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A little argue with husband about BB's future!!!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-1-29 00:59 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
I just have a little argue with my husband about my boy's (3 yrs old) school life in HK or Canada (we are Canadian citizen).  My husband and I studied in Canada for University and couple yrs of high school.  I would like to share with U about our different opinion.

My boy has no interest in learning academic stuffs & not concentrate when I teach him e.g. write & regconise numbers and letters.  Even it is only because he is too young,  I am also considering to let him study international school in HK.  Because I think int'l school has less pressure even for kids and parents & it can provide good training on English & habit of reading books.  But of course the school fee is expensive even in ESF schools.  I also want to enjoy living with my boy so I don't want to send him to oversea if it is possible.  If he can study in HK university, then it is perfect.  If not, at least he go to oversea for university only.  So I prefer to bear the expensive school fee to exchange for living with my boy when he is still young, enjoying seeing him to grow up and assisting him when he has any problems in this age.

My husband said my boy should go to Canada around form 3 in secondary school.  His opinion is that HK's universities is so naive and not mature and they are getting worse yr by yr.  It is no reason to stay in HK's U.  It is also good for my boy to go to Canada ealier for better English and independent.  No need to pay such expensive school fee in HK for primary and secondary school.  He should study in local school and then go to Canada when he is Form 2 or 3.

I really don't think HK's U students are so bad and Canada's are so good.  Frankly speaking, I don't think my husband and I are that good in English and maturer than HK studend when we was just graduated.  It really depends on the person himself, not the country. The U that my husband and I studied is not a very good one in Canada,  but we also has some outstanding students in this society today. Even good universties in Canada,  I also know some of the students playing all the time and got a bad result or cheating.   For HK's U graduated people, I also know some are very matured and their english are better  than me much much more.  It depends on how their parent teach them and their peers.  But my husband said I am too stubborn.  Finally I said I bear all the school fee and I make all the decisions about my boy's school life.

Do U have any comment?
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Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 08-1-30 11:13 |只看該作者

看了你的文章, 有些會心微笑!

不要意氣用事, 教導子女是夫婦二人的事, 不是錢和地域就能解決的.

小朋友3歲, 唸k1沒有? 學習是多元的, 不用急於寫字和認字! 按步就班就可以了.

國際學校是否就能解決問題?  也許活動教學一點的也能辦得到, 至於英語培訓, 就看你們在家跟他溝通的語言了.  不過你也要留意, 國際學校, 甚至在加拿大讀書, 其實也有學業上的壓力, 這視乎你對小朋友的期望!  如果你們放輕鬆一點, 就算在本地學校讀書也可以是快樂的!

"將最好的留給子女", 不是指安排進名校, 國際學校, 海外升學, 而是讓他喜愛學習, 熱愛生命.

BTW, 小兒也是唸k1, 爸爸也是打算日後送他回加拿大讀書(還希望我陪太子讀書添!), 不過, 什麼都不緊要, 見步行步啦!  也許他想做消防員, 那就不用左想右想啦!

Rank: 4

發表於 08-1-30 14:46 |只看該作者

Thanks for sharing, I believe that I really need to relax a little.


原文章由 Radiomama 於 08-1-30 11:13 發表

看了你的文章, 有些會心微笑!

不要意氣用事, 教導子女是夫婦二人的事, 不是錢和地域就能解決的.

小朋友3歲, 唸k1沒有? 學習是多元的, 不用急於寫字和認字! 按步就班就可以了.

國際學校是否就能解決問 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-30 22:53 |只看該作者



I share your view that family member stay together is important. I prefer to have my son grow up and study aboard when he arrive University age.

You may consider some school, like 培僑小學, school fee is low (guess below 2000, and with ENglish and Mandarin), 活動teaching. Stills many choices. and you have time to figure out with child along the way. Your child (results) will tell you more..in future.

Be cheer up.

原文章由 JarJarBin 於 08-1-30 14:46 發表

Thanks for sharing, I believe that I really need to relax a little.


Rank: 4

發表於 08-1-31 22:49 |只看該作者

Thanks for your suggestion.  May I know whether 培僑小學 use IB system?  


原文章由 Kate.Tong 於 08-1-30 22:53 發表

I share your view that family member stay together is important. I prefer to have my son grow up and study aboard when he arrive University age.

You may consider some school, like 培僑小 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-2 00:05 |只看該作者



I have no idea if 培僑use IB or not. But the school is not a traditional school.

Also, my friend shared with me that whether you put your son under IB system? yes or no, as the IB student may be a very TOP pool. That means you may put your son to compete in most high quality students pool. It may not be very favourable. Of course, it depends on child ability...etc. I have no exact comment on this as I don't know much about IB, but will bare in mind in future if this is a valid point or not.

Good Luck

原文章由 JarJarBin 於 08-1-31 22:49 發表

Thanks for your suggestion.  May I know whether 培僑小學 use IB system?  


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-4-18 20:23 |只看該作者



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-4-30 17:14 |只看該作者
我睇完你編野, 我覺得中3先去都ok架喎.

不過而家囝囝先3歲, 過多幾年大家對囝囝去邊到讀會有另一想法. 咁不如而家讀住國際學校先, 等囝囝大少少再算.

而且而家同老公爭論都系無用, 會傷感情的. 不如快樂地陪囝囝過一個愉快的童年.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-5-14 17:59 |只看該作者
I will not let my kid study in HK, Australia or Canada if focus on English ability.

Your hundred carries much truth that the English standard of the new generation is "terrible", you can find the way to test their verbal or written English.

In my perception, many students in Australia / Canada are Chinese/Hongkonger. There is no different to study in HK since the school will group the Chinese/Asian into a class.

A few years ago, I recruited a graduator from Australia and conducted the interview in English. Finally, I spoke Mandarian with him since he told me most of his colleague is from China.

In short, i would not suppose to let the kid to study in HK, Australia or Canada except less Chinese student there. US & UK may be good choice.
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