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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 SKH (Central) vs St Paul Church
樓主: Rary

SKH (Central) vs St Paul Church [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-10 22:10 |只看該作者
Dear Lilo,

Your provided info serves real good reference to me.   Based on what you described, its cirriculum seems to be able to provide an all-rounded development for the child, and the teachers also have a passion for teaching.  What's more, I also believe that close communication between the teacher and the parents can help alleviate difficulties encountered by the children and also bring the best out the child.  This is something that I treasure.  德育is also something that I look for, hence my preference on kindergartens with a Christian background.  As for academic level, as long as the cirriculum covers most of the basic elements to a certain standard, I'm fine with it - in fact, for me I prefer not to overload the child too much with homework.  Learning how many english words or chinese characters per semester is not my key focus, for I believe these will naturally come when the kid has a habit in reading english and chinese story books.

In fact what you described was quite different from my perception of SKH, I always thought that SKH has a very high academic level (esp. after seeing the 毛筆字貼堂)with a quite a lot of homework.  Thanks for bringing me a new viewpoint on the kindergarten.

BTW, are there a lot of parent-child activities in SKH?  Do they offer 觀課日?  How many times a year do the teachers meet the parents?

原帖由 Lilo 於 09-3-8 01:37 發表

聖公會上下所有人都好有愛心,無論係主任或者係校工都可以係開學無耐就叫得出小朋友個名,老師好細心,我小朋友係細仔,k1開學成日喊,老師叫我唔好送佢上班房,但就差不多隔日就同我通電話講番小朋友係學校的情況等我安 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-10 22:23 |只看該作者
Don't worry, most kindergartens only ask you to point at your body parts.  Also, I believe that for all the kindergartens, they will also take into consideration the age of your child when asking the questions, so usually the "big" boys and girls get the more difficult questions.   If you think about it, it's unrealistic to expect a 22 mth kid to answer questions that a 2 yr 10 mth old kid answers (the latter has spent 50% more time on earth than the former!)

Note too that the above applies to the more traditional kindergartens.  Interview for the less traditional ones usually takes the form of teachers observing the child's interactions with others, in addition to one-on-one questions.

原帖由 spmok1999 於 09-3-7 02:04 發表
都唔簡單喎! 我阿女07年9月出世的, 我諗到時都係唔係咁容易應付得來 ...

但如果係問身體部份位置的話咁我阿女依家大部份都可以指出, 但係仲未識講!
mouth:" />mouth:" /> ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-12 14:00 |只看該作者

回覆 #22 的文章

我都希望係啦! 如果唔係因為 睇/聽 得太多 只收/多數收 大仔/大女 的資料的都唔洗咁擔心啦~
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