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教育王國 討論區 聖嘉勒小學暨幼稚園 08/09 st clare k1
樓主: LiBoBo

08/09 st clare k1 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-4-8 09:50 |只看該作者
原文章由 kiteli 於 08-4-8 09:43 發表

我都仲唸緊, 如果佢地可以安排到校車往反九龍東, 我真係會重迎考慮.

因為我真係覺得 st .clare 係一所好好0既學校.

妳呢 ??

各位好呀 .

我想問下幾多係會因為家住九龍東而放棄讀 st.clare kinder ka ?

不過, 我真係好想盡最好一分努力去解決呢個問題.
因為我真係好想比囡囡讀 st .clare.

唔知我地有無可能自組車往返學校呢 ??

有興趣的家長, 可以比多點資料料嗎 ??

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kiteli        藍田          am

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-8 10:22 |只看該作者
各位好呀 .

我想問下幾多係會因為家住九龍東而放棄讀 st.clare kinder ka ?

不過, 我真係好想盡最好一分努力去解決呢個問題.
因為我真係好想比囡囡讀 st .clare.

唔知我地有無可能自組車往返學校呢 ??

有興趣的家長, 可以比多點資料料嗎 ??

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kiteli            藍田          am
米之連媽媽    牛頭角       am

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-8 10:29 |只看該作者
你唔係想囡囡讀聖心咩, 點解突然又想讀返st. clare's既, 我就只係麗港城迦南 vs st. clare's, 因為之前有d學校我give up左, e+係呢兩間之選, 你呢, 有幾多間要考慮呀
原文章由 kiteli 於 08-4-8 09:43 發表

我都仲唸緊, 如果佢地可以安排到校車往反九龍東, 我真係會重迎考慮.

因為我真係覺得 st .clare 係一所好好0既學校.

妳呢 ??

Rank: 4

發表於 08-4-8 10:36 |只看該作者
原文章由 米之連媽媽 於 08-4-8 10:29 發表
你唔係想囡囡讀聖心咩, 點解突然又想讀返st. clare's既, 我就只係麗港城迦南 vs st. clare's, 因為之前有d學校我give up左, e+係呢兩間之選, 你呢, 有幾多間要考慮呀

有以下問題, compare 過聖心同 st .clare

1) 小學 --- st .clare 係  英文小學小, 聖心係中文小學

2) 全日制 - st.clare 係 全日制, 返5 日, 聖心係 half day , 返 5.5 days, 星期六都要返

3) 地點, st ,clare 同聖心距離我屋企, 車程不伯相距好遠  !!

如果以上 有錯, 請各家長更正 !!
另外, 頭先就有關校車安排打去st. clare

話都有個 家長住九龍 東打過去問  

校長同佢講 , 現在係招標緊九龍東校事宜
不過就算係都祇係係 九龍塘 有站

所以校長同呢位家長講, 因小朋友太細, 都唔想佢太舟車勞動

叫佢 小學先入讀 st .clare


anyway, 頭先個老師會叫 校長覆我, 再傾傾

有 消息再update 大家 !!

[ 本文章最後由 kiteli 於 08-4-8 10:40 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-4-8 11:01 |只看該作者
九龍東校車問題 update


佢都叫我collect有幾多個家長係住九龍東, 而因為校 問題解決唔到 

因為佢問過營運校車 方面 , minimum要 收 HKD12,000  佢話 對家長負擔好 重, 所以 一家要有足夠數量先開到車.

咁校長就話將會係 21/4 要夜雜費前, 再了解 校車方面可唔可以安排到行九龍東

就以上問題, 如果宥有家長係  住 九龍東, 而又讀緊 ST .CLARE,
妳地有無意思想係 九龍東上車, INSTEAD OF 係 金鐘上車呢.

如果有, 不如, 妳地 PM我. 
小朋友讀緊 K1, K2, 定 K3

等我 COLLECT 多D 資料比校長,

好讓校長再幫我地有心係 ST .CLARE KINDER 讀書
安排校車事宜 !!


[ 本文章最後由 kiteli 於 08-4-8 11:06 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-4-14 13:26 |只看該作者
Dear all,

My daughter is also accepted for am class.  We live in Wong Tai Sin (WTS) and also concern very much about the travelling of my daughter.  I shall call the principal later.  Should a school bus station be arranged in Kowloon Tong, it can help much.  But, if there is a school bus from WTS directly to St Clare, it is much much better.

Further, I am now consider St Clare's and WTS's Our Lady's.  Any comments????

For so many students who orginally accepted for pm class and were finally transferred to am class.  I have asked the school (as my daughter is one of them).  The replied as many students request such transferring, so SC has arranged  a new (additional) am class.

A parent have raised a day--21 April in his/her mail.  What's special about this day???  We need to finalise some fee on that day??? or the school bus arrangment will be more clear on that day??

WW's mum

原文章由 kiteli 於 08-4-8 11:01 發表
九龍東校車問題 update


佢都叫我collect有幾多個家長係住九龍東, 而因為校 問題解決唔到 

因為佢問過營運校車 方面 , minimum要 收 HKD12,000  佢話 對家長負擔好 重, 所以 一家 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-4-14 14:02 |只看該作者
原文章由 CCYM 於 08-4-14 13:26 發表
Dear all,

My daughter is also accepted for am class.  We live in Wong Tai Sin (WTS) and also concern very much about the travelling of my daughter.  I shall call the principal later.  Should a school ...


因而校長就吒件事 call me back
佢就講 21/4 (如我無記錯). 係會安排回校交書簿費的.
有見及此, 佢就話希望可以係 21/4前confirm 到 校車0既 details, 好讓我們再唸唸.

因為我同佢講如果 校車上安排唔到, 最終我可能 不得不 放棄st.clare 0 既 kinder 學位

Rank: 2

發表於 08-4-15 14:23 |只看該作者
Dear Kiteli,

I just called SC and answered by Miss Leung.

She said they will sent out letters to us within these two days asking us to pay books and miscellaneous fee of some $2000 during 22 to 25 April.  And, on that days, they will gather information of how many students will use the Kowloon school bus service.

It is only one station, Kowloon Tong.  The school bus company asks for $16,000.  So, if 10 students use, $1,600 per students; if 20 students, $800.

I asked how about some students who study in SC or not depend on the school bus services.  She replied we can discuss with them and require refund of the $2,000 if finally no school bus services can be provided.

原文章由 kiteli 於 08-4-14 14:02 發表


因而校長就吒件事 call me back
佢就講 21/4 (如我無記錯). 係會安排回校交書簿費的.
有見及此, 佢就話希望可以係 21/4前confirm 到 校車0既 details, 好讓我們再唸唸.

因為我 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-17 10:36 |只看該作者
啱啱收到學校信話要今個月25-26交雜費啦, 都要$2,xxx, 你地作好決定未呀 OR 都係交埋先再考慮呀

Rank: 4

發表於 08-4-17 12:22 |只看該作者
我未開信箱, 所以未收到信...

我仲未作好決定呀!  聖心同聖嘉勒....仲諗緊...所以都會交錢先...

原文章由 米之連媽媽 於 08-4-17 10:36 發表
啱啱收到學校信話要今個月25-26交雜費啦, 都要$2,xxx, 你地作好決定未呀 OR 都係交埋先再考慮呀

Rank: 2

發表於 08-4-17 14:22 |只看該作者
I am now contacting some 'bo mo' cars.  Nevertheless, my husband and me still consider we should let our daughter study there.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-4-17 14:23 |只看該作者
我都收到佢地 CALL,
佢地真係 FOLLOW 得好好

佢知我地住藍田. 咁遠問我地 點同小朋友上學


不過我問佢 APPLY P1 時, 有否優先考慮. >>佢叫我係 APPLICATION FORM時MARK 低曾被取錄 K1, 因咩原因放棄.

點都好, 佢都係 REMIND 我唔交費就當放棄學位了

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-18 11:01 |只看該作者


原文章由 米之連媽媽 於 08-4-17 10:36 發表
啱啱收到學校信話要今個月25-26交雜費啦, 都要$2,xxx, 你地作好決定未呀 OR 都係交埋先再考慮呀

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-19 01:38 |只看該作者
just wonder every mami also said SC is a good school but seems not so many ppl apply this school, do you know why?

also, why u all live in kln side but apply hk school for yr daughter/son? u dont think too far for them ?

as for me, i never consider hk school before, as i live in kln side. i applied the school at kln tong for my daughter. even i live in lam tin, i still think it's too far for her to go to school by bus everydays.

right now, i will move, so just wonder whether i should move to hk side as think study in hk is better. however, most of the good school are already full....:(

Rank: 4

發表於 08-4-19 12:37 |只看該作者
您如果有心在香港區讀, 您試下打去ST CLARE'S 問, 因我都係呢個月頭打去問仲有無位, 跟住安排INTERVIEW, 跟住就收左....
因之前有D媽咪講 ST CLARE'S 下午班好多申請上午, 所以學校加開多一班上午班....

原文章由 iamjackie 於 08-4-19 01:38 發表
just wonder every mami also said SC is a good school but seems not so many ppl apply this school, do you know why?

also, why u all live in kln side but apply hk school for yr daughter/son? u dont thi ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-4-22 18:27 |只看該作者
I have already paid the registation fee la.  I am so surprise that there will be school bus from Kowloon Tong Station ($1200 for return trips).  According to the principal, this route must be available in the new school year.  I really thanks for the school's hard work and contributions in this matter which really reduce my daughter's time and effort to go to school. And, I think it is more safe and comfortable.  

On 21 June, in addition to arrangement of school uniform and school bus, we will also go through issue regarding extra-curricular activities of our love ones in the coming year.  How exciting!

Rank: 4

發表於 08-4-23 11:58 |只看該作者
原文章由 CCYM 於 08-4-22 18:27 發表
I have already paid the registation fee la.  I am so surprise that there will be school bus from Kowloon Tong Station ($1200 for return trips).  According to the principal, this route must be availabl ...

咁知唔知大慨幾點上下車 呀  ??

Rank: 2

發表於 08-4-23 14:07 |只看該作者
I have enquired to Mr Cheng, Yan Wing Transportation Co. Ltd.  He said it depends on how many students use the route as it will affect their school bus arrangement.  He further reminded us to provide our information to SC for collection.  (As when i pay the registration fee, there is a reply slip about school bus.  I have filled in and submitted to the school.)

According to Miss Leung of SC, it is a special arrangement and request from SC to the school bus co.that the Kowloon Tong Station will be provided no matter how many student use.
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