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教育王國 討論區 培基小學 今年九月入培基小一家長
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今年九月入培基小一家長 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-26 22:42 |顯示全部帖子
Teaching Maths in English has both advantages and disadvanges.  Please don't feel upset if the school turns back to teaching Maths in Chinese one day.  

My son will be in J2 next term.  I find that his standard of Maths is relatively lower than that of the students studying at other schools in Shatin, even he got 100 marks in both of the term examinations last year.  The questions of his class/home exercises are quite simple and straight forward, when compared with that of other schools.  The English standard of Pooi Kei is one school-term ahead of other school, whilst the Maths standards is one term lapsed behind.  I think the school will critically review the teaching medium of Maths when the TSA results of this group of white rats come out two years later.  

There has been no scientific findings that the children who learn Maths in English can have significant improvement in their English standard.  Some famous primary schools like La Salle and Wah Yan, the Maths lessons are taught in Chinese, but the English standard of the students is also very good.  The objective of having Maths lesson is to learn Maths, not English language.  There has always been unncessary concen that students will have "catch up" problem when going to secondary schools.  But the fact is that if a student can successfully get a seat in an English secondary school, it implies that he is a Band 1 or Band 2 upper student and must have the ability to learn all subjects in English.  Whether the student has learn English Maths in primary school is not a crucial matter.  

I know that some of my son's classmates have great difficulty in understanding Maths concepts using English.  The teacher has to spend quite much time to translate and repeat the chapters.  Therefore, the pace of lessons have unavoidably been slowed down.

[ 本文章最後由 Verveine 於 07-7-26 22:44 編輯 ]
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