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教育王國 討論區 升中派位 有冇小朋友今年9月入讀中一既媽咪 ?
樓主: Elona

有冇小朋友今年9月入讀中一既媽咪 ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-3-9 12:21 |只看該作者

  push吓佢唔好俾佢停!大家嘅仔女要努力考好呈分試!good luck!!

yuk hei mum

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-3-9 13:36 |只看該作者
阿仔學校有同學上個星期收到匯基東收生通知喇. 不過佢地冇中央派位, 所以冇ranking, 只係request上埋六年班既成績表, 所以可能會快過要等ranking既學生. 你地如果有消息就報上黎啦. 我都仲有朋友要等ranking先知收唔收.
Latte, 又名臭Te或臭喵.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-10 15:04 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

Hi Veronna and Horsemama,

Please allow me to step-in.

My son was also accepted by  聖道迦南 and we need to pay the deposit soon.

I have searched through the internet during the past week for information of this school but somehow there're so many negative comments.  Some said band 2 and some said band 3.  I don't mind band 2 but will be sad to see my son go to a band 3 school.  And more importantly, don't want him to enter a school with bad 校風.

My son's 成績 is not very good.  We have tried a number of 直資 schools and at the moment only got acceptance from 聖道迦南.  At the moment I really can't make a decision because once I pay, my son cannot join the big lucky draw any more.

Really headache, please share your feelings.

P.S. Sorry I'm not familiar with Chinese typing so I use my limited English to communicate.  Hope u don't mind.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-10 17:37 |只看該作者
恕我直言, 從一開始報直資, 就應該要有決心要放棄統一派位, 在統一派位與直資之間糾纏是很痛苦, 亦要顧及小朋友的感受, 現在只得聖道迦南收亦不是只等於其他唔收, 只是其他的直資冇咁快有結果, 咁快就放棄!  除非所有直資都reject 哂, 未到最後一刻, 都不應放棄, 這裏有很多家長互相勉勵, 大家都是希望子女的前途有着落.

如你所言, 你小朋友的成績不是很好, 有沒有信心會在自行收生時入到心儀學校? 如冇, 那在統一派位時有冇信心幸運之神會否降臨? 如派到很差的學校, 有冇信心可以成功叩門? 那時候直資位仲少, 競爭會比現在更激烈, 那時真是害了小朋友.  兩年前, 在我附近相識的人, 有兩個小朋友派得唔好, 他們都是band two生, 一個成績普通, 一個數學好勁, 仲幫學校攞過唔少奧數校際比賽奬, 唔好彩都是派到band three學校, 那時, 四出撲學校的慘況現在還很深刻, 撲到多間學校面試, 百多人去爭幾個位, 幾日後, 小朋友問媽咪 : [我哋唔好揾la, 不如我們就讀呢間學校算啦!], 一個終於揾到一間比較差的直資, 另一個仍在那間band three 學校讀, 一直都未能轉校.

以上所言, 只是個人有感而發, 唔啱聽, 唔好插我

原帖由 SearchSchool 於 09-3-10 15:04 發表
Hi Veronna and Horsemama,

Please allow me to step-in.

My son was also accepted by  聖道迦南 and we need to pay the deposit soon.

I have searched through the internet during the past week for inform ...

[ 本帖最後由 cecwun 於 09-3-10 20:22 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-10 17:48 |只看該作者

原帖由 cecwun 於 09-3-10 17:37 發表
恕我直言, 從一開始報直資, 就應該要有決心要旅棄統一派位, 在統一派位與直資之間糾纏是很痛苦, 亦要顧及小朋友的感受, 現在只得聖道迦南收亦不是只等於其他唔收, 只是其他的直資冇咁快有結果, 咁快就放棄!  除非所 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-3-10 18:52 |只看該作者
我其實都唔知聖道迦南好唔好, 我朋友去完簡介會, 覺得校長好好, 係一個好謙卑既基督徒, 而且學校好著重飲食健康, 校長係營養師. 我聽朋友講, 如果學生超重, 好似要指定去gym room做運動.
Latte, 又名臭Te或臭喵.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-10 20:25 |只看該作者

原帖由 veronna 於 09-3-10 18:52 發表
我其實都唔知聖道迦南好唔好, 我朋友去完簡介會, 覺得校長好好, 係一個好謙卑既基督徒, 而且學校好著重飲食健康, 校長係營養師. 我聽朋友講, 如果學生超重, 好似要指定去gym room做運動. ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-10 21:13 |只看該作者
同意 X 2。 如果係我, 我都係咁做, 最多等7月大圍公布的時候, 走去叩門, 好彩叩到再好的津貼中學或其他認為更好的直資, 可以轉過去。 叩唔到都不至于慌張。

原帖由 cecwun 於 09-3-10 17:37 發表
恕我直言, 從一開始報直資, 就應該要有決心要旅棄統一派位, 在統一派位與直資之間糾纏是很痛苦, 亦要顧及小朋友的感受, 現在只得聖道迦南收亦不是只等於其他唔收, 只是其他的直資冇咁快有結果, 咁快就放棄!  除非所 ...
多一點努力 多一點回憶!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-10 21:16 |只看該作者

原帖由 bkman 於 09-3-10 21:13 發表
同意 X 2。 如果係我, 我都係咁做, 最多等7月大圍公布的時候, 走去叩門, 好彩叩到再好的津貼中學或其他認為更好的直資, 可以轉過去。 叩唔到都不至于慌張。


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-10 23:30 |只看該作者


Hello Cecwun,

Thanks for your comments.  

I didn't give up but I think you are quite right.  The chance for entering a good school through the big lucky draw is indeed rare.

I'll go to the school on Saturday to see if I can meet some students.  Do you know if the school will open on Saturdays?

I'm not sure if my understanding is correct.  If the school unable to maintain a high English standard in the next few years, will they be forced to change the teaching media to Chinese.  I'm a bit worry as I heard that the academic result of the school is just so so.  Please comments.

Thanks a lot.

Search School

原帖由 cecwun 於 09-3-10 17:37 發表
恕我直言, 從一開始報直資, 就應該要有決心要放棄統一派位, 在統一派位與直資之間糾纏是很痛苦, 亦要顧及小朋友的感受, 現在只得聖道迦南收亦不是只等於其他唔收, 只是其他的直資冇咁快有結果, 咁快就放棄!  除非所 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-11 09:37 |只看該作者
So far, I heard many bad comments on this school, especially the bad conduct.  Suggest you can observe the student's behaviuor after school to see if it is ok.  Hope you can share with us what you see afterwards.

As per my understanding, all private schools have their own right to make the decision for the teaching language.

原帖由 SearchSchool 於 09-3-10 11:30 PM 發表
Hello Cecwun,

Thanks for your comments.  

I didn't give up but I think you are quite right.  The chance for entering a good school through the big lucky draw is indeed rare.

I'll go to the school o ...
Tomorrow is better

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-11 09:54 |只看該作者
Good morning Elona,

I am not familar with the situation of all DSS in kowloon side.  
My younger son is in P. 5 with band 2 result.  I want to apply the Engish DSS next year for him(as I don't want him to study in Chinese Language school).  I think you know very well about the DSS.  Would you please advise the options for my reference.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-11 10:42 |只看該作者
星期六學生是不會回校的, 最好是在平日放學後, 有家長在放學校時間去看過, 沒有發現很差的學生, 我亦做了很多功夫去打探這間學校, 壞的comments的確不少, 但都是前幾年的, 而在最近的comments都只是說 "不好, 或班主任說不好", 都沒有具體說明那方面不好, 反而有些在就讀或認識朋友的孩子在就讀說不錯, 我想, 我們做家長的應用自己的分析去判斷這些comments

Good Luck!

原帖由 SearchSchool 於 09-3-10 23:30 發表
Hello Cecwun,

Thanks for your comments.  

I didn't give up but I think you are quite right.  The chance for entering a good school through the big lucky draw is indeed rare.

I'll go to the school o ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-12 21:46 |只看該作者
其實after大抽獎才去扣門,哪種徬徨無助的感受的確不好受. 如果為小朋友選合他程度校風好的中學,他會有自信及開心.
相信明年有較多學校有英文班, 到時小朋友亦可接觸較多英文了!

如果你看了那所直資認為no problem,而小朋友亦喜歡的話(the most important).你亦可consider.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-12 22:02 |只看該作者
請不要灰心, continue 鼓勵囝囝考好第三次exam.
萭一派唔到理想中學, 可再到npl 或滙基叩門吧!

原帖由 Elona 於 09-2-19 15:47 發表
好彩! 有咁多媽咪陪我一齊行呢條路!  
而家D 直資好巴閉, 唔係Band 1唔收, 操行唔好唔收…..
我相信小兒係interview 既表現應該唔錯, 但係佢係Band 2, 所以比滙基, 顏寶玲rejected咗 !

我都好擔心佢三月考試 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-14 11:56 |只看該作者
NPL 和匯基收生要求都好高, 現在都很難入, 差不多有成千人去爭百多個位, 7月後機會更微, 不過有些直資註明會留一些位在派位後作第三論面試

原帖由 Viman 於 09-3-12 22:02 發表
請不要灰心, continue 鼓勵囝囝考好第三次exam.
萭一派唔到理想中學, 可再到npl 或滙基叩門吧!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-14 13:11 |只看該作者
Actually, I am not familiar with DSS.  But I could share my experience with you, I have applied 10 private schools this year.  I only attended the interview for 4 shcools only since found some bad comment from internet, friends and school teachers after submitted the applications....

Most of private schools wants to upgrade their academic performance and will accept band 1 students and reject band 2 and band 3 students at the first round interview.

Private school might have seat avaialbe after success applicants failed to reguster before deadline.  For band 2 stuends like my son, we have to wait to see if we can 執死雞 (I guess mid of Apr)

原帖由 longtingchun 於 09-3-11 09:54 AM 發表
Good morning Elona,

I am not familar with the situation of all DSS in kowloon side.  
My younger son is in P. 5 with band 2 result.  I want to apply the Engish DSS next year for him(as I don't want h ...
Tomorrow is better

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-14 13:57 |只看該作者
Thanks Elona !

Please kindly advise which 4 DSS schools you were selecting for attending the interview ?  Which is your 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th priority ?

原帖由 Elona 於 09-3-14 13:11 發表
Actually, I am not familiar with DSS.  But I could share my experience with you, I have applied 10 private schools this year.  I only attended the interview for 4 shcools only since found some bad com ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-16 09:44 |只看該作者
I have applied the following schools:

  • Ngan Po Ling - waiting list
  • GT College - Accepted
  • Fukien - still waiting for the result
  • United Christian - Rejected

原帖由 longtingchun 於 09-3-14 01:57 PM 發表
Thanks Elona !

Please kindly advise which 4 DSS schools you were selecting for attending the interview ?  Which is your 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th priority ?

Tomorrow is better

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-3-16 13:10 |只看該作者
原帖由 Elona 於 09-3-16 09:44 發表
I have applied the following schools:

Ngan Po Ling - waiting list
GT College - Accepted
Fukien - still waiting for the result
United Christian - Rejected

Latte, 又名臭Te或臭喵.
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