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教育王國 討論區 教材閱讀 你地覺得廸士尼美語值唔值得買呢!!
樓主: cindy723

你地覺得廸士尼美語值唔值得買呢!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-6-26 15:21 |顯示全部帖子
我都係一個13個月大BB既mami, 上星期, 好內赤咁, 用左$59,500買左一套當時係full set既 dwe... 因為, 我都好相信, 唔好因為價錢而抹煞lee套教材既價值... 再加上, 又真係好多BK mami都話好...

在此, 我係想提醒一下d mami, 千其唔好好似我咁, 撞著個超差既sales... 我一定要分享比大家知… 佢幾不負責任, 又有欺騙成份…

首先, 我係網上登記, 取個份 dwe 禮物包先既, 之後, 個sales就好積極, 日日打泥, 話帶d野上泥, 比阿B玩下, 接觸下… OK啦, 約好左… 佢上泥我屋企sell我個日… 都ok, 我一話要同老公要商量下先, 佢就話一兩個星期內加價… 咁, 老公見我好想買… 又見佢一大一細喼咁拉d教材上泥… 就ok… 幫佢買左… 之後, 送貨個日… 係BK見到有d mami提及dwe有套新百科全書, 一兩個星期之內會出… 咁, 米急急打比個sales問佢, 佢又話係有咁事, 不過公司唔比佢地公開… 又話, 公司一定遲下有promote, 比d現有 dwe d mami upgrade, 以一個 special price 買呢套百科全書… 又話, 其實套百科全書… 唔啱我阿仔而家年紀用… 所以, 我都無上心… 好啦... 一個星期之後… 即係前日… 打泥, 話有個playgroup, invite我地個family去, 又話可以帶多個family去, 跟住, 就話套百科全書個promote package 出左… 要$800+($600x11個月) = $7400… 咁我就問, 而家個full package, 幾多錢, 佢竟然話, $61,000, 我即時話…咁相比, $61,000同我買個時的$59,500… 才差$1,500,為何個promote package 加套百科全書, 要成$7400, 唔多合理, 個sales 即係話, 因為係分期 , 唔係呀麻… 分期會由$1500變左做$7400, 幾多%息呀… 佢即時無聲出… 跟住, 我又話, 上次, 你又話套百科全書唔多啱我個他家… 佢又話, 其實比多d野佢睇無壞… 車, 佢講曬… 佢之前, 買同送貨個日都話會一個星期後打泥睇下阿仔呢一個星期既進度… 佢打泥個電話, 一句都無問過我個仔用左一個星期有什麼進展之類… 愈唸佢… 就愈覺得唔抵… 所以, 的起心肝, 打此訊息, 放係BK… 希望, 唔好再我mami受騙/受傷… 講到底… d mami都係想提供最好既野比個bb, 呢d無良sales就成機入位… 我個sales係女人… 叫MichXXXX, 姓黃… 大家mami小心!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-6-26 15:52 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 #24 sennywoo 的文章

你就啦... 遇著個好既, 我收貨之後, 唸住打去問佢3個簡單問題... 幾時用storybook呀, etc.. 佢足足同我講左半個鐘, 都唔係答梗我個問題lor... 又成日問有無朋友介紹... 自己已經中招... 唔通仲介紹比人咩... 又話d朋友會多謝我既介紹... 口水多過茶, 我要幫手, 佢幫唔到, 成日吹水... 比佢吹脹...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-6-26 16:16 |顯示全部帖子
MSN個樹... 加左你了...

原文章由 sennywoo 於 08-6-26 15:56 發表

佢既服務態度, 真係唔好再害人啦...

[email protected]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-6-26 22:21 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 #30 SweetieBaby 的文章

SweetieBaby, you are totally RIGHT!!  Senny's consultant just called me and explained everything in very detail to me... that's why I really think that my old sales is not very honest!!  Now, I have no choice but to carry on using the old materials with the STEP BY STEP!!  

Senny: Thanks for your referral of the consultant... she is very good... clear and simple explaining everything... I have gained alot of info that I have never got from my old sales...!!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-6-27 14:40 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 #34 SweetieBaby 的文章

Hi smallmomo, SweetieBaby, Thanks for your comment...

I just called the hotline ... so surprising , the rep said there's no such thing of "There include old metrials that duplicate with the Step By Step"... explained that Step By Step is released for more than 1 year and those duplicated stuff has been taken out long time ago.  She emphasized again that the set I bought has no conflict/duplication... She said she needs some time to further investigate... will give me a call back soon!!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-2 10:19 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 #38 smallmomo 的文章

hi smallmomo, Disney said I canNOT downgrade my package ; but only UPGRADE within 7 days after purchase!!   So, they cannot do anything... and they said all the books, dvds, cds I have on hand will benefit to my boy!!  so... I have no more energy to further negotiate with them!!  

Just to share to every mom here to be careful on choosing the package and sales (or they called themselves consultant); yet, after 2 weeks use of the DWE, I do find my boy has learnt from it... it's just the the services provided by the sales that I am not satified with... and the delivery of the package Vs having the new package offered is too short time (only 6 days)!!  If I would know there's new price package that will also cover the Adventure set and the Q&A Cards, I will wait that 6 days!!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-11 10:51 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 #51 Annie630 的文章

hi annie,  多謝你個回覆!!  睇左你講你仔仔用我好之後, 好positive... 同經過幾個星期同阿仔用套教材, 我都無唔開心在於有買到呢35只碟 , 只係覺得係我同個顧問之間既問題 !!  其實唔明之時, 都有打過比個顧問問過, 當時, 佢只係話, 呢部份唔駛咁快用住, 個部份又唔駛... 而最终, 個次個電話內容, 佢關心既, 只係我同唔同佢upgrade同有無朋友介紹 ... anyway, 買左full set, 既成事實, 我會比d心機同阿仔用!!
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