Western ?

sorry for so many questions, tks !

Rank: 1

發表於 04-9-20 17:24 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

St. Johannes is in 143 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong. And the school fee is around $3350.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-20 22:22 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

This school is really not so ideal since the president and the principal are just working it as a business. The teachers and the students are always asked to raise money. But the money, you know.... is difficult for us to know where it is going.

I knew one case: the pricipal asked the teachers and the students to raise money for the elderly. The principal asked the students to buy what she prepared. Some students didn't want to buy the principal's food.($30 for 2chicken wings and some fried noodles). The prinicpal asked the 飯盒供應商不要來. 有個老師看不過眼,給予那同學一包餅,結果給校長罵了一頓。我是真的看不過眼竟然有人仍這樣辦學. 还有整校只有十二

Rank: 4

發表於 04-9-20 22:33 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?


Since you have this kind of bad comments on this school. I will not apply for it. And this is not a very famous school too. Thanks for the advice.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-9-20 23:58 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Hi Song & Everyone,

I'm really sorry for the late reply since I'm so busy at work recently.  My son is in Primary One this year, he has lots of subjects at school and it's quite different from the Government School.  Most of the subjects are taught in English, except Chinese, Bible, Social Science and Mandarin.  Other than that, Phonics, Oral, Science, English Reader, Maths are using the English Textbooks.  My son told me that the Phonics & Oral classes are taught by Foreign Teachers and half of his classmates are foreigners who are coming from other countries.  My son just got the Oct Test Syllabus two days ago, the syllabus clearly tells what should be studied for the test and the syllabus is not that much.  I have to study with my son once a week - Sunday, and most of the time he studied by himself, he will ask me when he has questions.  You know, we must scarify something (Shopping, TV time) if we want them to have a good result on the tests.

For the school curriculum, it's hard to tell whether the school is traditional approach or not.  Since my son told me that they will have group experiments and some group activities during Oral, Science and Social Sciences Classes.  Sometimes they have to do a project and some research, but some of the subjects can be said to be traditional with dictation & spelling.  Well, I think it totally depends on the subjects.  It's hard to define.

My son mentioned it's about 20 children in a class, which is not much but not less.  I hope these information may help you out.


Rank: 1

發表於 04-9-21 00:26 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

some of my friends' children have been studying there for a few years.

"the English standard of its students is quite high." ??
-- that really depends .... the English standard of the kids (those i know) is just average (and the accent is not good) and they need private tutoring.

In fact, they have quite a lot of homework, tests and exams . One of the parent told me that they had to be well-prepared EVERY MONTH.  She also said some parents just used the school as a stepping stone and their kids changed schools after P. 1 or 2.  That happened in her son's class.  Perhaps that's why the class size remains small.

I visited the school a few years ago ..... honestly i don't like it.... expensive but small.

That's only my personal view and i don't mean to be offensive

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-21 00:28 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

As I know, half of the class comes from foriegn countries, eg, Phillipines, India, and some Asian countries and they are Chinese speaker. Some of them even can't speak either Cantonese or English.
The displine in the class is very bad and the condition is too bad too. Therefore, the parents are not allowed to enter the school.

Yes, You are right.The school will only gives the syllabus because  the parents need to teach their own kids. But if you are lucky, the Principal's sister(one of the teacher) likes you, she will give you to have a look of the Exam paper before the Exam. (that's really true, it was told by one of the teacher there, she told me don't let my friend apply this school)
They really don't teach much because of the teachers' quality and it's not needed by the principal. The principal just ask the teacher should have total customer service. Most of the teachers are not trained.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-9-21 00:57 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?


學校好唔好我更知道,聽聞有一位被解僱的職員,经常在無中生有 ,何必呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-21 01:19 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

I'm sorry if what I wrote made you feel uncomfortable. I wrote just what I know. I have a son so I understand, as a mother, it's better to have more accurate information.

I have religion that's why I want to tell the truth. You know, something you may not know if you are just an outsider, especially for the private schools.
Of course, all the parents have their own choices becuase they are the one to love their own kids. But, that is their rights to know more, right? Don't just listen to the others including, but observe and think.

If you ask more, you will find that many kids will change to another school so that's why the number of P6 students is less and less.

I just want to give some more information for the parents since it's really a great choice for choosing a better school for their precious kids. Hope you understand.

apologize again, if my words make you feel uncomfortable.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-9-21 01:20 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?


Rank: 2

發表於 04-9-21 08:18 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?


I am not feeling uncomfortable about what you say. You don't have to feel sorry! My child is one of the student in sjc, so, I am quite sure about the school.
I just don't want your child  to miss a good school and mislead by your friend.

Actually, size of the school is not as important as the standard of the school.   :

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-21 10:27 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

Hi TacksonMani :

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-21 13:50 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

我都會在下年為囝囝報St Johannes, 有無人知道面試考D乜, 難吾難入ka?  佢地中學派位如何?


Rank: 1

發表於 04-9-21 14:20 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?


我囝囝讀P.1O班, 可惜與你囝囝不同, 你囝囝讀得開唔開心呢? 最近派FRI的課外活動參加表格, 你囝囝會否參加? 我囝囝話想參加木球, 我打去學校問資料, 原來是木球總會派導師來教的, 有証書的, 學校仲話己借用了就在學校隔壁的市政局籃球場全場作為練習場地, 幾好呀, 但我又想囝囝參加空手道, 我有個朋友他囝囝今年在SJC讀P.4, 他已考啡帶, 我覺得男仔學空手道好, “MAN” D, 遲D才同你傾計, BYE BYE.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-21 14:47 |只看該作者

Re: Is St Johannes a good school?

其實St Johannes 多吾多人報呢? 競爭大吾大?  會吾會好似DBS o甘, 幾千人去報呢?
講真, 我都好欣賞佢地小班教學, 而好多人都話呢間學校English Standard 都好高。


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