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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 ST. Joseph kinder
樓主: troublemom

ST. Joseph kinder [複製鏈接]


發表於 07-5-9 10:06 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-9 10:28 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder

Dear St. Jo mama,

My son got accepted by St. Jo 2007 Sept K2 class.  I want to explore more information about this Kinder.  Could you share with me what the school is using for their English program?  Do they have Mandarin class?  Are the boys studying happily in St. Jo (as I heard that teachers are expecting high discipline on them, but boys are usually more naughty)?       

Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-9 10:38 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder


I plan to apply K2 for my son in 2008.  I heard from my friend that St. Jo. didn't interview her son when she applied P1 (provided that she was NOT going thru centralized allocation process but the 1st round knocking door).

I'm a bit confused. So, just want to check with you if K2 needs interview but P1 doesn't.

Thanks very much!


發表於 07-5-9 10:59 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder

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Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-9 11:33 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder


Thanks indeed for your response.

Very strange is my friend told me that she just applied without interview during the 1st round 自行收生. I was told that 官校 doesn't have interview.  Is that true or it's just a lie?

I'd like to know the truth desparately.

Many thanks.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-9 12:36 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder

school culture answers all and this is particularly important for foundation education.

Other consideration like NET teachers, putonghua teachers etc only part, and whether a school is good or not is not determined by these. This is my views of choosing school for our kids. SJ like other conventional catholic schools is obviously amongst the top.

jf830 寫道:
Dear St. Jo mama,

My son got accepted by St. Jo 2007 Sept K2 class.  I want to explore more information about this Kinder.  Could you share with me what the school is using for their English program?  Do they have Mandarin class?  Are the boys studying happily in St. Jo (as I heard that teachers are expecting high discipline on them, but boys are usually more naughty)?        [/quote]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-9 13:27 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder

Dear all St. Jo Mama,

My son also got a seat on Sep 2007 K2 class, he so lovely in his existing kindergarten. Then, I am consider let to him study there or not.  It's very worried!  

Would you mind share more experiences as below questions! Actually, I am 蒙查查 Mami coz I have less information about SJ.

1. Is there No native English teacher, computer & Putonghua lesson?
2. K2上學期 starts to hand writing and dictation?
3. On interview day, we use a lift and went to 7 floor to arrive a kindergarten's classrooms. I am concern that he use a lift or by walk :-| go & down from his classroom everyday.
4. I lives in Central. Have a route from my home if he will take “Po Mo Che” & how much?

I'm sorry I have more questions la, please give me your information for sharing.  Thank you.


Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-10 11:11 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder


I'm so envy you that your son got a seat.  Do you mind telling me which school your son is currently studying?

Do you mind sharing with me what was the interview process in St Jo? What questions being asked? Can parents attend interview together with the child.... etc.

Many thanks in advance.


發表於 07-5-10 11:43 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder

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Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-10 12:07 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder


Millions of thanks to your response.  Your info helps a lot!

Have you heard of the acceptance rationale?  I heard that there're hundreds of applicants. I think your son must performed outstandingly among the hundreds.  Is your husband an Old-Boy?

Thanks again for your kind sharing!

Rank: 4

發表於 07-5-10 14:24 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder

annaleung 寫道:
Dear all St. Jo Mama,

My son also got a seat on Sep 2007 K2 class, he so lovely in his existing kindergarten. Then, I am consider let to him study there or not.  It's very worried!  

Would you mind share more experiences as below questions! Actually, I am 蒙查查 Mami coz I have less information about SJ.

1. Is there No native English teacher, computer & Putonghua lesson?
2. K2上學期 starts to hand writing and dictation?
3. On interview day, we use a lift and went to 7 floor to arrive a kindergarten's classrooms. I am concern that he use a lift or by walk :-| go & down from his classroom everyday.
4. I lives in Central. Have a route from my home if he will take “Po Mo Che” & how much?

I'm sorry I have more questions la, please give me your information for sharing.  Thank you.



1. Yes.  
2. Yes.
3. I can't remember exactly.  1st month, lift up lift down then lift up, walk down.  Other moms pls correct me if I'm wrong.
4. No idea.

I don't know why there are always many rumours about St. Jo.  To me, it's a very normal traditional kindergarten.  I'm unable to comment on its academic level (cos I don't know other schools' level) but teachers' requirements are definitely very 'high'   

Don't worry.  Boys from St. Jo. Kinder. will have the characteristics of St. Jo. students and they enjoy school life  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-10 16:56 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder

Dear annaleung,

Hope the below information can help!

13. On interview day, we use a lift and went to 7 floor to arrive a kindergarten's classrooms. I am concern that he use a lift or by walk :-| go & down from his classroom everyday. ->-> The kids take lift at the start of school term. By phrase, they go down by stairs. I'm not sure if they need to climb up stairs, let me ask my boy.
4. I lives in Central. Have a route from my home if he will take “Po Mo Che” & how much? ->-> Yes. $750 a month with good quality and experience.

The best wish for my 大小肥肥! centre ^_^

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-10 17:06 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder

"Don't worry.  Boys from St. Jo. Kinder. will have the characteristics of St. Jo. students and they enjoy school life   [/quote]"

Dear youngmami,

Hehe.. long time not meeting you here! Are you busy in work? You are always very nice and helpful, esp. to those mums/parents being torn in the decision on opting for St. Jo. , like me last year.  
The best wish for my 大小肥肥! centre ^_^

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-10 17:08 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder

youngmami & centre,

Thank you for your reply and sharing more info to me.  Thank you.


Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-10 17:56 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder

Dear all St. Jo mama

Can someone clarify that St. Jo primary school will become a full-day school in 2009-2010?  (I saw from one of BK mama in another similar topic).

If yes, can tell me more please St. Jo will move to a new premises or will reduce the no. of class at that time?

I am considering my son will go there or not in Sept-07 being he is happy his existing school.

Please help.



發表於 07-5-11 10:43 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder

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Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-11 10:55 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder


Many thanks for your response.  I try to take it easy, but seems cannot.  My son is now 2yrs old, able to speak a lot. However, he rejects to answer questions in front of some relatives and teachers.  This is a major concern when he takes interview in the future.

Can you or anyone give me some advice?


Rank: 4

發表於 07-5-11 11:32 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder

centre 寫道:

"Don't worry.  Boys from St. Jo. Kinder. will have the characteristics of St. Jo. students and they enjoy school life  

Dear youngmami,

Hehe.. long time not meeting you here! Are you busy in work? You are always very nice and helpful, esp. to those mums/parents being torn in the decision on opting for St. Jo. , like me last year.   [/quote]

I just wish to share with other parents my feeling and experience.  

Does your boy enjoy his school life in the past months?   Hope he does lah    

Every school has its good and bad points.  The question is what you want and what fit your child law      Sometimes I also feel that teacher's requirements are too high but I tell myself this is correct for teachers to set a high standard.  

After summer my boy will a primary one student lah so I may turn to discussion thread of primary schools lah.  Hope chat with all of you under 'St. Jo. Primary' 's topic later lah   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-15 11:12 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder

Dear St. Jo Kinder mums,

May I know when the new school term usually starts? In mid August or in September?

Many thanks.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-15 11:55 |只看該作者

Re: ST. Joseph kinder


I just wish to share with other parents my feeling and experience.  

Does your boy enjoy his school life in the past months?   Hope he does lah    

Every school has its good and bad points.  The question is what you want and what fit your child law      Sometimes I also feel that teacher's requirements are too high but I tell myself this is correct for teachers to set a high standard.  

After summer my boy will a primary one student lah so I may turn to discussion thread of primary schools lah.  Hope chat with all of you under 'St. Jo. Primary' 's topic later lah   [/quote]

Dear youngmami,

Congratulations! Your boy gets BINGO for St. JO Primary. I will visit you in the primary discussion thread later.
My boy is ok la... I have trained him to finish homework before my return from work.  He enjoys schooling very much now.  
The best wish for my 大小肥肥! centre ^_^
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