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教育王國 討論區 香港華人基督教聯會真道書院 真道和港大的比較 !
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真道和港大的比較 ! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-10 18:52 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 jlmammy 於 09-2-6 16:10 發表
我諗mmcht的意思是說, 每间学校都有d 学生叻d , active d, 多嘢講d, 上堂專心d, 或者散漫d. Logos 都不例外. 就算傳統学校都有參差. 她並非標簽此类学生為 唔叻仔/女.

Yes, that is.

We support the school but we also have to bear in mind that many students of each school are not the best group. That is a very common and normal phenomenon, and that is why education stands paramount. We should not exagerate by saying that the Logos students are all so smart and brilliant. By saying so, everyone will know that you are lying and will cause attacks from others. The most important thing is that the school has to educate all, disregard they are wise or stupid, hardworking or lazy, and in general able to turn all (or most, or as many as possible) of them achieve good results at last.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-14 21:51 |顯示全部帖子
Dear big-boy, no no no ... don't be sensitive. It is just a kind of different interpretation / unintentional misuse / inappropriate application ... or whatsoever making abuse of the word of "problem". No big deal at all. In fact, lazy or naughty or misbehave or any other kinds of negative elements are to be eliminated through education. No matter how smart or how unsmart a child he / she is, he / she still has to pay attention, keep good order, work hard and learn to be smart or more smart. I believe all of us including you, mmcht and everyone expresses the views here are all holding the same thought. It is the case and we should not pinpoint at wordings but keep on giving our ideas here as well as to the school we belong to ( whichever the school our children are studying ) for the development of our children. So, keep cheers !

Back to this topic, as I said so many times before, it is meaningless and not constructive by comparing 2 schools here while the choice is always rely on oneself's individual situation. I have to but no longer want to reiterate that parents should study the schools' websites, compare the school's soft and hard wares, rate of school fees, distance and time spent on travelling to and from the schools etc. and to ask the children's opinion after physical visits paid to the schools. By asking bias opinion here is unfair to both schools.

[ 本帖最後由 KenBaBa 於 09-2-15 12:22 編輯 ]
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