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樓主: 小天子

My son's P1 Life in Raimondi [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-10-29 23:17 |只看該作者

[ 本文章最後由 i_am_mango 於 07-10-29 23:20 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-10-29 23:19 |只看該作者
原文章由 Tatama123 於 07-10-28 21:44 硐表
Ramondi 課程及功課壓力應該冇St Paul boy 咁多, 聽講St Paul boy 好深, 家長壓力唔小,d 同學又猛料,又要返全日, 功課唔小,真係唔夠時間用! 重話樣樣都計分, 點頂!!! ...

Oh... sorry to hear that.  Apart from this I don't know what to say.

But once selected, shouldn't regret.  I've heard many good things about St Paul Boys, and I believe that if your kid is smart enough he'll be able to handle.  Worry it later!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-30 14:13 |只看該作者
Hi Tatamama, i_am_mango,

This is also the main reason that I choose Raimondi (I didn't even apply St. Paul Boys!).

Raimondi don't give too much pressure for parents, yet the school has its own way to maintain the academic performance (may be many types of worksheet and even myself have mixed them up sometimes ).  

The school even said don't check the homework for them, just to let teachers know which part they don't understand.  I am a working mum and busy enough, really can't (or don't want to) spend many effort to prepare projects and checking homework for them.  Nevertheless, i still spend around 1/2 hour a day just to make sure he has finished every homework.

Little Tin Che

原文章由 i_am_mango 於 07-10-29 23:19 硐表

Oh... sorry to hear that.  Apart from this I don't know what to say.

But once selected, shouldn't regret.  I've heard many good things about St Paul Boys, and I believe that if your kid is smart en ...

發表於 07-11-6 21:42 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-7 14:21 |只看該作者
Hi Tatama,

My son told me they will have NET teacher lesson once a week, and during the lesson the other English teacher will also present to assist.

Chinese Languach is in 普通話, my son's potunghua is now much better than me!  He can use Potunghua to tell all the Chapters taught, amazing to me .

"對於學校滿意嗎? "  This question is difficult to answer.  The school building is a bit old but will be moving to Wan Chai.  As to the teachers, they are ALL experienced and will answer your call on the same day.   For my son, he loves the school much.  I think this is the most important of all.

Hope my comment can helps

Little TIn CHe

原文章由 Tatama123 於 07-11-6 21:42 硐表
請問英文堂是否每天都由外籍老師任教? 普通話是否每天都有?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-7 14:33 |只看該作者
How about discipline?

有d 家長comment, 老師唔係好 control 到 discipline. 另外, 亦有個別學生欺凌事件.  Can anyone share?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-8 12:40 |只看該作者
Actually all primary school are the same, even though those famous one.

To me, the discipline of Raimondi is quite good. At least my son said he is afraid of teacher and he behave well in school.

原文章由 Micky 於 07-11-7 14:33 硐表
How about discipline?

有d 家長comment, 老師唔係好 control 到 discipline. 另外, 亦有個別學生欺凌事件.  Can anyone share?

發表於 07-11-9 20:03 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-9 22:09 |只看該作者
my son tells me that English lessons are conducted in Eng. Maths is conducted in cantonese, Chinese in Mandarin, General Studies in English/Cantonese (there are 4 modules a year, first module was in Chinese, but starting from 2nd module, it's in Eng)... TinChe, is it the same case for your kid?  
I have never studied in St Joseph before, so is my son.  no comment about St Joseph.  But I heard that it's half day school, pm for P1. It is still a boy school while Raimondi starts accepting girls next year.  If I have a choice, I would prefer St Joseph given only these facts, but not sure of the workload.
原文章由 Tatama123 於 07-11-9 20:03 硐表

請問平時英文堂老師是否用全英語教學? 另外一星期一次有外籍老師上Oral ? Math 用英文或廣東話教學? 中文是否全普通話?常識又用甚麼語言? 如果compare St Joseph, 你會點比較? ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-9 22:28 |只看該作者
原文章由 Tatama123 於 07-11-9 20:03 硐表

請問平時英文堂老師是否用全英語教學? 另外一星期一次有外籍老師上Oral ? Math 用英文或廣東話教學? 中文是否全普通話?常識又用甚麼語言? 如果compare St Joseph, 你會點比較? ...

I attended the Talk given by the headmistress.  When she introduced the teachers, she mentioned that P1 English is taught by two foreign teachers, one male one female.  These two teachers are westerners, know not even a word of Cantonese, the headmistress said.

However, I later on found out from my son that his English teacher is neither of those two.  There are three classes in P1, I guess the two westerner teachers are teaching the other two classes of P1 that my kid is not in... but I won't worry because my kid is still speaking English with the foreign accent, not Cantonese accent.  In fact I don't mind having local HK Chinese to be my kid's English teacher because I often heard people saying that many westerner teachers are not good at teaching grammer (they don't know what grammer problems the HK kids may have).

Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-6 14:31 |只看該作者

My son in P1

My son is studing in Ramondi College P1. He is very happy in these few months because primary school life has recess and the workload of this school is not heavy. He usually can finish his homework in 1 hour. Only exams (3 times per year) count marks. Just few percents of marks from dictation and composition. Both his English Oral and Mandarin have great improvement. No project work need partents to take so I do not have much pressure. There are assessments before exam but the marks are not counted in reports. They are just for testing the students' weakness so that they can do better in the exam. Since no pressure in the assessments, we can try to let him do revision by himself, learn how to take responsibility to his own study, learn how to do self study. In the first exam, my son got very good exam results, all "A" nearly all by himself. I had just give him some commercial workbooks ex. for him to do before exam. For the school life, he has joint 3 extra-curriculam activities after school. All of them are very economic and useful. In weekends, he have much leisure time to dream, to do his own creation work, make stories etc. Overall, I am quite satisfy with this school. Actually, I prefer Co-ed school. Now, it is going to be Co-ed next academic year. That would be so great to me and my son. He can develop in a more complete environment.
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