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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Join KinderU 要先付$3xxx 買教材! 太 Commercial 了! ...
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Join KinderU 要先付$3xxx 買教材! 太 Commercial 了! [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-2-2 10:38 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
There are a thread where a parent asked if Kinder U is good.

Actually I joined their trial class once.  After that I decided to join cos I think the course content is quite "structured".

However finally I changed my mind.

Cos the receptionists insisted that from Jan 09, the bb cannot join their courses unless the parents bought their training kit (>$3,000) on top of the course fee!

Then I told them my friend's son has joined Kinder U before and she can pass me the training kit for free.  But the school said that the training kit was a few years back then, and there are changed to "some" of the word cards.

Well, if there are only changes to some word card, I believe I can made them myself, and still use the old training kit.  There is no reason to pay extra $3xxx just for the few word cards that have changed.  I don't believe using the old training kit will be a "obstacle" for my kid's learning.  Their "reason" just is not reasonable.  

But the school insist that it is their policy.  The parents must buy brand new tranining kit, otherwise the bb cannot join!!

While Kinder U keep emphasizes on their "vision" in education, I found them just too commercial and focus on making money rather than teaching the kids.

Therefore I decided not to join Kinder U.  My kid will join another playgroup.
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