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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 KCBK interview
樓主: alunsweeney

KCBK interview [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-10 00:20 |只看該作者
Thx for yr reply, alunsweeney.

Yes, $$ is the advantage of KBCK among all the other int'l kinder.  That's why I really looking forward to the school tour to see, will it be '一分價錢一分貨'.  Other than the philosophy, there're so many things to observe: environment, facilities, hygiene, teacher's attitude...., I've heard that there's something about the discipline of KBCK, can anyone clarify about that pls?

原帖由 alunsweeney 於 09-2-8 23:18 發表
yes, he studied on the 2/F and he was sick in early days and my husband and I consented to quit. Therefore I wrote the letter of withdrawal to the school.

My son was getting well and my husband want ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-10 11:57 |只看該作者
I agree with mirrorng! I belive KBCK have provide good Eng environment and philosophy for student. As I know this school is v competitive. Inteview will not finish till Early March. I have already paid the deposit in Anfield as a backup plan.  Both school have their pros and cons. I have a feeling my girl have v low chance to get in KBCK. Anyways, I will check out the school during interview.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-10 12:02 |只看該作者
have you heard any bad things about the discipline? I only met one boy in my club house, his english is fluent with some Cantonese accent. I asked him where is his school and he replied to me "KBCK"

As far as my memory, he was terribly active and climbed up and down on the slides and jumped from the slide top. Some of the parents in the club house warned him many times but he refused to listen to others!

May be he is the exceptional case....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-10 18:08 |只看該作者
Things I've heard didn't mentioned 'bad', 'too free' as I remembered - that parent said (found it on 'about KBCK' page 1 by YLau) :

[Btw, I would like to share my first image on KBCK for your reference.
2 years ago, my son and I waited for interview in one of the classroom which students are having lesson. Some play toys in group, some play outside (in front of the classroom), 2 teachers were guiding 1 to 2 students painting or writing in corner. 2 boys even fight together with toys. Everywhere were toys (desk and floor).]

Anyways, I will sure observe the school by myself and, alunsweeney, the topic should be corrected- "KBCK"   

原帖由 alunsweeney 於 09-2-10 12:02 發表
have you heard any bad things about the discipline? I only met one boy in my club house, his english is fluent with some Cantonese accent. I asked him where is his school and he replied to me "KBCK"


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-10 18:19 |只看該作者
Miss Ng

Thanks for your reply. I remembered that I read this thread in the bK before. Is your child studying in KBCK now? If yes, how do you discipline your kid after school?

I am a working mother and this is always not enough time to teach him after work though I don't have to work too late.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-10 19:21 |只看該作者
I'm not quite understand what u'r asking, but I'll tell u that my son wasn't in KBCK & is waiting for the interview in March, that's why I'm so eager to know the impression from the other parents who've been there.  

原帖由 alunsweeney 於 09-2-10 18:19 發表
Miss Ng

Thanks for your reply. I remembered that I read this thread in the bK before. Is your child studying in KBCK now? If yes, how do you discipline your kid after school?

I am a working mother  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-11 10:59 |只看該作者
Mirrorng and alunsweeney.. do you have any backup plan if your kid cant get in KBCK? Whats your 2nd choice or 3rd choices. pls share

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-11 11:27 |只看該作者
pls check pm!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-11 11:49 |只看該作者
pls check pm

原帖由 Chewy 於 09-2-11 10:59 發表
Mirrorng and alunsweeney.. do you have any backup plan if your kid cant get in KBCK? Whats your 2nd choice or 3rd choices. pls share

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-16 10:44 |只看該作者
We got the rejection letter and the reason was that their education program does not meet the needs of our child at this time but he will be placed on the waiting place if we like his name registered on their waiting list.

Below is the simple calcuation for the annual rate of each school.

Luckily, we still have 4 choices
1) Victoria - $54,000/year (school fee will be increased in Sept again) - p.m class

2) York – $53,300/year - a.m. class

3) YMCA Int’l Kindergarten - $55,800/year - am class

4) A localized kindergarten in Kowloon Tong with subsidiary from the government - $26,660/year – 20 minutes English class per day

School fees are very expensive nowadays, we have to fasten our waistbelt in the future!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-16 11:36 |只看該作者
My daughter had interviewed two weeks ago, in the begining i think cheapest fee w/english environment is good.  After visit, i think u should consider the displine issues, as i seen, all the kids can do all the things they like, sleep, play, grab others' toys, my daugher went to their toys section and played, one of girl stopped her and said "no! it is not yours!" w/fluent english.  Teacher did not say anything and then go to pray and sing a song, some of them sat on the floor, some of them go around or play others, but the teacher did not stopped them and continuous sing until it the end.  I think it may be their style, so if your kids is not really displine i am not recommend u to choose this school.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-16 11:46 |只看該作者
原帖由 dubyboy 於 09-3-16 11:36 發表
My daughter had interviewed two weeks ago, in the begining i think cheapest fee w/english environment is good.  After visit, i think u should consider the displine issues, as i seen, all the kids can  ...

It sounds like the case in most IS, and the teachers will not intervene those daily activities among kids, since they have to face it anyway. But if you think this is a kind of discipline issues, then you should focus on local kinder then local stream of education I think. There are some exceptions I believed in some IS I heard (like ICS) but I guess we are now talking about the mindset of education in IS vs local school to certain extend. Anyway just my 2 cents.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-16 12:16 |只看該作者
I don't know about KCBK, but I am a parent volunteer at ESF TY. I do see kids get time out to cool down when teachers see them misbehaving. So, I do think at ESF they do try to discipline kids whenever they can, just in a more gentle kind of way. However, believe me, some teachers there can be really FIRM too, so I think kids do learn discipline there.
原帖由 popolung 於 09-3-16 11:46 發表

It sounds like the case in most IS, and the teachers will not intervene those daily activities among kids, since they have to face it anyway. But if you think this is a kind of discipline issues, th ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-16 12:25 |只看該作者
It sounds to be different anticipations of "International School" and "English-Teaching School" amongst different parents.
Agree with popolung viewpoint that if you are hestitating these things happen (these things do happen), Victoria is a good choice.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-16 12:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 kohuei 於 09-3-16 12:16 發表
I don't know about KCBK, but I am a parent volunteer at ESF TY. I do see kids get time out to cool down when teachers see them misbehaving. So, I do think at ESF they do try to discipline kids wheneve ...

I think the case for dubyboy is only when they were interviewing, so I guess the teacher may not want to start "teaching" your kid as some parents may not like it, I think..........

Your case in ESF TY is just like mine in ESF Abacus, as a general practice I believed.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-16 13:22 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章


kbck曾經是我們的dream school,因為是英文學校,學費又平,但去了學校interview後,我便打了退堂鼓。因為學校太混亂,根本不是在上堂。



Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-16 13:44 |只看該作者
原帖由 alunsweeney 於 09-3-16 13:22 發表

kbck曾經是我們的dream school,因為是英文學校,學費又平,但去了學校interview後,我便打了退堂鼓。因為學校太混亂,根本不是 ...

then KCIS is a bit out of expectation.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-16 20:20 |只看該作者
Probably this link of content may give you an insight to non-local school and to the point of view from non-locals.


02-21-2009, 08:13 AM  pamelasweeney  

KBCK interview - good ?


The interview of KBCK was started at 10:20 am and we were asked to join the free play with K1 students. Honestly speaking, I was very shocked to see the chaos because all toys were on the grounds. In the meantime, some students were reading in the reading corner whilst one helper was busy at making Curry Beef Triangles for students at the other corner. I asked the helper why she was making curry beef triangles and she told me that the topic of the day was triangles!

We walked out from the classroom and the corridor was even messier. Many toys were placing in different corners and some students were fighting. I spoke in Cantonese with Alan in a very low voice and three boys heard our conversation and they immediately pointed to us in
English by said that, "English, English, speak in English."!!!

The interview was conducted by the headmaster and one Chinese lady who spoke in fluent English. Joshua was asked to play toys with the headmaster and Alan was interviewed by the Chinese lady. The conversation was a relaxing one though!

Discipline was not seen in the school...anyone put their kid there and please give me some advice.
#2    02-21-2009, 09:00 AM  

first off...
i don't know what school you are referring to. or who ALAN is? is he a husband or another child?

secondly, it is not a bad thing for toys to be on the floor, my kids play with toys on the floor at home and at my playgroup.

thirdly, if it is free play, then it is for the children to decide what to play with.

fourth, what's wrong with making beef triangles if the topic is triangles? that seems rather imaginative, to me.

fifth, the interview SHOULD be relaxed! if you are trying to get your son into an english-speaking school, then of COURSE you should speak english!

other than the children having an arguement, i can't see it being a "fight", why was discipline in order? what do you think required it?

or is it the fact that the children weren't sitting neatly and quietly in desks doing worksheets that bothered you? what do you expect of a group of 4-5 year olds? (this is not being sarcastic, in case it reads that way, just truly curious.)




Kind regards,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-16 20:44 |只看該作者
We got the acceptance letter from KBCK.

I'd like to share what I think.... to avoid any conflicts of interests, we have registered our child study in an international school on HK island.

As we observed and learnt from other parents of KBCK, the school carries a positive principle of being a church school - they respect what the child decide to do in their free time. Meanwhile they have a certain series of discipline like communicating in English as the only language, like tidying things up after use and play.

(In the goal of the school, KBCK is developing the child's self discipline, not discipling the child.)

The school has a strong belief in developing the child as a confident human being, I think, it is not the other local school can achieve most.

I also have been to ESF TY orientation night in TY in Jan 2009 - both schools' philosophy are the same thing .
It does not mean both ESF and KBCK  spoil the child but they respect what a chikld does and understand why he/ she does this. Assistance will be given to a child if the teacher thinks he/ she gets lost.....

In ESF you did not see the toys all over the floor as the tours were usually conducted after school hours, i.e. no more students there. Yes I admitted it 's clean as they have been tidied up by amah.

KBCK arranged the interview during school hours on purpose so that the parents can know about the real school life.

Anyway, good luck and best wishes to all of you (like me) in school hunting.

Kind regards,

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-16 21:13 |只看該作者
just want to add a word, for my daughter who is in ESF Abacus now, toys are not on the floor, even during lesson time, things are very tidy!
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