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Any Kornhill International Kindergarten's parents? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-20 19:45 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My son is going to their Nursery class.  Does anybody know if their int'l Kindergarten is good?  Can the students go to good local primary schools or mainly just to International schools later?
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-20 21:22 |只看該作者
Before, I have share the similiar topic, but after rearrangement of the forum, I can't find the topic again otherwise i can transfer the link to you la.

My son studying there from N1, he is promoted to K1 this year.  I have applied the other well reputation kindergarten already.  but finally, I choose to stay in Kornhill International... By the way, i see the afternoon class of nursery is so full, you already applied?

1)English speaking
2)Well independance development of kids
3)Energetic Teacher and well organised school activities.
4)Safe, spacious and comfortable kindergarten setting
5)Different Nation kids enables more chance of  English Speaking, prevented from so call internatiional.
6)Have chinese and mandarin lesson sometimes for local primary promotion, no garantee in good local school promotion but do have some examples.  Not much chinese student go to international school.
7) Very good programme level especially in K2 and K3
You know, my friend's son just graduated in K3.  He can read only text story book in fluent English and can write simple dairy in English.  It so amazing to me.  i think his english level higher than p2 local school student.

1)Chinese level is lower when compare with local kindergarten
2)Lack of transparency of school administration and structure.

原文章由 ilam 於 07-9-20 19:45 硐表
My son is going to their Nursery class.  Does anybody know if their int'l Kindergarten is good?  Can the students go to good local primary schools or mainly just to International schools later?

[ 本文章最後由 grumpy88 於 07-9-27 09:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-21 13:11 |只看該作者
Thanks, grumpy.  My son is going to the Nursery in Nov this year as he'll only be 2 yrs old in mid Oct.  I'm actually worrying about their Chinese standard as we speak mainly English to him at home but I'm trying to teach him some mandarin.  But he seems to be more interested in English. Do you know if Victoria's Chinese standard is better as they told me they have both Eng and Chinese teacher at the same time but for Kornhill, I think only half an hour a day.  

Does it really make a big difference if he's graduated from a famous Kinder when applying good Primary Schools?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-22 00:29 |只看該作者
I have the same question initially when i start to prepare my son education.  In conclusion and my observation,  when you consider good reputation kindergarten which is only one school (no branch) seems more worthy to go there.  If some of them have different branches, you should consider carefully the branch that you select have the same standard of the reputation one.   In my experence, kornhill or some of traditional district kinder is much better than that kind of kindergarten. The standard and the teaching effectiveness of the school is major depends on the teacher quality.  Most of the teacher in district kinder is very senior, stable and experienced in kinder education.  Sometimes, kinder "CORPORATION" have difficult in standardizing the quality and the stabliity of teachers.  i don't want to comment victoria here, i have some experience about it.  If you really want to know please ps me.  Talking about primary promotion, undoubtly, reputation kinder have better image to public.  But conciously,  every year CORPORATE kinder have serveral hundreds of graduates.  Are they all entre in top school ?  Absolutely not!  For examples, do you know that St paul graduate to be a waitress, King's graduate to be a courier...it's true.  The fact is that even though you come from reputation school, you have to compete with outsider by your own ability and performance.  If you want to push up your son in chinsese, you can arrange other chinese interest class for him after school and one family member only talk to him in chinese.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-27 00:05 |只看該作者
我仔仔就報了12月才返nursery, 你是否都係返下午班, 我仲有少少爭扎就係因為無上午班位, 只有下午班....

原文章由 grumpy88 於 07-9-22 00:29 硐表
I have the same question initially when i start to prepare my son education.  In conclusion and my observation,  when you consider good reputation kindergarten which is only one school (no branch) see ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-27 09:36 |只看該作者
Yes! My son is pm class.  It's fine.  

You can select am class when K1, K2 morning class only, K3 full day.

原文章由 erikalo 於 07-9-27 00:05 硐表
我仔仔就報了12月才返nursery, 你是否都係返下午班, 我仲有少少爭扎就係因為無上午班位, 只有下午班....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-27 19:03 |只看該作者
My son is also going to the PM nursery in Nov.  will try to let him sleep for 1 hour before going to school.  Luckily we're now staying very near the school, less than 5 mins walk.  He's attending the Sat Playgroup until end of Oct.  I also send him to the Wembley Int'l Kinder in Taikoo Shing 3 mornings a week for 2 months till Oct before he starts Kornhill in Nov...  They accept students from 18 months old.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-6 01:55 |只看該作者
My girl is in morning nursery class. I am now thinking if i should let her continue K1 here.  I find Kornhill is quite good but my hubby wants to try other "reputable" kindergarten.  

I like Kornhill quite much and I don't want to put too much pressure on my girl.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-8 17:15 |只看該作者
I'm also thinking if I should apply other Kinder for my son.  But anyway, maybe i will just submit the application forms, let him go for the interview, then decide later.  I have spoken to their teachers twice and they told me the Kindergarten now has increased more time in teaching Chinese but it's optional.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-11 11:43 |只看該作者
I have also applied some other kinders, but not quite confident for the interview coz' my girl didn't speak Cantonese.  I am now talking with her in Cantonese but she speaks like 鬼佬講中文.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-11 12:59 |只看該作者
My son also prefers to speak in English.  I think they won't really ask them questions during the interview.  If if they do, just tell them his first language is English.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-10-13 00:22 |只看該作者
我於本月3日同我個仔插班讀此校 nursery pm, 但已於昨日即時退學.
此校的中英文程度我並不太清楚, 只知道他們多用英語跟學生溝通. 但我入讀的班, 所有老師都識講廣東話, 他們亦會用廣東話同小朋友說話.
我退學的原因, 主要是發覺班主任跟助教都十分無愛心及耐性. 我第一天陪課時, 見班裡仍舊有舊生在喊. 我想已開學個多月了, 為什麼還有小朋友不適應呢? 班裡計埋我個仔只有十人, 但有3, 4個還在喊. 老師對付喊的小朋友, 他們只偶而坐在學生身邊, 說 "big boy, don't cry", 見他們還不停止的話, 老師亦沒有再理會.
上課時間1:00-1:30, 在班房是自由活動時間, 小朋友可自由玩玩具, 但我陪課3日, 3日內都見老師很被動, 小朋友把玩具拿到老師身旁, 她們就"乎遣"一下.
唱遊及體操時間, 老師只管自己唱自己跳, 從不理會學生有冇一齊跟著.總之佢地比我感覺係佢地唔 care 學生有冇 pay attention. 出面 playground 很大, 做體操時即使小朋友離開playground範圍, 佢地都唔會把他帶回老師面前.
當食完茶點時,她們亦不會教小朋友怎樣收拾, 如不懂的小朋友, 老師會很快的幫忙收拾. 每次小朋友離開座位及班房, 連最基本教小朋友把椅子拍好都冇教.
最令我下定決心退學, 就是因為昨天的事. 昨天因其中一位助教跟我說有關學校要收取"material fee"的事, 故的在課室門口偷看我個仔的時間都耐咗. 我見阿仔喊得很厲害, 當時還有兩名學生喊的. 其中有一位班主任就抱她往窗邊望街. 而另一位助教就冇理我個仔跟另一位喊緊的男孩.我個仔後來一路喊一路行去搵班主任, 到佢腳前把雙手舉起, 希望她抱佢望街, 但那班主任毫無反應, 阿仔後來扯她條褲, 好像乞求一樣, 她都冇反應. 直到佢的面轉向門口, 見我還在, 她就示意助教抱我個仔. 但我個仔唔肯, 她唯有叫助教睇住坐在窗邊的女孩, 佢抱起我個仔. 但佢並冇了解我個仔其實係想睇街, 佢把他帶往放書包的地方, 後來還把書包給他背起. 之後就往門口方向行, 還示意叫我離開.
我那時心痛得很. 小朋友要適應一個新環境, 對他們來說已是很大的考驗. 喊, 是他們一個不安的表達. 但換來的並沒有關懷, 只是乞求.
我並不是第一次接觸幼兒園, 我還有一大女, 已是小學生了.而我個仔亦不是第一次上幼兒園. 在我未搬往康怡前, 他已返了兩個月學.我雖講不上對學前教育很有心得, 但我覺得那校連最基本的要求也不能做到.現實d講句, 每月學費3400, 一點也不平. 但它收了昂貴的價錢, 並不能提供優質的服務.
對我來說, 兩歲班的學前教育, 學校選用那語言教學並不重要, 最重要係老師要有耐性, 愛心及熱誠. 令初與媽媽分離的小朋友有安全感及盡快投入適應校園生活才是理想.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-6 16:57 |只看該作者
My bb was accepted by Kornhill Internation kindergarten in am nursery class in 2008/09. I really want to know more about this kindergarten. Anyone can give more cmments?
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